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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2013 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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sufficient and what's our interaction with the probation department and sheriff's department in making those decision. >> sure. you know the mayors offense of the housing has about supportive of housing for inmates for a long time. you're not seeing the reflection of the current priorities of the city but honestly historical housing hadn't been for funding >> so is there communication with the sheriff's department is there a target you have in mind. >> we haven't received imply
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specific numbers of figures. >> in terms of of the sheriff's department? >> we participated in the reentry council and we've not been in direct discussions so far as i know. >> the chief wants to add to that. >> excellent thank you. >> yes there has been a meeting with the mayor's offices of housing and also the mayor's criminal justice paul henderson and my office to discuss the need for housing the need to increase housing and where the strategies are our current budget apps includes more funding for housing but it's not just a matter of more funding but developing that capacity.
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>> chief i'm sorry can you tell me - so we know we have 55 units spread out over 10 developments. what's the total population needs? >> we're talking about hundreds of units. if we're talking about a b-109 we're talking about a couple of hundred but we have 55 thousand offenders in the community so it's trying to - what's the capacity we can create but several hundred units would be my response at least. thank you >> thank you chief so this is bring us more up to date. >> i appreciate filling in the most recent meetings.
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we're working with the corporation to implement the training of all affordable housing they'll tape the performers for the applicants who have a criminal record and we're working to improve our policies so people who have a criminal records are not turned away >> we receive 13 thousand affordable units but access to the full stock a absolutely crucial. >> i want to wrap up by providing a couple of brief
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thoughts on the recommendations and audit reports. we recommend that in cooperation with the mayors housing there are briefings of housing programs. i just want to make a note that tracking a b-109 offenders is not possible right now but we'd be happy to have other departments track those individuals. i also point out that gathering data an criminal record does require that you push very careful we don't want to create any discrimination issues and, in fact, they've abandon the box to prevent housing diagrams and preventing providers from asking about criminal records on the
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application it's a balancing address that we need to address. back to the second recommendation to evaluate the impact of diagrams and housing stablt. since hr c does the inspection of housing. we oversee housing but we don't offer see private buildings which is a significant issue and that brings our presentation to an end >> thank you. >> thank you, madam chair can you talk about the missing slide you talked about 13 thousand units? >> it's a board variety of
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subsidi subsidizeed affordable housing they also receive a variety of other state and funding resources. so there's no funding one affordable housing project but they tend to serve individual up to 50 period of time of average income and some of those are particularly to serve folks with children >> great i appreciate theirs those conversations going on it's critical that you have 55 out of 13 thousand that's a fraction of one percent. i would think we'd do better than that.
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can you talk about the timeline. when do you expect to come back with -- to have a plan in place that outlines what you're going to do >> absolutely i handed out the model screen policy that is currently implemented. and we hope to expand and make more robust with the csa training curriculum over the next year the impementdz are listed >> over the next year we're not going to have a fully developed plan for a year? >> i'm sorry i was referring to the implementation of the trainz and the screening practices was there another part? on the issue of housing and those conversations that are
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happening right now what is the 12 foredeveloping is a strategy that takes us from 55 units to somewhere close to the 13 thousand we need >> i'll have to have someone else more experienced to answer that. >> how does the housing work. >> so far as i know the uses of the mowrys trust fund are largely already defined and there was no specific arrangement in that legislation to take care of that. >> maybe it would be helpful to bring this item back to see where things are short term. >> absolutely.
