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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT

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the city can move forward with this? we need to look at our business case regarding what we can do with our city's dark fiber, especially strands that we are not using. we're currently leasing some of our fiber. we brought in $500,000 in leases and i think we can bring in more. to create free wi-fi in public spaces and in addition to this ordinance i am introducing a companion hearing request to discuss the strategy and status of public wi-fi and look forward to exploring these issues at a hearing in the near future. >> thank you, mr. president. >> i have two more items. my second item i am introducing a resolution for the top of broadway district. there is a short stretch of proceedway that has been historically plagued by a number of challenges that include safety issues caused by
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rowdy and often out of town crowds attending night clubs and bars there. too many vacant storefronts and proliferation of liquor licenses and lack of diversity of businesses that serve our neighborhoods. these conditions have sadly kept many san francisco residents from thinking broadway as a distance. for the last few years, groups have been working on the plan, an improved version of a similar proposal from over four years ago that very narrowly did not pass. the cdbg would provide assistance to the districts -- and proposed to provide sidewalk beautification, enhanced security, economic development and marketing activities. i want to take a moment and thank all of the stakeholders who have been working hard on this, as well as the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. on a parallel front, we have all been working together with the san francisco police department, the da's office,
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the sheriffs, dpw and other departments to increase attention on broadway. over the last couple of weekends we have seed a marked increase of police and a crackdown by the highway patrol on partsy buses. i want to thank our sheriff who has brought a mobile jail facility. it's my hope that soon we'll have a broadway that is an incredibly -- involves incredible and healthy and safe and vibrant night lich. life. the [hra-frts/] last item could savor the city over $100 million in printing and mailing costs.
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the ordinance include 500 pages of technical review documents. since we knew that a voter referendum was possible, i tried to amend it to reduce the pages to avoid the possibility of a phone-booked size ballot pamphlets. at that time the developer wanted the full text of the measure to be included to make it harder to gather signatures. by a vote of 7-4 by this board, my amendment to trim down the size of the book was rejected. excite the fact that the book cost $25 instead of $0.25 and were extremely heavy, volunteers collected signatures to qualify to put the measure on the ballot.
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since we know that our city will incur huge costs for these massive books i am introducing legislation today to reduce the amount of materials required to be included in the ballot handbook and would allow the department of elections to omit or summarize the measures, whose text exceed 100 pages. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madame clerk. so president chiu and i both learned today that we were actually sponsoring very similar legislation. so i am also introducing legislation today, to address the issue of lengthy texts of ballot measures, which could be quite extensive. although the 8 washington ballot measure at 500 pages is at the long end, they can cost hundreds of
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millions of accounts dollars and can lead to the printing of potentially hundreds of millions of additional pages of paper. so my legislation sets the pages at 20 or more to give discretion to the department of elections and in addition, someone could call or email the department and receive a mailed version for free. so i look forward to working with president chiu and i am hopeful we'll be able to merge the two pieces of legislation and move forward together, so we can both save taxpayer dollars and
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provide full access to critical election information and not chop down as many trees. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. >> thank you, madame clerk. i would like to today, colleagues, submit a resolution urging the california state legislation to pass assembly bill 840, to require the department of motor vehicle to have drivers' license applicants sign a statement implying that they are aware of the dangers caused by distracting driving. as you are aware, i have made pedestrian safety one of my primary focus for this year and unfortunately for district 7, of the eight traffic fatalities
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four have been in district 7. although this legislation by itself would not stop traffic fatality it's another tool to improve safety for pedestrians. thank you. the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madame clerk. i took a press conference with the asian law cause of action and produced a report. it was really fascinating the work that they have done and really confirmed a lot of what i have seen over the years that we have a huge increase of residents in the neighborhood, but we haven't had any real development of housing units. they are mostly under the radar. mostly unknown by the city, but yet known by our neighbors
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living in the excelsior district. folks living in the any units are co-workers and people who take care of our families and babysit our kids and actually go to school are our kids and people who are customers and members of our community. and i really think as a city we need to look at how we actually make sure that the people who are living in the de facto housing in san francisco can remain in the city. have the right to live in the city and that we are looking at city policies to help enable that to happen. the phenom of secondary units in the excelsior, district and district 11 is known as a place that has a high level of single-family homes, up to 57% of the housing stock are single-family homes, but at the same time we could have as one
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in three single-family homes that have a secondary units. a unit that has not necessarily been authorized by the city and people are living in them, often families with children, often district 11 has the most children in the whole entire city. often immigrants, people who are very transit-oriented and speak limited number and we have to make sure that they can continue to make contributions to the city and can take part in the educational system and provide service and we have homeowners in the district who have struggled to maintain their mortgages and pay the mortgages. we have the highest level of foreclosures in district 11. in the past four months, up until april of this yeah, we
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had 51 foreclosures and we know that many use the second unit income to pay for their mortgage. professional families, families like my neighbors across the street. both professionals, have two kids that go to public schools and to make ends meet , they rent out a second unit. it's a very common phenom and how as a city do we ensure that people are protected? so i am requesting a hearing to look at our prop c that was passed, the housing form that was passed by the voters. prop c, i requested that we
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include in prop c a section that was called "the housing stabilization fund." it was really made in terms of the broad consensus that mayor lee had asked for in granting prop c and to look at making the trust fund relevant to other parts of san francisco that don't necessarily see the creation of affordable housing as something that directly impacts their community. so we looked at how we support single-family homeowners in providing resources to enable them to maintain their property and little weather that wealth in their property. so we'll have a hearing to address how prop c is adressing that and those who use second units to broaden their abilities to remain in their homes and explore how prop c can support the tenants living in these units as well?
