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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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of this not setting a precedent, can you elaborate on how that occurs. i am curious to know. >> president chiu: mr. benson. >> brad benson with the port of san francisco, the concern was raised by peter cohen, san francisco information clearinghouse involved in the broader citywide discussion about the potential use of ifd in other areas of the city. the policy constructs are different for the port; we are using all of ifd to pay for new infrastructure; in a broader city context there was discussion to use ifd funds.
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the desire was to make sure that it is clear that it is a different context at the port and the city and the port might want pursuing other areas of the city. >> president chiu: can we take a motion to amend without objection? gvl (gavel)any further discussion? on the underlining resolution as amended? colleagues can we take this same house same call. the resolution is adopted as amended. item 17. supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: colleagues you have before you and amended version of the resolution
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urging city college sf; i want to thank my colleagues but also trustees from the college board and community members for giving us lots of input as we brought it to the budget committee where it was amended with suggestions from supervisor avalos and -- advocates. those amendments are included in your version which came out of committee with unanimous support. i also want to say that city college is an incredible institution. some of the call at the heart of san francisco because so many of us are connected directly, like supervisor yee being a product and many of us having taking classes , or having had family members. it helps to transform lives and provides access to people from all backgrounds;
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for immigrants it has allowed them to learn english. for laid-off garment workers from chinatown to ancient, it has allowed them to get retraining so they can support . their families with better income . but it is really an amazing place many of us when we fought for the chinatown campus over the years it was about creating access and opportunities, to create nurses, teachers, mechanics, the professions that keep our city running an economically viable. the 85,000 students are a great testament. the college focus on real strategic approach to social justice is also been a model nationwide in higher education and pulling up economies, a great model for many other immunity cause distress throughout the country. ,but the college is facing a significant crisis perhaps the greatest crisis
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in is near 80 year history since 2007 the college has been forced to cut 53 million dollars because of the lack of funding at the state level in most recently the schools accreditation has come under threat by the state accreditation committee and gynecologists at city college is way too important to idly stand by. the resolution comes out of the spirit of being supportive of that institution in this time of dire need. the resolution is driven by the , , very constituents with the most at stake at city college working families . immigrants in many communities the drafting of this is coming concert with not only teachers and staff but also the coalition of community members that have stood up from rallies to mobilization of town halls to say we are city college; to put a human face on the institution, and to be supportive. the amendment also helps to strengthen the language of the resolution
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to be respectful of the board of trustees for the college system, the internet chancellor, in the interim trustee that has been placed to help the institution chief . it accreditation so am really appreciative of not only president chiu and supervisor kim but many of you, supervisor tang and others, that strengthen the resolution of the whole. it is time i think for our city to think more creatively about what city hall can do to support city college . in this time of need we held a hearing of the budget committee last week where we started to think about in-kind support, whether the electricity or water bills, but also in-kind support for elections of the trustees of the college board system. also other ideas for how we can be more supportive. my hope is, after this resolution,
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i hope that is passed . overwhelmingly here at the board and we can put our heads together i know the mayor and the controller and others also sat down with the former chancellor and others last year at this time to come forward to provide some economic and management support as well. but my hope is that we continue to move after we have acted on this resolution. first that the resolution calls the college to use as much funds to the ballot opposition prop a, to use resources for classroom use and acknowledges is amended that achieving accreditation , is so critical for the institution and a healthy, adequate reserve is also critical. in short the resolution opens the door on a dialogue on how we can support . the college more in these difficult times i urge support
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for the amendment and the resolution. lastly i'm grateful for many of the teachers, students and community that have brought this to us in the spirit of support in the city who treasure the city college of san francisco. upon passage of the resolution i will bring together with many of your help the working group that will look towards financial and other kinds of support for the institution and , putting our heads together in the best most creative ways to support what many in our community feel individual of san francisco' s education system. i ask for your support for these amendments in the resolution. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you supervisor mar. supervisor mar has made a motion, is their second? >> supervisor mar: i forgot to acknowledge supervisor chiu's
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leadership and supervisor avalos cosponsors and as well. >> president chiu: supervisor yee. >> supervisor yee: thank you supervisor mar for bringing this forward. when i first was able to look at it, my gut reaction was coming from the perspective of when i was not on this board, when i was in the board of education. when i was in the board of education many of these resolutions on the board of supervisors were passed, many were passed without anyone speaking to us on the board of education. so it was very interesting, to see how this has evolve for me. i might not have supported this but when i thought about it,
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in particular with the well-thought-out amendments, it changes my mind completely. as you have mentioned supervisor mar, city college is such an anchor for our city terms of education; so many of our students to the school district and pre k -12 will enter city college before they can move onto other things, whether to another university or going through a two your program, the nursing program and so forth, to find employment. one of the biggest fears that i have, being a consumer myself and also actually teaching there for 10 years, i had a strong affiliation for this institution to make sure that it would exist beyond this year.
