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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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if your name's been called come up to speak. >> thank you for seeing us today, i'm mary. i've met with most of you. i'm going to be brief because my throats not good today. mta job is to help us get where we need to go not tell us how to get there. where we have a number of problems that are coming hard to ignore that are becoming well documented by the media. the sfmta has taken on too much and is doing nothing well. regardless of the power the public has a reporter to weigh
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in on that. the mta was authorized to balance the muni budget transit first menus fix the budget first not congest traffic. no one is going to take a bus that never arrives. it's to get the buses operating not to coerce people to change their lifestyle. we need to a citywide parking solution. the citywide policy should be formed by public policy not government policy. we shouldn't have parking restrictions when there is no muni service such as a nights and holidays.
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we have emissions from sfmta that the process is not designed according to law but it designed to control us. when the agency - thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker please and >> just before you get to speak we have a policy to hold applause so if you want to show support you can wave our hands. i know we have a number of speakers >> hello, i'm rob. i'm a resident of admission bay i'm one of the people who contacted the supervisors asking for a hearing on this maturate. the problem i have with the mta
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is their lack of accountability and transparency. it was great watching a power point on how it's supposed to work but it's not reality. i'm unfortunately living their parking management plan and i really don't see how it's made parking easier for the people who live there. other than jack up the rates on game days they've turned the area into a paved parking lot for commuters and for people who attend games. for those of us who do have rp d on those days the spaces are tale so we as residents have to park in meertdz spaces.
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i will and work downtown. i pay $35 a day to park my car downtown. now, when i come home if my rp p is full i pay even more and they're looking to have the meters into the evening. there's a lot of information i've provided all of you there's a file there and i strongly encourage you to look through all the information and he correspondence i've had with mta, ed reiskin and a lauren. thank you >> thank you. next speaker please and. >> i became involved in this issue because the mta plan for
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mission bay had a parking meter right in front of my house. be it as it may i think that mta has lost its way i believe they should be focusing not on parking meters but on transit we need more transit in this city. one of the areas where they were going to pit parking meters was next to the caltrans station so we discourage people from parking next to the california trance to take a train. so basically, people will drive. i've proposed a couple of solutions to the mount that are enforced in other cities. i thought it was interesting that we are taxpayers in this
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town and i think many of the people i know is that as taxpayers we pay for the streets and to maintain the streets so we should be given priority on parking on those streets. we saw data that 80 percent the parking by bay commission is for commuters. first in paris, france where residents viable residents of the city of paris are issued discounted parking vouchers so they can park on the street with a discounted rate compared so a person coming out of the area >> hi i'm a resident and a
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business person in mission. i'm also a massive mass transit fan. and city of san francisco is predicated on transportation. it's no one is arguing otherwise but you wouldn't know it if you look at what's being proposed here. until mass transit reaches the level of new york we can't attempt to regulate parking as proposed. to do so will strangle the businesses it's very expensive to pay for these parking tickets. installing meters on a block eliminates 15 to 20 percent of
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the parking on a block. okay. so n installing parking meters is not going to help any that parking for any residents in the city no one is mentioning that. 15 to 20 percent of the spots are eliminated when you put parking meters on a block. okay. very, very important point. okay. so parking permits as they exist right now are very effective their improvement is velgd ask anyone in the admission. so the idea that meters are going to change anything is a farce.
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what mr. reiskin introduced >> over we have a lot of speakers we have to get through one or two more senses to walk up. >> parking enforcement we don't need pain and suffering there are rv drivers who are parking and violating because of those conditions. >> okay. thank you, thank you very much. i have a number of cards i know that people are starting to line up on their own but i'll call them. (calling names) >> i have lived at my home in the mission - okay.
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>> can you start the clock again, please. can we get the microphone pulled close >> on the other hand, they claim that parking has no impact because fewer people drive. that's an environmental -- on the other hand, mta adds parking meters expands payment hours and increases finances all the in name of the demand because they say their is a shortage of parking and on the 3rd hand mta says all those changes are good for us although people in san
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francisco are kids. expanding parker meters in mixed neighborhood would change the character of our neighborhoods for worse. for over half a century people have changed their work on parking issues. it will have disproportionate problems with the parking in san francisco. and we are among other things ankle and disability and income and occupation. to learn more than that about how to mta parking policies will harm the situation go to www dot
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- at least regarding from the sonic were not done overnight and apparently only done on one day. i would encourage you to ask him the hours he duration of the parking studies done >> thank you. thank you very much. next speaker please. >> i've lived in my home on hill street for 33 years. in that time three-quarters of the transportation has been eliminated in my neighborhood i was prized to hear that transportation was a policy. in 2009 the eastern policy was eliminate. and immediately they eliminated a one hundred percent of the
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transportation on van less than street. thousands of apartments are being there and no transit has been added to serve those people increase in addition parking in all those new buildings is being severely limited if not complete eliminated. it should be the business of the sfmta to enhance public transit they shouldn't be making in many cases more cases that are punishing. there should be a moratorium on more meters. >> again, if we can hold our applause. >> thank you for holding this hearing. i dead on coming but i was thinking about something
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shakespeare's said what is past is prologue. i'm hoping the same mistakes on sunday meter parking are not going to be made on expensive parking. so of the assumptions first and for most this hearing is a great start because the faith community was not included at the stakeholders contagious and your shining a light and giving everybody a right to speak >> the second assumes was the revenues collected were going to be over $2 million and that's been realized over 1 million. and supervisor farrells district the meters are there and your
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districts supervisor campus the old meters are there. we were giving every assurance that all meters would be uniformed and that was january 6th all the meters to this day are not alike. i could go on and on but please give important consideration before you allow this to go forward >> i'm going to go mediate my meter. >> thank you very much. next speaker please and hi i'm chris i'm a resident. i've been a native of san francisco my whole life and also i work in the transit program district. a lot of people are going to talk about parking. my sole problem i've had with
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all of those issues is the lack of communication with mta and the lack of discussion with the businesses before they started coming up with those plans. ed reiskin said they're going to going go back to the drawing board but if he had approached the folks on transit improvement and such if he'd discussed that with the communities he won't be having the push back you're having now. thank you very much. next speaker please and good afternoon supervisors i have a point of view that it from 1960
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to 2000 people buy cars to drive and at the same time muni has to show a - that's over 10 percent of system speed drop and it's about $80 million a year. when you think about what to do that about parking you don't want to encourage more parking it screws up minnesota u muni more than it is. and what is the additional expect from parking you want to raise sales taxs? you want to raise real estate taxes 19 no way so you charge for parking and it helps muni run. and then i ought to think about fairness. i'm thinking about the northern district they balanced it
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between the rp p lots more meters because they have to deal r with people that work there. is it fair to 710 say that a san francisco resident can have a great parking place and other folks are so pay a lot to park. there's $2 an hour and i think a that's going to be gone because that's where their going to put the park. so i think the mta has done a job that eliminates some places that folks drive in the daylight. >> thank you very much. next speaker please.
