tv [untitled] May 27, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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we are going to listen and listen carefully to what you have to say and bring those into our decision-making in government and hopefully when we reflected in the budget you will have trusted us to have this incredible opportunity to represent the greatest city , in united states the city of san francisco. thank you very much. >> thank you mayor lee for the opening comments and let me take these seconds to talk about how to they will run. we asked the budget director for the city, kate howard to do a brief presentation on the overview of the budget as well as what the audit process entails and introduce the men and women who helped to run the city government who stand behind me. will then proceed to hear from the community. we are first asking a couple of members from both district two and district 3 to make brief presentations on issues and budget priorities as they see them and then we will jump
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on what is the heart of today's meeting which is to hear from all of you get public comments from anyone who wants to provide public comment to us and we will be asking folks to speak for up to two minutes and collect public comments. we would like to introduce kate howard from mayor's budget office. >> good morning. thank you guys. i am the mayor's budget director and i want to spend a few minutes talking briefly about how san fbudget works rancisco. so - the supervisors and the mayor, this is a plan that reflects how we want to spend the money available to us. it is also a document that should reflect the priorities
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and values of san francisco; and finally it is also the legal authority that the city has to spend money every year. up here the slide is showing you a little bit about how we spend the money that we get every year; the combined city and county, it means that we have all the normal city functions, thing s like police and fire and recreation services, in the normal county function like that a human health services agency, and we run the county jail. we also do things beyond what other cities do; we have a port, and airport in the public utilities commission that provides water for the whole region. encompassed in the 7.4 billion dollar annual budget is a lot of stuff; about 32 percent of
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that budget is spent on public works, transportation and commerce and that includes the puc, mta, as well as the airport. about almost 20 percent on public health, and about 14 percent the public protection. let's go to the next slide. this is showing you where we get our money. of the overall 7.4 billion dollar total budget, about 3.6 is in what we call the general fund, is that the city discretion how we spent our money and comprise of locally derived revenue sources in the shows you where we are getting our money .the easy answer is that we get it from all of you. you pay taxes and this is how the city receives funds, the funds the city uses to operate. about 33 percent are from for property taxes. 13 percent for business-related
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taxes. importantly about 20 percent, one out of every five dollars that we get, comes from the state or federal government. what that means is that when the state or federal government makes a change or makes us a policy choice or a funding decision they have a direct effect here in san francisco. this is really trying to show you - we've done a lot of work over the last few years trying to do a better job planning. in predicting how much money we think we are likely to take in and how much money it will cost to operate city government. what this slide is showing, in the black bar, the darker one,
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it shows you how much revenue we projected taken over the next five years and essentially it is showing the revenues growing we are predicting by 13 percent over the next five years at healthy revenue growth, we are seeing the economic recovery play out here. we are projecting 25 percent growth to keep pace with inflation and all of our known costs. that gap between our projected revenue in the projected expenditure is really the shortfall that we are trying to address every year when we are balancing the budget. we have made good progress but there is still more work to do. what we focus on when we talk about the general fund deficit. i wanted to share with you one of the best sources of information that we have become stricter from the public is 311 data. i to share with you the most common types of calls that we are receiving from district two and three out of 311. the top two for both districts, kind of together, our street
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and sidewalk cleaning, 24 percent, and property damage. in district 3 property damage of the mossiant concern; graffiti, 14% is also significant concern but that is really just one piece of data for us and one of the things we are here to hear from you today is how to understand this information. is this it? i don't think so. i think you have other ideas that you want to share with us. finally i stood know who is up here listening today; we have a bunch of city department heads here, several in the audience. police department over in the corner;
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if you would raise your hand when you share your department's name, office of economic workforce development; the department of public works up in the front -- mendoza, the fire department, the mayors office of disability, human services agency, housing authority, the mayor's office of housing, supervisors in mayor, supervisor of the parks department. the pardon of emergency management; the city librarian, public health department, mta, health support services, juvenile probation department;
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i also see -- did i miss anybody? ann hinton from the department of adult services. without further ado alternate over to supervisor farrell. >> for those of you don't know kate is spending late nights and weekends at the mayor's office getting the budget together. we are going to ask the folks from district two to come up first. first i would like to ask the friends of mountain lake park group. there will be two committee groups from district two and two from the six three, each will have four minutes. hi guys.
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>> good morning mayor lee, good morning everybody on the panel. excuse i will try to project. thanks for giving us the opportunity to share about a project with you today. we are members of friends of mountain lake park playground, located on twelfth avenue and -- richmond district. they learn in 2012 that the current playground, was receiving a failing grade. we decided to build a new playground. linkin park was born. we work side-by-side for three
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years as well as a fiscal sponsor, parks alliance we needed an architect, -- jackson at premium national architect the strong presence in san francisco and the lead architect is a neighbor of the playground; they stepped forward to be a partner. we have been working together for over two years. it is located in special site in san francisco, one of the only freshwater lakes in the area. it is in fact where many native american tribes live and settled, on the journey up from what is known as mexico. it was where the original presidio was devised and afterwards the san francisco mission.
