tv [untitled] May 23, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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51 sweet of services and it functions very much the same way as the commuter website for finding carpool and van pool matches. s environment received a grant from the air district and the transportation to do outreach and education on this tool. and really to support safe routes and encourage parenting to form walking school buses or bike trains. so our grant cover two years and we just are finishing up our second year. outreach was provided to an a total of 44 schools. and between the first -- for the first year for the 22 schools, we he saw increases in commuting, so from fall 2011 to spring 2012 we saw
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an increase by 1.5 percent with carpool, point 3 for .3 for biking, transit went up by 5 percent and the vehicle went down by 1 percent. overall the registrations are growing up, there's 535 currently. and as more outreach is done, it will go up, so other parents can find other parents to pool it. next we're we're planning to keep up the momentum with fsud public elementary schools who are going to expand to the public charter schools and also catholic schools suppose adviser avalos supports us last
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spring. some are overlap with safe routes and we also picked a number of schools with high driving rates, a high number of families living more than two miles away from schoolsment school that has been outside and we had a charter that had charter school designation. many of the schools are located where the families speak other than english at home. that was our criteria and distance from school. with that, i'll hand it over to salida. >> before you go, what is the total grant that was received from bokmad for the two years. >> the total amount was around 120,000. >> per year or two years.
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>> for both years. >> total? or each? >> total, 120. >> okay. >> thank you. good afternoon, my name is salida and i work with the subdivision of the fmta and this part of the presentation is really focused around one of the questions that came up, that has been raised several times which is, you know, we know that there are things we can do at streets around schools, that are in neighborhoods and have residential streets and things like speed humps and curve extensions but what about schools that front arterial streets where we have an safety problem and it can be
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intimidating to its cost and to calm traffic can be one million dollars or more to widen sidewalks or substantially reform out the streets so i wanted to do a quick run through and give you an idea of the range of treatment and cost and how they match to the problems we see for potential crashes that we see on our trail streets so maybe if we can switch to the presentation. there we go. the over view is what should be in that tool box, are the tools right and how we should prioritize. this picture below is called an ergonomic sidewalk and a person in korea came up with this. they don't walk up exactly to the corner on crowded corners in urban environments so it's a novel idea. a lot of times in traffic engineering and
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transportation planning, we get stuck thinking there's nothing new under the sun, but there's people coming up with ideas that are interesting and new. so when we think about what should be in the tool box, particularly for arterial streets and collector streets, those faster more complex streets and high volumes at traffic, we're looking at the effectiveness in cost and feasible so implementation and trade-off in terms of increased congestion or people taking longer to get to their jobs and things like that and support for other things besides engineering, so education enforcement, encouragement. these are critical parts of the tool box and particularly potential safety campaigns we see them from time to time, but they're not often targeted to the specific types of crashes and be they've yore we're seeing -- behavior we're seeing and they're not as
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sophisticated as a company would do. there's great examples -- this one is from new york, there's one from miami day county and florida. education that reduce fatalities in crashes. engineering is what we're here to talk about, but other parts of the tool boxes can be -- >> what did you say from miami day county. >> they did a campaign that was focused -- they looked at the crashes and where they were happening and they have an area in miami that they saw a lot of crashes occurring so they created trading cards that had figures from asian history and on the back, the campaign to pass out in the schools that were targets around the kinds of crashes they he were seeing. they were seeing a lot of dart out crashes so kids running out
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in the street and not a target. so that's what i mean by targeting it to the type of crash and doing something smart other than the campaigns we see which is well intentioned by can be scattered shot. the first issue we see over and over again in pedestrian crashes is speeding and it's well known and understood that your chances of living after being hit by awe car are significantly decreased. if that car is traveling more than 25 miles an hour, faster than 30 miles an hour is likely to end up in fatality. so our number one thing that we want to do to reduce the severity of crashes is slow people down. the other thing we he have a hard time controlling is pedestrian and behavior. where we see pedestrian, there's