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okay. thank you very much >> thank you. >> for your presentation. >> i'd like to invite the chief executive office for our supreme court court system thank you four joining us. good morning >> i'm basically here to answer any questions you may have i want to thank you for calling this hearing and thank you to the budget and analysis office for including the court who is not a city entity but a border empty to be part of the audit. as the prior speakers have said this is a grounded breaking part of criminal justice throughout
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the state and the court is certainly going to be perpetrated to do our part to hear the post hearing starting july 1st hopefully, we're wrapping our planning phase. we'll have several interactions with the sheriff and we've spoken with parole and we will be talking to the public defender and district attorney for their input as well so we'll be perpetrated to increase take that task on july 1st to meet the deadline from the statute. we do have one recommendation in the audit its the one we disagree with on page 22 of the audit that states that i the chief executive of the court
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should assign a pattern to the community and we disagree due to the courts role of being a neutral party. we believe that border lines on policymaking and that's our part in the cc p. we were on the committee for the statutory community has stated and put into statute penal code 1230 was basically to enforcement and implementation plan by 2011 and that's certainly what the court was involved in and once completed the court stepped back we want
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to stay out of this for those specific reasons and i'm happy to answer any questions you may have >> i'd like to hear from the budget analysis their rationale. >> we did have confidence the state of the court for the directed judges not to be part of the community but we did a survey of other county and other counties do send representatives and it's important for the safety policies and procedures and that we understood not having the no representative so we maintained our remedies and we think this is the standard in
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most counties. >> is this the standard in most county? >> to be honest with you, i don't know. the budget analyst have advised the courts the risk of losing impartiality and it was basically a legal opinion that's protected by attorney-client privilege but be careful what you do because you may lose our neutral role. that we've chosen the route because not because we don't want to the exclusive of the
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process. but for example, the court has a specific oversight committee that meets monthly and any issues with relifetimes comes up are discussed with the chief probation officer and her staff at the meetings. our assistant presiding judge is the judge at the hall of justice and has regular meetings with the public defenders office and is district attorney's office and certainly any issues that come up can be discussed in those venues as well. it's not that we are out in the dark as to what is going on its just in different venues and because of different venues that's really is supporting background as to why we don't
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think it's necessary to be in the committees. >> thank you for joining us today. and just as a courtesy for the folks on item number 3 we've try to move this quickly. next up i'd like to bring up a representative from the public defenders office. thank you very much for being here with us >> sure i'm with the public defenders office good morning supervisors and thank you for this opportunity. much of what i was going to say is has already been said but i want to repeat some of the things. first and foremost we've harder and should be extremely proud
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that san francisco the level which we collaborate and coordinate with all the participates before the realignment was in place we were meeting bio weekly and continue to do so. what makes the cooperation and collaboration so effective we share the values of evidencing the approaches and share the approaches of being innovative and without of the leadership of the adult probation department we wouldn't see that. we shouldn't overlook the fact we're at historic loads in the jail we have especially with the realignment population a
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recidivism rate that is really remarkable. but i want to point out some of the gaps. in housing is definitely one of them and what we're seeing is because of that inadequate housing because of treatment providers residential treatment options that are not there sometimes, the jails become the redeposey for individuals who don't have access. that needs to be addressed. and the commitment to really implementing all the alternatives to incarceration we need to take a look at that more carefully so that individuals that shouldn't otherwise be
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incarcerated should have an opportunity to be in the community and really integrate into the community. the public defenders office our mandate is to provide representation and provide die process for individuals that come into jail and we have met that mandate. so in the first year of realignment our office received only a fraction of the realignment funding and for individuals who might not know the total a b-109 in the first year was approximately $5 million with the adult probation department and the sheriff's department getting a significant amount of that. in 2012 and 2013 of the dollars
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the adult probation department and the sheriff's department office guarantee got an equal amount. but one of the things because we're seeing a recidivism rates are good we need to redirect and revisit some of this money so it can actually fund housing and treatment. the one of the challenges that the public defender has at this point is beginning in july 1st, the supreme court will have jurisdiction over parole violations so the cases will come through the supreme court that were previously handled by
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the state. and the estimate for that is over 24 hundred individuals will receive a parole violation filing that's an area without additional funding for recommendation so those individuals can have due process rights. that's something that needs to be and the the audit was addressed for that and our office is in discussion with the mayor's office for an adequate level of funding so we can representative all those individuals. there were two recommendations in the audit for the public defender. so with the funds that we received for realignment what we did was created a realignment
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team xhvpt of american people experiences attorney and a criminal justice specialist who is a reentry spicht and an almost soon to be licensed social worker and together the attorney and criminal justice specialists handled all the cases that came into the court. and the realignment teams collaborates with all the other teams in our office so we can advocate for those alternatives to incarceration which we keep hearing about and the sheriff made reference to many of those evidence based evidence to have an impact on recidivism which
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addresses the underline why someone might find themselves in the system we have the drug you courts and as it stands now the capacity for those are in the hundreds. we have only a hundred people participating in san francisco in drug court yet we have thousands of the people coming in our system whether they think be on parole or community supervision or the individuals who are serving their time six months or 10 months in custody or more so our office is very vigilant in trying to expand the eligibility criteria and that's what our office is advocating for when we representative those individuals not only making sure that their rights are protected
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but they have access to a wide range of oppositions and the social worker that's in our office the criminal justice expert is working with the justice system and some days together we'll try to convince a judge or when the district attorney is not on board to try to get even though alternatives to the incarceration to have a better outcome for the individual. i i know there was a reckless go in the audit for to consider merging the reentry council. i would have to disagree especially wherewith the sentencing commission while there were great improvements made one of the things is insensitive reform so the only
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thing that has changed with realignment is where someone is going to spend their time in jail so somebody in the a b population is somebody charged where a nonsex offense and some cases don't have that in their prior record yet someone can get a double office like drugs and i think at the insensitive commission which is historic in san francisco again, we're at the forefront of innovation i think it's critical we start addressing that and the insensitive commission should stay the way it is from the council and the cpc so we can make those changes. so getting back to the two
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recommendations we agree with them the auditor recommended we have case loads for our specialist system which we have already gone the reentry process has been in our office we have data tracking in place and we have to integrate the work on realignment which will be done on july 31st. and one of the recommendations we discontinue the criminal just person once the person is sentenced. we agree with that our goal is to coordinate.
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because there's no threat of an arrest so people might find themselves coming to our office even if they're currently on probation but to the extent that we can avoid any duplication of services we're committed to that >> thank you one of the things i'm most interested in hearing i laid out a plan as well as a deadline for the implementation for the criminal justice level of standards happening. no question? that there anything else you want to submit? that thank you. next, we have a representative from the district attorney's office whose going to present >> oh, almost good average.
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thank you very much. madam chair for having me here and supervisors i'll be brief. i think we were well planned for 109 to come in. we were well situated as well as other counties. i have a couple of of comments for the district attorney's office. realignment and any entry i kind of use those terms together are things that are sort of due for prosecution. we had to have a new metric and under the leadership we are reviewing and renewing and public safety being the main concern. many counties believe that the district attorney's office would
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put people in just like a a long time. i want to commit briefly on something that was said which is the consolidation of the insensitive commission and the cc that and i agree with her i, you know, that's one of the recommendations but it's two different roles the cc that really towards the community the insensitive commission i call it realignment and prelifetime and sentencing reform it's a different role and deals with one of the percentages there are 11 perching percent of the people who are re-offending. but there are new folks coming out the system we want to know the best practices for entry
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into the system for the new folks. the recommendations that the audit had for us are pretty small and align that michelle said we have a small piece of the pie. we use the majority of the money we receive to hire sort of a first of its kind in california for alternative plan for prosecutors who's focus is on the community and trying to put together a plan that would best promote public safety for not only the offenders and it's reindustry but for victims as well as is the community they victimized. so our alternative insensitive planner one of the elements was to make sure we've used our resources well, we're looking
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better way ways to capture his work we've hired a c i o. he is looking at working with sort of outdated systems we have to make them strong and to among them a better system to understand how we are doing our work. we're tracking all 1178 cases and we're tracking the probation matters to make sure we're consistent in how we deal with people and consistent with individuals cases recognizing that each case and person is individualized we're making sure we have the right programs important inform the right people. one of the recommendations