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>> good morning i came here because they said this meeting would be take place and i thought this room would be occur conditioned so i came. i wanted to see if my house would be in the red zone. i think i'm directly out of it but still that kind of scares any if you put meters in that zone it will force people to park in front of my house. and then people will saying later that we need more parking meters. so really that's all i have to say nice air conditioning.
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>> thank you next speaker. >> i'm awning automobile mechanic i have a small business in june i'll begin mire 44th year. i'd like to talk about if you come down to the northeast mission industrial zone any old week day i can't find parking there and the reason is the most vibrant business in the city there's thousands of people working there and it's been the area has been largely left alone by the city. it's a little area that the city hadn't had much to do with. that's part of the reason it's to vibrant. and the only problem -- we get
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along fine with the situation the way it is. all the businesses have the parking they need and manage it. the parking meters - the area is like the boiling room in a ship. if you put in parking meters all are worker class monthly latino who can't afford the parking meters it will be like turning the slow down to the water to the applicants. the city created the zone to protect businesses the parking problem is imcomposing the
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conditions. >> next speaker please and i'm a resident and business owner at the developing investment in artists community. i'm here straight off a job and i'm glad to be here. i applaud the sprifrdz for holding this hearing thank you and the staff for coming and explaining what you're doing. i wanted to underline angelinas plan it's not her begin plan but put together by business owners. i see a problem in the believe i live in that we have a number of
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first floor businesses. that if they had to contend with parking meters they'd probable be out of business. and some of them it would inconvenience them. i like the last plan ed worked on because it and the the residents. i don't see anything outside of what the plan that angelina present for the p dr people that keeps them alive and vibrant that's important >> thank you. next speaker please and hi thank you for having me here today. i'm a san francisco native lived here most of my adult life. i've had tickets on my of my
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adult life. while the ticket were valid some were not the the meters themselves failed or i got a wrong ticket that have or. i've had my motor circle was towed away. i live out in the suburbia and i see parking meters way out by the beach out in golden gate area it doesn't stop. frankly i'm a working-class guy and when i see here is we're paying for the fat cats who get the right side off those parking
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meters. and those tickets. and people who work for the muni system make large monuments the overtime and large amounts of pensions. quite frankly, i don't want to pay their pen shubz i don't want to pay a smart phone. and why don't we ever mention what happens down at pier 70 you get free parking. anyway, the whole parking thing of putting parking meters on sunday is a crock of manure >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> i'm marjorie i'm a business owner and resident. my company has services and we are on harrison street and a merry possess we're directly impacted. we billed cubicles and move furniture. in the an entry-level job we look for people who are intelligent and willing to work. this is an area for kids who are at risk for gangs. this is a solid job that pays union wages. we pay between 8 hundred thousand to a million dollars a year and pay taxes on that which
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goes to fund san francisco programs. now in the event you put meters every their 4 hour meters it will make it basically impossible for us to run our business. employees usually drive to our business and it's necessary for them. those are personally owned and they go out to job sites to kick the work that our business sends them out. we're not entitled to some take breaks but we would like to survive. roadway if our entices are
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unable to park outside our business that business is going to stop existing. if you look at citywide there goes our tax base. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker please and i live in district 2. >> popping street is my main park street. i have been drawn into the debate as a prior architectural. i got drawn into this by seeing all the signs i did inform myself and then preceded to talk with residents and a merchants
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and found that one is the level of direct is phenomenal. there's very few people who can get the big picture and a understand things. most of the people i talk to who are dead set against the proposal are virtually and i stand corrected it can't be 1 hundred percent but there are merchants who want to have changes. as a former architect i'm able to give them scenarios where changes could be good but i found people don't want to listen. and there's very few people who understand the plans that were i've been targeted as an individual false rumors and
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claims made about me. i will say that the mta is a human institution therefore it's not perfect. the demanding that we should have what with he want when we want and drive a car await discretion to use for lengthen is unreasonable. san francisco is a city of neighborhoods one size does not fit all. thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hello, i'm a commercial photographer and i live at 20th and bryant. i'd like to clarify that the coming from my business my p dr business requires people to come out with gear and the