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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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di know you were here today. >> if the legislation would have to be amended on page 1911 it refers to american people agreement we don't have. arrest an agreement we don't have. >> mr. clerk is that something that be approved and we wouldn't have to come back or would we have to come back? >> mr. city attorney if we need to deter this can we have time. >> yes. the economy can decide
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to continue the item as the clerk mentioned. if you want to pass to out today you would have the file on file. and when it's at the board a - two weeks from now you would reference the agreement on file or being submitted by the department. >> just my preference is we have it here. we've harder the items. we can actually amend out and delay two weeks? >> that's fine. all right. colleagues any other questions? we'll move to public comment?
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any public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. i agree we want to get this thing done. so the clerks recommendations can we have a motion to do that. we'll move this item forward to the full board. and we'll can't agree upon this until there's a grant? >> i don't think that's necessary. we can recommend that the board approve it. >> so we have a recommendation to move this forward. >> i want to be sure are we deferring this until next week? this will be recommend to
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may 14th? >> correct. >> item 5 the developed of seawall lot and pierre 48 third street mission rock street and san francisco bay and just a few minutes to the park feasible under the code 39 between the seal wall lot and the port of commission. >> okay thank you, very much. we have a gentleman from the port of san francisco. >> good morning with the port of san francisco. i'm pleas probation officer to be before you today to present the report and seek your approval of that. before i get started i want to quickly introduce our team to
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you. most of them - many of them are here today from the prosperity. jonathan and brad and binding and joanne and jamie. and others. today, we have jack and fran and their team includes council and others. so with that as you can see on the slide this is a project that is a collaboration, if you will, between the port and the developer. one of the several projects that has assumed the structure and
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the significance of the impact of the port and the city. and to stress the planning for this site there was - it goes quite a ways back. that was approved in 1997 that identified parts of the waterfront and it helped us to place revenues in places we need to invest in the port. and then looking at the lot 337 it shows the debts of the planning into this project. way before we selected this developer there was an expensive extensive process to listen to the folks and come up with an existing site that would meet
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multiple goals of port revenues and community benefits. as you'll see thought the presentation i believe we've achieved those goals. so looking at the project as a whole and we'll dive down deeper. it's a 3 point 6 thousand square feet. and we have a fair amount of retail on the ground floor. the mixed use reflects what we believe is the best way to generate revenue and to - doing so we build out to the program 65 hundred jobs on site and as
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well as others off-site. the site also include 8 acres of parks and it restores the shared lot. the project infrastructure will be phased and i'll get into that in a minute but the aging infrastructure to deliver in a timely fashion to minimize the costs. obviously as mentioned the port revenues are an important part of the project and we believe we've addressed the capital needs going forward. and we have done so with the developer and recognize the nature of this project. here i see on overview on the
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north side of the project china basin park and the open space parcel for the neighborhood square. in more detail land use summary of how the mixed place could play out we're pursuing a marketable construction. but we want to make clear that mixed use is a key goal and that supports the public benefits from the project so we do have minimums we want to achieve in each of those areas the commercial skweerj and the
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residential units on this site and also retail. and a little bit of our schedule again as mentioned a few moments ago. we've sportsdz the staff and we started with this specific project in 2007. and today, we're just about done with the term sheet phase of the exclusive nature of the developing partner. this has been an experience when you've reviewed the feasibility report we hope you'll agree. and now the entitlements including the environmental process we anticipate 18 months to two years. and bringing us to the bottom.
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we have agreement in place in 2015 we can time the infrastructure construction to coincide with the phase so the infrastructure span you'll s the infrastructure span is out there for a short of time as possible to limit the revenues. then you'll see the build out occurring in this two 21 and 20022 to be complete. the mix we're pressuring here we need an urban location it's a prime waterfront location. but we've looked at the best ways to fulfill our needs. we started with what we have
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today and looked at the adjacent neighborhood and said can we fit this program onto the site. you see the big blocks and the rectangular blocks and the mission by a is under 6 hundred feet. and going forward looking at the public benefits we want to accomplish as well. we said what can we do adding this park on the north side. we see that program is pushing up on the project and adding the neighborhood square to create a mixed use that fulfills all the goals we've outlined and the developers prospective. we get a project that looks like this.
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still in discussion additional still involving. we're working diligently with the community to listen to their needs and see how we can further evolve this. >> and the project obviously would generate a significant number of jobs. we believe that the contradiction period would generate over 10 thousand jobs and as mentioned permanent jobs would total 11 thousand 1 hundred. we're proud to be working with local labor to come to some agreement on higher goals that's shown here. we believe that the project labor agreement to govern construction is a wise a choice and we're pursuing those
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>> thank you it's go to see the goal of 25 percent. i know this is not totally about the project but 25 percent what the goal last year. and the local goal was thirty percent and wondering if that's set in stone that 25 percent figure? we have just concluded some discussions on this this week and the 25 percent goal represents those discussions. it's notes set in stone but it's a goal we believe we can achieve. it recognize that some of the trades may not be able to meet that goal but there are some things that are hard to fill with local higher.
