tv [untitled] May 16, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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people are basing their opinion on something that is prejudice. that's what it is about. so i ask my /kol likes today to move this forward to the board of supervisors and my hope is that we will have a unanimous vote to the board of supervisors so we can send it over to other representatives so they can see that san francisco is united in this fight. supervisor yee. >> thank you. i want to thank all the individuals and organizations that came out today and in particular the individuals that shared their stories. i'm very thankful of what i heard today. before i move this, i agree that we need to make those amendments and i would be supportive of that.
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and i would like to join my hero, your hero here and be asked she be named as a cosponsor of this resolution. i'd like to make a motion to pass this out with a positive recommendation. >> thank you supervisor yee. we're proud to have your cosponsorship. let's be clear here, the heros are the couples who have been fighting for this for so long. you are our heros. thank you very much. with that we will take that without objection. we will have this item move forward without objection. thank you very much for coming. >> if we can please call item number two. >> item two is a hearing to consider the transfer of a type 21 off sale [inaudible] from
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[inaudible]. >> i know we will keep this item brief. if i can ask the applicant [inaudible] to please come forward. thank you for your patience. >> good afternoon and thank /kwroug for allowing me this opportunity. my name is [inaudible] i'm the sole proprietor of [inaudible] cafe at 539 sutter street. in 1993 we moved to 539 sutter street for a better location. since 1999 my family operated business, catered to locals and office workers. we offer
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/tpr-rb mediterranean wraps and many other items that compliment a local sand witch shop. we also offer a fine limited selection of /waoeupbl and spirits. after 20 years in the same location my [inaudible] of a further lease extension by the building management. in order to stay on the same block it became part of my family we decided to move 80 across to 522 sutter street in a bigger place. i would like to continue my business and thrive even more than i have in the past. thank you for your time. >> thank you. do you want to say something? >> yes. i'm going to say good
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afternoon david and mr. yee. nice to be back home again. mr. yee, i /sr-pb haven't seen you in a couple months. david -- i've been in that neighborhood for quite some time and [inaudible]. nick don't know he's raising a family, but he has raised more than a family in that neighborhood -- the nurses, the doctors, the dentists, the /kapbld /-l stick make /-rs -- everybody goes to nick. he is a family man. >> just want to -- we -- this is the opportunity for the applicant so maybe you can speak -- >> nick done know i missed my train. i have something to
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give to you -- and i'm asking you david and the board of supervisor, we don't want to see him leave outta that neighborhood because i can be dragging in the field and i can have quite a few peoples with me. first thing he say come on in, have a coffee and have a sandwich. and i wind up getting in trouble because id do work in the field. just like now i'm here with nick because i want to be here with nick because i don't wanna see him leave and he has college age children and they going to my hometown which is new york and then they will be a part of my family. they'll be going to college there. i thank you all in advance. >> thank you miss stacy. there's miss stacy rule here at
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the board of supervisors so we will now call upon our police department, inspector fong or keller. >> good afternoon, i'm [inaudible] on behalf of [inaudible] has filed an application with the california department of alcoholic beverage control seeking a type 21 general license for 522 sutter street. from december 2011 to december 2012, we have one police call for service and no police report. notification date for the [inaudible] on november 6, 2012 and the notice
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to the public was post on [inaudible] and this plot has 380 police report recorded for 2012 and the applicant premises is located in a high crime year. this premises is located on [inaudible] with population of 3833. the officer [inaudible] three and the [inaudible] so the applicants premises is currently located in an [inaudible] concentration area. we have one letter of protest reported with the california [inaudible] the department recommendation would be no opposition from central police station if the applicant agrees to the recommended
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condition, alu concur. condition one is [inaudible] dated 10-30-2012. the sales of [inaudible] spirits in sizes smaller than 20 milliliters is [inaudible] no malt beverages shall be sold with an alcoholic content greater than 5.7. loitering is prohibited on or around this premises. it's my understanding that inspector stockwell and the advocate [inaudible] agree to these conditions. >> thank you very much inspector.
