tv [untitled] May 27, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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cold water can be -- >> it's just a heat system. >> yes. >> okay. >> basically it maintains -- we use the core temperature of the earth which is at 40 some odd degrees to heat and cool the facilities. it's one of the first facilities in the country to use geothermal pipes for that reason. it helps with the lead points. >> i was wondering what you meant with that. >> it's interesting to look at if you're ever in the neighborhood. >>i definitely want to get down there. >> any other questions? >> director reiskin. >> yeah, i mentioned i was up at a office building adjacent to the site and it was impressive to see the magnitude of the work and you can see when you look down and how much excavation is getting done. the progress is pretty impressive. just one question on the schedule and i apologize if i asked this
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before. the schedule on the completion of the steel now shows september 15 which is better than the baseline schedule of november 15 and i am just wondering is that based on the current structure of the steel bids in terms when we expect to get to ntp and the duration or do we expect that to be reicized? >> good question. so the construction milestones that i just showed you that are in the update as i understand it not inclusive of any final impact we may discover with the steel bids. however, we believe that we can control that and that's what we're working on once we get the bids back and i know webcor is working on ways to do work arounds and strategize how to increase the speed for delivering the steel. i have seen some milestones that
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stayed pretty darn close to where we want to be but that will be discussed i believe if not next month the july meeting when we get the results from the bid but it's our intent to minimize that as much as possible and one is the discussion of the cast nodes and later on the agenda. >> yeah director -- i asked them to look at at schedule again and revise it based on everything and give me mitigation strategies if they believe there is an intent in any area tell me where we can recover and the float that we had back and i expect to have that back by the time we bring the steel package in july. >> okay great. thank you. >>i want to thank everyone for the good work on the construction site. we continue to have zero incidents and there are tours from high schools in the area coming into the site
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and learning about construction and engineering and architect and you are we will be bringing more information on that. we put out a newsletter that talked about two of the successful programs and manny says everyone he talks about we want to work on transit bay and it's the one project we want to work on and it's a testament offed good work andtur. that concludes my report. >> thank you. as the summer heats up we have interns and students coming in and maybe we could put them on the agenda for july. >> sure. i would be happy to. >> okay. now we're at public comment number six and opportunity for members of the public to address you. >> good morning chairman and members of the board. i would like to echo the remarks i made
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during last week's supplemental eir scoping meeting and with the issues with sfgovtv which is not broadcasting today's meeting live. the first point i made last week is a single tree track tunnel can't be built and it's impossible to e vac vait the train. the second point there are five structures two on second treat and two on townsend and this is bizarre and the structure for the london high speed tunnels are 2 miles apart. the last point extending the platforms to other side of main street it's impossible to do [inaudible] to the east bay at the later date. there is no improvement since november and i will touch on this again before the board adjourns to close session to discussed evaluation
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of the the chief executive and the transcripts of the november, december, january, and march board meetings have disappeared from sfgovtv and the presentation is missing from item number nine in the november board packet. >> thank you and our secretary wanted -- our board secretaried wanted to let you know that sfgovtv has phoned in to say that we are live. next speaker. >> good morning -- >> i am sorry. we called mr. patrick first but you can go right after him. >> hi i am jim patrick and with patrick and company in san francisco and as a neighbor to this project. i approached this board a number of times about the west end entrance and i have a letter i would like to share to the board and i will give it
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to the secretary upon the completion of my presentation. i believe we can save $5 million by eliminating the west end area, the exit way to the park. $5 million is about equal to the budget for the trances bay operating budget for next year. i believe it deserves serious consideration. it will -- it's a poor design. it won't be used. it's going to be dangerous. we saw what happened to the elevator in the guy riding the bart elevateddor. it spoils the ground floor design on the west end where the traffic is coming in from the west end and it's just a plain old bad idea. i like it to be reevaluated. i approached the board and other people about this and to date have received zero responseo i am hoping that we can get more than zero response. thank you. >> thank you mr. patrick. our next speaker --
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>> would be florence kong. >> good morning directors. my name is florence kong and for the bay view and construction business. about the trans bay project we have some concern. it's about -- we noticed that the steel package is going to be rebid and sbe -- dbe [inaudible] is dropping from 23% to 12%. that means the goal is almost cut into half, and actually we know there are many local business that they will have the ability to do this project, and we always encourage hire [inaudible] because if we
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can encourage more local business to participate in this project it is actually also helping the local hiring and it will bring up the local hiring goals so this is our concern and hope that directors can look into this issue. thank you. >> thank you. >> and then we have manny florez. >> good morning commissioners. manny florez local 22, the carpenters union. i want to thank director sartipi for the kind words and get the word out and speaking to middle schools and doing our part but it works both ways. i have to commend her and her staff and the rest of them they work with us, anything that we want, we ask, we get, and one thing about maria she makes sure we're
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doing our job. hey, how's it going on? she does her part but it's a two way street and she wants to see this project successful and it's not easy. it's a lot of work. we hit roadblocks but we get over it and i have to tip my hat to her and her staff and they make the wheel go and i want to say thank you and pass that along. thank you very much. >> thank you manny. >> thank you mr. florez. any other speakers that would like to speak that didn't turn on a card? seeing none public comment is now closed. we now move into our special calendar and if the board is okay with this i thought we could move up items nine and 10 first because i think they are shorter items and end with the budget. i thought we would keep the proposal after the budget since that is included in the informational budget hearing. is that okay? okay. so could
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we please call item nine. >> item nine is approving contract to contract no. 08-04-cmgc-000 authorizing webcor,obayashi to award to bradken, inc. cast nodes structural steel superstructure package by increasing the cost by $17,085,547.20 and increasing the authorized construction services fees by $1,401,014.87. >> director steve webcor obayashi will move the item. >> i am ready to move approval when anybody is ready. it was a good written report. >> it was a good report. since there is a motion already i don't know if there are specific questions on this board item? okay so for the sake of the
