tv [untitled] May 15, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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place is supplying now there isn't any and it is an over all issue on broad way. so my certain echos commissioner tan's around are we really solving the root issue or we just penalizing a small business? >> that say good point. >> i mean, it goes by the history. i mean, we could probably if you want have the officer come up with all of the cad calls that are related to that area. i just as my personal, as a person going there, and seeing it for my eyes what is going on down there, okay, granted maybe, we should ask and we saw 13 good neighborhood policies, to give them a chance to go ahead and do his thing and make it in compliance. and obviously they have been doing it for five years and it is a lot of times people don't understand what the new rules are. and i guess that is goes by and jack in the box there were some
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problems and the owners were willing to do that, i think that in this situation, because when you go down there, the sidewalks, i mean, literally, they are eating on the street. there is nobody outside to get them going. you know? and having somebody there, helps, because i don't think all of the police resources are supposed to be there security. if they are working on the street eat and they throw the paper away in front of the parking lot the paper that they got at the pizza parlor who is going to clean up that paper. but if they eat in front where there might be a trash can or they are required by the condition of one of the conditions of the good neighbor policy to clean up it would be incumbent on the pizza place to clean up that piece of litter. i mean that again, if you are damned if you do and if you don't. >> i am all into giving them a
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shot. if you guys feel that, okay, they are under a new jurisdiction, i mean that they were serving after i told them not to, okay? after 2:00 and you know, they are saying that i was out of town. something to consider, if we are to giving them an opportunity and they can get the license suspended to not following the good neighbor policy i am okay with it. you know, obviously if i am against it. >> i used to own a pizza place and i served people out through the window and got them on their way. so i know that it is like serving late night. but in this situation, you know, clubs are getting nailed by the sfpd about blocking sidewalks. my neighbors have to walk sometimes in the street and i don't like that, so i am pushing my own customers against the wall. obviously the good neighborhood
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policy would take care of that and so we will have to see. >> okay, commissioners we have a motion on the floor. so we have to vote on this motion. >> and vote it up and down. >> everybody clear on the motion? >> was there an amendment to the motion? >> no. no amendment to this motion. >> we are voting on this motion up or down. >> go for it. >> did you type the motion? >> could you read it? >> the motion was... was it not that to accept the police conditions. >> yes. the motion was to improve the good neighbor policy and the police conditions. >> all three conditions. >> the complete or all four police conditions. >> there are four police conditions. >> four. >> i would like to request a friendly amendment to the >> okay. go ahead.
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>> i would like to scratch condition number three. and also condition number one to not be california registered security. am i reading this right? >> yes. >> number one. >> okay. >> condition one and three. >> okay. >> it is scratched. >> does the maker of the motion accept the amendment? >> i don't. >> okay >> call the motion. >> could we make a friendly amendment? >> okay, number three, kaoem keep one and two. >> i am okay with that. >> is the second okay with that. >> i made the second and so i am okay with it. >> could i clarify something? >> condition one does not list the hours that the security would have to be there, i know in the past we have said the times. >> it says 1070 privileges.
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>> is that as long as they are open. >> no, it is extended hours, after 2:00 a.m. and that is the one hour between two and three. >> okay. >> on thursday, friday and saturday. >> no, condition number one does not indicate, thursday, friday, saturday it just says all of the time. does it not. >> i said, thursday, friday, saturday. >> okay. so the motion is that number one would be only thursday, friday, saturday. >> everybody? >> everybody clear the motion was amended, and seconded. commissioner tan? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> perez. >> aye. >> akers? >> aye. >> joseph. >> aye. >> good luck. >> maybe the next one will go better. >> now that we have an idea. >> all right.
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6 b, hosam saeed doing business as pizza royal 464 broad way. you are up, cami. >> so this is the former cable car pizza, already had a extended hours permit and when he bought this pizza place he thought that the extended hours permit came with it. the old permit allowed the establishment to be opened until 4:00 a.m.. he would like the ability to stay open until 3:00 monday through thursday and then until 4:00 a.m. on weekends. and exactly like the previous applicant, he has said that he will provide his own security. but central station is requesting that the security guard similar conditions recommended from central station. >> hi. >> how are you? >> you have something that you would like to tell us? >> i just got this business like a year ago and it has been running for 11 years. and i am doing the same thing. until like 3:00 a.m. during the weekdays and 4:00 a.m. during
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the weekends. and most of the business is good. >> could you speak into your microphone? >> you are on tv. just so that you know. >> okay. thank you. must have the business after 2:00 a.m. and because during the daytime, there is no business on broad way. and so we tried to get extended hour. and this place is being run in like for 12 years. they open late for like 12 years. and so i too serve the pizza that is what i am doing right now. >> okay. thank you, anybody have any questions? >> for this yes? >> question. >> to your knowledge are there any incidents that has happened in your venue in the last year. or before that? >> i worked there before during the last, and used to work on broad way and for the last year, i have been running the
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place myself and nothing having so far in my place and have to protect it and i try to protect outside as well. too. i think. >> have you had incidents with drunk people or coming to your venue and what is your experience with them? >> sometimes, to have some people throw up in my place and i just try to clean it. and sometimes i go outside and stop the taxi myself and take them to the taxi and gave them ride it happens several times. that is what i do. >> would you be willing to go and get yourself certified if you were going to do your own security? >> i used to work as a security guard before in the back for 8 years. >> do you have a card? >> it is expired. i did not renew it. but i am willing to go and get a new one. >> okay, so you are already trained. so you would have to renew that. >> sure. >> okay. >> anybody else have any other questions?
