tv [untitled] May 9, 2013 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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file. the question of whether the board can act while an investigation is pending, is yes, the board could approve this resolution, could couldn't the resolution appending the outcome of the investigation. we don't track it. i get e-mails from the fpcc when they have resolved complaints and i review those to see if there are any. >> i think we had a misunderstanding because in our conversation i thought you had been aware of it whether there was an on going investigation or not and you hadn't heard of any results. so i assume it was something were you looking at as a matter to providing this to this item. >> i'm sorry if i gave you that impression. i have been aware of this resolution pepding at
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the board. have read newspaper accounts of it, reviewed the board file but i haven't xhuptd -- communicated with the fpcc. this is where a member of public has filed a complaint with the fpcc against the city officials. >> okay. could you talk about what was required and reporting from the district attorneys office. i know that he sought advice from a city attorney and filed a certain way and may have gotten different advice is that led to a misunderstanding. can you characterize the process of how this went about? >> let me talk about the general rules that apply in situations like this. as you know, just stepping back in terms of our conversations wtd district attorneys office, we
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tried to respect the confidentiality of our relationships with each official and not disclose the content with individual officials unless there is a legal need for other officials to know, but i'm happy to talk about the self disclosure obligation that apply to the office here and i can tell you generally, we give the same advice in these situations no matter who is asking. so the rules that i will, that i can explain here are the rules that we would explain to anyone coming to us with these questions. when a department receives a gift from an outside source there are a number of obligation before the department receives an
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approval. if the person gets a gift of over a hundred dollars, they are required to report it on the website and who gave it and whether that donor has any business with the city. the department must every -- >> was that done by the district attorney attorneys office. >> i did look at the website and i did see it had been reported. every july, every department that receives gifts must submit a report to the board of supervisors. that deadline hepatitis come obviously in this case. the department should coordinate with the controllers office to make sure the gift is accounted for by the controller for budgeting purposes and 2, self
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disclosure rule that i think have been discussed in the context of this set of gifts. if the department receives a gift that benefits an employee of the department, there is a special reporting requirement. the department must few ill what is called an fpcc form 801. basically it goes to three things. one that the department receives a gift, two, that gift ben fitted and individual and 3, the person decided which individual got the benefit wasn't the person and property who ended up getting the benefit. maybe a concrete way of describing that if someone gave a gift to the city attorneys office to send a lawyer to a conference and the city attorneys decided to send me to the conference with that gift. my office would file form
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801 saying we got a gift from this source, john give ner benefited from it. and that report would be filed with the fpcc. there are some advice in the past from the f p cc indicating that if a department receives a gift that is used in the department, that should be reported as an on the form of 801. >> was that done in this case? >> i don't believe it was done in this case, the district attorney can probably speak to that and i can also -- that's the form 801. the district attorney did file another form, form 803 which is designs for the self disclosure of the form. it's for the reform act
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which the fpcc regulates. when an elected official asks someone to make a donation to a certain non-profit or government agency and the person bho has been solicited makes a donation of $5,000 or more, the elected official has to file a form 803. essentially saying, i asked someone done or s to give money to this non-profit or to the city department and done or s gave this. that report is filed with the elected officials department and then transmitted to the ethics commission which i believe has those on its website. >> so the other one, that goes to the state. why we don't have
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the questions i understand that happened. >> yes, the 801 is filed with the f pbc, the 803 is filed with the department and with the ethics commission. >> okay. thank you. you had filed the 80 1 with the f pc 3? >> no. with we filed the 803. we followed the process that is required. >> is it in your opinion mr. give ner that 801 is required or not? >> our advice in situation like this where a department receives a benefit and it goes to the head office, that the department should file an 801
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indicating that that individual received the benefit of the gift. >> that wasn't done in this case. >> that's correct. it was not done. we believe it was a gift to the city. we have consulted the fpcc has agreed that it was a gift and we believe we are within the law. >> the fpbc it's a gift but we have the 801 that if it's a gift for the benefit of the individual that would require an 801. you don't believe that's the case? >> that's incorrect. the 803 is a different track. it's a gift that is in this case for the benefit of the city. we consulted with the fpcc. this is an 803 as a gift. we have filed the proper forms. this is a state law and we are within the state law according to the
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body that regulates this process. >> i understand. just asking about the 801. the words i got from mr. gibner if the department receives a gift and whether that would require an 801 and it would seem like it would, but i'm sure if it's a firm requirement or if it's a good thing to do. can you answer that question? >> you seem to not be totally firm about whether it's a mandate of something whether it should be done. >> it is a mandate when a department receives a gift that benefits an employer or officer that the department must file an 801 or if the department doesn't file an 801 then the gift is a personal gift to the recipient, the individual and is subject to the gift form 700