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health issues or landing issues that may contribute to pedestrian crashes so we can slow drivers down, even if we can't control people's behavior, at least we can give people a chance at surviving those crashes so speed reduction and this will -- this will carry through the slides that look like this where the device is outlined in green are less than $10,000 to implement. in yellow or tan, cost some where between 10 and $100,000 and red is the highest cost, over $100,000 and sometimes more than that to implement. to give you a flavor what's in the speed reduction for arterial and urban streets we have the 15 mile an hour signs which we'll have a map later on for, those were not a great fit for arterial, but we did them on collectors. the middle are raised crosswalks and in the
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lower picture, traffic circles and roundabouts. they're very effective at slowing speed and still moving similar number of cars so they're very valuable part of the tool box and raised crosswalks, they act like speed tables, and there are some streets where we can do them even on arterial and collective street and the far right is a curveless street and these are not appropriate everywhere and we haven't been able to do one successfully in san francisco, but they have slow speeds, speeds up to 15 to 18 miles an hour and they're expensive investments, but they're effective. sometimes they're called curveless streets or naked streets so in some of the -- in the beginning of the netherlands there was removing
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that false sense of community for drivers that sometimes can occur when a street is over striped and over -- there's a million different color stripes on the ground and got signals and signs, sometimes that cause people to turn their brain off and if you give them a less sense of assurity, sometimes you'll see an increase in caution. there's no more innovative ideas. the other major problem we see on arterial streets and in particular in the high injury core doors is turning vehicles. over a quarter of our cashes are happening with right and left turning vehicles and left turning vehicles out performing right turning vehicles by three to one in terms of the frequency. so part of that is a vehicle design problem. you can see this is called the a
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pillar of the car. it blocks the pedestrian and as the car is turning it tracks where the pedestrian would be until it's almost too late to avoid a crash. and then, you know, there's the study from the -- from oregon state university, sometimes drivers aren't looking in the crosswalk when making that left side and as a driver you're waiting to make your left turn, you're waiting for a gap in oncoming traffic and looking in your rearview mirror to see how many people are ticked off and got other things going on in the car and you're not looking for a pedestrian or bicyclist for that matter until its too late. so one of the things we can do -- sorry. here are a couple of quick maps. here's the crashes happening with right turning vehicles and obviously the sides of the circle corresponds to the number of crashes and here's the left turners so you see the entire city and most of
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soma is bright way. we've got a lot of schools throughout these neighborhoods and so focusing in those left turning and right turning crashes is really, really important in figuring out what we can do. so a couple of different strategies. one is decreasing the amount of time that the pedestrian is in the street. and there are a number of ways to do. medians up there at the top. ped count downs are good and the middle have separating the left turning cars from the pedestrian through signals. and those are sort of medium investments and on the right is a road diet. san francisco has more road diets than any city in the country and we've been doing them successfully and we can do them to up 25,000 vehicles a day. the other thing is to end hans -- enhance
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the visibility. you can see those pictures that show that red triangle shows what the driver's site line is at a crosswalk and cars parked up to the back of the crosswalk, the driver can't see the pedestrian and likewise the pedestrian can't see the driver until they're out in the crosswalk. just a lot of times removing those which is -- we do that with paint because two parking spaces can seem like 200 in some neighbors so that's what we mean by public assessment. at any time we do a project we incorporate this. and daylight is including curve extensions with those red visible curb which increases the cost. below is the picture of the
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alvy road and it's continental style even at significant in aized -- signalized locations and you see lighting for crosswalks and then on the far right the most expensive things like pedestrian scale lighting and curb extensions ask curb extensions are the thing that -- i think a lot of people default to when they think about pedestrian safety, they're expensive and they're not always the right counter measure for the crashes that we see. so we want to try and get a way from ams thinking curve extension and be smarter about matching the crash to the tool. to there are a lot of non safety benefits for these things and security, comfort and making a memorable streets, but when we think about the prove cost effective treatment, this is a list. in particular,
