tv [untitled] May 10, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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understand why they need a computer. really the biggest issue we are facing today is helping people understand the value of having a computer. >> immediately they would say can i afford a computer? i don't speak any english. how do i use it. then they will start to learn how to do email or how to go back to chinese newspaper to read all the chinese newspaper. >> a lot of the barrier still is around lack of knowledge or confusion or intimidation and not having people in their peer network who use computers in their lives. >> the important thing i learned from caminos was to improve myself personally. when i first came to caminos, i didn't know anything about computers. the second thing is i have become -- i have made some great achievements as an individual in my family and in things of the world. >> it's a real issue of self-empowerment where new immigrant families are able to
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communicate with their families at home, able to receive news and information in their own home language, really become more and more connected with the world as well as connected even inside their local communities. >> if we value the diversity of our city and we value our diverse neighborhoods in the city, we need to ensure that they remain economically viable. equiping them and equiping residents in those areas with jobs that will enable them to stay in san francisco is critical to that. >> the important thing that i see here at caminos is it helps the low income community, it helps the women who wouldn't have this opportunity otherwise. >> the workers with more education in san francisco are more likely to be able to working that knowledge sector. where they are going to need that familiarity with the internet, they are going to find value with it and use it and be productive with it every day. and half of the city's population that's in the other boat is disconnected from all
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that potential prosperity. >> we really need to promote content and provide applications that are really relevant to people's lives here. so a lot of the inspiration, especially among the immigrant community, we see is communications with people from their home country but we as much want to use the internet as a tool for people to connect within the local san francisco community. >> i think it's our job as public educators to give them this access and give them this opportunity to see that their efforts are being appreciated beyond their immediate reach. >> you have to blend this idea of community network with computer equipment with training and with support. we can pull all that together, then we've got it. >> it's as much about social and economic justice -- in fact it's more about social and economic justice than just
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is chief of police ewelcome to meeting. >> we will start with number one. >> consent, calendar, request for approval to accept donation of $4,000 for the supporters of the sfpd wilderness program for use by the wilderness program. >> there is a check for $4,000, and it is a great program that the police department does when they take inner city kids on camping trips and is there any questions for the police departments regarding this for the commissioners? >> public comment regarding the wilderness program? >> hearing none, the public comment is now closed. >> do i have a motion? >> all in favor. >> aye. >> call number two. >> general public comment, the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject
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matter of jurisdiction of the commission, the peoplers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals commissioners or department or occ, personnel. under the police commission rules of order or during public comment, neither the police or occ personnel or commissioners are required to respond to the questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response, individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain however, from entering into any debates or discussions with the speakers, and please limit your comment to three minutes. >> public comment? >> >> good evening, and welcome back. >> good evening. >> president mazzucco and commissioners, happy worker's day comrads. any way, i have a couple of things that i want to go through, number one on the taser, issue, chief i understand why you did not want to use the committee-approved
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procedures for the it. they should not be deciding you should be deciding and when you have 6 aclu attorneys and one doctor doing the policy making for you, you are really going to have difficult in enforcing the common sense rules. i understand why you are not using the tasers and some of the officers in your department, like limbert and moore and i could go on and on, and they want to give those folks tasers, so on both sides of issue. >> speaking of tasers and the aclu, they have spoken out in favor of the cameras that are placed on officers and made by the taser international company, and i have given you all a copy of the new york times article from april 6, 2013, it is regarding the police department, chief, one year study using the cameras, and he did it as part of his dissertation of cambridge university and i am going to read you a couple of quotes
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from the study, even the bay area, crazy liberal cans tolerate those cameras on officers, the aclu approved them and supporting your using them. let me tell you what the study says. the study said, here we go, the study began in february, 2012, and will run until july, the results are striking half of the 54 units of the patrol officers wearing cameras the department over all had an 88 percent decline in the number of complaints filed against the officers compared to 12 months prior, and a reduction of 24 down to 3, that is pretty good. even for government work. and it also says, that police officers also used force nearly 60 percent less often, so not only would we be safer from people like chuck len berg you would be sued less and lose less money if you did this or that is what the study appears to indicate strongly. i have given you a copy of the material and i remember that