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> officer methias. >> this is going to be a good work out. up and down, up and down. >> central station and i would love to rehash some details of the last one, how about we just cut to the chase and look at the same amendments that we did for the first pizza place and look alt both this one and as far as the next one if you would like. >> question, how far are these places >> a couple of doors down. >> all right. >> any questions for the officer? >> thank you. public comment? on pizza royal? 464 broad way? eextended hours permit until 4:00 a.m.? >> seeing none, public comment is closed.
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and commissioners, >> i have a clarifying question, if you could help me understand. >> the planning commission motioned 17541 only allows the previous owner. >> it was until 3:00. >> why is this just two doors down this one is... >> this was a different motion. this was several years prior. so this one was 2002. that this s one done. and it was, you know a different hearing, >> okay. >> any other questions? >> okay. is there a motion, commissioners? in >> i would like to move to approve this scratching on number three. and i would like to offer it until 4:00 and they can choose it use it until 4:00 or not. >> okay. we have a motion, do we have a second?
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>> second >> we have a motion and a second. any further discussion in >> call the questions. >> same role, same call? >> yes. >> okay. >> without objection. >> okay. >> item number three, if i destroy your name i apologize in advance. husni alhakim. doing business as milan pizza 606 geary, you are up. >> okay, he is owned the pizza for over five years and served the pizza and there are several hotels nearby and as well as several bars and so he would like to stay open nightly until 3:00 a.m. to cater to the late night crowned and that his staff will provide security and has installed lighting and security cameras and you look at the conditions that the officer submitted, and is similar to the last two where a
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security guard, trained security guard as well. during the 1070 privilege. >> they are exactly the same, >> yeah. >> okay. hello. >> hi, how are you? >> hello. so, are you willing to have someone in your employ, or yourself be trained as a security guard and get a card? >> yeah, i am willing to have that or actually i am willing to have security come to me already hired. i already have a contract with them. >> very good. >> so i am willing to sign up. >> so your contract is to security how many days a week? >> friday and saturday. >> okay. >> and if we extended it to thursday would that be a problem for you? >> i mean i can do my own staff on thursday, but this is not as busy as friday or saturday. >> okay. and it is not many hours like friday and saturday. >> okay. got you. so you want friday and saturday.
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okay. >> commissioners and questions of this? >> one more thing that i want to say, is that until 3:00 a.m. weekdays and weekends until 4:00 a.m.. >> that is what i have. >> we don't have the planning department one for this one because no*ts not in the broad way corridor it is on geary. >> it is not for you. okay. so you would like it to 4:00 a.m.. >> so, joslin i wanted to ask you because it is not through you and it is going to get the permit to go to 6:00 a.m.. is that right? >> that is the edification commissioners. okay. requesting 4:00 a.m.? >> on friday and saturday. >> all right. okay. thank you. like to open the floor to
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public comment for milan pizza, 606 geary boulevard, is there public comment? >> okay. hello. >> hi. >> my name is michael nolty i am the executive director of alliance for a better district six. and my own comment is basically, we didn't hear from them, we have no out reach, first time that we know about their extended hours, and the times and the security guard and the hearing. and you know, we would love to see that happen. that they do have the security as they are requested, but the thing is that they do not do their out reach we have a problem exactly knowing what is going on. and so, i would like to invite them to our next meeting which would be next tuesday at 2:00 if they are willing to do that we would be in support. and i think that we are going
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to do the out reach and that is some of the other people on the agenda to make it easy for you. >> and i think that it is important and we do the community out reach and proves that everybody is on the same page and understanding that the good neighbor policy and everything else. >> so, that is, so we would we ask for a continuance or if you do grant it tonight on it and the amendment, and they come to the committee meeting on tuesday so that they can get that out of the way. >> okay, thank you. >> is there any other public comment. >> real quick, i would like the commissioners to know that they did some work that they did and sign in sheets and additions from the community to support their hours. okay. >> any further public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. it lays with you commissioners.
