tv [untitled] May 14, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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of those people that want late night and people that are operating without a permit and without a proper security plans and without the surveillance cameras and the proper security and without good lighting and not taking care tf and or the good neighbor policies them coming forward right now is a great sign, so now that we have more responsible owners and issues in more eyes and ears on the streets and so a brighter future with everybody in compliance now. >> thank you. commissioner lee? >> okay. hello supervisors, i am one of the entertainment commissioners in the industry and also a club owner, and i have had a poe since 1998, and we treat our poes as a gold, you know, asset of our business. and after extended hours, are being in compliance with
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obviously tweaking this legislation, when i came on the board, of the entertainment commission i see that there is a lot of language that had holes in it and it seems like now that legislation is here, supervisor weiner has tightened it up and i know that the moratorium situation, about the extended hours with supervisor chiu because i have been there trying to regulate or let these people know without a permit they should not be operating and they are coming for ward and complaining. but the thing is that in japan town there are a lot of karaoke bars, i thought that they all this permits but now they are coming up and there are rules, and since we are ourselves are accountable for public safety, these extended hours places should be as well. security plans, and how they regulate the sidewalks, eating outside, all of that should go with it. and so i am hoping that with the tweaking of the language,
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this will pass, with full support, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> and could i just wish our commissioner a happy birthday? >> spending time with us at the land use committee. >> happy birthday. i feel guilty. >> you had to come down. >> yeah. >> okay. is there any additional public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. so colleagues, could we first, there is just two, i think, minor things is one is inserting the comma is the other one is clarifying temporary poe and extended hour permits cannot be renewed. could we take those amendments without objection? >> and that would be the order. and then, could we have a motion to divide the file and let's... i always do that. duplicate the file. >> that does not require a
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motion. >> and so i will duplicate the file, could we have a motion to reinsert 1070-36. >> i make the motion. >> could we take that without objection? >> that will be the order. >> could we have then a motion to forward the version one with the 1070, could we take that without objection? that will be the order and then in terms of urgent two, which still has and there is still a deletion of 1070.36 and i guess, why don't we continue that to the call of the chair? >> i think that would be good. >> and maybe, if we want to we could strip everything else out
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so that we are clear that we are talking about that particular section, it is up to you. >> you mean to leave the rest except for 1070. >> yes. >> and there a motion to delete everything in version 2 except for the... i don't know, then you have the only remaining thing is that it is a deleted section that is sort of weird. >> we did not divide the file, we duplicated the file. >> yeah, so, we could just keep it as is, hopefully it will resolve it next week, if not, we can always do substitute legislation. but why don't we just keep this in the committee. and call of the chair? >> okay. >> could we take that without objection? >> that will be the order. >> item two. madam clerk, could you call item five and thank you for the wall street folks for being
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patient. >> item five is resolution approving and authorizing an agreement for the convey ens of the parcel of real estate... >> supervisor campos and i see that mr. up dike from the department of real estate is here. if there are know questions, we will turn it over to mr. up dike to present. >> thank you, chair, weiner. and members of the committee, so today, we seek your positive recommendation regarding the dedication of 2094 to 1298 the street to the city for the future affordable housing purposes. as par as the development mixed use project at 2558 mission, and the new mission, heater building, the developer has an option to satisfy the affordable housing program requirements by dedicating property to the city. and so long as the dedicated
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property yields a certain number, and meets other minimum standards that are found in the planning codes section 419. the property at 1294, and 1298 meets those requirements. and the property itself, is 11,672 square feet in size, located near chavez and south vaness and it has auto motive uses most recently on the site just to get you oriented on the location and i will have a map up on the overhead. push >> there we are and the subject property right here. a detailed of the property and just off the corner of shotwell
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and chavez and a couple of pictures, as i say automotive related uses, those will be removed, prior to redevelopment for affordable housing purposes. the property was appraised by a third party appraisal for $4.2 million and the review of the property suggestions a level of mitigation will be required prior to development and the developer under the sale agreement with the city agrees to post some sufficient to address, that predevelopment work that is approximately $92,000. and we are up against undisclosed adverse environmental conditions as outlined in the resolution and agreement, capped at $500,000. that is more particularly outlined in the agreement that i will not bore you with the details. the property is delivered to the city at a purchase price of $1. >> the site analysis of the property confirms the yield of
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the representatives and uping purposes and warranties associated with the sale were out of the ordinary that there is an involved third party. the current property owner, so therefore, this is not our template, purchase in sale agreement language, to address how one can make representations and warranties when there are two parties involved. the current owner, and the perspective owner and delivering the property to the city. but these issues have been negotiated to the satisfaction of the city and all of the party involved. >> and the conveyance is in conforming with the plan and consistent with the findings for the principal site on mission. so really with the office of housing, joins me with the presentation, and we have the project sponsor here as well. >> if there are no questions or comments, we will open it up
