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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT

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are bypassed the country because of the peak and the same is true in the thing for folks from palo to --, and wondered whether civil service would alleviate that. the city says we are doing a little better, i will not rest on c or c+, the very least i want passengers to know how much work is to haley has done and what he is doing and in addition i would like to talk about some of these other issues. >> chair nolan: these are good i get to idea to me. with members consent. >> we have good answers to all of those questions. >> did you say 850,000? that's just the brt lines.
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that's amazing. >> i forgot to mention headways are one minute. >> that's phenomenal. i am looking forward to that day. building on director heinicke's point, i heard from several people as well. i think that it would not only be great to hear an update to all the work that director haley has been doing but also it would be great to get an update on the communication systems as well. i think it's been a while since we have heard about that. >> that's in john's memo, and i will say that work superbly today; there were announcements every two minutes and letting us know what was going on and that is absolutely part of this and should be part of -- >> thank you director ramos. >> item 7, directors' report.
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>> good afternoon chairman nolan, members of the board, staff. a few items to update you with today. starting happily with the new website. we have received a lot of feedback from everyone who has ever looked at it that our website has passed its prime. given that we have such a public presence in the city, and so many different ways in which would touch people, it can be and should be a very important way that we communicate with people, not the only way but an important way. we have about 3 million visits a year to the website. i am happy to announce that on may 29th, next wednesday, we'll
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be launching the new the current site was built back in 2007, when the internet was just starting by the looks of it. we had a lot of feedback from folks that the site is hard to navigate, difficult to use, difficult to find things, not well-organized, outdated look and feel. conversely the new website is much more user-friendly, much more easier to navigate, much more intuitive and brings forward the information that is of most interested people. it does cover all the modes the transportation agency plays a role in and we're not getting all the content finalized; all the content on the current website is stale. we're getting fresh content and putting in place a maintenance plan to keep the content current.
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there's a lot of great features on it. real-time maps, vehicle location integration with 511 and twitter; some of the real documentations will be helpful, including mobile device friendly features. much better information on the many projects that we are doing all around the city. i'm happy to see that launching. we'll send out something next wednesday. for those of you who like the look and feel of your site, enjoy the last week of it. next wednesday the new one will be up. speaking of cycling and bike sharing, the chairman made reference to what they saw in mexico city. hour by chair system is still on track to be up and running this august. it has been officially named
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bay area bike share, pretty creative. there will be an open house may 30th, at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30, to let people know how the system works and talk about expensive locations because we are starting this believing that before it will barely gets up and running we'll be talking about wanting to expanded. we are working with the rest of the region on average. this open house will be a good opportunity for folks to get a close look. speaking on the biking, on the things that we did and bike to work day was unveiled the first bike barometer on market street,
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inbound direction. by the end of the day, 3231 bikes were counted; mainly capturing the ones in the bike lane. that is an undercount. the data shows that 76% of all trips eastbound on market street -- pretty phenomenal number perhaps that is the urgency the vice chair was addressing in terms of market street improvement. the number of people writing to work on bikes has increased 30 percent over the past five years. it continues to grow. one of the things that those of us coming from d5 were treated to was being able to write down the new oak street bike lane, completed by the paint shop just in time in advance of the event; we had a lot of very positive feedback from that.
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someone who used to ride oaks street before, the before and after is strikingly different. we are continuing that work to complete it; remember that it was two-phases. the first was painted traffic changes. there were hard scape changes as well. should be done this fall. good news there. this past sunday for anyone who could have possibly missed it, for us really an opportunity to showcase the transportation system and what we can do, how we can search it and adapt it to meet specialized demands. we work closely with the whole city family. i feel the day was a success. we have people at the city emergency operation center; we
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had the department operations center open, a lot of planning, all the city agencies, came together to make the day success. we open the subway early and ran extra buses to get participants to the start of the race; we were part of the regional security plan that covered all of downtown including underground stations. we had our pcos and service supervisors deployed to key locations that we could manage traffic on the street and make adjustments on the fly as needed. we get everybody to the race and back using 75 extra buses and extra rail service; we had very little in the way of problems during the day. we always learn things from these events. some small adjustments were made but overall it was a successful day not just for transportation that for the whole city. the event went rather well. finally the last item i was
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going to note, director heinicke noted, the 2013 biennial report to measure residents opinion on city services including muni. overall residents gave city government a b minus grade and providing services that for the first time since the start of the survey in 1997 the majority of residents said local government is doing a good or excellent job; trending well generally as a government. consistent with prior survey trends comments about muni and public consultation outnumbered the percentage of comments offered in relation to any of the service area. as we know everybody has opinions about muni and public transportation.