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>> so on the original application, they are asking for three and now they are asking for four, right? >> so, we are going back to community. >> they are entitled to 6:00. >> yeah, i know. but when you apply for these things, you know the public does have a chance to say... >> you are tough. >> yes. >> i mean, commissioner hyde advocates for out reach even though i am industry neighbors should know what is going on. >> they did. >> it does say 4:00 >> no. >> out reach. >> but the application says 3:00. >> i agree that the change is something to, but i think that one of the problems that we have here at commission, is the lack of definition as to what out reach looks like, who is acceptable out reach. and i don't think until we get that together that we can hold the permit holder responsible
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for lack of direction from us as a commission. so, i am going to say that i think that you know, it is not like they didn't do any out reach, they may not have gone to community organizations, but i think that these signatures and they are local, and in the area, are out reach. and i think that is acceptable. and i think that it does show that they, and they took their out reach much more seriously than the last two. so i just wanted to put that out there. >> okay. you know what? i retract my comment because reading in section e, even though it conflicts on some of the other items here. but they did say that they wanted to extend to 4:00 in the other part it says 3:00 and this part says 4:00 >> okay. >> so, is there a motion? >> yeah, i would like to move
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to approve to 4:00 striking number 3. on the police, which is the same, entox indicated individuals. >> what about the days of the week for number one? >> i am sorry? >> what do you want to limit security on number one to any days of the week? >> no, i think that while they are using their 1070 privilege, that they should have security. >> okay. there is a motion, is there a second? >> with an amendment >> you have to second it. >> i second it. >> i second it, but i amend. friday and saturday, for sure. with the security. for a trained or the owner wants to. the security guard on friday and, saturday. but thursday, and he is trained, i don't have the problem with him having doing his own door if he is a trained guard, carded owner. >> accept? >> i will accept
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>> didn't you say that in order to have them have security... i am unclear here. did you not say that you wanted them to have security. and exercise to turn 1070 privilege which is any day after 2:00 a.m.. >> but i will accept that amendment. >> to reduce it down to friday and saturday? >> yes. i just wanted to be clear. >> we have a motion and a second. and any further discussion? >> i have a question on the first two, that it was the geary street pizza place wes said thursday, friday, saturday and that officer methias brought these conditions for all of these pizza places. i assume for a reason and a purpose. so i guess my question is what is the logic behind saying 2 pizza places on broad way have to have it thursday, friday, saturday and this one on geary only has to have it friday and saturday?
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i just want to understand the reason behind that? >> would you like to explain that commissioner lee? >> well... >> it is progressed to the evening and we are losing it? >> i mean the area is some what different. the intensity of the clubs are different. i don't without really going back to the officer, again, with the cad reports but what i know is that other chan someone objections i have not personally heard any major incidents on geary, around that area. so, and i know that i have been and i eat there on mason and geary and after 3:00, it is pretty, it is okay over there but further there is nothing, and there is no business and so i am thinking thursday, since it is pretty much a business district. and pretty much the school
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district and everybody is home. >> so... >> you know i would like to speak to that because i think that we hear from jack in the box a lot that there are problems after hours and that is only two blocks away and so speaking to commissioner akers concern, and i was kind of going and the reason that i suggest and whenever they use it is because of the problems that are just two blocks away that happen often at jack in the box and so, i think that if we are offering it, friday and saturday, we should add thursday to that. because to say that there are not any issues in that area, all that you have to do is look at our report and there is always something going on at jack in the box right down the street. >> so, you made a motion, you second the motion and you friendly amendment the motion. and you accepted it. >> i did accept it. >> and now you want to amend it back. >> no, i mean i would be fine with that. >> as the discussion as gone
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on, i think that commissioner akers has made a valid point. >> yeah, and my point is not that we should be adding more security for this business, because we did it for the last two, that is not my point. my point is why we are making decisions differently about certain establishments if we have three pizza places where the officer did not bring cads specific to those environments. so we are just basing it on general issues with an area that were going to hold these businesses responsible to be part of the solution in this way. so why say these two business haves to have security on thursday when it is not as busy and this other one does. i just wanted us to think about are we being fair? >> it is a different neighborhood. >> it is a different neighborhood. it is broad way corridor,
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606 geary is not the same neighborhood. >> so i mean, that i think, that is what you were trying to say is that right, commissioner lee? >> yes. >> all right. >> and i understand being consistent and basically we should be consistent. and i mean that the security guard does impact the business. and certain neighborhoods are a lot, you know, less intense than the others. but, you know it is just my opinion. >> is there any further discussion in >> call the commission, please? >> we are clear on the motion? >> could you repeat it? >> it is to approve striking conditions number three from the police and to have security on friday and saturday. >> tan? >> aye. >> lee >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> perez. >> aye. >> akers. >> aye. >> commissioner joseph.