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left turn protection, turn prohibition, red visible curb zone, and road diets and traffic circles, these are the things i would encourage us to think about near our schools but understanding really doing turn restrictions can have large impacts on traffic congestion and can be difficult enforce if they're not designed well but they're one of the most powerful tool in the tool box. they're a lot less expensive than curve extension. rfb is rectangular rafting beaking. we just ordered -- we have 15 of these. they have them over in berkeley right now. and what they are, the solar panels you can see on top of the normal pedestrian
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crossing signs, they blink and they're different from a regular beaking that goes on off, on off. and they have high yield rates for drivers. not as good as pedestrian signal, but better than a regular beeking and people think because they get confused from a police car but we're going to roll several of these out. we ordered about 15 of them and they're a lot less expensive than beaken because they're less expensive. through they're hugely effective. at arterial streets, this is a great tool to consider. >> mrs. reynolds, i have to -- you're giving us a lot of great
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information but i want to ask what is a beak in and do we have one another. >> we he do have flashing beaking and i can see where they are, but in the middle here where you see that one single ball there and it flashes yellow, on off, on off, on off. >> okay. >> the picture right below that, is that also a beaking. >> that's from actually -- i was going to see it's from seattle but i'm looking at those strange blue triangles and i'm thinking it's from canada. they have it in the southwest where they have low light but i don't think we've tried this strategy in san francisco yet. >> how are you going to consider where to put these 15 red flashing rrfp's. >> i think what we'll do is we have a list of all of the
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uncontrolled marked crosswalks in the city. i'll be interested in -- they're ranged according to how many pedestrian crashes we're seeing at them and also the nature of the street, how many lanes it has, how fast it is. they'll be a good fit for a sub set of those so we'll probably look at our list, our prioritized list and see where we have not already daylighted a crosswalk and put the red visible curb out front, could we try one of these. one of the first places this is going to go on oshadon because there's a bus stop there but we have families that we'll be table to roll out. but we don't have a solid list yet, so there's a great opportunity for input and considerations. the other novel pedestrian signal is called a hawk. a high end
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tensity activated crosswalk and cal transity is thinking about putting this on holt build. but you see it's in -- it's called i micky mouse formation instead of a traffic signal and that's because this is how it works. it rest on dark and in california if you approach it in dark, you're supposed to approach it. it goes yellow and solid yellow and red and that's when the pedestrian gets the walk. so the pedestrian walks across the street and then as the pedestrian gets the flashing hand, the driver gets a wig wag where the top two alternate flashing red and it goes back to dark and the pedestrian has a solid hand. so these are filling a gap which is that on mult island streets like, when you want to mark a crosswalk, you have to
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meet a number of requirements in order to put a full signal there. and a lot of those requirements are based on the number of pedestrian that you have crossing the street. and you know, it's almost like deciding where you're going to build a bridge by counting the number of people swimming across the river. if the street isn't hostile, people aren't crossing so why would you base your sort of decision on that. and in addition, even if you have only five people crossing a day, but they're getting pedestrian -- but pedestrians are getting injured with frequency, you still want to do something. this has a lighter set of requirements and it has a good yielding performance as a signal so you're able to put in a good signal without breaking federal rules. i'm going on close on the prioritization and over the next eight to ten months, and
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hopefully less than that, the city is working on a list of pedestrian safety improvements. these are some of the criteria that we'll take into account as we're putting together to meet that goal and implement five miles each year. these are the things we'll take into consideration, but over the next several months, we'll have a public process and work closely with this committee and the supervisor to finalize that list of investments in order to secure funding and pedestrian safety across the city. some of the things to add to this list from the committee's input is bringing into consideration the list of schools that have high walking rates and higher
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injury as a weighed factor to prioritize that list of investments. now i'm going to let ellen robinson walk-through the maps we have. you have larger 11 by 17 maps and hopefully you'll be able to see these clearly. the first one is the 15 mile an hour zone. the blue represents where we seen 15 mile an hour streets. you can see the schools in red are the ones that did not receive 15 mile an hour signs because they had streets that did not qualify and most of the time those are arterial and collector streets so those are the streets you would want to think about those, some of those other tools for traffic and deal with pedestrian safety and improving the environment there. >> this map has more going on.
