tv [untitled] May 12, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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actually appreciate the work you do everyday. thank you so much. >> mr. rendon behalf of the commission i want to thank you very much. it's citizens like you, i don't know if probably the most dangerous thing you did was step in front of the munis bus. what you did was admirable and citizens like you to keep this city clean and reduces crime and as the chief said, we are hiring. thank you very much. >> well, i thought it was a super hero action comic book thing. that was an amazing thing that you did. i don't know why, i'm just glad you did it. again, watch the bus. >> thank you so much. the comment of my friends on twitter was nice job batman. so.
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>> thank you. our next certificate of appreciation is for miss tammy ryan. captain sullivan? good evening, commissioners, chief sir, director hicks and members of the audience. my name is captain oh sullivan, commanding officer of the station. it's a pleasure to be here this evening. tonight i want to talk to you briefly and want to turn it over to lieutenant jack. this evening the story we have to tell you is an example of the ultimate act of community service of saving ones live. on april 22nd, there was a young lady, you might hear her in
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the back there, 10 months old who found a bottle cap that found it way into her mouth. jack heart responded to a call for service along with other bay view stations but a couple standing right here, miss tammy, was so moved by her act. thank you very much for accept thg nomination. that's why we are here this evening. jack, i would like you to tell the story. >> i will do my best to get through this. on april 22nd dispatch received a 9-1-1 call from multiple hysterical people crying. officers arrived and flagged down on the seen there were seven adults screaming and
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crying historically. officers went inside and saw a 10 month baby choking and turning many different colors and not breathing. suddenly, a total stranger appeared on the scene. miss tammy ryan lives on san lean droe and was visiting. she said i know cpr and she grabbed the baby and after several moments of that, the bottle cap arrived and it came right out of the baby's mouth and she was able to breathe again. paramedics responded. it went from almost shear disaster to a peaceful happy smile from a mother. so i started looking around furiously for the woman who had helped and i realized
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she was gone and i started asking the family members where did she go and they point across the street and i found miss ryan an we shared a little tear together. your bravery to rush into a person's home. your selfless humanity to come to a person's aid, your expert technique that undoubtedly saved baby heidi's life and for humility for not waiting to receive accolades. congratulations. [ applause ] . cops and nurses, we go hand
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in hand. i would like to introduce the commission, susanna the mother of baby heidi and the baby in the back. this certificate is nothing compared to that. she is here because of you. outstanding performance of outstanding bravery. such an example of bravery is wordedey of the highest esteem by the san francisco police department. that's a great story. i don't know if you heard the story, but the officers saved the baby, but babies are saved in the bay view. that's for sure. thank you.
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[ applause ] >> thank you. i'm sorry for being teary. i don't really know what to say. i was kind of on auto pilot. i have done training in trchlt. cpr for the last 23 years. i'm just really happy that she's okay and thank you for this. i really appreciate it. [ applause ] >> miss ryan, on behalf of the commission, most of us are crying right now. i want to thank you. you saved a life. you did it with somebody you didn't know and you were hanging around for the accolades and you are a special person. i will leave it to the rest of my commissioners. we are also hiring. you are incredible. you are a saint. i
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don't know what more to say. >> thank you for going out of your way to help a complete stranger with an absolutely adorable baby. i can't stop looking at and four your contributions and how humble you are. thank you very much. we greatly appreciate it. >> batman and wonder woman on the same path. way to go. thank you. >> commissioners, anything further? >> our deepest thanks. >> thank you. >> the captain will let you know how you can apply. >> serious. >> and we can get cpr in the academy. it's a refresher. >> thank you.