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and if they are going for accreditation process, i would hope that the governance is working to get them out of the situation. when i make a comparison, looking at details of making decisions, and i think i want to acknowledge that more likely than not the governance of the board of trustees are doing the same thing; they are making tough decisions based on the lot more information than i am getting. with that, with the spirit of being supportive, we want to keep the city college of san francisco alive and accredited and i will be supportive. >> president chiu: supervisor --
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>> i have a bit of a different perspective. i wholeheartedly support city college and actually . actively looking for ways to support city college i met with the president of the board of trustees last week and had a real detailed discussion about how the city can actually substantively support city college but i am concerned that this resolution want help, but in actuality it may hurt the institution. the college is a very delicate situation with the accrediting commission of the western association of schools and colleges paying very close attention to what is happening there. city college has an independent, elected or trustees. those trustees, not the counties board of supervisors ,is charged with negotiating the college's accreditation.
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i don't think it is wise for us to involve ourselves with such a complex process. i absolutely agree with the sentiment and the commitment to these vital institutions and i want to again thank supervisor mar and cohen for prompting the conversation but i don't think this is the right way to help the institution and i want to make sure that i am working closely with students, with collagen asking them specifically what their needs are and figuring out again as i said substantive ways to be supportive of maintaining city college. i know we have a lot of desire to do that. but i am concerned about some of the feedback that i have received from the interim chancellor, from the board of trustees, from other people who are in some ways confused about why we are taking this route. i am not necessarily confident that at this time,
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even with the changes in the resolution, that i can support it. ,i just wanted to hear feedback from my colleagues then i'm happy to hear supervisor mar, if he has any other response to some of my concerns here. thank you. supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: i believe the concerns are reflected and addressed in the amendment. we all agreed that city college is an important institution in our city. they provide high-quality education to members of all the community ; the role is particularly influential with low-income immigrant communities as well as folks that are just continuing education. i like many others have been very concerned with the future of city college, and collectively we should be doing everything possible which includes passing the
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resolution today, is a work the college through its efforts to achieve accreditation and to ensure that it continues , to provide high-quality affordable educational opportunities . for everyone i believe the resolution strikes the right balance in articulating the importance of the city college's effort to address its budgetary shortfalls, respect the will of the voters who also passed prop a, and provide the city an opportunity should be choose to do so, to lend any financial support to the institution. i am actually here to state that i am in support of the amendment offered by supervisor mar, and thank you. >> president chiu: supervisor tang. >> supervisor tang: colleagues actually do share some of the similar sentiments that supervisor breed brought up. first and foremost i do want to make it clear that i do believe that city college is incredibly important institution not just a list of things that it serves it also because of its role contributing to the city's
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economic and workforce development. as we know a lot is at stake for this edition and the roughly 9,000 students it serves each year. the bulk of the recommendations revolve around revising the management structure, while there is a nexus --- i do want to emphasize that the majority of the recommendations made to city college involves implementing and improving the overall structure at city college. so i think that, i really want to thank supervisor mar for taking into consideration a lot of our concerns and for incorporating a few of the amendments here. i think that there were a few more amendments that i would like to see happen, specifically the resolution did not address anything about achieving accreditation.
