tv [untitled] May 26, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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me if you have an interest and couldn't catch that name /tkpwepbl. but -- again, but those are some pretty good tequilas. you may remember commissioners last fall we came and asked your permission to expand the foreign trade zone. it dates back a very long time now. there's well over 3000 such /hraoeupblss licenses and we were seeking to expand our foreign trade zone to include marin and so no ma counties.
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so on april -- a foreign trade zone really allows customers to defer or eliminate custom's duties /tkpepblding on what's happening with the goods they're bringing in. so if they're bringing in a component with this particular duty and they're marrying it with a combined component and that could be an advantage to them. we've got a lot of companies in the north bay that are interested in expanding their trade zones and this helps to create more jobs as they expand their operations. so my
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congratulations to the staff. this is really an undate to our two year budget so we don't expect there to be a lot of new material presented. from adopting the budget, we stayed within the budget that we approved a year-and-a-half ago, but we will be heard by the mayor's budget commission, by the board committee and then will go on to the full board in the june, july timeframe and we'll report back to you. we encourage yo to join us and we hope it is encredibly boring. that's may 29, 1:00 pm. now i'd like to take a moment to say thank you to a tremendous group of people who have really helped the port to participate and celebrate it's 150th
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anniversary. interestingly enough what we decided to do for our 150th isn't all that different from what the port did so we held a big gala on the floor here and they held a big luncheon. they had something very similar. i guess great minds think alike for 150 years so that was gratifying for us. it happened mostly all internally. we had the support of many of our partners who were sponsors and kind do nations. i think some of the donations were a thrill for our petty cab rides to and from the event and things like that. but most of the work has been being done the last 100 days by port staff. we talked
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about the staff that worked on the banners which continued to be poplar, but there was a tremendous group of staff that helped get our birthday date done at the pier 39 done. i know many of you are here, if you would come forward i would appreciate that. from our actual birthday from april 24, we have april shaw, denice, manny, george, patricia, molly, marilyn, amy. you can kinda stand back so everybody can see you. so this is a partial
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list of the group and helped people to find their way or stuffed a million party bags for our guests or did clean up and fed up for our gala and we are really grateful to all of them. so i would really appreciate you joining me in thanking them for their tremendous efforts. and so i'm gonna have amy do it since she's up. we have memorial caps to recognize you. and if you wouldn't mind standing here 'cause i have a whole other group to recognize. then the staff that participated in the event itself. i don't think the port has ever had -- gorge,
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get back there. this is a test of how well you pay attention to me. as i was saying, there was just a tremendous outpouring of port staff that donated their time and i'm going to call as many names as i have here. this is another big group of staff so there's david, roy ty, dave, manny, patricia, george, megan, /skwraepbl, krin, amy, carol, jerry, denice, shannon. if all of you would come forward. so
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ladies and gentlemen, this is the group of people who were physically out touching the people at the water front. we had a lot of people who have not come to the water front before come down because they saw the advertisements on the buses or on tv and wanted to come experience it. the water front was just teaming with people. the park and the ecocenter was full of folks. thank you carol for that. the boat clubs down in the pier 48, 50 area were teaming with people who were curious to see what's behind all those private clubs. and up here was just an amazing amount of people. so please /skwroeupbl join me in thanking this group of port
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personnel. you guys get to be seated and i have one last group. my photographer was in the crowd so he couldn't take a picture. all right. so last, this could not have been possible at all without a huge volunteer group of folks who stuffed something known as the committee for the 150th and it took a lot of their time -- regular hours and overtime hours -- and i want to recognize the committee. come forward when i call your names -- megan, jane, dave, dan, damon, jerry, jay, vicki, tonya, carol, wendy and of
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course their fearless leader, rene. . we have a little something special for all of the committee members. this one's megans so bear with me while i open it. megan, it's very fitting. this one is the first one i pulled out. it is a beautiful [inaudible] cube with some water and it reads, megan stevenson, in recognition to your contribution in celebrating [inaudible] with their names on it and we'll pass them out shortly. now, every little thing that those
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of you that came to the gala got to enjoy -- whether you fraternized with the chocolate girls or stilt walkers or enjoyed the flowers or whiskey or road a pedi cab, it was overseen by this group and was overseen by rene, who is the best party planner in the community. so we have a beautiful vase for her. ladies and gentlemen, one more time please. and so dave, will
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cup vessel so he's an incredible young man visiting his wife and child. he's a multiolympic metalist. he was the team strategist and just an exemplary person and it is a huge loss to our community. i don't think the press has been as forthcoming about who he was and what a sacrifice it is for his family to have lost him. i think it's important of the community of san francisco that we recognize the sacrifice that's been made by this family and we give them our very best thoughts and i'd like to adjourn our meeting today in honor of mr. bart simpson. and that concludes my report. >> thank you. is there any
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public comment on executive director's report. we do have one speaker. /tkepbl /tpheus. er dennis. >> i'd like to add our thanks to the port for allowing us to exhibit our -- the shipyard museum is a newly formed non profit whose mission it is to connect san francisco past and future together by preserving the /h*euls write of the industrialization of the city.