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>> we have one last certificate of appreciation, commissioner. it is for mr. gary delano. >> oh wow, c'mon up. >> ladies and gentlemen mr. gary dlan us is the president of the police officers association. it was great to order him present to the commission. he just loves when that happens. he historically has had a great relationship with the commission. not really. [ laughter ] >> when i read that you were retiring from the police department after many years of service i read the article in the san francisco newspaper. we want to honor you tonight about your career as a le officer
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and your career as a defender of police officers. many times you have clashed with this commission, but one thing i will say from the very beginning you are a man with a big heart, a bombastic personality. you did a lot with your career, whether it's working with the chief, on the tender lion, bringing the drunks back to the station. >> inebriates. >> helping people when they are under narcotics. you have a big heart. you don't want people to know that you have a big heart, but you would give your heart to people. you have done a lot for the police department. they have the best benefits and great salaries all of which you said they deserve because there is a lot of miles put on their bodies, days and nights that
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they work and spending hours a day and beating up. you have always protected these officers, the officers behind you. you left a legacy. i was not going to let you leave this department. on behalf of the commission, i really mean it. you have a big heart and you will be sorely missed. >> thank you very much. >> you as a son of a police officer and you know what like i said in my article, the psychological, the emotional toll that this job takes. it's not so much the shoot outs, the fights on the streets, it's that 30 years of dealing with as i call the human condition can really weigh you down. we have seen many instances of
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police officers having problems emotionally. we've tried to address that. i have always been out spoken with the commission and there is a tremendous blend of people at this day that there is a lot of things that are better. remember when joe and i got off to a rough start. joe is a stand up guy and he's become one of my best friends. he's just outstanding. i love it when commissioners are able to sit here for a couple of years and a lot of commissioners get a better understanding day in and day out and probably a little bit more sympathetic and people like myself, we've dedicated our lives to it. i have no regrets. i'm very happy. i have nothing to complain about. i do want to thank the commission. i think he's been very fair and very evenhanded and with greg as our
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chief, we are in a better area because of our stability. you are a big part of that as of the chief and mayor and city government. thank you, i'm tired and ready to go. like somebody said i'm thkind of tired that sleep doesn't help. i will have to do something else, maybe a pro golfer. joyce, thank you. you have been fun, you have been good to work with. we argue sometimes but you have been a fair person. i want to thank you. marty brought me in here on a false bill of goods. thank you so much. >> the first time we did meet and we are were like over here. we were like throwing words. good thing we only had words.
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but gary and i we are the epitome and why we feel this way. believe me, you can feel it because gary is as passionate about what he does and what i do and as a matter is a meeting of the minds. we maybe able to do a lot of good stuff together around the commission and around issues in the community. great job, man, thank you. >> thanks joe and thanks. you guys need to get picked. hopefully i will see you at my funeral in about 30 years. >> i will be writing an article that will speak of all your mentor and lately torment or. on behalf of the san francisco
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police commission this certificate is presented to you in recognition of over 34 years of service and san francisco to the department and demonstrating your best rve. >> i can tell you for being here just about 34 years. gary did it right. his passion for the job is great. it's classic that he didn't know that he was coming here but he was ordered to be here by this commission and he was late. that pretty much says it. we are absolutely as well compensated and our families are as well-taken care of as any department in the company and gary, we owe it to you. thank you. >> thank you. [ applause ]
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>> now it's time to please call line item no. 2. >> public comment? public comment online one? >> you know being -- i was raised right. so i waited my turn. besides you give me even more opportunity to gaz upon the cutest guy in the room and the most powerful guy in the room and joyce who wasn't wearing her hat when she didn't come in the room. without further a do, i hope to make
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you feel better. my name is jackie bryce son, i called 311 because i wanted to get the 4-1-1 on the city abatement and talked about the chronicle who wanted to know about graffiti. i would not suggest going up and making yourself known to the person who is spraying surreptitiously. get where you are safe. call 9-1-1. if it's already up and drying, it's a 311. there is a private property owners hardship waiver if once you have been cited by the city you can't afford to pay the fine. call 311. they will give you the 4-1-1 on that. there is something known as graffiti watch whereas a
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scissor citizen -- or company or neighborhood, you can call 311 and there is also an adopt a street. so i like to come up with solutions. now you know what to do, you call 311, except when it's in progress you call 9-1-1 and you find out how you can help with this graffiti matter. i'm also happy that joe garrettey is now the commander. he's one of my favorite people. he told me jackie, alex needs your love now than ever before. i was the last person. it was kind of
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funny. i also want to thank captain wherever you are for continuing extra calls, howard street and my personal favorite folsom between howard. thank you all. >> public comment regarding the certificates of appreciation? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> calling line item no. 2. >> general public comment t public is welcome to address items that do not appear on tonight's agenda. on the police commissions order
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during public comment may the police nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public, but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain from entering into any debates or discussions with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to three minutes. >> good evening, mr. heart. >> director of san francisco. i moved to san francisco since 1999. the interaction with police officers have been in frequent but those that i have had have always been very professional and courteous except for two regarding the miranda in the san francisco police department. after the citizen complaint in 2007; i
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knew the process way a farce. what i have been talking to this department with three months. all have been nothing but a waste of time. play out the farce in whatever way you want. i'm certain i will find the outcome both useful and musing. my future -- comment is from the novel. i will not help to you pretend i have a chance. i will not help you to preserve you have appearance of a righteousness. i will not help you to pretend that you are administering justice.
