tv [untitled] May 19, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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about the site and its come at compatible with the south beach area. this development includes the arena, but also residential and hotel development. and we think this arena and the hotel will be an important element to add to the convention and activity that happens along the water front and it's happening throughout san francisco so i did want to mention that as well. but then come back to the fact that what you're going to see is an update of what you saw in november. that there are a lot of new and important elements that have been added to this that address some of the concerns that the groups i mentioned have made. and i wanted to of
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[inaudible] and his design team, which includes bae and akom who will be making the presentation. >> thank you very much. i'm nick radar with snohteta. i think it's important to make one note on that of course everyone is very concerned about the land /skaeup of the city and the landscape of california. so it's important to think about the current existing condition of this site and realize that of course it's not a virgin landscape, no is the city really a forest. so we're trying to promote ideas and promote designs to sort of compliment what the existing complex of the city is.
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there's sort of a /tkpwraoepbl /pwapbldz around the entire city of san francisco which represents a lot of activity and openness. there's a lot of public amenity along the city, but there's needs nodes at different points which promote activity, draw an act as magnets for citizen citizens of the city and bay area and nationally and internationally. so currently there's this sort of rhythm set up all along the -- east of course at officialerman's warf and then further on down to -- there's /kwaoet a bit of a gap right
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now. not necessarily a gap in terms of visual attention or attraction because the bay bridge is there, but there's a gap in terms of a magnet to draw people into this lo /kaegs and it's actually quite a long walk /twaoepbl the ferry terminal and at&t park. so what we're proposing is this new attraction of program and amenities for the public to use filling in this gap. so thinking about a little bit about views, we have this really wonderful project in our own neighborhood, in the background of course is new york city and in the middle of those buildings is our office to the south and what''re seeing are derelict piers that are being /repbl /sraeuted. they /ao*r realizing the views are really great, but the piers are so large and the spaces are
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so large, that when you're standing along the edge, you don't see any water. the only horizon you see is a vast expanse of asphalt or piers. similarly, pier 30 and 32, being approximately 14 acres is so vast, it prevents you from having any interaction from the bay or the city. it's just a large parking lot. so you see here they're yeeuating /tkeufrpbls in elevation and different ideas for programming along the edge. this gives you a better /sraouf of the downtown, gives you the better view of the water looking downtown, provides better opportunities for performances an for wedings. also you have
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larger icons globally, including the opera house on the right. these create these elevated spaces and platforms, which promote the activity of the surroundings, but also the /toeups of programming for the public. this is actually very similar to a view you'll see later on for our project. just thinking about programming -- of course /th-sz a sports multicultural /srepbl ewe. so we're not just thinking of this as a basketball arena, but we're thinking about non event or non game times and how this can be used year round. for example, movies or films in the park. we're try to promote a very healthy and active lifestyle on the pier also. this south spacing /spaeuls there's a yoga class in this
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park and open perimeter access for biking and jogging. of course just besides transient uses, we want this to be a place where locals feel comfortable in hanging out. here there's a bidding right behind you actually and -- of course another /koe /poe innocent of this is the historic aspect, the java house which is on the site. we want to compliment this history and promote its use. going back to some things you have already
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seen back in october. some of the early concepts for this typically -- especially with [inaudible] these sort of interact in this case from east to west looking out to the water. i already mentioned it's very difficult to see the water from the when you're out at the piers because they're so flat and low and vast, really the asphalt become the horizon. because of the lengths knot and south of these piers, we want to be really cog cognizant [inaudible] about the mar mar for the public to use.
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so this is sort of in that north, south /tkr*bgs. you see the current state of affairs on 30, 32. that's peer 2 in the background and trying to draw the context of the bay and the bay bridge into the project. this is one of the very first concept sketches we did where we' pushing the arena farthest to the east and maintaining the retail of course to enliven that city street edge of the
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embarcadero. so thinking about this, going back to the nature thing, we started thinking about some of the natural landscape of northern california and some of the rock formations out into the water and really these create the to /kal /poeupblt. if it were on the shore i wouldn't quite have as much impact or attention or energy or excitement about it so this is very similar to what we're proposing. what this does also along the embarcadero is it diminishes the scale of the arena as you're moving along the embarcadero. we have some additional diagrams we can talk about for that also. the only reason i bring this up is to point out all the different
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things we've been thinking about in changing and designing that you've already heard that we've been taking comments from city planning, the port, bcdc, board of supervisors, our client, the warriors, and working extremely hard. we're going to be proposing moving reds to the southern edge. and then of course on the seawall lot 330 side, our previous proposal had two
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towers of 350 feet. some other things we've worked a little bit more with the maritime on the north so -- and that northwest corner you'll see water taxi docking and there's docking for fire boats. there's a fire house embedded underneath the venue plaza which we'll show in another moment. in the /tpho*rpt northeast /erpbl in this meeting. you see reds there to the southwest corner. now on the seawall lot 330 side we're talk about it more in detail in moment but you'll see the two components have been broken into three components now. three are a hotel which is to
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the north. we've created a new main street passageway. then of course the residential tower to the south -- we have actually increased the height of that from 150 up to 175 so the difference is about an added 25 feet, however on the hotel component, slitting it into two we've lowered it from a 150 to 105 so we've lowered that entire component by 45 feet for a net total in /tkeufpbls e difference in height. the new version -- you can see we worked extremely hard by addressing a lot of the concerns in terms of creating a
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public access route around the entire /spaeuls space of the pier. we've moved it north just a little bit to allow that southern edge to have that access and public amenity. so getting into the numbers -- to me anyways, this is the less interesting part, but for some of you you' more interested in these ass /pebgts. i've already talked a little bit about the /ha*eugt. we've been able to change and work very hard with [inaudible] to lower the event center height from 135 down to 125 feet. we've also been able to reduce the gross square footage of the arena, which we believe is a positive move forward in terms of official /seu and being able to give that space back to public amenity. the retails of
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course also lowered a little bit and the parking /spaess -- we've worked extremely hard to address comments and concerns and reduced it by 17 or 18 percent. with all of those move'll notice that we've been able to increase the open space from 50 to 53 percent and from a total of 6.3 ache /ergs to 6.7 acres. [inaudible] lot 330 side we've been working very hard also to improve efficiency of the buildings, but in fact, we have increased the square footage a little bit. we've increased it by about 45 or 48 thousand for the residential and we've increased it a little for the hotel. the retail has been reduced and the parking
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spaces have been refined to address current zoning codes. i think i just turned on something else. sorry about that. so getting back into a little bit more of the larger picture, this is actually the exact same view we saw earlier. this is now expanded. there's a lot of exciting things. this is the first time you see the seawall lot 330 in its entirety so you see from the water mark and if we were extend the view further to the west, what we're proposing continues to step down and get lower as you get closer to the embarcadero and the bay. the water mark is approximately 235 feet tall so our 175 foot tower is still about 55 or 60 feet lower and the hotel component is lower than that, down to 105. you see the reds have been moved to the south. the lower portion
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is a large open space with the a grand staircase leading up to the /srepbl ewe plaza. this is the first time you see a really exciting pub /hreublg amenity we're proposing of a ramp along the sod of the arena so you can go from the /srepbl ewe plaza, which is at the plus 35. you see that line cutting through the south /erpbl edge of the arena which gets you up to another /spaeuls that's at about the plus 90 foot arena so you get these spectacular views of the bay. this is a similar view, but of course it's night. just to show that we're obviously being /sepblgstive not only to safety and security, but also making sure that this is a fun usable space on a daily and nightly use basis. you see something in the hotel come /poe /tphept
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reduce that conflict with bicycles. in terms of accessibility, that little white box -- the rectangle there just to the right of the stairs is an elevator. we're being very aware of accessibility issues as we're dealing with the elevation changes. this is a view along the northern edge. there's a little key so that's the very text of the little red v is where the person would be standing. that stairway leading up to the main venue plaza. there's some retail with some exterior /spaeuls
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facing north towards the bridge. of course we have the lovely san francisco fire department and their fire boats being located in that center portion of the pier. we're so em really give them visible /prepbls on the site so we're trying to work with them to figure out ways where you'd be able to see the fire truck when it's in their garage. looking east along that edge beyond a reasonable doubt the fire department and the boats, you'll see a vertical wall that we're working with. we're conscious of course for the needs of /sus stain /-blt and storm water management so that's a wall that we're working with in term of the filtration and storm water manage ment and greener areas
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along that edge. we've introduced another stairway in this location in that northeast earn corner. we've reduced the number of team support facilities so we've provided a lot more open space on this northeast earn edge /-fp i think there's a lot of really exciting things happening in this ho case. so for example down at pier level where the /prabg /teuls facilities for the team are, we're providing a large glass area. it's a really amazing space to be part of and see visually. you'll see beyond it the wall i was speaking to moments ago in
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/aeu amazing view of the city. and of course the arena, if you look at that left hand side of the image -- you only have about 75 feet of the arena exposed in this location so it lowers the visibility in that location. you can see into the bowl of the arena and feel like you're a part of whatever event may be going on. we're showing a warriors game but there's also concerts and other performances to take into account and think of this this
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viewing opportunity. you can't get down to the floor level in this view, but still you can see almost the entire bowl and really start to have this interaction with the fans and the crowd using that space. so this was another really exciting moment. so when you're inside of the bowl since you can see in in this location, when you're /*epbls you can see out in that exact same location so we've been working extremely hard with a come and removed about 750 feet or so in that north /erpbl edge of the arena which opens up your view right to the bay bridge so you have this immediate reconnection with the bay from the inside so that's a really exciting moment. but before i move -- sorry, before i move beyond a reasonable doubt that, that's not the only moment where you have this connection to the interior or to the exterior of the arena depending with where you have.