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and by doing so /e preserving that history most importantly to honor the dignity and value of the skilled labor that made san francisco possible. we had over 500 people come by our exhibit. it was our first time in pub luck so we want to thank the port for that. the museum is going to be a mobile museum and we're going to be taking our artifacts to the schoolyards in the city. i want to thank everybody here that made it possible for us to be there. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment on the executive director's report? any comments? i'd like to represent on behalf of commission number one to congratulate the staff again in
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the celebration of the anniversary. that was a happy side and i think we also want to express on behalf of the port commission we are sending a letter to the captain of the team and to mrs. simpson to express or condolences in terms of the loss of bart simpson and i think we all want to commemorate that. we are sad by this event and tragedy. thank you. >> item 8b [inaudible] cruise terminal passenger operations working and conference and special event management [inaudible]. >> before you start i just have
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a public comment speaker and i did not mention the agenda item so if you are garrett can you identify what you are here to comment on doll. i'm with the planning development staff. i've been working on the /kraoutz terminal project for the last several years in the ongoing epic project to get this completed and operating. i want to give you context on what we're planning to do for you today in terms of presentation. on one hand the construction work, phase one construction has been complete in march. that primarily is the /kraoutz terminal building. that has been turned over to the america's cup authority for
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their racing events until november. then phase two begins to complete the site -- to complete the building recommission shore site power to install a mobile gang wave, as well as a 2.5 acre park as well as /o*erl improvements to pier 27. so on the one hand we're doing the construction and the other hand is who's going to manage in this project. so last september we got your authority to issue an rfp for management services for cruise terminal operations to manage special events as well as parking for this project. we did get two proposals and /stwo development teams, metro and ports america. so i wanted to introduce both the teams
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today and then later we would come back, hopefully in two weeks on may 28 with the staff's recommendation based on the evaluation panel's scoring on who we recommend to the port commission to manage this property. so any case, we flipped a coin, metro is going to go first. let me turn it over to stefano and then after that ports america. >> good afternoon commissioners. we want to express or gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the selection process for the new cruise terminal. we are as excited as anybody here in
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/toupbl to be part of this process and look forward to the new cruise terminal becoming operational and starting a new era in san francisco which we believe is long coming. i'd like to speak about a company, if i'm able to negotiate john doll's tool. and also speak about our team and our partners. metro cruise services operates nationally under the umbrella [inaudible] and provides the following services to the cruise industry and beyond -- security services, ground services, agency [inaudible] and logistics. we provide event planning and transportation. metro has a long history in san francisco that goes back to 1852 the california [inaudible] company back in the day, going back to the gold rush so
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definitely the water front of san francisco is in our dna and some of the salt water is in our blood. metro has been the face of san francisco for the cruise industry since its inception, dating back to the 70s here in this port. we are proud of the industry, we use it as part of our marketing strategies and so on. our record is we have had a proven ability cruise terminal management on west coast boards. we have had a [inaudible] each cruise line specific plans which can be quite different /tkpepblding on the demographics of the cruise lines. we have achieved very high customer satisfaction ratings while operating in what
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we like to call old grand lady of cruise terminals. we aren't attached to it, but it is ageing lady with limitationses. we have worked very hard to make it successful and we have been able to grow business accordingly. we have strong relationships with everyone here in san francisco. it is essential for an operator to do so. we have strong labor relations with whom we interface daily. obviously government agencies and the many suppliers here in the city. we have an excellent environmental compliance