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this is trying to summarize, not only safe after school projects and i think i like to go to the next one first. this is where we've had safe routes of school program, specific grant funded improvements or they're underway. the schools infrastructure projects. but that only makes up a small portion of the traffic safety and traffic coming improvements that we do around schools so this other map has an addition -- all the locations where we've done either traffic coming projects or upgraded pedestrian signals or regular traffic signals with upgraded pedestrian features. or installed a new signal recently that are close to a school within an eight of a mile. so you can see a more look at what we've been doing around
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schools. the final map we have is -- this was a request from supervisor kim for the quarters we're considering for a pilot corridor traffic coming treatment that we would evaluate to potentially do in other places and showing the schools that's within a quarter mile of those corridors and there's several schools around them. >> could you tell us what these streets are. i can guess but i want to make sure. >> that's 16th street. south van ness and gararo. >> okay. thank you so much. this is a ton of information
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and actually this is exactly what i was hoping that we as a committee could look at to get a sense of someways that we both as a school district and as a city is improve the safety for our schools and family near our schools. this is an incredible amount of data and it's helpful to see the work that has been done and where we're headed and i actually appreciated getting a sense of what other cities are doing too because the idea that i personally never seen before and i know you get to study them and look at them all the time, but for me they're interesting and seeing how we can re-imagine a crosswalk from being a rectangle. some of that work is ex sielting and i hope we can see what is a match here in san francisco. i did want to give an opportunity for my colleagues to ask questions
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or comevenlies as well. supervisor yee. >> yeah, supervisor kim, thank you for inviting me to this meeting. in fact i'm glad i'm here. as you know, the whole issue has been sort of my home mark of my few months of working on the board of supervisors and i want to commend the staff here. this report is very comprehensive and i'm glad this -- and acknowledge that most of the emphasis here are focusing on engineering solutions, but it's good that you mentioned that there are other pieces of this solution that we need to focus on that includes enforcement
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and education. so one of the things i've been going out in the xhunty and realizing that as much as we can do -- i say we're doing these things as engineering solutions, but i know that by itself it's not going to work in educating people. in particular we have to understand that as drivers and pedestrian that really need to be part of that education process, thank you very much. >> thank you supervisor, commissioner mendosa. >> thank you. >> i had a question with regards to the crossing guard. so i probably once every month have a request from the school to go to understand the process better around the crossing guards and my consistent message is it has to be
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evaluated so it's not something that they have a pool crossing guards and they send them to the various schools. i know there's yours that you've identified that -- where there's high concentration of kids that walk, but what are we doing to do some more kind of -- the outreach piece of the work for schools that are consistently asking for crossing guards and are there are some fundraising efforts we can do jointly to -- because i know you're very limited on the number of crossing guards that's you have as well and then not to bring you back too many years but in 5th grade i was a crossing guard and i see that in our schools and our private schools but i don't see
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within our public school systems so i wonder how encouraging that is and is that an okay thing to do particularly in some of the highly active intersections so just in general around the safety guards. >> so thank you for the question. so i think the question is two parts. the first is, you know, are you sending the right message when you you get questions from schools about how to get crossing guards and are we doing any sort of outreach to those schools where we're getting frequent request to make sure they understand the process and make sure they understand the decisions that get made and then the second part of the question had to do with whether or not there were opportunities to grow of pie for those crossing guards or finding ways to increase their parents by having students help out. the first answer to the first question is yes. the
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crossing guard program is in the mta and we he do a full evaluation and we do it on every corner that has a guard to make sure they're still meeting the criteria that are set out and the children using the crosswalk and also the relative safety of that crosswalk in terms of how many lanes are there and there's a whole set of criteria that gets used to do that evaluation, but then comes the hard part. we have a fine number of crossing guards that's fixed and if we discover that one corner no longer meets that criteria but we have one that does, that's a challenging conversation to go have because you're taking away an amendity that the parents
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