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but also recognize that some of those trades will need to work with labor and i'd like to think there could be more of a push on local higher. i'm curious to see how many trades are hard to find for the port. i know perhaps on the piers they're doing that work but i'd like to think we could do better than that and given that we're showing the city. i think this could be better than what it is. we'll definitely carry the discussion. >> the project labor agreement as we kind of pursue the
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development agreement. >> and just the discussion around the site what's the affordability for housing. we've got housing mixed in terms of affordability on the site? i can speak to that moving onto job we're looking at rentals on this site and therefore it's best suited for rental projects but we're open to other ways to achieve the mix >> i actually appreciate looking at building mixed sections. >> the team is very incriminated to the on site
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project. we want to represent that - we want to deliver is incremently along the way >> and a a little bit of a drill down. as you know there's a water assessment underway to look at the city's waterfront and the transportation needs coming our way we're trying to get prepared for that. we're trying to answer the transportation needs. we recognize from the community that transportation is a key certain not just recognizing the needs but planning for the assets as well. so we're working closely with mta and the community having some interesting solutions to
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bring forward and obviously we adhere to the city's - open to exploring a hoop to the transportation to the north side of the creek. i want to mention we're focusing heavily on bicycles and pedestrian friendly very open to bikes. this is the northern section or the beginning going south of blue gateway site to that amenity. we're trying to minimize cars traffic. i can show you that graphically but we're going to phone call on the garage portion.
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as you heard this is a type 1 district it's a blank slate no infrastructure has been developed heree have the opportunity to build it up. and in addition to the project adding a light industrial use added the wastewater disposal possibility >> when you talk about industrial uses what is the use of pier 38? >> pier 48 is in the interim phase it has not been used for freight there are two primary sheds the one is for over flow
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parking and for special events. the southern shed is currently used by the department of elections for the port just for election equipment voting and things like that. thanks for your question. we will take the entirety of the site and conspired it to industrial use. >> and the slide is for benefits. i know that just to highlight some of the key items. this project generates ongoing revenues to the city and the port a significant development impact fees and jobs and open space focus on pedestrian bicycle paths and also human
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access to the waterfront. and there you see the numbers. we'd be glad to go into more details. and then graphic legal first on horizontal development we showed as mentioned here earlier the infrastructure. we want to time the infrastructure wisely and so the amount due or the amount out is minimal as possible. and then graphically you see this slide represented here in a custom thank you very much fashion. and those next two slides the
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public revenue you summary. you know, interim rent. we have a good use there today obviously the ballpark is great. our first lease would be a master lease and as the parcels were developed individually they would come out of that master lease individually. you see the interim ramp and the pier 48 ramp the use there. the capital participation as well which would be sales of the sites going forward and refinancing and things like that. the port would participate and these uses are new the tax
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revenues here. and graphicly this barely fits on one slide. a real opportunity for the port and city to the developers expertise and commitment to the neighborhoods. so i'd like to walk up wrap up with this slide and hand it off to my colleagues. i want to say a few words. and how excited the port is to develop this property. we've done significant amount of diligence the reports and many, many public meetings. in the past and, of course, ongoing since 2007 to shepard and shape this opportunity. the location is superior and we
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really are expending the fabrics of the concern part of the bay to provide revenues to the working waterfront and with the construction and management appropriate to this highly visually location. and as mentioned the public benefits are significant to this site there are residents living here in 24/7 - 6 hundred and 50 on site jobs and others jobs that flow out of the project. vibrant retail and an appropriate amount even if parking. this comments the area. so thank you for your time.
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i'd like to introduce my colleague >> colleagues any other questions before we switch speakers in. seeing none none >> workforce development i want to take a few minutes to talk about the partnership with between our office and the port as to the 3 developments along the waterfront. this project as well as pier 70. i've been pleased patio be part of the partnership. certainly working with the giants who have helped the community. we're able to expand the lense of this development. to talk about the projects more broadly. obviously a development of this scope is definitely going to
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have impacts and obviously as any project litigation we're going to talk about how to mitigate those impacts. we're trying to move forward citywide significance. this includes targeting investments that will help the city meet fits growth demands. we need to do more to house people and we're looking to do inclusiony housing. more boardly we're trying to address city and regional wide issues. this takes vanilla of the port you owned land and it's kind of pa blank slated project now but
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we can use other board projects see of the city in this neighborhood to set the size for policy dialog that will form the next coming decades. so quickly round u run through those dialogues i'll be happy to go more into details. the urban slides this is more sort of as a reaction to trying to enhance that's been built around it in mission bay. we're keeping parking at the edge so people can walk around.
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there is a 24/7 neighbors is an important part of this process. on the pier 33 assessment and the piers assessment is a great step forward to the city. it allows us to do a lot of those deals in this instance we're able to get itself analysis ahead of time to address the issues that are brought on ahead of time and hopefully craft agreement for transit investments coming online for example, this will be connecting the subway and the different patterns market place
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and across the channel. that's still ongoing has created a lot of excited conversation. so the sustainability we have a unique opportunity to look at district wide strategies so things like that water infrastructure and storm water all of those things are a great opportunity and we have a great pattern to help us. speaking of infrastructure we have the delivery of infrastructure it's a walking subject but we've been able to learn a lot about different ways to deliver the publicly that he owned streets. and we're looking to use a financing tools and also the coordination of infrastructure schedules to really do that in
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an efficient way because every dollar we save is a dollar we can use through the city and the tax increment that doesn't have to be spent he on that bringing the land up to a useable condition. since then the port has done a lot of work to help it's that maintenance needs but this park needs a lot of maintenance. working with the state they were able to pass s b-318 to allow certain restrictions on this site to be removed in order to under those the site so long as those dollars were put back into maintenance. so again every dollar we're able
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to realize this port goes to a wider use. so this bill really helped us to improve conditions. we know this is a water level front and our partners at mission rock have done a good job of looking at the water rise and this will be able to maintain this and adapt to rising sea levels. but i think this is one thing we can see happening longer than our