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this is something that looking at secondary units and possible legalization of secondary units is something that i have looked at since i first came into office. in fact, when i was running for supervisor back in 2008, the chronicle asked me what do i wanted to work on? i said legalizing secondary units and i actually said "legalizing in-laws." at that time. so how to maintain affordable housing and i think as we work together on any legislation around legalization of in-laws that we consider the nuances that come from different neighborhoods in san francisco. what happens in the excelsior, and lakeview can be very different than what we see in terms of secondary units in the richmond or sunset or western edition. i think those considerations need to be made and i think it's important as we move forward that we know in terms of differences in our different neighborhoods. so colleagues i look forward to working with you on that.
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i think lastly i want to say, when it comes to secondary units in the excelsior and we are thinking about how san francisco is a city that is losing its families with children, that we consider secondary units as their price source of housing, especially in the excelsior district, which has the highest level of children than any other district in san francisco, closely followed by districts 10 and 9. i have another item for introduction and that say hearing to look at the status of sunday streets. we are are all big fans of sunday streets and we have requested that the event take part in our different neighborhoods. often it's done with minimal of city resources to make happen, but i think we're getting close to the crossroads to see how we can continue to make this program work to be more effective and be part of the general expectation of what we see happening in the city and how
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we use our streets for recreation, for fitness and for enjoying the real beauty of our neighborhoods in san francisco. so calling for a hearing that will happen in the next few weeks as well. and colleagues, that is the rest for submission >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. >> thank you. i am introducing a resolution with the mayor to continue the market tax credit program, which was previously performed by the san francisco redevelopment agency. and also to approve the amended bylaws and cooperative agreement of the community investment fund. the new market tax credits is a federal program that promotes economic development in low-income communities. it was formed by the san francisco redevelopment nation 2010. at the time, called the san francisco community investment fund and it's eligible to apply
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for federal market credits. it's been award $80 million, $35 million in 2010 and $45 million in 2011. this is a federal money that will benefit low-income communities. the investment fund has completed projects totaling $23.7 of its $80 million allocation, including $8 .7 million to college track, which is in the bayview-hunters point community, $15 million for the san francisco jazz project right down the street in the hayes valley area. with the remaining $53.6 million, plans to approve four upcoming project, the act strand theater, the boys and girls club, that will be located at 380 financial
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fulton street, et cetera. the san francisco community investment fund is advised by representatives in approved low-income communities. i served on the san francisco redevelopment agency commission and i know the good that this program can do. now that redevelopment has dissolved, san francisco -- this particular community investment fund operates under a collaborative structure of city representatives and this resolution will allow the important work to continue. i look forward to seing this work continue in the
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communities. rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed and mr. president, seeing no names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introduction. >> thank you, madame clerk why don't we go to general public comment. >> at this time the public may comment up to 2 minutes in the subject-matter jurisdiction of the board, including those items -- please note public comment will not be allowed on items that have already been subject to public comment by a board committee and pursuant to rule 4.22, please district your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors or the audience. people using assistive technology, you will have double the time and if you would like the screen for document coverage, please inform sfgovtv.
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thank you. first speaker. >> it's not easy to be a homeless advocate and community activist for 28-29 years. i am here to thank our supervisor london, who has recognized our lovely lady, who was here. i would like to tell you something else to you, when they buy the t-shirts from me and give it to the people that need it and i give the money [speaker not understood] second she and her husband take me to costco to feed the homeless. i thought we were going to get one doughnut or something, and they said no abdullah, give each one of the homeless half the chicken. i took 44 chickens and that is
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one thing that i want to add to our supervisor to let you know that the city of san francisco has lovely nice people like her. back to where i come from and what i talk about today. i won't talk about the lovely five, nice young lady who has been killed in the limousine -- -- the driver is stupid and i believe he is stupid because one of them told him two times, stop the car, stop the car. i have to speak on behalf of the lovey ladies who died and
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that driver is responsible for that action. thank you. >> thank you very much, next speaker. >> good afternoon, president and fellow supervisors. thank you so much. my name is kathleen gillis and this is my daughter, born april 22, much to the chagrin of my husband, april 20 may have been more fun, living in san francisco. i come to you today because david campos and i about a month and a half ago had a lovely conversation on npr, the forum and reached out to the community and voice of the unborn in our city of san francisco and for pregnant mothers who think 65% of women think that the only option that they have is an abortion. so i am coming to you to ask that we can continue the dialogue, going forward, as we work on this resolution >> excuse me, ma'am. >> yes, if we could stop the
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clock, there are some individuals here it speak on items that we have already passed. under our rules, you can talk about the general subject if you could not make references or advocate for a reference we have already considered. >> excellent, i guess i will just stick with my emphasis i would like to meet with the people that you recruited, david that we get together and continue our dialogue, seven people, two of which were 5 and 7 years old, speaking on the importance of us being a community of health and hope for the unborn and parents. my other request is that we could save the date for january 25th, this will be the 10th walk for life. it begins right out here and i am inviting all of you today, we can meet beforehand. we have many months in advance, but to join us. what is beautiful about the walk, it will be our tenth.