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the satisfaction with muni increased, with most grades going from c to c plus, fares was the best with b minus, lowest was cleanliness. skip a little -- i guess the point is -- one other thing, 57% of residents used muni or other public consultation on a weekly basis and 9 out 10 right friends at least once a month. muni touches a lot of people. there were some variations to geography, i have asked the controller if you could give us a little bit
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of finer grained detail, down to the neighborhood level. the report shows at the supervisory district level. i think to director heinicke' s pont, c+ is nothing to celebrate but the slow climb is a reflection of progress that has been made. we will not rest. if i came home with school with a c+ i would not be congratulated. the survey reaffirms the areas that we have chosen to focus on, which is communication and timeliness, and reliability of service. these are the things that are important to the people who write muni, which is most of the city. modestly hopeful data there. >> chair nolan: mbers of the board, questions? members of the public?
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>> i was going to say with respect to the communication, i understand wholeheartedly we have a terrific web presence, twitter and all that. my concerns are coming from people who are not technologically mobile so to speak. i'm hoping that we can get back to the idea, addressing the issue of the wirelessness, the lack of wireless access on the tunnels. tweets don't help if you can't get a signal; and better radiocommunication to the operators. then the operators can relay that information over the pa systems. i'm hoping that we can make sure that all the operator is doing is relaying the information because some of us, we are still left in the dark and secondly that the messages are intelligible; they don't just sound like the uop uop
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uop, and maybe ideally in multiple languages; i know we cannot expect all the operators to speak many languages but i am confident that some of them do and it would be nice to hear announcements from operators , even in their own native language. that'd be great. >> chair nolan: members of the public, on the directors report? mr. weiner [sounds like]? >> herbert weiner; one thing though, if you can gauge the number of bicyclists on market street, you ought to be able to gauge the number of bicyclists who go through the red light, and that is very important because that is the source of revenue for mta.
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if there were 100 dollar fines for each bicyclist that went to the red light you would be out of the red. you should really consider it. as far as public satisfactionwith muni goes, uh uh, you don't get a pass on this; it's getting worse and worse and people are getting fed up. that is why the muni task force was formed and we hope it is not a whitewash because the friends of muni are charing it; and also the controllers office, friends of muni, you have not reached out to the community on this. this is certainly a flaw that you have. you don't get a pass from me, and you don't get a pass from a lot of other people who are very angry at the bus stop. >> chair nolan: thank you.
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anybody else care to address the directors report? >> come up. on the directors report. good afternoon. >> charles minster, regular user of the muni service and a resident. first i like to give a shout out to the mechanics and clerks who make the system run and don't get the rewards that they deserve. i'm concerned about the continual harassment and the way that you are trying to revitalize the poor on muni service, having offices check and see if they have a pass or transfer . i understand the cost of revenue recovery is like eight times one. if i spend eight dollars to gain one dollar, i'd be out of business in the short time.
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this is not at all and monetary thing; it's a political thing. it's used by your mta and certainly by you mr. reiskin, and your boss in city hall mr. lee, as a means of harassing the poor and the working class. we don't have any cost down on montgomery street checking the bankers coming in and out of the doors, finding out how many billions they stole from us. you are not having them say, look, you turn in your buddy who ripped off a widow of her house, turn that in and get her work. no. you are continuously attacking the poor and the working class. it's a political attack on us. >> chair nolan: anyone else care to address the board on the director's report. none.
