tv [untitled] May 6, 2013 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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>> i all this meeting to order, would you call the roll? >> sure, i note that your replacing in her absence, lloyd, present. >> metcalf? >> present. >> reiskin? >> present. >> director sartipi is in route, you do have a quorum. >> first israel em, community indication? s >> i am not aware of any. >> executive director's report.
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>> i will note that the board of directors of business that i am not aware of any either. >> okay. >> good morning, good morning, everyone. this week, we reached a couple of great milestones, the first one is we started the geo thermal piping on monday of this week and we are starting to put in the permanent structures and second we finished the baoel street bridge over the weekend with no complaints and 0 problems and we received a thank you note for 119 freemont thanking us for the great work that we did, and another thing that i wanted to refer to the board as you know last month you gave us authorization to attempt to enter into negotiations to reach a fair and reasonable price. engaged in that with our team, for some time, and however, they would not provide a fair and reasonable price, so on april third, a formal letter to
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scanko rejecting their bid. what we are going to do now is web corp is going to repackage everything into four packages and as you know they put the bids out and it is there for the subs, the first one will be for the cast notes which i will bring to you in may, and the remaining three will be for the structural steal work and those will be put out on april 25th and plan to bring this item to the board some time at the latter end of june or july, because this admission due date is the 20th. that is where we are with the scale and i would like sarah to give an update on the quarterly financial reports. >> good morning directors. these are your standard quarterly financial reports, budget to actual shows that we are in the budget with both the capitol and the operating
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budget for the fiscal year. the second report is the contract status report, shows contract terms authorization, amounts and endb participation. and i did want to call out and come commend our program management team for being almost 100 percent on the contract as well as the environmental to be over 50 percent on their contract and doing the environmental process, the third report is the investment report and shows that we have a position in the city's equity and pool and also a small amount in our trust account. this report was as of december 31, so the very large department that we got from heinz in march and that will show from the next quarterly report and invested that in the treasuries for now to be safe over anything else. and the fourth report is to
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date capitol expenditure and revenues and i am happy to answer any questions. >> there aren't any. >> seeing no questions, i will now turnover to bob to give our quarterly project labor agreement report which are really proud of the progress that we continue to make with that. >> thank you maria, directors, we had in february, our quarterly update meeting with the trade unions to brief on progress over the work in the field and also upcoming packages. projects or any work stoppages and we also had this month, a
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meeting with shimmick and part of the la is for the trade package as it prepares to mobilize and we have a specific preconstruction meeting with the trade unions and all of the subcontractors to make those contacts with both the contractor and the employees who are going to be signing up through the union. the bus ram packaging are being prepared now and will be going out in the prequalification process has already begun and it will be going out late this summer, including iron workers and carpenters and work and labor and water proofers and masons and we discussed the super structure package which you are familiar with and this has been on the radar screen
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for some time but we just went over that again with them. and then, the building and trades union also reported to us on their efforts and their out reach to continue to work with john oconnol high school and building up the program there as a potential preapprenticeship. and aus making it for a program for the kids that are coming through the high school, with the relationship between the trade unions. >> we are also within the project team, of course, the tjpa, and the student trainnies every year and we also require that of our primary consultants so the pmcerebral palsy and cmo turner and web corp also
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beginning their process to identify their summer interns for this coming summer. and at this point, i would like to invite ted up to talk about the effort to watch out to the veterans and to build a network of agencies in northern california to track and place veterans into opportunities in the construction industries. >> okay. >> thank you, very much. >> i wanted to give you a brief update on how things stand currently, on march fifth we had the building veteran futures task meeting. and it was basically convening not only in the community organizations and variety ran's administration and representatives and several trade unions but also we had contractors in the room as well. several of the larger contractors in the bay area.
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and panko and all of the ones that do the work in the city and we have a lot of collar ration going, but for this i wanted to point out that all of us and the contractors are on board with the veteran's hiring, in terms of actively seeking to higher veterans when appropriate. we also have the trade unions also and the trade and the carpet and the engineers as well as the iron work and hers my goal was to have each of these unions and have identified a veteran's rep and then think them with the identify veteran's reps from the employers side and so there is a direct relationship, so that is progressing very well and on the more industry level. and i have been pretty
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successful in reading that in the enter agency employment, and most recently, it would have reached the director of apprenticeship for standards for northern california and our efforts for what is happening on the trade level globally to better serve our veterans. it began our work in progress and i will keep the board posted on any new developments. and things are progressing well, as an example, web corp has hired eight since january 2012. but since we have it for the employees so we can do it from the (inaudible) side, thanks. >> thank you, ted. >> thank you, ted. web corp has really done a
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fantastic job, in stepping into the veteran's recruitment area and really making connections with the agencies in northern california and so there is an impact that is flowing far beyond the project coming out of this. in terms of apprenticeship programs and the web corp continues to work on the hiring hall and sit on the board of the hiring hall. and in terms of bringing at-risk adults into the construction trades, and is also working with city-built program where they also sit on the board for advisory board for city build. so they are deeply involved with both of those and fostering the programs in the city. in terms of our performance on
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the apprenticeship and the project, again, just mentioning the tracking elements that we worked to build into the software program for the workforce reporting these have really helped us turn the corner and have been a great management tool and getting the participation levels that we need under the contract. >> there are two types of tracking. the first is for labors and operators where it is a one to five on the hours worked at the end of the job and for the rest of it it is a 1 to 5, i am sorry, 1 to 5 for the entirely of the job for most trades but for the operating engineers and laborers it is 1 to 5 on a daily basis and so our
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percentages for laborers and operators are continuing to track it well above the 16 and two-thirds percent, almost one to four ratio. and on a daily basis, the other trades, you can see the red is actually good in this image that red is our actual, the green is the target on a daily basis and over the last year since we implemented this tool the tracking has been very successful in exceeding the apprenticeship ratios. if you have any questions we will be happy to answer them. >> that was great report. it seems like great progress from the youth for veterans to the apprentices. a question that the over all number is great for the over all operators and 19 over a
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roll of 16, as you go down trade by trade, are we fairly uni formed or we have most trades meeting the 16? >> yeah. we don't have a lot of diversity in trades, right now we have iron workers and carpenters and laborers and masons primarily and operating engineers. so we don't have a great diversity in trades right now. so they are all tracking well but we could break that out by trade union as well. if you like to see that in the future reports. >> it would be interesting to know which ones are having a more difficult time because it can vary across the trade. >> early on we were having a lot of difficulty with operating engineers. because it is the fifth man on the job is supposed to be an apprentice but that is by subcontractor, and most of the subcontractors, they were having two or three pieces of equipment in operation, so they were never getting to that fifth individual. and so the numbers were quite
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low on the operating engineers just because the number of operating engineers under any individual subcontractor was not very high. and you don't want to have an apprentice out working a piece of heavy equipment if they are not, you know, in the right accompanied by a journey person. so, that was the place where early on we had the most difficulty meeting the percentages. >> thank you. >> and all right, and i would like to say thank you bob, to give us an update on construction. >> we have a couple of good milestones reached this month. there we go. and another 35,000 craft hours, approximately over the last period from the previous report. and again, a great safety record, everybody is working
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really hard on this and no recordables and no incidents of any serious nature since last september and we have been fortunatelying 35,000 craft hours a month and that is almost 200,000 hours now and getting close to that where we have gone without injury and knock on wood. we hope to keep that up and the bracing work and the excavation over all is about 65 percent complete. and we have seen great progress on that in zone one about 87 percent complete, zone two, micropiles have started and are at 16 percent complete, and to date, none of the micropiles have failed in their post installation testing so that is moving along very well. again, big highlight and construction site is just this last weekend with the bridge installation, no complaint. and we got that going on monday, so the team
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particularly web corp and the subcontractor did a great job on that and certainly the neighborhood appreciated it and most of that is over. the ground system and the geo thermal started this week with the first installations in the west end in zone one and in zone four, and i will show you the picture the buttress contractor is completely gone now. so that picture changed yet again, unlike the other times that i showed you the picture and it never changed. >> a big milestone on the auxiliary water system, between first and second street, started at second and worked east to first is nearly complete. there are intersection work to be done removing the steel plates and redoing the streets and now they will work the way and the next milestone is to get from first to freemont complete. they are trying to get the water line into where all of