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>> next speaker. >> i want to echo the joe garrettey promotion. i heard about it a week 1/2 ago. they said have you heard the word and she wrote and article in the chronicle. it was 87 comments for that article and i had tears in my eyes for people to say they loved him. no you on the negative side. i follow the department. i get my ipad program. if something comes up i see it. i get it. so i follow articles and i read comments and when i see police officers posting comments that is just stupid for an officer to say and admit they are a police officer especially one and i counter post them. i told them. you are a disgrace to the uniform you wear because you
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are releasing inside information that may or may not be true. but it was a huge problem in new york with that same thing. an officer getting on facebook pages posting bigot remarks. so commissioner should lay the law down. he said it ain't happening and it could end up costing you your job. so if you get the chance, follow it. i gave one name and i gave the commission the other name. it's just wrong. thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> chiefs report. >> discussion of activities and presentation regarding mental health issues and presentation regarding sexual assault dna testing. >> good evening commissioners, public. my comments will be brief because we have the three presentations. very quickly
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part one crimes are up a bit about four percent, property crimes up about 10 percent largely due to the persistent problem in burglary from vehicles. we urge the public to please keep everything in the visible part of your vehicle in the trunk or out of view including any sort of charging cords for electronic devices which has been much in the media over the last several years. mobile devices continue to be the no. 1 item of choice of thefts and robberies, not only in san francisco but around the country. we have graduated 45 recruits in the academy. it's a good looking group and they are out and about right now in their first phase. i want to thank and recognize chief beale who
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organized a middle school basketball tournament and we spoke to young people about staying out of trouble and the like and i lost the 3 point shooting contest to i 12-year-old girl. [ laughter ] >> no shame in that, however. >> this demonstrates that women are every bit as capable as men and sometime more so. anyway, cinco de mayo went off well. in delores park we had 10,000 visitors. no arrest were needed to be made and officers were deployed and pretty much just public safety detentions for public drunkenness was about all we had to do. that's going to conclude my part of the report. if anybody has any questions about other going on, we can get to that in the question period . i will ask that those making the mental
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health presentation please come forward. >> i have a comment. i want to thank chief beale for the organization of the basketball tournament. i think these indoor action between youth and the police department is very important. it not only important for setting up role models but it's important that youth at all age come to understand the role of the police officers and not be fearful of the police department and the interaction goes on. i have seen you do this before and i don't know that you get the credit for this. the basketball tournament in particular, i want to say, thank you very much for that. i appreciate it. >> thank you commissioners. it was a great time and we had a lot of great police officers there, the chief was there, everybody got lunch and everybody went home with a trophy and t-shirt. we had 69
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kids participate. >> having been a middle school for 15 years, i thank you for working with middle school kids. i know what that's like. >> thank you, we start to move to our mental health presentation. i just want a little preamble. we heard from people in the community that there seems to be more folks with mental health crisis that we've seen out on the street. you walk down market street and in the morning you see people in crisis. i want to ask what do you think, what's causing this and i reached out to the police department. what's the police department doing about this. the mental health professionals do their job but at the end of the day, the police department has to clean up the mess ordeal with these
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folks. you hear about crisis intervention training. so our officers have more tools. they are trained more in psychology. they get some basic training in the academy and more importantly with many years of experience on the street officers learn how to deal with people that are in crisis. it's been a hallmark with the condition especially what commissioner chan has done. you can walk outside the block and see this. it's dangerous. we have elderly and children walking around and one of these person have a serious ramification. this has become an issue for the commission. i have been told the numbers haven't changed much. we heard that some of this could be caused by realignment with the state releasing inmates
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with mental health issues and we are turning to whether or not las vegas sending people here. why are we getting more people here. what it is mental health community doing because at the end of the day our officers can't spend all the time and energy they do when they approach somebody who is in crisis on the street. they have to do 5150 and bring them back to the hospital and this is not safe for the community. i have asked from this commission we've taken all our parts. we ask our mental health team that works this and in my opinion they are grossly under staffed but they are heroes and do great work. lieutenant? >> good evening commissioner. i'm lieutenant michelle from
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the special unit and dr. melissa, director of psychiatric services from sf general. >> dr. na has a very busy schedule. i would like for her to be able to speak. >> thank you dr. for coming i know you are busy. >> of course. thank you for inviting me. so lieutenant and sergeant asked me to talk about what we've seen. basically as a way to start to orientate everybody. we see everybody in a lot of different ways. if police officers place someone on a 5150. we are the only 5150 receiver of the county. we are the only dedicated psych emergency room in san francisco which means we have certain
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resources that other er's would not have. we have seen 18 -- an increase number coming in for 5150. from total in takes we had 59237 and then to 62383. but that's still an increased number. the volume is increasing. the percentage of people is about the same. and when i say sfpd, that's not just sf p.d. but it's arranged about 42 percent. one thing i have
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