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there will be over 150,000, many of whom are from the city of san francisco, as the word spreads that women deserve better. >> if folks could direct their comments to all members of board and not individual supervisors, that is also one of our rules. thank you. stop the rape of the corporate library. don't give money to the friends of the library and don't accept money from the friends of the library. the abuses are so flag [ra-pbts/] flagrant that the library commission doesn't have those areas. the library is now claiming that the friend total donation was $9.2 million and of that
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$5.4 million is "in-kind contributions." that the library admitted or undocumented could mean anything. for the documentation from the department of public works shows that of remaining $3.7 million, $1.7 million was for computers and software, .7 million for self-service checkout machines and $169,000 for anything resembling furniture and fixtures. you notice that is very close to the figure that was in the quarterly reports from a year-ago, before they realized that they needed a smoke screen to cover up how bad it looks. if any other group raised over $40 million by telling it sayss it was for one purpose and spent barely 2% of that for that purpose, it would be fraud for the solicitation alone. irrespective of where the money went, which was in their own pockets. it's no secret that abuse of
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[speaker not understood] and the board of supervisors and philanthropists do it any. david chiu having me arrested doesn't solve society's problem and of course, the lies cost more than the money. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> last time i was here, we talked about how the resurrects christ expounded to them under all the scriptures that things concerning himself, beginning with moses and all the prophets, going to every single prophecy in the old testament about himself. i would like to read another portion in luke chaptered 4 says jesus came to nazareth and as his custom he went into
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synagogue on sabbath and delivered to him was the book of isaiah. he found the place where it was written, the spirit of the lord is upon me. because he is anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor and heal the brokenhearted, et cetera. so set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the lord and he closed the book and gave it to the minister and sat in front of all those in the synagogue eyes were fastened on them and said this day is fulfilled in your ears. if you read the scripture prior to where he began reading says the little one shall become a thousand and small one, a strong nation and i the lord are will hasten in its time. god said 499 years from the
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command to build jerusalem. it's also interesting he didn't read the verse after when says the day of vengeance of our god and closed it -- and didn't read the day of the vengeance of our god. that is where we are now. it's coming. you are promoting the homosexual lifestyle -- those poor kids are committing suicide as you you try to brainwash them. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is it leah freewald and i'm here to talk about undergrounding the utility wires over half of the city. i think the city of san
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francisco should be congratulated for doing almost half of the job and i have read the task force report that disbanded in 2006. it's clear to me that this is a complicated problem. and an expensive one, probably, as well. we're expecting a lot of tourists for the america's cup. we in san francisco are going to pay $20 million, so that they have a good time and enjoy their parties, but they are going to see terrible, terrible wires all over the city, clumps of wires everywhere they go. i think it's time that the city of san francisco form a new task force to consider how to create a plan that will allow us to finish the job, to underground the rest of the utilities in san francisco. supervisor chiu has talked about the need to make san francisco a modern city with free wi-fi for everyone and i say it's equally important to make it an attractive city like
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london, berlin and san diego and other cities that have put utilities underground and if you are going to up the streets for wire cable, you should consider opening them up for the undergrounding ever utilities. i think you need a task force to get the job finished. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> peter warfield, executive director of libraries users association and i note that many supervisors seem busy making notes or at their computers or writing or in the case of president chiu or supervisor wiener chatting upfront, while the public, which only has two minutes out of the whole week makes its public comment for the whole week. i think that is an exceptional
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rude and inappropriate for supervisors who after all are serving the public. there is a concept generally speaking called "the punishment should fit the crime." and my question for the supervisors is should a $10 debt to the library permanently and in some cases permanently and for life bar a library user from borrowing books? well, that is the aft effect of the library fines policy, certainly on some people and most affecting some of the poorest people in this city. it is well known that fines will end the borrowing career.
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and fines also deter usage by the poorest people, particularly because they know that they can't get into a situation where they just don't have the cash to pay. the library is coming up to you as a board, with a new fines schedule. the direction is good. dollar fines for dvds are going to $0.10 generally, but it should go to $0.00 and if not, at least as a backup plan, allow patrons to work on in some fashion the fines. i would concur with the previous speaker that friends' finances are a scandal and it should be front page news in the papers here. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker.