tv [untitled] May 18, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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which equip me to understand the proceedings. i've attended many psac meetings with my passion to advocate for pedestrian safety and not have, you know, one more precious soul injured. my second career is in the young arts. so, i workday to day with seniors and i know their diverse lives. in regards to the disability community, i am disabled, i sustained a traumatic brain injury and have a very caring and compassionate heart. so, i feel very deeply about being a clear, listening, speaking and effective citizen for my fellow citizens to change the statistic of 2 to 3 a day. it's just got to stop. so, please consider my heart felt hope to serve. thank you. >> thank you.
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rebecca, is it hogue? good afternoon, supervisors. my name is rebecca hogue, or becky as most people call me. i live in treasure island. i'm very active in the citizen's advisory board of treasure island and making sure that the new development is safe for pedestrians since they want to be a pedestrian safe neighborhood. i have lived in san francisco since i was 6 years old. i'm disabled. i no longer work because i couldn't follow my job when the phone company left the city. i'm very active -- i'm vice president of the franklin eleanor roosevelt democratic [speaker not understood] for seniors. i'm vice president of disabled
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affairs. i'm also involved in [speaker not understood] california alliance for retired americans. i think that pedestrian safety -- i don't drive so i'm always a pedestrian. it's an issue that we don't see that much out in the island, but we're seeing more and more. we actually finally got signs up that some people don't get run down in the crosswalks we have out there. i'm very interested in that. so, any questions? >> i'm just curious, ask kimberly to come back up, too. what experience do you have working with agencies or campaigns that provide feedback or advice to city policy makers? i've been a member of the citizens have iery board of treasure island and, so, everything, all of the plans for the new city on th
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island cam kimberly, same question? >> thank you. working in architecture, i've worked with planning boards and in the public process. i've worked with community organizing proceeding design process. also somehow it seems analogous, although not identical, my work in hospitals working in the complex social setting of doctors and patients i think has equipped me to understand working earlier, supervisor breed spoke very eloquently about the process. it's not just an individual, you know, agenda. so, i'm working in community, in complex communities. the hospital setting has equipped me to understand that. and i've also attended all the psac meetings, i graduated from my walk or after it. >> thank you. thank you. >> okay, thank you very much. is there any public comment on this item?
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speakers have two minutes. please indicate your support for a particular appointment. yes, hi, i'm robin brasso, [speaker not understood] on psac. i am here to advocate for pi ra. he knows about safety. he's always a critical thinker. always asks when people are presenting before us the right questions. he studies the issues. we would be lost without his experience on the committee. i'm also here to advocate for kimberly jones. i think she'd be an excellent addition to our committee. she's been attending our meetings for the last year. always asks pertinent questions and the fact that she was badly injured, i think this is something that she shares with you, supervisor yee, and she recovered from her severe injuries. so, this is a very critical issue for kimberly and i think she'd be a great addition to
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our board. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is john alex [speaker not understood]. i am a member of the pedestrian safety advisory committee and i hold seat number 4, the other seat that is the one that the two candidates are here for. your approval on [speaker not understood] disability organization, i hold seat number 4, they are seat number 3. in particular, i come to you to endorse kimberly jones for seat number 3 as i became a friend and a peer of hers in 2011 after she became aware of pedestrian safety stories being covered in the san francisco chronicle. she is very engaged and dynamic in her art and her architecture, in her critique ofl degns on urban planning and how it can incorporate pedestrian safety
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for seniors and people with disabilities. the second person i endorse to you in your decision on the rules committee is pi ra who is a senior member of the senior pedestrian safety advisory committee. in his many roles he has held, i have witnessed many of his actions. on 3rd street and his program as senior action network which i was a participant in many years ago so both candidates are very good that i know quite well and their professional actions on pedestrian safety. and thank you. thank you, mr. chair. good afternoon. jazzy collins with senior disability action. i was standing here to testify for my neighbor, colleagues a we call each other, i'm trouble, he's double trouble. that's pi ra.
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and i had the great opportunity to teach pedestrian safety with him at many senior centers throughout the city and county of san francisco as when our ongoing programs is senior university. so, he knows that. he's been around. he knows what he's doing and he has the experience for please take it in consideration -- please take it under consideration to appoint him so he can continue to watch out for our pedestrians -- all pedestrians, seniors and people with disabilities and nonseniors with disabilities as well to the pedestrian safety committee. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. james cansini, senior disability action. i'm here to speak for pi ra at the council. i've been working with pi for a number of years at senior
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disability action. aside from being just another staff comedian in our office, he's also is a community leader and expert in a lot of issues around pedestrian safety and traffic issues. i'll just share one experience. the other day, it's just called the unnamed director of a venerable organization, came in the office with a question. this is a person that knows a lot about services, but they had a citation because they lost their transfer on the bus, it was something like this. who did they come to talk to, pi all the time. people call with pedestrian safety questions, with traffic laws, with issues regarding parking, a lot of stuff. and this is an unfunded role that we provide, but it's a very vast community service that we rely on pi's extensive knowledge of the community and of the pedestrian safety laws and rules. he would be an excellent candidate. he is an excellent candidate. has been an excellent member. i would highly recommend him.
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he is the best pi safety coordinator you can find. thank you very much. [laughter] i would like to speak also for pi ra. i'm a member of the yerba buena consortium and we have dealt with policies regarding pedestrian safety, including traffic signals and new signals and changing traffic signals and ramps so people can get up and down the streets for many years, and pi has been involved for all of those years with us and many people in the community have gone on with pi to various places way outside of yerba buena to see that the city people realized this crossing is not a good crossing for anybody.
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and working with the bicycle coalition, we've worked with them on getting them to behave a little better in some cases, like walking their bikes on sidewalks rather than riding them because you could knock off an awful lot of pedestrians doing that. and he has been such a vibrant person in the community of pedestrian safety for so many years. i would like him to be the -- back into the chair of that committee. and the other two candidates seem to be very good, but i don't know them, and, so, i won't speak for them. thank you. >> thank you. hi, john weitz, pastor at
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calvary presbyterian church here to speak on behalf of kimberly jones. i know kimberly in her capacity running senior arts program at the church and have come to know her story. while she certainly has the empathy one would expect having been through her own traumatic experience, she is able to combine that with her analytical abilities, with complex systems and understanding community needs and do so in a way that i believe is collegial and that would work with the community in that way. and speaking personally as a parent, trying to raise children in the city in which they're safe with many cars passing by, she's the sort of voice that i value having in my community. thank you. >> thank you. ♪ a poem is due, poem is due i like the way you walk i like the way you write and talk appointments new i like the way you walk i like the way you talk like the way you walk i like the way you talk
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and i like safety, too oh, city you pick appointments new i like the way you walk i like the way you talk pick appointments i like safety, too ♪ and... ♪ this is not too late pick a good appointment for safety and i know you'll help it be for it's too late and you're gonna make safety really great and we'll be safe here and the city won't feel lots of changes and it's not, not too late for to be real city safe then you'll be safe and won't die and then you'll be there and you'll see it won't die
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it's not too late to pick safety in the city it's not too late for safety ♪ thanks. supervisors, my name is jonathan lions. i am president of the fdr democratic club of san francisco for seniors and people with disabilities. we are here today to lend our strong support for the candidacy of becky hogue. becky has served as the club's vice president of disability affairs for the last 15 months. in that role she has been central in our club's revitalization and she has helped me personally tremendously as we have worked to rebuild this club into something that is respectful and nona cross the state even.
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she has advised the entire executive board on disability affairs and advised us on issues we should take positions on. also personally i think she is the best candidate for this seat. you want somebody who represents people with disabilities who knows the entire city. becky has lived in the richmond. she has lived in chinatown. she has lived in the mission and on treasure island. she brings experience of pedestrians with disabilities from every corner of this city and she has -- over the past 20 years as a person with disabilities, she has proven herself as the person who is willing to rollup her sleeves and do the work. so, i respectfully request on behalf of the fdr democratic club of san francisco that you vote to move forward becky hogue's name. thank you. >> thank you.