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our playground will be a beautiful, enjoyable place for all the families in the neighborhood and beyond for many years to come. we have a budget of 3 million dollars. with the assistance of supervisors mark farrell and -- we are grateful recipients of two million from the safe and clean neighborhood park bond. our architect is given as close to 300,000 in in-kind services. and we have a remaining 750,000 to raise; we will do that locally in the strategy of fundraising with neighborhood parties and also we have partners in -- different groups in the neighborhood.
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the planning association of richmond, the presidio trust, neighborhood associations of the presidio, and we are grateful to have the help of all of those partners in closing the gap in the funding that we still need to raise.we have one year to raise the remaining 750,000 dollars; we hope to deliver a playground worthy of the site. is a very exciting project. we have had a tremendous outpouring of support from neighborhoods ard families who use the playground. lots of groups play soccer in the meadow and look at the lake; we feel supported by the entire richmond neighborhood and beyond. thank you for your time today. (applause)
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>> we have a number of great parks, and a number of great community groups friends of different parts, friends of lafayette park; we are developing an organization with san francisco reservoir, and raising additional funds,i am biased, i have three little children here in san francisco but the perspective of families of what it's like to raise families is really important so i've asked -- to come up and speak for a few minutes. let me ask -- before you come up real quick, for those of you who have comment cards and is not tournament please hold them up and we will come and collect them. after district 3 is done spoken, we will proceed to public
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comment and we want to have all the public comments cards. >> we appreciate the opportunity about speaking on the impact of the budget on families in district 2; in addition to being a new dad, i am an entrepreneur, homeowner, military veteran and advisor to the white house on home invasion. looking at the 2013 fiscal years, 890 million dollars for public protection, 2.7 billion dollars for public works and transportation are effective in supporting infrastructure for our homes and delivering services like nannies all across the city but the agency's own data on the infrastructure and transportation shows that major improvements in efficiency
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can be made and make those dollars were effective. one area where the overall system seems to be failing is in supporting childcare businesses. even the san francisco spent 72 million on " children, youth and families" i was shocked to learn that every reasonably located childcare center has a one-year wait list, the majority have two years waiting list. all the new parents which are now friends of mine all feel the same way about the child care support services. if san francisco is really concerned about the " five year flight" it is important to look at this all too common and supporting inflection point in san francisco. i applaud san francisco -- the fact that we felt 36% below
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our target last year does not mean that we should lower the target next year is currently reported that the controllers office. we should raise the affectations and try to do whatever is reasonable in the business and to attract childcare businesses, attract them and retained them. it will create new revenue streams, retain families like mine, and a little at a service to san francisco citizens and offer an attractive alternative to the under the table cash economy which proliferates in childcare in san francisco by bringing in more qualified services, as an attractive alternative, we can generate more revenue for the city, improve the quality of care for all the citizens in san francisco and
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support the families live here. thank you again for the opportunity. apl (applause)>> our next two presentations will be provided by some community leaders, julie christiansen, the founder of friends of joe dimaggio. thanks julie. >> thank you supervisor chiu, mr. mayor. nice to have you all here. this is a great opportunity to say happy things to all the department heads that i am looking at who have been our partners in great project and today will concentrate on projects that we don't have a apologize for that. i beg your indulgence. everybody has a wish list and today i get to talk about mine. four things. happy days are here again is the mayor said; companies are moving in, companies hiring,
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tourism is back up what we are not sustaining our open space rate. mission center, patrol hill, all are experiencing vast increases in jobs; additional funds are required to maximize existing open space and recreational facilities as well as adding new space where feasible. rdp and dpw need additional funding to provide the maintenance required by the additional use of existing facilities. in district three we all know we are severely underserved for recreation and open space. national urban stems call for 4-10 acres of open space. does not take into account the thousands of workers and tourists, this just for residents. we are the city's golden goose.
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we have three of the city's original public squares puzzle venerable spaces like huntington park, pioneer park, justin herman, rpd services especially in the planning budgets are allocated by resource not by the intensity of their use. 10 years ago we had 12 gardeners in my area; today we have 5. quake tower brings in more than half a million dollars to city coffers but we are down in our staff. we recently opened the renovated chinatown rec center and mascony playground,
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after 14 years of struggle, we will soon renovate the joe dimaggio playground next to the brand-new neighborhood library and we don't have a gardener to take care of it. district 3 needs additional rpd and dpw resources, more staff or quake tower, transportation. we've got heavy needs for transportation. the t line is underway but the t line will not be finished until he continues to north beach and fishermen swarf. we need to look at how the t line can be connected to them. drug and alcohol abuse.