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record. what is our vision essential for this cruise terminal. we want to introduce add /aud and offer a flawless guest experience to every passenger transiting through it. we want to achieve the highest cruise passenger ratings ever reported in our port and grow the business aggressively. we want to integrate special events, minimizing terminal down times and marketing the facility as a full spectrum exceptional event venue. our team -- we have an excellent house team based in san francisco. fully dedicated crews, they do nothing else and in touch with local practices and cushion toms and establish are you teens. as we all know
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san francisco is a unique port. you have to know the port to be able to work in the port. we have demonstrated without team [inaudible] we don't only limit team to [inaudible] operations, we do everything else. we have /eupbl credible incredibly client relationships . we are able to [inaudible] we're not going to now integrate all activities around the cruise terminal. we have been doing so for many years. we consistently deliver excellent customer service over the years. our partners --
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obviously the spectrum of services that the new cruise terminal will invest on, particularly parking and /sperblt special /e our partners are the best event management and parking firms in the bay area, period. that is what we believe. [inaudible] is the local knowledge, the experience /-rbgsz , the capability to make the cruise experience [inaudible] abilities with unmatched event management expertise. we believe we will be a very powerful partnership that will lead to exceptional results.
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we will perfectly fit the cruise terminal. [inaudible] produce new and exciting things like valet parking which is not available for [inaudible] and slow times as part of their program. i'd like to take a quick moment to introduce our partners. we have two representatives today. the first one from [inaudible] studios is matt. if you could come up for a second. then we have gym from impart, which will follow in a second. >> my name's mac and i'm with [inaudible] studios. we're the premier event [inaudible] in san francisco. we just recently completed the giant's world series parade and we're looking forward to another one. we're very excited about the
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/terpblal. it couldn't have come on line at a better time. now there's quite a backlog of space needed in san francisco. we think it's a dynamic space and probably one of the best on the west coast for trade shows, business sessions and metings and so on. thank you. >> just introducing gym from impart. >> thank you. my name is gym, i'm director of bids development for impark. it's a name that's not real well known in san francisco even though we've been here since 1999. we were selected by the giants to run all the parking for at&t park, or whatever it was at the time. we've got a lot of
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municipal contracts, city contracts, we do a lot of business with the port. we are a port tenant at port 50. we're in the process of expanding [inaudible] as we continue to grow. we run some of the largest city of san francisco garages. last year we were awarded the fifth admission garage, the golden gaitway garage, japan center. this was done under imco. we have a lot of backing behind us. we have a lot of good people here in tow and we're very much looking forward to providing a high level of parking service to the part and
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the people of san francisco. thank you. >> thank you mac and gym. i wanted to take the op /taoupblty to introduce you briefly. so what is our plan? want to /pwhreurbl a business development plan that incentivizes all parties through profit sharing. want to maximize available terminal usage days for crews and special events. obviously no dead days as much as possible. this will allow us to increase union jobs in areas of security, maintenance and operations to manage and protect the facility /-fp it is much different from pier 35. we obviously plan to expand our partnership with local businesses through opportunities offered by the lb program. it's something we need to discus further with our partners. there is a degree of
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edge caution that needs to go with in that direction. we obviously want to showcase the james harmon cruise terminal through grand opening event. we want to schedule an event as soon as possible when the terminal become available, use it as an opportunity to showcase it, show it to everyone in town and beyond. schedule management -- we are asked how we are going to manage the schedule. hopefully not too many numbers here but i wanted to say that schedules are made two years to 18 months in advance. it is our goal to
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reach [inaudible] based on market trends in discussion with the cruise /eupbl dust /treu. this will result in 140 cruise days with the date prior to the ship call being blocked for the preparation for the ship call. in a worst case scenario because there are going to be many times where there are multiple ship calls in one day or multiple ship calls one day after the other. there will be 125 event days available. that leaves room for 80 events per year that could scheduled in worst case scenario. we have much work and marketing to do. event bookings will then be taken
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