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>> aye. >> thank you very much. and good luck to you the next item on the agenda. >> item 6 d, johnny tu doing business as jtu cafe 582 sutter. >> he has owned this cafe for a few years it is a full service restaurant with a type 41 liquor license and he is opened to 9:30 and would like to be opened 24 hours on friday and saturday nights and that was the original application and serving only food after 2:00 a.m.. is he planning to hire the professional security and have the staff going through lead training and we will see in the binder the recommendations from the officer. and number the conditions there. and the applicant has responded and they have been able to work some of them out but they would like to compromise on two of them. let's get this. i think that oh, there we are. if you want to comment further on the discussion that has been taking place, i that it
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has been going back and forth. >> johnny tu is the owner of jtu cafe and he had an emergency and could not attend tonight. he has worked professionally as the line and banquet cook at the marriott which is two blocks from the current location of 582 sutter. this restaurant is a sit-down, casual full service restaurant that seats approximately 45 people. his prices are moderate, and in the beginning of the day he is well known for his american style breakfast fair. he is a graduate of the california culinary academy. he bought this cafe that used to be called the presimon cafe in this year. since has been an operation patron and a lot of who work in the industry and clubs and restaurants and who live in
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that area, have asked him if he could stay open later because when they come home from their jobs, they don't want to venture down to geary street at that time of the night. i personally met with mr. tu, and went to the california leadership alliance meeting about three weeks ago. and my partner went with mr. tu to the alliance for a better district six meeting a couple of weeks ago he is is married with two children and a mom and pop business, after doing his business plan he needs to extend his hours. we have also contacted the union square business improvement district that they are welcoming him to the neighborhood. the issue is that it is expensive to operate and with the compromises that he we have come to and i am sorry.
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and the compromises are that it originally was 6:00 a.m. to stay open until then and we have spoken with the police department that have compromised at 4:00 and that is fine with us. also, the security cameras that were installed when mr. tu bought the restaurant are not functioning properly and he found out afterwards and he is going to, we have a compromise to try to get them in place and properly working within three months. and as of tonight, i found a less expensive resource for security cameras so that agreat. i think that those are the two, is that right? >> those two conditions that we have. >> you wanted to strike number 7? >> you had amended the security plan? >> right. we did. >> at officer methias request. >> i have a question that you
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were going to try to get the security cameras in in three months or you are going to try or do it? >> i mean that he will do it. there was a question of cost he needed to raise the money but as of tonight, i have found it. >> is there entertainment at this place? >> no. >> does he intend to do entertainment? >> no. >> do you know if there have been any calls for service at this place. >> no. >> no neighbor concerns that you know of? >> not that i know of. >> not that you know of. great. anybody. i am always ready for a surprise. >> any other commissioner perez? >> you mentioned that staft would undergo the lead training, how many staff members are there and how many of them? >> no i didn't say that. >> it says so in the application. >> okay. i am not sure i would have to ask my partner to comment on that because he has seen the number of people it seats, 45.
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and i don't know exactly how many employees there are there. >> all right. >> so this says here that my staff will go through lead training. and so then, would you think that everybody in the staff will go to the lead training? >> i think so, if that is what he told us in the application. >> we went over it very carefully with him. >> okay. >> any other questions? >> more questions. so you mentioned that you met with alliance for a district for your neighborhood out reach? >> right. >> and also says in the application that you met with community district alliance? >> right. >> and what was the conversation with them? >> community... >> i did get an e-mail for an alliance for district six that you did attend but i did not get conformation. >> i did. i got one from alliance for... what is it called? >> david... >> yeah, i got an e-mail from him saying that they backed it. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> thanks.
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>> okay. >> officer methias? >> nice to see you again. >> as always. >> steve methias central station and looking at it, we have not been in talks with the restaurant. and one of the things that there has been opposition that has come up in the last couple of days and there is actually a couple of people from the community that will speak to you. i believe that they have already sent you some of the concerns, but i have a letter here and i just got it this afternoon or this evening at 5:30 or 5:23. from let's see, gwen right and she is from 666 post street and i believe that you have a copy of that. >> right. >> there is also another letter from robert garcia. and he
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