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public could you do a brief summary of the item and i think we all in support of this and it's a step in the right direction. >> thank you. good morning directors. there are over 300 cast nodes required for the project as part of the steel super structure of. the perimeter consists round columns that come together in these nodes. there are custom castings specifically for the project and over 70 different configurations for the nodes with over 300 required for the project. the one foundry in the country bradken, inc. who is the largest in the country has committed pricing for the project. they were the bidding that were used by [inaudible] when they built the
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project originally and as purchasing it now in the purchase order opposed to the steel package we save about eight weeks on the schedule and helps with the delays of the structure steel and we will save money from the steel bidders and i believe have more control of the nodes through the vendor working directly for tjpa. any questions? >> i think there are no questions from this board. we do have a motion and a second on this item. >> and no members of the public indicated they wanted to address you on the item. >> thank you very much. so let's take roll call on this councilmember. >> with that director harp everybody. >> aye. >> director lloyd. >> aye. >> director metcalf. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is five aye's and the item is approved. >> thank you. go ahead and
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call item 10. >> approving the minutes of the april 11, 2013 and no members of the public wanted to address you on that item. >> moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. >> i will do a roll call vote. director harper. >> aye. >> director lloyd. >> aye. >> director metcalf. >>ide. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is five aye's and the minutes are approved. >> thank you. can we please move back to item seven. >> item seven is a presentation and public hearing for fiscal year 2013-2014 capital budget not to exceed $282,814,000 and fiscal year 2013-2014 operating budget in an amount not to exceed $5,612,895. >> is the cfo able to report on this item? >> good morning directors. this is the presentation of a two
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quit million dollars capital budget and $5 million operating budget for the next year fiscallary year and it's based on the staff report if the staff approves the baseline budget increases later this year we can amend the fiscal year as needed at that time. there are only three line items that i anticipate we need to amend if the budget increases. that is construction would be the major increase. a small amount in pre-construction and small amount in the engineering and the design for the transit center line item. i want to note that on the current budget it is as also divided into our main categories:
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administration, specialized and professional services and construction and line items. 88% of the budget is construction. it includes right-of-way. the line item goes up a bit this year compared to last year because we expect the eminent domain proceedings to conclude this year and small amount for others and reserves. on the revenue side we do have sufficient revenue to fund this budget. we show committed revenues that are sufficient as well as planned revenues, a small contribution expected from ac transit. we are working with funding partners to identify new revenues and we are seeking assistance to certify contracts to continue to award contracts as the project moves forward and construction ramps up, but there are no revenue issues as far as funding the accrued expenditures that are planned for this coming fiscal year. i am happy to
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answer any questions rather than go through the report line item by line item. >> director reiskin. >> i just had one and had to do with the staffing line, the salary line on the capital budget. i know as the project moves into heavier construction there is talk about having tjpa staff with the consultant driven project and looked like the salary line was flat from last year to this year and i am wondering if we're fully using the budget this year or if there is room to grow the staff or plans to grow the staff? >> our salary budget has been conservatively done for these positions and we have a construction manager
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starting in june so this budget includes that position that is current. >> all right. thank you. >> are there any other questions from board member oses this budget? i did miss this item last month but i read it in the meeting and again saw it again in our budget which was the $100,000 for the caltrans attorneys which i think part of our state agreement. i understand it's part of the state agreement but i am wondering if there is a response to that? and even if we are required to pay it seems rather high. >> we are required to pay it under the cooperative agreement and we have identified a pretty competitive rate and luckily hopefully they're not watching but the rate -- this coming year the rate is going up. we have been paying about $7,500 a month for 24 parking spots in downtown san francisco, covered spots
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and go up to $7,800 in the coming fiscal year. i cannot confirm this we heard there is an attorney that the attorney offices maybe moving. if they move out of san francisco that obligation of course ends. >> do we displace -- because obviously they're not all working on our project. >> they were formerly parking in the trans bay terminal and that's why it's part of the cooperative agreement. >> i see. we don't need to take action on this item but the budget will come to the full board in june i believe. >> correct. >> okay. well thank you very much. >> this is an opportunity for the public -- it's a public hearing so they have an opportunity to comment on it and we have not received any indication that a member of the public wishes to do so. >> okay. if there are no
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members of the public that wishes to speak on this item we can move on to item eight. >> okay seeing none item eight is approving the operating assistance for april 30, 2013 and for the resolution of project compliance for the allocation of the measure 2 funds in the amount of $4,231,795 for the transbay transit center. >> this is before you every year to get the funds for the temporary terminal. it will be an allocation of 4.$2 million. that funds the -- >> >> that covers the operation and maintenance expenses. we also have a small amount of advertising and rent that you see in the operating budget and the previous item that goes to the reserve but this allocation covers the o and m for the terminal and this resolution is a formality required by mtc. >> and just a quick clarifying
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question. i know the differential before the operating budget and the one that is covered by the regional measure two is roughly about $1.4 million that is complete covered by advertising and rental costs. >> and a construction from ac transit. we're unable to use the rm2 money to fund the operating and maintenance reserve required by the lease agreement by ac transit, so in turn for having their additional expenses at the terminal covered they are making a contribution to the operating reserve and that's what the additional 1.4 is. >> thank you. >> director harper. >> move approval. >> so we have a motion to move forward and we have a second. actually was there any public comment on this item? >> not they am aware of. >> let's take roll call on this item.