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if you see the little bar of light just below the suite /hr*efpl here at center court, that's actually open out to the /srepbl ewe plaza which is at the 35 plus foot level. if you're see views of the park lee center and instantly you can see the entire bowl of the arena so we're providing a similar effect if that /srepbl ewe plaza which you see there. if you zoom in you'll notice another blue area. i think that the /skrao*epbl is just slightly off so it's a little bluer than it will be, but you see a group of people basically up in the tresses up in the ceiling and that's the termination of the ramp which i spoke a little bit about along the south /erpbl edge. so that's a great moment where you'll be able to see the bridge and the city, but have a
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really exciting moment of looking into the arena. and along the length of that ramp, /kh-lgs what i' talk about now, we're also identifying other opportunities to see into different components of the event center. doesn't give you a view into the bowl every time but it allows you these amazing views of the various lobbies. so here on the east /erpbl edge you see the middle of the arena, which is actually the main concourse. and we're identifying areas which can have a high level of transparency, which really will be primarily used during event times 'cause the interior light will make the glass more transparent. so when there's an event going on and people that are walking along the edge of the pier will be able the see up into the arena and also be part of the excitement so
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we're trying to promote views into the bowl and into the lobbies and along this ramp area here. so this is a view just above the east /erpbl edge on the ramp. i /sho*eed the termination, but here is a moment we've identified that you can actually see down into the event center at multiple levels. you see the upper concourse there and you could even see an all the way down to the main concourse. so this is an exciting opportunity toe interact with the bay and bridge. naturally there's operational concerns in terms of safety and curt at certain hours of the day, but the idea is to make that as open as long as it's safe. some of the other they thinkings we're
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working with with 6.7 acres of open space, not only dealing with storm water management, we want to program this in different ways /abld /*r and provide a variety of experiences and uses. so in the southeast /erpbl corner this is one of the more wild areas so we're just working with ideas of creating vegetation /thag will be sustainable in this environment. the grand staircase leads you up to the /srepbl ewe plaza and the arena on the right. before i talk a bit about scale, it's interesting to note that because of the need to break down these spaces and to
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provide a variety of experiences, we're working things around reds where we're identifying locations where the surface could be wood so it's [inaudible] would also be more [inaudible]. we're working with spaces on the left hand side of the stairs like a palm grove that you could walk up through. on the the right hand side of the stairs, there are places for performances, but some retention areas. we need to break up some of the venue plaza spaces which is at the top of the im/papblg /-fpt just so you get an idea of the scale of this space, this is /kwraoupbl you know square here on the left, which is about 1.4 acres and you can fit two of those just in this location on our project. that doesn't include any of the plaza space at the upper level in the
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northeast earn level, nor /tkutz it include the perimeter of the entire pier all the way around so those blue rectangles only represent about 2.8 percent of the the space. so this is thinking about the programming and identifying what we can do around the perimeter. i've spoken about most of these so i /wo*epbt spend too much time here, but really the thing to point out is the bay promenade. this is just another view moving up to the event plaza. this is at the plus 35 level standing at the top of that grand staircase. you can see on the right of the arena there another area where we're promoting transparency to be able to see the full height of the arena and the interior of
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this location. this is the entry you see off to the right which is i was trying to identify from the interior, where you can see in the plaza into the bowl of the arena. this is towards the back of reds. this is not quite eye level -- probably around 10 or 15 feet tall, but identifies the zones i've talked about. something i haven't touched too much on yet is the retale /spaeuls providing of course south /erpbl exposure to the retail space so it with open up to the south /erpbl plaza and the second floor having some exterior space. you see in that same view -- this is that same view, you just crop and zoom. what's interesting here is that ramp going up the side of the arena. yo
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