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for public comment. >> thank you, >> yes. good afternoon, chair. weiner and president chiu and supervisor kim and my name is victor mar quez and i represent the (inaudible) and with us and i want to thank all of city staff that worked on this with us and it took several months to put it together, but we are very proud of the joint work that we have done, what sets this project from the other projects is the accessive community out reach that we have done. i have with me, some letters of support that i am going to be submitting to you in just a moment. and the project brought support for the mission residents and non-profit organization and cultural institution, and business, merchants and local, small businesses, and un th pro you have heard is the
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affordable housing requirement through this city land was before you, and there is over a nine month community process that we engaged in. and undertaking this land dedication alternative to building on site, bmrs and we follow the community lead's in this regard and remain fully committed to this promise and the resolution is a combination of years of working together with the community, and recently, in the last few months, with (inaudible) of the city attorney to put the final paperwork for the agreement. and the number of units, on site that would have been a mere 14, but the land dedication will yield at least 46 outside. and so in sum, it is greater a number of affordable units with deep affordable levels to be said by the mayor's officer of housing and we thank you for speaker?
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i am here to speak on 1294-8 shotwell street and my name is (inaudible) and i am the executive director of mission (inaudible) project and i am a long, long time resident of the mission district. and i am here to really support this project for the purpose of approximately 46 off site housing that will be on that site. and which the 14 will have been on the others. i think that will give the people in the mission, an opportunity to remain in the mission, and not have to leave the city as all of you know, a lot of people are leaving the
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mission. so, i hope that you will support this project, and thank you very much for listening to us. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker? >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is (inaudible) and i am a resident of the mission district and i live three blocks from the shotwell street and i am here to support the land dedication. i actually was one of the community active vifts and residents from the community that was ininvolved from the beginning, of the planning for this particular site. and we are in full support of it as a community. and i facilitated a lot of the meetings with the community organizations in the munt as well as housing activists and we felt thwas the oppounity fo affordable housing, you know, built in the mission that is
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really fordable, because a lot of what is affordable is not for the person washing dishes or the person who cooks or the mother who is a made for all of the rich people who are moving into the mission, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors my name is sam free and this evening i am representing mission neighborhood (inaudible) a non-profit organization in the mission community, established in 1959. and we access 380 children in the families with head start services. and low income seniors with the services and over 1200 high risk youngsters with development services for 11 facilities and eight of which are located in the mission community, of the other are in bay view hunter's point and mission bay. and i am here this afternoon, to extend the full support for the proposed land dedication
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parcel located on shotwell street and on behalf of the 2558 mission street development project, by development corporation, and of all of the responses that we get consistently from our clients, on the need or the greatest need in the commission community by far, the number one response is access to safe, affordable housing opportunities in our community. and i believe strongly that in working with the development corporation, we now have a unique opportunity to make the dream a reality and although we know that there are a number of... and nevertheless it will be the reality for a number of low income families who will otherwise not have access to affordable housing opportunities in the community and so we are here to urge you to approve this land dedication parcel. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> is there any additional public comment. seeing none, public comment is
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closed. all right, colleagues is there any comments or questions regarding item number five? >> okay, could we have a motion to forward this to the board with the recommendation? >> so moved. >> we will take that without objection? that will be the order >> clerk could you call six. >> ordinance amending the subdivision code by adding section 1396.4 to adopt condo conversion impact fee amriable to certain buildings that would be permitted to convert during a six year period... >> and as i mentioned at the beginning of the hearing, the request of the lead author of supervisor ferrill, of the entertaining a motion to continue this item one week to may 20th. so that we could have another marathon session next week. and before we go there, is
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there no initial comments, supervisor chiu? kim? >> i was asking again, if we are for sure that we are going to get all of the language that we need by next monday in because i want to be sure that we continue it as you can see the very long list of continuances that we have for this item. >> i don't have a problem with a week. it is really just... >> my understanding that we have been expected the amendments that will safety and the parties cannot make me guarantee and all of them are making... >> i support tha. >> and when we sent that to the committee last tuesday for a minute we thought that we would be able to get it done by today. but... so we will open it up for public comment. public comment on the item itself or on the motion to continue. and again, the intent is to continue this one week o public comment? >> seeing none, public comment
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is closed. is there a motion to continue item number 6, one week? >> so moved. >> colleagues? could we take that without objection? >> that will be the order. >> madam clerk, is there any other business after the committee >> no, there are no further matters. >> we are adjourned. thank you.everyone.