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>> director harper. >> aye. >> director lloyd. >> aye. >> director metcalf. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> and chair kim. >> aye. >> that is five aye's and item eight is approved. >> thank you. at this point we will recess the special meeting and to convene into closed session. can we take a motion to convene into closed session. >> moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. >> we do have one public comment on closed session and comment on item 15. >> hello again and thank you for the opportunity. i mentioned sfg tv earlier and i want to quote from transcripts to highlight issues and staffing with directions on multilotions. as example chair directed staff to come back to the board and
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discussion [inaudible] and the december or january meetings and director metcalf asked that this be considered in the supplemental eir. the board has the opportunity to address this issue during closed session. my reminding that the chief executive that california does this -- and moving this forward is transfer the project to a different lead agency. thank you and i look forward to your report on closed session. >> thank you. >> that was the only member of the public that indicated wanted to address you and at this time we can clear the room and get you into
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. >> the tjpa meeting is back in session and counsel will report on closed session. >> in regard to item 131 regarding existing litigation and the payment for property and interest in 85 natoma street #9 the board unanimously authorizes the executive director to have an agreement with wendy roess-decenzo and christopher decenzo to purchase 85 natoma street #9 and upon successful closing of the property tjpa board releases the eminent domain action and in regard to 60 tehama street and property and interest in same the board authorizes the executive
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director to authorize a purchase agreement with peter byrne for the trustee of the peter f. bryne revocable trust and for the purchase of property the board releases the eminent domain action. as to item 14 conference for legal counsel for balfour beatty there is no action to report and for the next section there is no action to report of that i'm aware of. >> thank you. could we please call item 17. >> item 17 is thurz the executive director to execute an agreement with dispute resolution agreement with webcor,obayashi not joint ventue for the performance of its work. >> directors if you have questions we have someone
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available. >> i would like to move. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. is there about public comment on this? >> i meant mike [inaudible] >> there is no public comment. can we cake roll call on this item. director harper. >> no. >> director lloyd. >> aye. >> director metcalf. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is approved. >> thank you. are there any other items on the agenda? >> no. >> seeing none the meeting is adjourned. thank you everyone
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good afternoon. welcome to the tuesday may 21, 2013 board of supervisors meeting in the county of san francisco which is proud to be part of the san francisco bay area which is hosting the super bowl for 2014. >> clerk, call the roll? >> campos, avalos, chiu, cohen, present, supervisor ferrel, present, kim absent.mar absent, supervisor tang present, wiener present, supervisor yee. mr. president you have a quorum. >> ladies and gentlemen please join us in the pledge of
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allegiance. >> colleagues we have our meeting minutes. approved. madam clerk, any communications? >> i have no communication, mr. president. >> first item is the policy discussion between the honorable mayor edwin lee this week representing the even may 8. item 1:30443: [formal policy discussions - may 21, 2013] pursuant to charter sections 2.103 and 3.100077, and administrative code, section 2.11, the mayor shall answer the following eligible question submitted by supervisor representing district 8. the mayor may address the board initially for up to five minutes. discussion shall not exceed five mayor edwin lee this week representing the even may 8. sf 11234
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>> thank you. welcome back. ask if you have any preliminary comments would you like to make? >> thank you, are good afternoon. thank you president chiu and mexican -- members to the board of supervisors. i would like to thank every member for joining me in all of the budget town hall meetings that we've had and i know it's important for us to join us and hear about the priorities. i'm also using all of the input and information that we gather and i look forward to presenting you with a proposed budget in a few short days hopefully a budget that reflects our values and representing a hundred percent of san franciscans. balancing our priorities isn't simple and easy and i will look forward to meeting you in
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