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supervisors, mname is waka and i've known becky for e a while. she's one of these people that's born and bred in san francisco almost. she's been here for many, many years, you know, and she considers herself a long-time resident and one of those old-time san franciscans. what i found out, she's missing some of that cranky attitude that people have. she's willing to, you know, consider things, welcome people, and she -- but she has the institutional memory. i think she has a temperament to listen to people. she's engaged. she cares. she has been an advocate and a community activist for years and years and years. she's been active in our union and she listens. that said, i should introduce myself first.
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my interest in this area is i am a retired city employee. i am a multi-modal with the exception of bicycles. you won't catch me on a bicycle. but otherwise i walk many, many places in the city. i take muni, but i also drive. so, i'm on the streets quite a bit. anyway, i'm not asking for the job myself, but, anyway, i'll ask you to consider becky as a [speaker not understood], yes. >> i'm sure i heard you incorrectly, but were you implying that san franciscans are cranky? [laughter] no, no, no. >> i just want to alert you -- i'm a born and bred san franciscan. >> i knew i didn't hear you correctly. i've only lived here 45 years. i'm just a transient. sorry. [laughter] >> thank you, jim.
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>> you're not cranky. as an avid pedestrian, i frequently get cranky out there. my name is ed catch mayor. my primary interest in this committee is i walk on average 25 miles a week in -- on the streets of san francisco from very -- it's a great way to keep in shape and it's a great city to walk in. the climate is usually good for that. i'm also a former district representative for fiona ma when she was in the state assembly. i'm on the executive board and serve on the [speaker not understood] committee also. and in both of those capacities i've had a pretty close or working relationship with becky and found that she's very diligent, very hard working and very easy to work with. she's very -- i think she's very understanding and she gets
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along with everyone very well. and i think as far as becky will be a great advocate for disabled people. i think the city is greatly under represented disabled -- people on commissions and boards. so, i encourage you to -- i recommend that you send becky hogue's name forward to the full board. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. peter lauder born, again speaking on behalf of supervisor eric mar who is very honored to have the opportunity to support the nomination of ms. becky hogue for this seat, the seat currently held by president richard rothman. ms. hogue herself has been a long-term long time respected leader in the richmond district until she recently, we were very upset to have lost her to district 6.
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but her new home supervisor, supervisor jane kim who is also supporting her candidacy. the work she's done to build the constituency to bring more people to the table is really admirable. we look to her for guidance on a number of issues. so, to see her have that role in a formal capacity on this club would be a great benefit to us, a great benefit to the city. so, we would greatly appreciate the support of this committee. thank you, supervisors. >> okay. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, any thoughts besides i would say it's pretty clear that we're going to read back -- read back, is it, is that what she said, read back? pi, pi ra. another figure yet. [speaker not understood]. [laughter] >> i know you have a couple more decades before you get
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there. [laughter] >> so, i guess he will -- i think that we're going to push him through for seat 2. so, the question is seat 3, any thoughts. there's two applicants for there. supervisor cohen? >> [inaudible]. >> okay, any thoughts? >> thank you. this is, i think, a really challenging decision. and i want to hear maybe some thoughts from my colleagues because i really like the idea of both of these women serving for different reasons. i think they both bring something that -- to the table that's truly needed for this
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particular committee. and i'm having a challenging time making a decision between the two. so, i just wanted to get some feedback on maybe some cments that either one of you might have about the candidates. >> go ahead. >> today i'm prepared to support pi ra in seat number 2 and rebecca hogue in seat number 3. you're right, kimberly jones and rebecca are compelling, smart, talented people. and both with personal stories that really can lend its voice nicely to shaping public policy as it relates to pedestrians' safety. but there is something i think a little bit more in the presentation that ms. rebecca presented that just spoke to me a little bit more.
