tv [untitled] May 7, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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i want to thank mayor lee. it is with his support that i am proud today to announce that next tuesday, we will be introducing an ordinance that will do a number of things. first, it will make it clear that we in san francisco intend to name one of the terminals at the san francisco international airport after harvey milk. that the process for naming that terminal and deciding whether or not to name other facilities is a process that should include public involvement, and with that in mind, there will be a committee that will be formed. a committee that will be appointed by the mayor, and the board of supervisors, so that they can come back to this board and make specific recommendations as to which terminal at the san francisco international airport should be named after harvey milk and rentation as recommendation as
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to whether or not any other terminal, tower or passenger loading area should be named after any other individual? what this process does is one, ensures that we recognize harvey milk, but it lass also allows the public to provide their comments not only how to honor harvey milk, but other individuals and institutions in san francisco for that honor. for harvey his election was only about openly representing lgbt and making sure that members of the chinese-american community and african-american communitis were represented and win thing that has been clear to me in listening to what people have to say is that many
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people want to make sure that this process is inclusive of all communities, and as someone who is a member of both the lgbt community and latino community, i personally know the importance of making this process inclusive. we will be finalizing that ordinance in the next few days and i look forward to engaging my colleagues on the board into a more detailed decision of this proposal. what this proposal also recognizes is under the charter of the city and county of san francisco, the authority to name an airport or any facility ultimately rests with the san francisco board of supervisors. we look forward to having a transparent and inclusive process in the next few weeks. i look forward to this matter being forwarded to committee and having a discussion in committee and again, i want to thank mayor lee for the way in
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which he has been able to work with us to make sure that this is something that we can all get behind. i also want to thank my colleague supervisor scott wiener. it has been very important for me that the two of us as the two openly lgbt members of this board have worked on this item and i appreciate his support and input. and again, i look forward to a meaningful discussion in the weeks to come. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. colleagues, i have a heavy heart today. i have an inmemoriam that i would like to ask that we close the board out in the memory of one of san francisco's most active civic activists, a woman by the name of babette, who
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peacefully passed way in her home. she moved to san francisco in the 1960's. one memory her daughter often jocks about is her mother never publicly said her age. we can say with confidence that she was pretty senior, and she had beautiful memories of the hills for it's sunny weather and very friendly neighborhood. she worked as a physical educational teacher at the she
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had a hand in the design of interstate 280. now anyone that has a hand in the design of a freeway, you know, has got to be pretty strong-willed and that is exactly what she was. she had some say in the development of at&t park and we can thank her for bringing the 19 bus to potrillo hill. [speaker not understood] she didn't want anything fancy, but she did want a party and i would like to close out the board in her memory. thank you for this consideration, colleagues >> thank you, supervisor cohen. >> supervisor farrell >> supervisor kim? >> supervisor mar? >> thank you, madame clerk. today i am calling for a
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hearing on the benefits and impacts of a unique san francisco former of open space called parklets. san francisco is leading the world in this innovative type of open space, the world first formal parklets were initially conceived and installed in san francisco in 2010. now 38 parklets have been installed throughout the city. they aren't there all of our districts, and they are concentrate in the central part of the city and major merchant corridors, but i'm interested in considering spreading them more to the outlaying district like the richmond. in the richmond we're in the merge of opening our first parklet and several applications, the first on clements street. parklets are critical in increasing the amounts of public seating in our corridors and good evening good
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greening the areas, and allow beautification of the corridors at low-cost. they are extremely economical and they open up a new commons in many of our neighborhoods. however, there are impacts on parking and some residents and merchants in areas where there are currently few or no parklets may be concerned about pedestrian impacts, upkeep or maintenance. so the hearing will examine all of these issues and more and allow input of concerns and sharing of best practices on how to make our neighborhoods better. also co-sponsoring, supervisor campos and supervisor yee who
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sit on the golden gate highway and transportation, along with supervisors wiener and breed as well. i am introducing a resolution urging the california state legislature to pass senate bill 755, which would require all proposed new construction or refurbishment of bridges to take into accounts a suicidal barrier to become eligible for state or federal funds. the top three deadliest suicide bridges in the world are in the united states and two of those bridges are here in california. and as many of us know the golden gate bridge has had more suicides than any other in the world. tragic number currently being over 1200. suicide is the most common or is most often an impulsive action and barriers could significantly restrict the number of suicides and i think with the leadership of member
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ammiano, i urge your supported of this resolution. the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor chiu. >> thank you, madame clerk and i would like to co-sponsor the resolution that supervisor mar mentioneded. as a city, as some of you know we have a 130-mile underground network of fiber that we use primarily to connect city buildings and assets such as traffic signals and fire stations and we're expanding that network with extremely modest initial investments. many around the country are installing super high-speed infrastructure, and we can do better. in our 21st century world, cities need access to
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affordable high-quality broadband. my legislation is simple, whether we open up work for a sewer or redo or pave our roads we should put in fiber cond conduit if it's not there already; my legislation doesn't mandate installation of fiber conduit, but simply provides the opportunity to lay fiber. data overfiber connections run, as much as one hundred times faster that stand services such as dsl and piggy-backing on planned excavations could cut
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expenses. my hope is that we could restart a broader conversation about municipal fiber, about whether we can expand our network efficiently? what we should use it for and whether the city can move forward with this? we need to look at our business case regarding what we can do with our city's dark fiber, especially strands that we are not using. we're currently leasing some of our fiber. we brought in $500,000 in leases and i think we can bring in more. to create free wi-fi in public spaces and in addition to this ordinance i am introducing a companion hearing request to discuss the strategy and status of public wi-fi and look forward to exploring these issues at a hearing in the near future. >> thank you, mr. president. >> i have two more items. my second item i am introducing a resolution for the top of broadway district.
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there is a short stretch of proceedway that has been historically plagued by a number of challenges that include safety issues caused by rowdy and often out of town crowds attending night clubs and bars there. too many vacant storefronts and proliferation of liquor licenses and lack of diversity of businesses that serve our neighborhoods. these conditions have sadly kept many san francisco residents from thinking broadway as a distance. for the last few years, groups have been working on the plan, an improved version of a similar proposal from over four years ago that very narrowly did not pass. the cdbg would provide assistance to the districts -- and proposed to provide sidewalk beautification, enhanced security, economic development and marketing activities. i want to take a moment and thank all of the stakeholders who have been working hard on this, as well as the mayor's office of economic and
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workforce development. on a parallel front, we have all been working together with the san francisco police department, the da's office, the sheriffs, dpw and other departments to increase attention on broadway. over the last couple of weekends we have seed a marked increase of police and a crackdown by the highway patrol on partsy buses. i want to thank our sheriff who has brought a mobile jail facility. it's my hope that soon we'll have a broadway that is an incredibly -- involves incredible and healthy and safe and vibrant night lich. life. the [hra-frts/] last item could savor the city over $100 million in printing
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and mailing costs. the ordinance include 500 pages of technical review documents. since we knew that a voter referendum was possible, i tried to amend it to reduce the pages to avoid the possibility of a phone-booked size ballot pamphlets. at that time the developer wanted the full text of the measure to be included to make it harder to gather signatures. by a vote of 7-4 by this board, my amendment to trim down the size of the book was rejected. excite the fact that the book cost $25 instead of $0.25 and
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were extremely heavy, volunteers collected signatures to qualify to put the measure on the ballot. since we know that our city will incur huge costs for these massive books i am introducing legislation today to reduce the amount of materials required to be included in the ballot handbook and would allow the department of elections to omit or summarize the measures, whose text exceed 100 pages. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madame clerk. so president chiu and i both learned today that we were actually sponsoring very similar legislation. so i am also introducing legislation today, to address the issue of lengthy texts of ballot measures, which could be quite extensive. although the 8 washington ballot measure at
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500 pages is at the long end, they can cost hundreds of millions of accounts dollars and can lead to the printing of potentially hundreds of millions of additional pages of paper. so my legislation sets the pages at 20 or more to give discretion to the department of elections and in addition, someone could call or email the department and receive a mailed version for free. so i look forward to working with president chiu and i am hopeful
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we'll be able to merge the two pieces of legislation and move forward together, so we can both save taxpayer dollars and provide full access to critical election information and not chop down as many trees. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. >> thank you, madame clerk. i would like to today, colleagues, submit a resolution urging the california state legislation to pass assembly bill 840, to require the department of motor vehicle to have drivers' license applicants sign a statement implying that they are aware of the dangers caused by distracting driving. as you are aware, i have made pedestrian safety one of my primary focus for this year and
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unfortunately for district 7, of the eight traffic fatalities four have been in district 7. although this legislation by itself would not stop traffic fatality it's another tool to improve safety for pedestrians. thank you. the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madame clerk. i took a press conference with the asian law cause of action and produced a report. it was really fascinating the work that they have done and really confirmed a lot of what i have seen over the years that we have a huge increase of residents in the neighborhood, but we haven't had any real development of housing units.
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they are mostly under the radar. mostly unknown by the city, but yet known by our neighbors living in the excelsior district. folks living in the any units are co-workers and people who take care of our families and babysit our kids and actually go to school are our kids and people who are customers and members of our community. and i really think as a city we need to look at how we actually make sure that the people who are living in the de facto housing in san francisco can remain in the city. have the right to live in the city and that we are looking at city policies to help enable that to happen. the phenom of secondary units in the excelsior, district and district 11 is known as a place that has a high level of
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single-family homes, up to 57% of the housing stock are single-family homes, but at the same time we could have as one in three single-family homes that have a secondary units. a unit that has not necessarily been authorized by the city and people are living in them, often families with children, often district 11 has the most children in the whole entire city. often immigrants, people who are very transit-oriented and speak limited number and we have to make sure that they can continue to make contributions to the city and can take part in the educational system and provide service and we have homeowners in the district who have struggled to maintain their mortgages and pay the mortgages. we have the highest level of
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foreclosures in district 11. in the past four months, up until april of this yeah, we had 51 foreclosures and we know that many use the second unit income to pay for their mortgage. professional families, families like my neighbors across the street. both professionals, have two kids that go to public schools and to make ends meet , they rent out a second unit. it's a very common phenom and how as a city do we ensure that people are protected? so i am requesting a hearing to look at
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our prop c that was passed, the housing form that was passed by the voters. prop c, i requested that we include in prop c a section that was called "the housing stabilization fund." it was really made in terms of the broad consensus that mayor lee had asked for in granting prop c and to look at making the trust fund relevant to other parts of san francisco that don't necessarily see the creation of affordable housing as something that directly impacts their community. so we looked at how we support single-family homeowners in providing resources to enable them to maintain their property and little weather that wealth in their property. so we'll have a hearing to address how prop c is adressing that and those who use second units to
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broaden their abilities to remain in their homes and explore how prop c can support the tenants living in these units as well? this is something that looking at secondary units and possible legalization of secondary units is something that i have looked at since i first came into office. in fact, when i was running for supervisor back in 2008, the chronicle asked me what do i wanted to work on? i said legalizing secondary units and i actually said "legalizing in-laws." at that time. so how to maintain affordable housing and i think as we work together on any legislation around legalization of in-laws that we consider the nuances that come from different neighborhoods in san francisco. what happens in the excelsior, and lakeview can be very different than what we see in terms of secondary units in the richmond or sunset or western edition. i think those considerations need to be made and i think
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it's important as we move forward that we know in terms of differences in our different neighborhoods. so colleagues i look forward to working with you on that. i think lastly i want to say, when it comes to secondary units in the excelsior and we are thinking about how san francisco is a city that is losing its families with children, that we consider secondary units as their price source of housing, especially in the excelsior district, which has the highest level of children than any other district in san francisco, closely followed by districts 10 and 9. i have another item for introduction and that say hearing to look at the status of sunday streets. we are are all big fans of sunday streets and we have requested that the event take part in our different neighborhoods. often it's done with minimal of city resources to make happen, but i think we're getting close to the crossroads to see how we can
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continue to make this program work to be more effective and be part of the general expectation of what we see happening in the city and how we use our streets for recreation, for fitness and for enjoying the real beauty of our neighborhoods in san francisco. so calling for a hearing that will happen in the next few weeks as well. and colleagues, that is the rest for submission >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. >> thank you. i am introducing a resolution with the mayor to continue the market tax credit program, which was previously performed by the san francisco redevelopment agency. and also to approve the amended bylaws and cooperative agreement of the community investment fund. the new market tax credits is a federal program that promotes economic development in low-income communities. it was formed by the san francisco redevelopment nation
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2010. at the time, called the san francisco community investment fund and it's eligible to apply for federal market credits. it's been award $80 million, $35 million in 2010 and $45 million in 2011. this is a federal money that will benefit low-income communities. the investment fund has completed projects totaling $23.7 of its $80 million allocation, including $8 .7 million to college track, which is in the bayview-hunters point community, $15 million for the san francisco jazz project right down the street in the hayes valley area. with the remaining $53.6 million, plans to approve four upcoming project, the act strand theater, the boys and girls club, that will be located at 380 financial
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fulton street, et cetera. the san francisco community investment fund is advised by representatives in approved low-income communities. i served on the san francisco redevelopment agency commission and i know the good that this program can do. now that redevelopment has dissolved, san francisco -- this particular community investment fund operates under a collaborative structure of
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city representatives and this resolution will allow the important work to continue. i look forward to seing this work continue in the communities. rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed and mr. president, seeing no names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introduction. >> thank you, madame clerk why don't we go to general public comment. >> at this time the public may comment up to 2 minutes in the subject-matter jurisdiction of the board, including those items -- please note public comment will not be allowed on items that have already been subject to public comment by a board committee and pursuant to rule 4.22, please district your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors or the audience. people using assistive technology, you will have double the time and if you would like the screen for
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document coverage, please inform sfgovtv. thank you. first speaker. >> it's not easy to be a homeless advocate and community activist for 28-29 years. i am here to thank our supervisor london, who has recognized our lovely lady, who was here. i would like to tell you something else to you, when they buy the t-shirts from me and give it to the people that need it and i give the money [speaker not understood] second she and her husband take me to costco to feed the homeless. i thought we were going to
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