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supervisors, any comments, questions. why don't we open it up for public comment? is there any other /phebl of the public who had not spoken? my understanding is that this is something given that there is a positive reck /phepbl /tkaeugs that there has been outreach to the community. i know the district supervisor is supportive. i would support moving this forward with a positive recommendation if we have a motion. we have a motion by supervisor yee to move this item forward we can take that without objection. thank you very much. congratulations. if we can call item number four. >> item four is a hearing to discuss recent events of spry /hrepbls to the transgender
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/skphaoupbty. ty community. >> thank you. this is an item that i introduced -- the hearing request. and let me begin by saying that one of the most disturbing things that i have seen as a district supervisor in the last few years are some of the incidents around the violence targeting our transgender community and it pains me that the concentration of that violence has been in the mission. the mission is a very welcoming place and diverse neighborhood. but in this neighborhood that embraces people from all walks of life, we have a group of human beings are being targeted
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and being targeted for physical abuse. i am proud of the transgender community of the women who have come forward to speak about difficult situations. the /purpl of this hearing is to /pwrepbg a level of gravity that i belief this herb sure has not received so that we as a city can make a concerted effort and commitment to make dealing with this issue, this violence against the community the priority that it needs to be. that's the point of this hearing. and the hope is that out of this hearing we will not only have discussions and we will get information, but that there will be action, a comprehensive strategy by this city to make sure no woman, no transgender woman or member of this
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communality feels unsafe in san francisco. so with that, i have a number of speakers [inaudible] and i'd like to /tkpweupbl by calling on rebecca from our dis/trebgt attorney's office and i want to note that our district attorney has a long history of supporting this community and of making i want clear that we in san francisco are not going to tolerate any kind of hate crime against the transgender communality. with that i'll turn it over to our assistant district attorney so she can present. >> thank you. good afternoon yee. thank you for /eupbl serrating the district attorney's office [inaudible] working on for some time so we welcome the /hr*epb, we have a
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hate crimes unit where our prosecutor has specialized training. he has successfully prosecuted transgender hate crimes. with respect to the transgender community and hate crimes, since 2010 we've had 11 cases and we've been able to file on nine of those. six of those cases resulted in /haeutd crime convictions. we strive and continue to strive to improve relations with the transgender community [inaudible] with the mayor's
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office and with any other neighborhood community or government organization that will work with us on this to improve the transgender community and law enforcement. those meetings will continue until we see what needs to isppen happen, which /khrab /raegs, reporting when crimes occur and successful prosecution of cases when that is merited. to improve the safety at 16th and mission we have attempted to organize the community on patrol similar to that of the castro community. we've participated in the mayor's office meetings about 16th and mission to make sure we were reviewing all the cases in that area. we want to make clear collaborationings aside that we offer victim services for any and all who has been a /srubg tim of crime in the
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mission dis/treubgtd. people with go to the women's building every wednesday from 11 to 1 pm. obviously our goal here is to make sure that /efrpl, regardless of genre, identity and orientation feels comfortable reporting crime and we will prosecute it when we can. >> thank you. any questions? why don't we now call upon our police station captain, captain moser of the mission station. the police department is a very important player when something happens they are the first agency this they interact with.