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the other existing pipes are. some are supposed to be there and some weren't. so that continues to be a challenge, but they are working on that as well and they have that part. >> the next 90 days, you can expect to see the remaining mud slaps in the zone one area up to approximately shaw alley to the west end and the water proofing and the rain forest should start in zone one with the first tentative map poured for sometimes june coming up and of course, the buttress platform will be into zone four by the next meeting or in the next 90 days but certainly by the next meeting. the over all time line has not changed we have the anticipation of 2017, and we are providing the key milestones and that is the same
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schedule that you saw previously and we are incorporating the monthly update and this is through the update that we last reviewed which was the february one and march comes in at the end of march to us and we are in the process of reviewing that before we publish those dates and there are no surprises that have been brought to my attention and i am still targeting that october 2017 bus operation date. >> these will change and it will have a slight change and as we get through the rebid issue and things like that. but we will try to mitigate. >> the time line and all that is left is the excavation and they are on track to finish in 2014 is the plan. this week and next, they will finish out the sidewalk with a temporary bridge and that will be done shortly, but the bulk of the work remains with the
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excavation and installing the micropiles and the mud and turning the area over as they complete it. so we got this graphic to start tracking the below grade or structure schedule and of course, it is starting with the grounding and geo thermal work that will move on to the vertical and horizontal water proofing and the actual map slab, and so on up to the trained box walls and the lower concourse slabs and the starter wall above the lower concourse where they will turn it over to the super structure concrete contractor. >> the excavation map that we have brecken into the two zones and make it easier to read and zone one is considered from the west end and the excavation is 100 percent complete and you can see in the lower left-hand corner and the completed slabs and you can see the micropiles, and they are the completed ones
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and the red one are still to be completed and of course the bracing diagram gives you a good graphic of how we are completing the work from west to east and how we are maintaining the progress and in the east end, starting at first street and running across the street. and the same information zone two is almost like 99 percent bottomed out in the excavation in zone three and well into the lowest levels and we would expect the change in the zone four where they have completed and the trussle appears to be put in and they start to build in the trussle and connecting it to the bridge and start the excavation in earnest in zone four. some photos to run through here, the comparison photos of the central and western ends of
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the project, it is hard to tell the progress, but if you look closely, you can see that the photo on the right, the place between it the hole has gotten deeper, if you look carefully you can see the bottom of the hole. this is the micropile chart and you can see how the lines are starting to get closer together and we got off to a slow start with the weather in last december. but it is rapidly picking up speed and keeping up with the progress of the project. just to give you an idea of what that all looks like, the upper left-hand corner photo is how they test the pool test and that is the test rig there and installed and of course, on the right-hand photo and the finished pile is waiting for the mud slab. >> we have to prepare the subgrade. and prepare the subgrade for the mud slab and sometimes there is depressions in the
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final subgrade that is what the gentleman there are doing and getting it all graded off and ready for the next mud slab pour and into the zone two and three bracing and excavation shots. again, zone four picture there is the rest of that is gone, and the red tanks have to do with the bridge peers. and you have to clean up. but the rest of the buttress and everything and the trailer and the water tanks it is all it is all out of our lives. >> and under budget. >> fun. >> there is just that the access trussle is coming in
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zone four. it is for the baoel street bridge and they literally cut the line down and tying that into the abutment and the foundation of the end of the bridge where it lands and installs the bridge peers and there is the bridge being put together and ready for the hoisting and we have actual photos from the weekend here and i do want to show you the awss progress and the work trying to cover up on first street between second and first and the paving and asphalt getting done on that run, which gets us out that have busy part of the street and into the next session. and so, with the baoel street on friday night, and a little bit late start and they had a small equipment issue that set them back and it came through and got them done on schedule and opened the road back up on monday morning and i was told by brian that it was 4:44 in
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the morning and that was his lucky number, it was around 4:40 in the morning with the obligation to have it done by five. and most of it is installed and what it looked like on saturday night and sunday after paving. what extended the time on baoel street, of course, it is hard to see in these photos, but in the lower portion on the dirt side, there were the two red rains are, there were two pools that needed to be reinstalled to restring the lines in the bridge configuration and that extended the time into sunday and early monday morning. and this is the time lapse of that friday night. and did it stop?