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all right. welcome to the show i'm sorry. government and oversight actually, we have a pretty exciting agenda today, i'm your chair to my left is supervisor david campos and i'd like to send a special thank you to our staff and they promise to make us look beautiful. thank you sf tv. do we have any announcements? >> yes, please silence all cell phones and all cards should be
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committed to the clerk. >> please call item one. >> to authorize the existence of abandon vehicle fee. >> thank you i'm the sponsor of this piece of legislation and i had the pleasure of working on that with my colleagues. this would reauthorize our cities abatement fee and collect a one dollar fee to help the program. it was reauthorized in 2002 and will expire if not renewed. last year the funds appropriated $515,000.
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okay. we have ms. lorain here to provide us with some additional information on this item. why don't you come up. after is presentation there's a budget analysis report on this item >> good afternoon supervisors. as all right. state the item before you to expend san francisco's participation in the vehicle abandon fee. under the the program $13 fee is collected from each san francisco citizen and given to the state that you under california law a counties governing board must vote to
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expend the & abandonment fee. it was from june 2003 though may 13th. cost as mentioned 5 hundred thousand is collected every year and the cost for the fiscal year is projected at the $1 million plus dollars so it helps defray the costs. and as has been mentioned the program is to expire at the end of this month so the renewal is necessary. we request that you approve the items submitted. i see the next person to comp call up is the budget analyst to
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make the presentation >> good morning. and if you will note on page 34 of our report those revenues bring in a little less an $5,500,000 a year we recommend approval of the ordinance >> we'll go to public comment next any comments. seeing none none public comment closed. colleagues any compliments >> make a motion to move the positive recommendation forward. >> thank you very much. without objection madam clerk
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call item 2. the implementation of public safety realignment >> colleagues i introduce this so we could have an opportunity to thoroughly review the audit on public safety realignment. i understand this is very early still in the process. i see we've got our sheriff whose walked in. when the alignment first, you came up i was a member of the board and we spent a lot of time with the city. now that we've had several months i think it makes sense to look at how we're managing the realignment program.
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the budget report is very extensive and it points out a number of areas where the city can improve the serves to the population. we've seen an uptick in property crimes as well as a few violent offenses. and it became clear to me there's some grapz gaps in our approach so i want to acknowledge our participate. we have the sheriff as well as paul henderson and we have melissa howard from the mayor's office. we have folks coming from the housing partment. and we have a colleague from
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supreme court. excuse me. who's is specialist is from the court and have a representative from the district attorney's office. my goal is to hear from the departments that have responsibilities in the audit report and have a productive conversation to work collaboratively and efficiently. we'll hear first from the budget analyst first >> we'll hear a brief presentation on the report and then we can allow you to make the presentation after that.
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>> good morning we do have prepared a brief power point we conducted this audit in march 2012 we want inform point out that the department does not agree with our recommendations we continued to recommend those important points. if our recommendations are implemented it would be of value of $1.2 million to the city. and i just briefly want to introduce our team and then amanda will give the details. >> great thank you. thank you very much
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>> hi. i'm amanda i'll be presenting briefly on our finding from the performance audit of public safety realignment we looked at the first year in four areas including the program costs - >> i'm sorry do you have copies for us? >> program costs staffing levels and increases in caseload and average daily population. the motion that the board directed us for the audit specifically asked us to look at the sheriff's department and we have included other departments including the public defenders
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office. we do want to point out that when public safety realignment was made effective san francisco was in a position of relative preparedness for that. they took a step to collaborate the criminal justice department and put in place standards. as you know 2008 the city brought together representatives from city agencies to support of reorganization of inmates into the community. and they started incorporating the collection of data to track
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the needs of phone calls re-entering the imminence. all those efforts were to share data among criminal justice departments in order to improve public safety. this slides is the budget over the past 3 years. you can see the amount of resources and how those resources were distributed among the primary participate departments. we included resources and have gone to support public safety realignment this is from the general fund. throughout the implementation of
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a b-109 we have played a major rule through it's leadership of the community partnership and data collection efforts. within the department itself changes were made to address the increased workload which included a new reentry. we did look at the training that the probation officers have gone through in the first year we noted that the hours number of completed hours was 108. according to the adult training manual itself the mandated number of hours is 40
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