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the effects of homeless and substance abusers is great. we need more b cops, and beginning to hear from both the officers and homeless advocates the same story; the officers call it the drug tank. the homeless calls it the detox center. more and more i hear call for a place where people can be taken especially during the day, cared for and given access to city services and not endangering the families and the children and the tourists who come to north beach. polk street, and broadway, are old, hallowed traditional corridors for the city; they are not in the spotlight right now like a mission district or some of the new emerging neighborhoods but these are street i need not just bulb outs and bicycle lanes; they needed deep look at the
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economic conditions and the effect on the surrounding neighborhood. those are my ideas. (applause) >> thank you julie. also from district 3 we have a wonderful web of asian-american organizations; i would like to recognize -- santiago from the budget coalition to talk about the needs as you see them. >> good morning mayor lee and supervisors. the api -- includes employment services, youth services, family resource centers and services for families and children. one of the things that was remarkable last year, after years of budget cuts and deficits that do not allow us to support our staff was a 3%
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cost of doing business; that in our contracts resulted with the first raises for staff where they have been losing ground year after year; it would can have that again this year it would go a long way to support a committed, capable staff and our capacity to continue these important services and none of us would argue about what it means to the quality-of-life for our residents to have nonprofits to be strong and vibrant of the city. another project that was funded which was also amazing was the language axis project. as you know there was a language access ordinance passed requiring city agencies to provide language access to very diverse, often monolingual residents. it was not executed well. the resources were not there and often times the staff that was hired, the capacity was for one language.
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someone in the back office it really didn't have customer service as part of their job. and so because we got funding last year we are piloting community partnerships and it wasn't enough. our ask was 2 million dollars and we would like to see 500,000 dollars more this year to ensure that access to every one of the residence is made possible. we thank mayor and senior staff that came out to china town, it was remarkable. they visited an sro, people living in 6x10 rooms, this was a good one, this is run by a partner agency of the chinatown community development center. that was an eye-opener i think for your staff as they saw
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single residence in a well-run sro, 6x10, living in those conditions but what they didn't see where the private ones, where not just single individuals in 6x10 rooms but families in poorly run conditions. think about that in a 6x10 room. one of the needs that we brought up particularly for chinatown residents, those struggling with language access, when the language access is a good way to opportunities. if you're an accountant and have a professional background cannot speak a language you do not have an opportunity. your door is a low-wage job in a restaurant or grocery store and you don't have time because you are taking care of your children to be able to learn the language. our motto here right now
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with city college because it is a challenge, classroom-based, six years to become proficient to enter one of our academies. we are asking for an innovative way to lower the learning time to maybe two years or shorter. maybe with your office of innovation between tec and volunteers, and good academic understanding of what it means to do line with acquisition for our residents, it would make a difference in the lives of the families and the children. so those are our requests sts and thank you always for your support. apl (applause)>> thank you. before we get the public comment we have one more presentation but i want to take a moment to again mention that if you have public comment
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cards and you want to ask a question, please hand them to our staff. i want to thank my aid amy chan taking a photo there and michael kelly from supervisor farrell's office also walking up and down the aisle. one of the things that we want to do today because i think a policy priority for both the mayor, supervisor farrell, myself is thinking about the future of the next generation of san franciscans; we wanted to have at least a brief presentation from our young folks and i will like to introduce ric -- who has been running the city's summer program. >> good morning eric mcdonald, a couple of thoughts about our summer jobs plus program, our mayor and city leading the way in the nation responding to president obama's challenge to
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create opportunities for our young people. the last summer we set a goal of 5000 and achieved 5200. this summer the mayor set a goal of 6000, and we are charging hard towards that. we had about 800 people come last summer through us. we had about 175 volunteers, 75came from city departments who did mock interviews, can indication skills, much management, all fantastic. we work with high schools to create the career academies like here at galileo, and attach those to vocational training and attached to the work academy at san francisco state and usf, and continued hospitality industry,
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we have a growing cadre of young people who are ready to step and begin treating citizens in our city. if you have young people send them our way. they can go to, or they can call 211 and get more information. what we want to do now is bring up briana white, to talk about the value of experience. we wanted get the exposure and access to the kinds of opportunities also blend industry and two quickly connect those opportunities to the value and import of what they do in their classrooms every single day. breanna white slut interest from last summer as a result of her experience to change her course in terms of what she wanted to focus on in terms of her career. please welcome brianna white. >> hi everyone, my name is brianna white,
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a student at san francisco state. that summer as a freshman i experienced my first internship at prometheus real estate; i worked at the human services department where my duties were to assist my supervisor and event planning for the employees and perform clerical duties. during this internship i gained a lot of experience, and also transferable skills that have a lot of impact on my success today. i also shadowed other employers and learn about property management, interior designing an asset management at prometheus. one of the special projects was breast cancer -- for the employees. also received great support from both my supervisor and her supervisor. as of now this internship has helped design to
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