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>> well you have seen the time lapse before, very similar to what we have done in the past, you can see the bridge sections doing in and it was a well coordinated activity and we got a lot of help from the city folks and the street folks and made it a very successful weekend. >> the other information, in the report, that you have on your screens, i believe or has been handed out is the labor reports of the increased hours are still trending in the scene for the local labor including 24 percent, the san francisco labor and the numbers continue to go up and i would
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approximate, and we are working two shifts and a modified swing shift, but, i think that is the end of the report. >> any questions? >> yeah, we have a question on this. it is for the director, the schedule for the steel package shows that we have 0 float. >> yes. >> and we are losing probably many months for what is probably the right call to repackage and put it back out. but when we will have it and a recovery plan and a revised schedule. >> we are actually starting to meet with web corp on that right now. the key to looking at the over all structural schedule, is what is critical were the cast notes because of the fabrication time, within one to two months actual getting it in and starting the shop drawings
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and the steel becomes critical as well. if we can get it out in play and it will bring it to you next month and we will still lose about 30 days off of where we wanted to be which was our original intent was to have a reward at this meeting. we are going to have to make-up time and there is lots of opportunity in the trade packages and now that we make it into three production and erection teams. it is definitely going to be a challenge, in the short term. which hopefully we can manage within that trade. and then, also, pick up what we need to in the future trades as well. >> but it is something that we are loing at right away.
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>> yeah, just more on the structural steels. i agree that it seems like it is worth rebidding. >> that is the last major opportunity that it sounds like to cut costs. when will we know how that has turned out? and breaking that into three packages. >> putting out the packages around the 25th of april. the twenth. and the 60 day window and assuming that there are not any major questions that come up, the guys have seen the material before. and it is a 60 day window. and we are hoping around the 20th of june and be able to present the packages and the bidders to you at the july board meeting. >> okay. >> that is the cold in which case they could get kicked off in mid july and august first and we will get a better view
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from the actual participants where they can cut the time and too conservative and 0 in. >> and in terms of the three packages they are not phased so that you need somebody to work on the first piece before the other ones can determine the prices. >> good question, the way that we are looking at it now and the way that web corp has suggested and it is a great method is basically west end of the center session and east. and in the original scenario, the single contractor, would have started to cruise at what we call nine ten, which is approximately there is an expansion there and it says approximately the zone one to zone two dividing line around shaw alley and to the east of that, there will be two crews
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starting there. but now there will be the same thing and one of them may be, let's say steel and the other one may be a chef steel and they will have the only section to work, and then in the third competitor, and again, it could be all of the same guy, depending on how it shakes out in the bid and we are offering that opportunity as well. but presumably, as the other team approaches that joint, they will go to another expansion joint and that is where the other contractor can start off. >> that is down around line 20, 21, and works east to there, to the end. >> we always knew that area was going to lag behind any way, but that is because the buttress had to be behind zone four, that is always lagging behind. >> so, part of the theory about why the bid came in so high, obviously part of it is just
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