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and i see sergeant [inaudible] is here who has a long history of serving or lgtb community well, not only in the department, but throughout the city. i'll turn it over to you captain, but the question that has come up for me in terms of the police department is what's the level of sensitivity to this community. what we have heard repeatedly is that they feel there is a disconnect, that there isn't a level of understanding that makes many of them feel welcome to move forward and to come forward and report a hate crime and that at times when a crime is reported, it is not treated as a hate crime. and that of course, this creates disincentives for many of these women to come forward. you know you care
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deeply about all of our residents and i wan to thank you for always being proactive and so those are the kinds of questions that i think need to be /tkeuls cussed as we're talking about this relative to the police department. >> certainly. thank you. good afternoon supervisor campos, supervisor yee. as you mentioned we're here to talk about crimes against transgenders in the mission and at 16th and mission. we've had three reported cases involved transgender victims. one occurred on january 26, an assault; another occurred on march 30, that was also an assault; and the third occurred on april 8 and that was a robbery. on those three cases
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we've made arrests on two of those -- the robbery and one of the assaults. as a representative, the population of crimes in the area of 16th and mix, in that same timeframe we've had approximately 375 dents and of those,ree were involved transgender victims. with the level of concern and the talk of the up tick of crimes of transgenders, this speaks to a possible reporting problem, as you mentioned, being that we have three crimes out of a total of 375 incidents. there's a few things that we've been doing to improve the general safety of the area and second, to improve the relationings between the
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really build a bridge with the transgender community and encourage that reporting of crime, which is really what we want to get to because as we see when we do have the crimes that are reported, our officers are going out and we are successful in making arrests and that's what it's really about is brinng these individuals to justice. one thing that we've done is the department has created an lgtb safe zone. it is at all district stations, including the mission. signs are up to show the people that the police stations are a safe zone where if you are a victim of crime
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you can come in and be treated fairly and justly. [inaudible] with the sisters of perpetual indulgence to get the word out again that these stations are lgtb safe zones, places where you can come to report and feel safe. we are trying to get the community around 16th and mission involved in a similar safe zone project where we want to get businesses to come forward and become safe zones for the transgender community should they feel they need a place to go into where they can feel safe, where someone can call the police for them and offer them assistance. we want these businesses around that
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area to become involved in that as well. we've conducted roll call training regarding or department policies involving interactions with transgendered individuals as i've said in other forrums regarding crimes against transgender, we really want to encourage that if somebody reports a crime and if they are a victim and feel they're not obtaining the best service, i've always asked them to have a sergeant come to the scene because we want everybody treated fairly and appropriately in the way they should be.
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>> thank you very much. supervisor yee, you have a question? >> just a quick question. in regards to the three this year or the 11 in previous years total, i'm curious when -- e th two were assaulted and one was robbery. were they tar targeted because they were transgender or they were just assaulted randomly, i guess. >> these three cases it appears that these were not specifically targeted as being crimes specifically against transgenders. what we do when we have these crimes is we contact special investigations /tk*e detail who have the hate
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crime unit and we run these crimes past them. they have a hate crimes unit that looks at these cases. i was just talking to lieutenant grace, they also have our transgender liaison for our department. he's working with the hate crimes unit to actually further look into any /eufrbl shoes that we have regarding transgender cases. >> this is general question for the da and police whether or not we have an effort to, as you were saying, sort of bridge that understanding of the transgender population with those that don't understand the
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population. is there some effort being made at this point whether it's through your department or any department in san francisco. >> as i mentioned -- i assume you're talking with the communality? as i mentioned, and i'll speak to the police part and i believe rebel /ka yocan speak to the da's office. one thing we're working towards -- the lbgt safe zones. >> district attorney's office. >> thank you for the question.
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we've had trainings for the office and [inaudible] victim services advocates as well as our prosecutors on these issues. we have had a conversation about doing a /p-b lick awareness campaign and will continue that conversation. >> is that conversation inclusive of the school district? a: yes. >> yes. >> if you don't mind, we have a number of young san francisco citizens who are visiting our chambers today. welcome to the committee. can you talk a little bit about the interaction with and the role
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of hatecrimes unit. what's the role of the mission station and what's the role of the hate crime's unit. >> when we get a case, especially a case like this that's involving a transgender victim, we look at the elements of the case, look at the facts of the incident, call an individual from the hate crimes unit, review that case with them and proceed from there. if it is a hate crimes case, that unit would take that case and proceed further with the investigation. if it is a case that doesn't involve hate crime elements, as did our robberies and assaults then we would
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investigate it at mission station. >> if someone from the hate crimes division can come up and introduce yours. yourself. if you can tell us a little bit about how what your role is. say there's an incident that happened that there are allegations that it could be a hate crime, where do you get involved and how does that work? >> we get involved that night or day through communication with the district. we either go on scene and speak with the witnesses, victims, or we get assigned the case later the next following day and what we do is we reach out to the station in communication with whoever investigated. we
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communicate with them, discuss the case, see if there's any further information. we then go to the da's office. we consult with them in regards to the case and seep where we stand and we then go and interview nibble that -- either the suspect or the victim and then we either charge or we do that not. >> can i ask you at what point do you speak to the victim here? >> either that night or the following day. >> so can you tell us a little bit about the kind of outreach that you do to the transgender community.
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