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you read it, chief, sur, i hope that you talk to the chief, and i hope that you read the study and if you have not i hope that you do. and i urge you strongly to defend the safety of the citizens and not to mention the city's liability issue and put the cameras on all of the officers even the ones in mission station who think that they are above the law. is that my time up or a warning. >> warning. >> thank you, sir. >> speaking of cameras, i hope that the boston introduced the notion that this city does not need cameras in public space and speaking of which, supervisors camp os and weiner the usual suspect have somehow made you believe that gay people do not cameras to protect them, we need them like everyone else and ignore their lame complaints that don't even pass a laugh tests that gays are afraid of the camera. everyone has a camera, camera are not a fearful thing, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker? >> good evening. i am sure that you know what i am going to say. hi, i am maria bailey. and crime, still a problem, the district has been noted by the government as a government document, and it is a bad, area the paperwork that i gave you last commissioner's meeting still stands tall. there needs to be a task force there, on an all-time basis, crime, is a problem there and has been for a long time. i hope that you read that paperwork that i gave you. because i stood right in front of you and i read it to you last month. it is very important. i am not going to be quiet. crime is everywhere in san francisco. and i have a lot of faith, in police work. like i said, in february, of this year, when the police stood tall and came in, and
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handled my direct, and they did a wonderful job and scared the hel out of crime for the first time in the tender loin, the criminals thought that the crime was over for them and all of a sudden it stopped. the police were not coming in and stopping first any more. they were not on top of it like they were. and i came back month after month, after february, and told you that had has to continue. and i'm back again, saying it has to continue. the police officers that stood tall in february, did a wonderful job, fighting crime. >> now, let's take down that area. let's stomp the crime out and take a big bite out of it. not only did you scare the little criminals you also scared their organized crime connection and this is why i come to you with tactical life. and then once will be involved. after that, and you will see that, and i know that you know that. so, once again, i know that you
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have budgeting problems, but let's work on this, it is tender loin problem has been a problem for a long time. all right? >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> okay, mr. hart. >> good evening, director of san francisco open government. i think that i made it very clear that i have filed an office of citizen complaint matter against inspector miranda back in january and i mentioned it on several occasions that i heard absolutely nothing about this in any way, shape, manner or form. and i finally after three months, called the occ today, and was told by the investigator mary ivers that she had sent me a letter on february 7, and also called me at my home, on two separate occasions in february. both dates of which i was there the entire day, and she also stated she sent messages. and i will tell you, right out loud, i did not get a letter, and i did not get the phone call, and i did not have any
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messages. i have come back here repeatedly and talked about this, and i said it to director hiks, and i have not heard anything, i have not heard anything, and i would think at this point in time somebody would have sent me something. now, my question is, am i getting this special treatment because i am viewed as a rabel roser or is that the way that everyone is dealt with, wait for months and you call up and have somebody tell you, we called you and you didn't respond. >> very frankly, i have had members of this body tell me there are certain things that i am not allowed to talk about which they knew when they say it was not true, i have had the chief of police promise to get me documents, which he never got me. i have had him found in violation of the sunshine ordinance by the task force. and i have had other people on this commission, who all looked
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down because they can't look you in the eye, who when someone stops you from talking, sit there silently and let them do it. so, don't expect that i have much respect for this commission, for the office of citizen complaints or for the police department. because, they say what they are going to do and they don't carry it forward and when you raise the issue to them, everybody looks down and the answer is silence, let me remind you silence gives consent. which means that when i say that something is terrible, and you say nothing, you are simply agreeing that it is terrible. i want this complaint, processed, handled and i would like a copy of these supposed letters i was sent because very frankly i was lieed to by your investigator. and i also asked to speak to
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you and was told that i would get a call back, which i did not. do i have time left? >> okay. so you know, i told you when i filed this complaint it was going to use an example so we could see what occ does with these complaints, which is in my experience not damn much. >> next speaker? >> off of that trifecta we will have the public comment closed. call the next line item. >> it three, 3a, chief's report discussion. review of recent activities presentation of first quarter 2013 fdrb findings and recommendations. >> good evening, chief how are you? >> good evening. >> there you go. >> hello? >> there you go. >> good evening commissioners. i would like to start with a
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little bit of good news. we closed out the month of april with a ten-year low in homicides in san francisco. we have had unfortunately we have experienced 12 homicides year to date. the next best year was 15 in 2009 which was the record year and there were only 44 homicides for the entire year. i think that this is largely attributable that we are working with so many people and getting so much help. the officers have almost doubled the amount of arrests made for the persons in possession of a firearm and including almost triple last year's count in the bay view. so, the officers are out there doing their job. and even though there are less of us this year than there were last year and help would be on the way and we will be graduating an academy class on friday and i hope to see everybody at the graduation, i know that it is nice for the
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officers when you there are and hopefully i am not tempting fate by announcing progress with regard to the deadly violence, and all of the community partners and officers, and all that have been helping out, it is much appreciated. >> with regard to other activities, there have been a lot. we did a summer job kick off with mayor lee this week. where the mayor is going to hope to surpass last year's records, for the united states, of 5200 jobs. with 6,000 jobs. the department will be working to get about 250 kids, jobs this summer, as part of our future graduates program to get the kids to graduate from high school. as a numbers are glaring when people don't graduate from high sxaol and following into the criminal justice system and or, victims to violence. we have been participating in the budget town halls. and we kicked off the (inaudible) program today.