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>> moving on to the citizens advisory council report. item 9, public comment, opportunity for members of the public to address the board on items not on today's agenda. >> good afternoon mr. patel. >> my name is neil patel, planning director with the san francisco bicycle coalition to announce an event that the severn cisco coalition is putting on with the sfmta, the dependent living center and the office of -- it's an adaptive cycling event, at the june 9th -- and the dogpatch, bringing the largest collection of custom-made bicycles, many hand powered or
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tandem for use were adults and for use with just about any kind of physical disability. the staff of the there to explain a lot of volunteers, june 9th, 11-4 p.m. a great way to bring the joys of bicycle to an even broader community and thank you to director -- for getting this along, i will be sending an e-mail to the secretary shortly. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> herbert weiner -- >> i like to cite two areas of attack by mta on the public. one is they are aiming to charge the handicapped for parking which is unfair. people are being punished because of the handicap and this is outrageous. the second thing is i believe
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it is in the work that the summer schedules are going to run on saturday time. this is also in the works. now, there are tourists that come from out of town during the summer, people who still have to get to work in this business of reduced time schedule is actually outrageous. third thing - basically what the task force is trying to do, they are trying to float a bond that will uphold the transit effectiveness of this project, which reduces service. reduces bus stops; produce services to people who needed the most including seniors and the frail. you don't want the sight of people collapsing walking to the bus, because they will
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walk quarter of a mile. these are the latest areas of attack, and they're not very nice. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> -- those are the last to make people return in speaker cards. >> good afternoon. this is my second time before you in one month; we have to stop eating this way. i take it you are familiar with the latest thing that came out in the press about the project -- central subway project shortfall. it is done to 4.7 months of contingency timewise and 67
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million dollars in funding quite a bit below federal levels, you are between a rock and a hard spot. somewhere you have to make a cut. earlier on when things were looking like the budget was a problem due cut out as i recall the people walk between union station, and market street. and you cut out the extra car widths in the stations. i think at this point, given where things are, you have not started drilling holes yet, we have a gift for you from north beach called the north beach construction tunnel variance; that's going to cost you 70 million bucks which we
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will be happy not having it done. you can put this back into your budget and make up some of the budget shortfall and your time shortfall. i would like to encourage you to consider cutting that out of the central subproject. we are fine without it; you can use the money. thank you. >> next speaker please. who's that? >> joan wood, the last person. >> good afternoon ms. wood. >> yes good afternoon, also the second time for me this month. i am a member of no north beach dig; i am concerned about the extreme speed that you are using to bail out a developer and do his work for him, you have the key ont he 16th,
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according to mr. fungi, so you must have paid what was coming to him. the dig at the other end is proceeding extremely slowly; the feds have noticed that and they sent you a letter this month, i'm sure you have seen it. san francisco weekly talked about it. the feds are concerned about serious deficiencies financial and in time; you are appointed by the mayor, you are loyal to him and what he wants but i think you should take your responsibilities more seriously and really look into this because you cannot mess around for ever with the feds; they will come down on you if you don't do something about this. it is sort of insanity to be working on the end of the actual project and you can't
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progress on the front of it, down on 4th street. it's crazy. part of what the feds pointed out is that there are piles that have to be driven -- they have another word for it -- piles is as good a description as any and they can't get them straight, they are crooked. they have only done four, they are supposed to do 46. please take your responsibilities more seriously. mr. reiskin is overburdened looking out for taxis and parking meters and all of that but it is your responsibility also. >> mary mcguire, last speaker. >> mary mcguire, taxi driver. i would like to thank mary borley and director reiskin.
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-- you are saying everything the industry want to say. you recommended the solution, to make sure that on regular that services will drive the regular providers out of business. -- also, you pointed out too that electronic hailing should not be exempt from regulation. regarding regulation, the hackers' code, better to
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ask for forgiveness than permission; if this will be the new way of the world, how can we regulate, govern, protect the public if this is how it's going to be? my request to you, my question is, these comments it is so excellent, are you prepared to act on them if the puc doesn't? i know it takes courage. i know, or i have heard or feel that mayor lee is not going to be favorable to you if you do act, hopefully i am wrong, and he is highly influenced by the people from sand hill road. i want to ask to have the courage to act. >> chair nolan: next item.
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>> moving on to consent calendar. these are items considered routine, acted on a roll call. as previous stated 10.2 p q r and s have been removed; the rest of the consent calendar is before you. >> chair nolan: motion to approve? for the discussion, all those in favor? the ayes have it. >> item 11. awarding contract 1300 --
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station surface station surfacetrack - (reading item 11, regular calendar) >> chair nolan: mr. fungi? >> good afternoon, john fungi central subway program director. item 11 request to award contract no. 1300 to tutor perini corporation and the amount not to exceed 839,676,400 and authorize the director of test addition to exercise 490,000 in optional work and further authorized director of transportation to prove up to 20 million dollars in contract amendments. contract 1300 presents the
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final contract award for the separate program under percent of the work for chinatown subway station, union station market street station, essentially everything to bring it into revenue service which is currently projected at the end - of december, 2018. under this contract that you will be reviewing today, is scheduled to be completed prior to april thirtieth of 2018. central subject construction began in 2010, and it is scheduled to be completed in early 2018. the first two advanced utility relocation contract has been let and completed; preliminary work under the tunneling contract is not completed and tunneling is scheduled to commence on june 10 of this year.
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regarding contract 1300, on october first, 2012, the mta concluded that the money the remaining station packages to one contract, contract 1300, would reduce overall schedule and coordination and integration for the city. the program is also engaged since incorporation of contract 1300 the specialist services of small business of returns and one thing is concerned to encourage and assist sb anticipation and contract 1300. on april 18th, three minutes were received, prices range from -- tutor perini operation of the lowest responsible bidder with it price approximately 12 percent over the engineers' estimate range. staff analysis indicates