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i think first and foremost that is a priority because without accreditation . there will be no services to the students . that is something that i have some reservations about i really do think that if there is any resolution passed by the board of supervisors that really ought to support city college and the priority to be an accredited institution. i just wanted to make that point. >> president chiu: supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you. coming in this morning i had a number of concerns about the original resolution that have been recommended by the budget committee on to the full board. for a number of reasons as supervisor yee mentioned, in the previous had as a board of education member i had a difficult time when the city was the board of supervisors we take a position related to sf usd, when they did not have any knowledge or data,
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after we spent many hours poring over budget documents. i had initial concerns about the way the resolution initially read. it is hard for me to say, quitted the reservist who are such a small, and i would not want to weigh in when i have not been able to devote the time . of the trustees have i do actually think that the amendments improve the resolution in terms that i had. i think that we acknowledge that the trustees have worked hard to look at the 14 recommendations that the accrediting commission is made to ccsf. then there is a clause to also to maintain an adequate funds required for the commission and that is critical. the one word that i still have issue with, is the whereas clause on page 2, line 24,
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where was she when the decision must be made between providing services for people and inflating the reserve fund, i don't know the author is opening to change that to growing the reserve fund. inflating implies it is a bad thing. i am not saying either or, but drawing establishes that that i will leave that up to the author. i will not make a motion to amend but that would make me more comfortablewith the resolution ., that in the last piece that i wasn't comfortable with but it is a nonbinding resolution is and the board of supervisors considers additional support for cc sf by evaluating the fees currently charged by the city. ,i am open to exploring long-term local support structure so i am fine with that piece. i think we should have that discussion. my understanding of the feasibly charge are largely dept. elections. i'm not sure i would want to change the structure. if we did it for city college,
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we would have to do it for all the other entities and that is a policy decision. i don't feel comfortable with that. that being said nelson note it is a nonbinding resolution and i will respect the author's decision in terms of what additional motions here she would like to make. but i do want to appreciate supervisor cohen and mar. city college has been one of those agonizing discussions that many of us engaged in throughout the city; . it is an incredibly important institution i don't want to come off that we as a city don't care about city college or that we should be working to make sure this institution remains viable. it really is a continuing education pathway for so many of our residents. i think it certainly deserves a conversation that we are dedicating to today. >> president chiu: supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: thank you. i agree with them is everything that supervisor kim said.
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i would feel comfortable changing the word " inflating" with "growing." i can't even imagine what would happen if the college were to lose its accreditation. this is why the proposition passed despite of the bad press. i have serious concern about the final result in terms of what it means. i think that if we had a huge surplus, to met all the needs in terms of city services it would be appropriate to
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provide financial support to city college. it certainly is a totally appropriate use of funding the fact is we are not doing what we need to do in terms of our own budget. we don't have nearly enough heart gardeners and parked patrol officers. we are turning over street trees to private property owners. in fact we are really not turning them over as we don't have enough money in dpw to fix up those trees to turn them over. we have a public petition system that has 2.2 billion in deferred maintenance. we are about to lose another 7 billion dollars in federal hiv funding. i am very uncomfortable my moving in a direction where we are providing some sort of financial support
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for city college as worthy as it is while we have these other very deeply unmet needs in terms of our city services. it makes me quite uncomfortable. i'm going to continue to listen to the debate on the final resolve; depending on how the debate goes or if there are any other amendments made and ask to sever for a separate vote, but i will continue to listen. >> president chiu: supervisor campos. >> supervisor campos: thank you mr. president and thank you to supervisor mar, cohen, avalos. i think the very thoughtful comments made on this issue, i've don't know that this is a simple situation. to be honest, city college has been facing issues for quite some time. and certainly when i was working in a school district
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, city college and the school district were facing very similar challenges. unfortunately, because of the administration that city college had many years ago, some bad choices were made in terms of management. . that said, i don't think this is a simple as some have described. the reality is that city college has to do with the fact that it needs to be accredited, and he needs to get its financial house in order. no one questions the necessity for that . i know there are many on the board of trustees who have been working hard to make that happen. that said, it is appropriate for us to