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and modeled almost exactly after the san diego program, where if someone is contacted five times by the officers and taken to the sobering center, this is a non-arrest and a contact and an attempt to get those most in need of service to get them out of there serial drunkenness. if on the 6th time, they are still out there within 30 days at that point in time they will be arrested and then they have to choose services or custody. and i have spoken to judge cindy lee to try to work with the courts, and the da's office is on board. and the sheriff's office which has terrific services for those that are in a state of chronic duncanness and should it go that way. and again, it will be a work in progress and then, of course
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the mayor's office and then dufty's group for beds on the people that choose services. so, as we move forward with this plan, to try and again, help those who could not help themselves, and again, it is not a question of arresting people, as there will be five bites of the apple to try to get them out of their circumstance before we go to that and if they just can't seem to help themselves, hopefully we will give them a better nudge. and it has worked in san diego and their numbers are unbelievably successful. and we met with the law enforcement delegation from tanesia this week. and actually trying to figure out how to best do it and we would like to think that they came to the right place, it was a nice visit and nice people and they were particularly taken back in talking to the deputy chief and i on that our strategy is that it is all about young people. that it is all about stickers
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and carving turkeys at the salvation army and self-help for the elderly and that it is how the people see the police department. it is matters dramatically is how well we are able to do it. again, it is great. and the officers are terrific in putting themselfs in harm's way. but if we could reduce the numbers that we have to do that works for us too. we walked for march of dimes and walked for babies on saturday and we have raised just about $25,000 so far as the department is one of the chairs of that committee. and i apologize from missing last week's visit but i was back in washington, d.c.. we met with secretary napolatono as the risk factor for the bear area has gone up the funding for homeland security has gone down, with the events coming to san
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francisco for the presidential visits in the last four years, the fact that we are a 24/7/365 operation here and that we don't get a break via the winter months that we have a moderate climate and we had a situation where just last february, we had someone look at the federal reserve bank on market street to activate a car bomb and then selected a bank over in oakland and actually hit the button twice not knowing that they were working with the f.b.i. when they were trying to detonate. the threats here are real. much has been made in light of what this tragedy that occurred in boston of our security measures for the beta breakers. we will be adding significant resources to that effort. and much likely the world series parade, we are going to ask the academy classes that are near graduation, to help to
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augment our sitting swarm that are already out there. and that we will work with the organizers to support them as they ask for no subnative back packs and the lack and the officers our deployment will be fluid. i was asked what we might do for in future and i made a comment for cameras sighting the success that boston had in solving that case within days. i was not asking, nor will i be asking for a city-owned camera system which has been suggested. i was asking for the survey of what is existing, at the assembly area and along market street with regard to public and private cameras so we can do a gap analysis to find out where the blind spots are to get a private public, and if they were to do real time
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monitoring it would be per request as it is now when we do video taping, and they would have to be some sort of circumstances met and it would be only be for very, very large events, and largely that are already televised. and so this is not about day-to-day real time monitoring, this is not about, nor do we have the staff to even suggest such a thing but we have made tremendous case with regard to serious crimes and homicide and the 24th street rapist and on and on. so video is something that the juries like to see prosecutors like to have and i think that when we go back retrospectively it is the right thing to do, if the owner of a camera would like to get a search warrant we are happy to do that and have done that in the past. i think that is it again and i want to remind the commission about the graduation on friday.
