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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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state has similar authority already existing at the office of technology services and so it will a fairly smooth to extend to two years. the rate is one time set up charge of just less than $5,000 and annual service and space costs of $130,476 per year and these costs will be allocated 70 percent to the general fund and it reduces the costs therefore by over 60 percent. and while it improves, the scope, and the reliability of that service. so the budget analyst report details for you the capabilities and advantages of the facilities and i am also joined by gina thomas and david of the department of technology should you have any particular questions about the service provided for us at rancho. >> thank you, mr. up dike. >> any questions?
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>> okay, seeing none, to the budget analyst report? >> mr. chairman, the committee is shown on page 4 of our report, and in table two. the annual city cost under the agreement of $130,474 the total first year costs including the one time cost that he mentioned, are $135,417 and i would also emphasize on page 5 of the report that the beginning in physical year 2014, the cost to the state office of technology services of $130.5 million. and 130,000 for the agreement is 209,526, or approximately 62 percent less than the annual rent of the existing lease between the city and the guard of 340,000. so, of course, we recommend that you approve isleslation.
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>> all right. thank you, any questions for him? >> seeing none, oh,? >> thank you, futa from the controller's office and i just wanted to add supervisors that this is a terrific project, currently the plan is to take all of the financial system and back them up so that we have disaster recovery in the event of an emergency, we will be able to continue to process payroll and pay our vendors and move on with the financial affairs of the city. and once the controller's office have the systems up and it is properly backed up, we will invite other departments including the assess or and the tax collector and the other financial departments in the city, and then we know that the public utilities commission and the other departments will be interested, and so we are hoping that this will go into a
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very, robust disaster recovery site for us that we can duplicate for the city to make the systems safe. thank you. >> any other questions? >> okay seeing none, we will open up to public comment. anyone wishing to comment? >> seeing none, public comment closed. >> i could have a motion to move this forward? >> so moved. >> without opposition. >> that concludes the agenda for both meetings. >> thank you, we are adjourned. thank you.
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would you please call the roll. >> commissoner courtney: here
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>> commissioner vietor:here >> commissioner moran:here >> commissioner moller caen:here >> before we proceed, i would like to ask the indulgence of the commissioners to move item 13 to a time where we can have a joint beating with -- since they have been a very ardent partner. whenever we can organize a meeting, i know schedules are always a problem but i do think that there are so many issues that i still have to review that i would like to entertain that is an alternative. commissioner vietor? >> commissioner vietor: i would support that motion but i would like to go on record saying that time is of the essence.
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i have heard their eagerness to get cca launched as quickly as possible. so i would support the motion if we can find the time to schedule that in all due haste, hopefully in the next one or two weeks, and hopefully everybody's prepared to vote one way of the other. >> president torres: i would like to do more diligence on sonoma, and finding answers that perplexes many. i was talking to commissioner moran, this issue has been around for decades and how to find the right approach on the right rate is important but also whoever is listening this is not an effort to destroy the program or stop it. i will continue church pg&e to come up with a maternity of. will not abandon our approach
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in this matter. >> i would ask in the interim it's that could put together an articulation of our offering that makes it is rich and appealing an alternative as possible. and i think that we have been kind of down in the weeds; this is why you need to put your money with us, why you invest in the city. the set of values that you want to incorporate as part of your power of purchase. if we can get some of the messaging people involved in that, i think that would be very helpful. >> commissioner effort to find a meeting date.
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it seems to be a problem. >> all of us have to make an i think we all have to be a little flexible and try to find a meeting date. >> right. and will proceed with all due diligence with the notice of public hearing which under our ordinance may take up to 15 days; it may be two weeks. we will move with haste. any other comments? >> i would add that we need to balance faith with our obligations. tn particular a request from staff or flowchart that shows us where we were two years ago and where we are today. we have a lot of men and women in this room right now interested specifically in the jobs and the employment component. that's been something that has been causing me a little bit of distress so i do want to balance our need to have that information readily available to us in advance of this meeting and scheduled that meeting and i supported.
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>> without objection that should be the order and we will move on to the reading of the minutes. any comments from members of the commission with respect to the minutes? >> i will move approval. >> seconded. public comments on the minutes? there being none, without objection that should be the order of approve. alif all those in favor?opposed? motion is carried. number four, doctor jackson wanted to make a statement on public comments. >> thank you very much. that was a quick meeting of my committee over the weekend because of statements that have been made; i want to say zip code map for 124, because that is reis and t requested me to bring that to you today,
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that was a discussion. i brought a budget. the budget says, -- community outreach, and you will be able to discuss that later. i would like to say that commissioner moran - i have known him for quite a few years. he was a part of zip code 94124 with what we were supposed to do as a commissioner, and do what was involved. i just learned last week that one of our buildings is called 100 whitney young circle, the community building. without that under the redevelopment back in 68, community building and day care center for retarded children. >> president torres: excuse me doctor jackson. i want to make sure the camera
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is on you not on me. can they hear my voice? someone speaking in a want them to think i am being a ventriloquist for you. we made a phone call to toya moses, he was supposed to be involved in getting the building lease, i don't know to whom. i want to make sure you all understand that we are not going to - i am talking about we in bayview johannes point, will not allow anyone to take away what we have fought for.