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and then, overwhelming support also. >> i'll put my thoughts into this. once again, we have great candidates for not enough seats. so, i'm pretty torn with this decision also. i see both candidates giving something a little bit different what they could give. i really wish this were -- there were two other seats open at this point. given that there is only one, and the edge for me would go to becky. and much of it is her experience on these issues and having many, many years of being dedicated to these type of issues and fighting for the seniors. and kimberly, don't be
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disappointed. i know it's hard -- i hope that there will be other seats opening up soon and you will consider reapplying. as someone mentioned that we probably share a common story with our accidents, and, so, i understand where you're coming from with your passion for this. it certainly has driven me in my passion to look at pedestrian safety issues very seriously in the city. so, i'm going to go with becky. and would somebody like to -- i'll make it. >> make a motion? >> make a motion. >> i just wanted to make a few comments. i wanted to, of course, hear from the two of you first. i have gotten supporting letters for becky specifically from people that i've worked with over the years, specifically from people from treasure island, as i had
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worked at treasure island previously. and i know she's been active with the treasure island development authority, citizen advisory committee, as well as being involved with the fdr democratic club. i really appreciate her commitment to consistently be actively engaged in the public process on a volunteer basis and i think that's to be commended. i do, of course, think that she would bring a really great voice to the pedestrian safety advisory committee and i don't think we can go wrong with either pick. i was really also impressed with kimberly jones and her active engagement in participating in the citizen's advisory committee as well as what she brings in terms of the architectural background and her approach to looking at pedestrian safety issues. and, so, you know, we are so fortunate to have two incredible candidates and i do hope again that you would still consider applying and not give
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up on participating in this great committee because it is truly an important committee and pedestrian safety is really important to this city in how we move people around and how we keep people safe is truly something i care deeply about and i know my fellow colleagues up here care about it as well. and, so, at this time i'm definitely prepared to support becky moving forward with this nomination and pi ra for seat number 2. >> so, can we have a motion to move the nomination of pi ra for seat 2 and rebecca hogue for seat 3 for the pedestrian safety advisory committee? >> moved. >> without objection? moved and seconded, motion passed. [gavel] >> thank you very much. item number 5. >> item number 5, hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending april 27, 2015, to the soma community stabilization fund community advisory committ there is one seat and two
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applicants. >> we will be hearing from the candidates in the order that they appear on the agenda. if carmelita perez, yeah, perez is here, please approach the microphone. are you here? not here? alicia duke, are you here? thank you, supervisors. i am a senior citizen and i have been disabled since i was 53 years old. so, i sort of know both sides of the coin when it comes to the kinds of things that need to be done in soma, all over
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the city also. and i believe that i could add something because of my ridiculous background in both politics and business and other things. it goes on and on and on, that i have a perspective, which i still remember, regarding what can be done to get everything in the city better as far as everything that -- every area is doing, should be doing, could be doing. and trying to put together coalitions of all the peoples on the various advisory committees so that there is an issue that is in one area, it really affects all of the city. and we should be able to work with all of the areas so that
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everything that's needed to make our city greater can be done. and compromise is sometimes the only way to do it, and compromise has been of my life in many instances. so, that's really all i have to say about myself. questions? >> any questions, supervisors? >> no. >> seeing none, thank you. thank you. >> is there any public comment at this moment? you have two minutes. come on up. good afternoon, supervisors. claudine [speaker not understood] with the mayor's office of housing and i just want to make myself available for any questions that you might have. i staff the fund and the citizen's advisory committee. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon again, supervisors. this is very rare that the applicant that held seat 3 before for four years comes before the board and speak
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[speaker not understood] on the person to replace them. i'm jazzy collins [speaker not understood] and i'm here to speak in favor of alicia duke. the seat has been vacant since 2010. please correct me. you have some dates mixed up here. this has been long overdue for the seat to be filled. please approve senator alicia duke without any objection so that the task force can continue [speaker not understood] can continue to work that we had started in 2006 and this work needs to be continued. thank you. >> thank you. thank you again. excuse me. thank you again, supervisors. james cansini [speaker not understood], speak strongly in favor of m. alicia duke for this seat. she's a long-time member of our organization. she served on our board. she's a member of my health care action team.
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we go to outreaches. we testify at city hall. you've probably seen her here before and at sacramento, and as well m. alicia duke has a very analytical mind and we often rely on her for [speaker not understood] grammatical errors. whether or not we like it she'll tell us, there's a misspelling here. she's experienced in the nonprofit and community organizations and i would highly recommend her for this. this is critical for stabilizing the area that's being impacted. low-income seniors, people with disabilities are being put out -- they're being moved out of soma for economic reasons. and, so, it's very important to have somebody from this community, from this constituency who knows exactly who is on the ground, in communication with everyone there. strongly support m. alicia duke. thank u
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