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again, it is really nice for the recruit when they see that the commission takes an interest in what is an aggressive hiring campaign. >> okay, thank you, chief. we also started a class of laterals, explain to the public the lateral officers. >> we did. we started a large a lateral class as we have had in my time of chief. 23 officers, and decided to come to the san francisco police department, and lend their talents to us. and hopefully for 30 years. and great group of police, of men and women. lapd, san diego pd, oakland pd, san jose pd i mean all from up and down the state. the last ladder of class we actually had nypd represented and so apparently the word is getting out that this is not a bad police department to come
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to. >> with reference to the cameras it is the responsible thing to do, look at what happened in boston, i read a comment about the cameras and expectations of privacy. there is no he is expecttation of privacy in public places under the fourth amend. i found it unique that i walk in front of the aclu office and they have a camera in the front. just for future resident. >> your next portion of the report. >> firearms discharge review board, i will ask my able assistants to come up and make that presentation.
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>> thank you for your patience, commissioners. chief suhr and president mazzucco and commissioners and director hicks, john from the department's officer-involved shooting team. shooting investigations team with the internal affairs and tonight he willing presenting the summary of officer-involved shootings investigations for the first quarter, 2013, where they are to date and the armed discharge review board summary. >> the first quarter of 2013 firearms discharge review board
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met on march 19, 2013 and reviewed two complete investigations the first was 11-004, and second was discharge, 001-13. as mentioned it convened on march 19th. the voting members were deputy chief tom yoka who chaired it from the administrative bureau. and the deputy chief loftus from operation and deputy chief shmidt from deputy operations and the members, president mazzucco was present and represented the occ for director hicks and katherine from risk management was present and sergeant wally james from the sfpd range was there as well. the two cases the first was 11-004. which occurred july 16, 2011,
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the location was approximately mendell plaza and the defendant was in policy. to summarize that case at about 4:40 in the afternoon, on july 16, two uni formed officers were conducting high visibility environment in the areas of the p-line. it was a response to some series of robberies that have been going on. and the officers were doing high visibility stops and enforcement for quality of life issues. at one point they detained a subject for evading. and in the course of the detention, the suspect took off from the officers. the officers pursued the suspect into the mendell plaza and fired at the officers one time and the officers returned fire, striking the subject, the
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suspect attempted to fire using the same technique that he used before which was a cross back at the officers and the second time he ended up shooting himself accidentally. and the mortally inflicted wound. the officers were found in policy in that instance. >> the other 01-13 occurred february 10, 2013, in belmont california and was not in policy nin particular case, the recruit officer matt hone negligently discharged a 12 gage hot gun while inside of his apartment causing damage to his own apartment and an adjoining apartment and there were no injuries as a result and again the officer was found not in policy. >> and a summary of where we are with the ois investigations as of today's date.
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and obviously it has been a busy couple of months for this year. the ois open investigations, this is a showing of the cases still from 2011. and there are 11, 003 and that is 2011, are waiting the da final charging decisions. and 003, 005, 006, 007, 008, are awaiting those final charging decisions. and 004 is the one that we just talked about, that case is now closed the foib is met and the findings forwarded to the mission, with the summary level. the cases of the open cases from 2012, they were six investigations that are ongoing and they are in various stages of the criminal investigation, being reviewed. and the oldest one is the
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shooting on pearl street on may tenth of 2012. and so those are 12-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006. the last time that i talked to you and updated you, that is where we stood. however, as of 2013, we now have 6 open cases. and with the oldest one occurring valentines day, 2013, and all of these cases obviously the status are open investigations and the criminal investigations were open at the time of the incident. and the investigations are 13-001, 002 which occurred, march fifth, 003, march 15th, 004, that should be march 16, i apologize, 005, april 7th and 006, april 14th. and i believe that three of these you will hear more about in closed session tonight when we
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