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reporting that applied to that individual. there is the fpcc advice that indicates when a department receives a gift that is designated for an official's office that that is the type of gift that the city received that benefits an individual official as should be reported on the 801. there may be situation where both an 801 and 803 are appropriate. the form 803 is a filing requirement that derives from campaign filing law, 801 is derived from gift and conflict laws. if a gift is behested or solicited by an elected official exceeds $5,000 goes to a department and
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benefits an individual in that department then both are appropriate. >> are we passed any deadlines for passing 801 for this department? >> the 801 is due within 30 days of receipt of the gift. snow terms of how the fppc enforces that requirement, i would have to refer to it. i don't have any personal experience. >> that's well passed that time. >> that is my understanding. >> i guess another question is it too late to pass an 801. it seems like that process should have been taken and it wasn't. i would feel much more comfortable approving the expense following the requirements in terms of the reporting for the department of the individuals benefitting the department. >> as you might imagine
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situations like this come up, not that in frequently with departments or with individuals who miss the deadlines on items forms 700, 802 and 801 and 803. yes, if the filing is required, you should file it even if you have missed the deadlines. there may be consequences from the f ppc from the general filing. the best thing to do when you realize that you need to complete a filing is to complete it even if it's after the deadline. >> mr. gaskin would you consider filing an 801 along with the 803 you have already filed? >> no. i would not. i believe the 803 meets the requirement. this is not a gift for my personal benefit. some of the
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furniture is for the lounge and the other one is from the executive office where i conduct city business. i have been advised and i believe i had appropriate advice given the fpcc decision. the 803 was a process and i would not be filing and 801. >> another question for mr. gibner. just a question about personal benefit. does that mean that you can actually receive a gift for a department that benefits an individual and that gift could be situated in the departments building and perhaps the office of that individual that could be considered that gift does not necessarily benefit that individual is that possible? that seems to be an interpretation that the fpcc is taking on this. >> i haven't spoken to anyone
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at fppc about this. they issue advice letters and they have a catalog of those letters. some of them are informal and some are them are more formal. they have issued written advice in the past that is available on their website and legal search engines indicating that a gift of artwork say that is to a department that is placed in the head officials office is a gift that could be a gift of personal benefit to the official that is to the department. >> okay. thank you. >> i'm going to move this over. next. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you, i just wanted to get some clarity because i'm
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looking at the list and my understanding is that reportable gifts are of $10,000 value and in this case there are several individual gifts that are underneath that amount and i'm just trying to understand why are these packaged in such a way that they are over the $10,000 threshold which require board approval. i don't understand that. i just need clarity to why does this need board approval in the first place especially since it comes from individuals and in this case it's been packaged as one thing. >> a good question. originally we didn't think we had any reporting requirements and we
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were told as much as this process evolved and to make it clear, not all the gifts came at the same time. there was a period of time, someone came in at the latter part last year and the early part of this year. during this process there were discussions and in those discussions i elected to be for full transparency, the reality was that there was an alternative opinion and that would have been that we are here today because not all have exceeded. the people that gave them were out of the understanding of their own rules. i'm here on my own to make sure there is transparency. they have exactly
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the same information. i took it upon to layout every single gift. >> who were the checks maid payable for the gifts. i don't -- >> i don't have an answer for you. >> and did you ask this to be done directly from these individuals? >> i did not. someone might, there were others that thought by other people like charlie schultz herself offered to go out and help. what occurred here is when i moved into office, my office had no furniture. the previous occupant of that office owned
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the furniture that was there. >> and she purchased that furniture herself. >> she owned it. i'm not sure how that process worked. so initially we put some secretarial furniture there. there was some talk about putting different furniture and i saw needs around the victims services lounge where we serve about 5,000 victims every year. >> i'm familiar with that lounge. >> you know it generally hasn't been a very welcoming place. we are trying to make it. there was a discussion with charlotte and others and she took it upon herself to take up the project, i believe she's the one that went out after most of the funding for this. >> okay. i can just make a few comments, i know as someone who
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just started office, one of the challenges for me was good furniture, having a nice office and having quality furniture in my office was really important to me and i actually purchased it myself and plan to take it with when i leave as well. i want to make sure that we are not being redundant about following the laws of reporting things that only require maybe one reporting mechanism or things that don't even meet the requirement threshold. it's clear that this information is here, it's available to the public and i think what i'm happy about is that regardless of who the district attorney is in place, that this furniture
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will remain in that office for others to continue to use and yes, i probably would have liked to have seen this before it actually happened but in this particular case it hasn't and i think that we just move forward and approve this and from my perspective as a new supervisor, let this be a warning to anyone who wants to raise money to have furniture or anything else in this particular capacity that they look at what the laws are and look at what the requirements are which i did to make sure it was okay for me to purchase that stuff and bringing it into city hall before i took those steps. i think it's important for any department that uses this as a way to do business should do that. i'm happy to move this item forward. >> supervisor mar.