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point out that in the process of doing that, , of getting its fiscal house in order that you may reach a point where you are fundamentally changing that which you are trying to preserve. i have sort of taking the approach of being respectful of the elected for body that oversees city college and up until this point have not said much , about what is happening but it is getting to a point where people that i represent as a member of the county board of supervisors are contacting me and tell me about how they are being impacted by what is happening at city college. and unfortunately, many of them, right or wrong, believe that the current structure including the role of the board of trustees has vis-à-vis the trustees, that the current structure is not providing
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enough of a process for the community to actually be heard in terms of their concerns. and when it reaches that point, then i do think that it is appropriate for this body to consider stepping in and providing some perspective. when i was working for the school district, i was very protective of the fact that the school district was a separate government entity and it had its own authority and jurisdiction and i want to respect that here. but just like i think it is appropriate for the board of education to pass a resolution on whether or not we should have free muny for low-income youth and opine on things that impact the board of education i do think that it is appropriate for this board of supervisors when appropriate, especially when we are talking doing it after waiting for a long time before we did anything, , to step in and say
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this is how our constituents are being impacted. and my sense of what is happening at city college is that there are a lot of good people who are trying to do a lot of good things. getting your fiscal house in order is really important, and that is the basic thing that needs to happen. but there is a fundamental disconnect between those efforts and many people who attended city college, who work at city college, who believe that the institutions changing in such a fundamental way that you may end up protecting it and saving this entity financially and fiscally but in the end you will end up saving something that is completely different than what people have been relying on for all these years. and i hope that we can bridge that gap, and that we can actually get behind an effort for doing all the things that need to be done to protect something that we all can agree in terms of what it should look
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like; in terms of its vision and what it means to these communities. and i also appreciate the comments about how we have to be careful in terms of how much the city helps city college. and i understand that our priorities should be to make sure that we focus on the services that we as a city and county have to provide. but at the end we are talking about the same constituents. and i think that we have to figure out a way of balancing everything that needs to be done, balancing our role and our responsibility but at the same time recognizing that we cannot look the other way and let city college go under without some help from the city. and let's be completely honest about this. and i am a strong supporter of all the things that the city has done for the school district. we have done a lot of great
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things, whether it's the rainy day fund, prop h you name it we have done a lot of good things, but relative to what we have done to the school district, we have done very little for city college. and we are talking about the same people that are being impacted, thousands of the people, of the kids who go to sfusd end up going to city college and they have more or less been on the wrong relative to the city. and while i think it is important for us to make sure that we focus on muny running on time and all of that, i do think that it will be a problem if we have our buses running on time but there is no city college for kids to go to. so we have to figure out how we balance this. i don't know what the exact language for some of these issues should be. but i am going to support this resolution because i think
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that generally, recaptures the spirit of what we are talking about; one we recognize the importance of achieving fiscal responsibility and getting your fiscal house in order but it has to be balanced against the role that the city college is played and needs to continue to play in the lives of these communities. p and third, there has to be some balance so there is a recognition for what is happening in the classroom and how decisions are being made at impacting the lives of the students and impacting the lives of these teachers who have dedicated many, many years of service to city college. the last thing that i would say is that i don't think that there should be a one-time conversation. ,one thing that i have raised as a possibility before and it is something that we should consider, is it we should have in place a joint committee of the board of supervisors and the board of education.
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i do think that we should have, or at least consider having a joint committee of the board of supervisors and the trustees of city college. we are already engaged in so many partnerships with city college and having that i'm going discussion and having them be a part of the discussion with the school district is something that i think that only benefit all three agencies. i hope that is something that we move forwards to. >> president chiu: supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: i think it is wonderful to have a dialogue, and to add live on the points that supervisor campos made, another supervisor amniano (sounds like), who created the committee of education, in which i said on for years, there should be some way to them through the college board ru