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>> it's helpful to know that fppc is not taking action on that. when i see a $9999 contribution, it raises my eyebrows. the gifts were some were requested by you for support from your office you did initiate them and some of them came i think from some of the chronicle and the guardian coverage from some individuals that might have had some questionable activity, but i think ms: deberry, there is no on going conversation right now. my eyebrows are still up. i
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think there is a public perception if you take something for your office. there is something from the chronicle, i don't even know if the desk that you are sitting in are the chairs from the gift or not but i think there is a perception that there is a personal benefit because it's your office. i totally support the victims lounge but i think there may be a personal benefit there. so filing an 801 form is the least to me for you to show that there has been some acknowledgment of the gift and some personal benefit based on that you are getting a benefit as opposed to your whole office. that to me would be the way to clear up any public perception of issues of this #
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$9999 gift. i think it was october when the gifts were requested. that's my take on this. i feel like it's a small amount of money before this budget committee. i wish you didn't have to come here as well. it's a certain precedent how much coverage is received in the press and how much questions are asked in the neighborhood as well. that's my take as well. i appreciate you being here. my eyebrows are still up. >> thank you. >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you, supervisor breed talks about since the paperwork is the same, it's kind of redundant. the paper is not redundant. there are two reasons to do the paperwork. i would feel comfortable to support this if you filed an 801. i feel it's expected and
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requirement and described by mr. gibner that it would be most appropriate. i feel like you followed the proper procedures. otherwise i feel like i'm approving something that wasn't quite done in the most correct way. i think it's fine about the 803, but not with the 801. i would feel most comfortable if you could file an 801 before i can prove this accepted expense. i'm fine with the victims services. clearly it's not benefitting an individual within your department and clearly i have been to your office and to the department, i know the condition of the furniture that is there and i'm really glad you saw the to get the support for the victims services and
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clearly for your office you need it as well. i would feel most comfortable if the proper paperwork was filed. >> i appreciate your concerns. we disagree. i believe an 801 is not required. i have checked with council as the final fpcc and therefore i will not be filing an 801. i preach your concern. >> i thought i heard from mr. gibner that you are required to file an 801 but you didn't do it on time. >> no, the fpcc is the final arbitrator and they believe we followed the rules as to their perception and i will not be filing an 801. >> thank you. i appreciate that you have been put in a
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difficult position. i feel i'm put in a difficult position here. that's why i'm making the request. my request is there and i have told you what my conditions are for voting affirmatively on this. >> i appreciate that. if you feel should you vote against it, then you should. thank you. >> supervisor wiener? >> thank you. just to be very clear on something. my understanding is that you received advice, information from the f pcc stating that a form 801 is not necessary and 803 is sufficient. >> no we filed an 803 and there was a complaint and we immediately approached f p krchl c and my attorney worked and the fpcc came back and said
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we are comfortable. we feel you have not violated any rules. this has been given for the purpose of use. this is a gift and they have indicated that this is appropriate. >> in other words the 803 was the appropriate form and not an 801. >> we filed the 803. the 801 never came up. we fully disclosed the process and the gift and we filed the 803 and have posted all of this information on our website and all the disclosures that we are required to. i feel comfortable with the decision. >> i have looked at the complaint and says an 801 should have been filed and the fpcc responded to this complaint that saying that you are okay? >> correct.
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>> okay. so, also i'm being advised than an 801 would not qualify because i requested the furniture to go for a specific purpose that's why the 803 is the appropriate vehicle. i believe that's why the f pcc, the complaint indicated that i should have filed an 801. that was a complaint. they have ruled that wasn't the case. >> the point i'm trying to make is that from what i'm seeing that it appears that you are being told one thing by the fpcc and by your attorney whoever that is and the city may have a different perspective on it and in my
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view that is an issue either you are complying with the ethics laws or not. you based on the cult at consultation that you are. if someone believes differently they can file complaints or whatever they want to do. but ultimately from our perspective you have filed a form 803 in your mind and the mind of others that is sufficient although some people may disagree with thachl in terms of what is before us we have an issue of whether or not to prove the acceptance of furniture with self disclosure of these are the people who have contributed to the effort and the amount and the dates from which they have contributed and the purpose is for public disclosure so members of the public can draw whatever conclusions they want about different done donors or
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different amount. i'm comfortable of supporting the acceptance of the gift. everything is out on the public domain and people can have whatever opinion they want to have about that. and given that, it would be one thing if you came in and said you haven't filed anything and you said i don't know that i'm required to then i wouldn't feel comfortable with moving forward but you have sought council and found the form 803 is an appropriate inform. to file. >> i know i said this earlier. it's really important to look at what we are talking about here. we are talking about furniture that has been don't donated to the city, we are talking about furniture in
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