tv [untitled] May 31, 2013 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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office and city complaints. >> thank you very much, inspector monroe. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our wednesday may 29, 2013, san francisco police commission meeting and this is our monthly meeting in the community. you will hear from commissioners about how much they enjoy doing this. we go to the community once a month, we go each district station. we do 10 meetings a year and now it's time for captain falvey, who was former lieutenant falvey to watch these. tonight's agenda we are going to have presentations of two certificates for two citizens and we are going to have a report from captain falvey about the district and after this report we'll have public comment. we encourage the public from the community to tell us about your concerns of this community. we have some
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regulars in city hall whchl -- when we come out, we enjoy this. we introduce ourselves. and tell you about what we do in our day jobs and tell you about what we've done in the past. i will start to my left. >> thank you, president mazzucco. welcome everyone. my name is susie loftus. i have been on the police commission for a year. i'm a former prosecutor where i have prosecuted all types of cases where domestic violence, drug abuse and gun violence is where i specialized. i come from a law & order and make it work. i
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have the good fortune -- i have been with the right people in the room to be able to fix problems. we look forward to coming to these meetings to hear from you all. i really encourage you if there is something on the back of your mind, now is the time to hear from you. there is no issue too small. personally i work in the bay view where we work with children who have been exposed to toxic levels of stress, kids who live in violent communities. my personal life, i'm raising 3 daughters with my husband tom and we live out in the sunset. thank you for having me here. >> commissioner kingsley.
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>> good evening, my name is carole kingsley, i would like to thank all of you for hosting us this evening. thank you for being here. i have been on the commission for almost 3 years. my day job is as a mediator. i have been mediating business disputes for the last ten years and prior to that i was a business transaction lawyer. i raised my son who is now in college. i raised him in san francisco. i have been here over 30 years. i think that comes close to qualifying as a native, but i feel like i am. in addition to the commission work and my day job, i also am a gun violence prevention activist for the last 20 years i have worked on the board of
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the law center to prevent gun violence and this group was organized in san francisco. it has become a national organization but after the california 101 shootings. we are approaching the 20th anniversary. my husband was unfortunately among the 8 people who lost their life that day. safety in the community is very near and dear to my heart and it's a pleasure to serving on this commission tonight and look forward to hearing from you this evening. >> dr. marshall. i was a school district employee. i was a teacher. i taught in every school in the district. at least high school and middle school. i was an assistant
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principal and i have been on the commission for 8 years. somebody told me back there, it wouldn't be the same without you. i work with the boys club and do a regular program. >> mr. chan? >> good evening. my name is angela chan. i have been on the commission for 3 years. i work at the financial district at the asian law caucus. i'm one of the many attorneys that you have on the commission tonight. i'm glad to see you take time out of your business day to come to share your concerns, questions and suggestions that you have and thanks very much to captain falvey for hosting us and the station for hosting us and the hard work in
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prepping for tonight's meetings and i look forward to hearing from the community about your questions and thoughts. >> tom mazzucco. i'm a prosecutor and spent ten years in san francisco prosecution office organized crime unit and traffic unit. i'm a career prosecutor and career public servant and now i'm in a lawfirm. my wife is a san franciscans and i raised my children. they are in law school now. i was on 7 on 7 drill on the football team when i was playing them in high school. it's been a while. this is my favorite part to be on the commission is coming out here to the community. i'm
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really looking forward tonight to hear from captain falvey and the community. >> commissioner mazzucco was elected for his 3 rd term as president. >> be careful what you wish for. call item no. 1. >> presentation of certificate to miss moezel robinson. >> please come forward. >> this is miss moezel robinson. we are here to acknowledge some really really vigilant police work she did as a civilian. it was last summer she was at her home and looked out in the backyard and saw
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neighborhood boys. they had just come home carrying a red plastic can and she looked out the back window and saw the boys were now pouring the contents of these red cans into bottles and stuffing rags into bottles. as my predecessor would say, if you see something, say something. she called 9-1-1 explained what she saw. she saw them making cocktails. she gave an accurate description and at that time these boys came walking out of the house carrying a backpack and the officers detained them and in the bag they found three cocktails. they said they were going to burn some stuffed animals and they did have
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stuffed animals with them. when i was young, i was told not to play with matches, now we have to tell them not to play with cocktails. you think about what could have happened. it's what she did here which was much more i impressive. they could have started a fire. we know nothing bad happened because of miss robinson stepped forward. we would like to present her with a certificate. [ applause ] >> this certificate to moezel robinson in deepest gratitude for your performance. such an example of bravery is worthy of the highest esteem by the san
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francisco police department. congratulations. [ applause ] as i was told, safety first. that's my motto for pretty much anything i put my mind to and act my body do is safety first. and seeing those children, all i can see was them maybe missing a limb and eye or their whole self. i couldn't let that happen. as much as they have been punks to me, i couldn't let that happen to me. they are still mad at me. >> but they are safe and alive to be mad. i don't know what else to say other than thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. i'm a vigilant person and i will continue my
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711 market street in front of a busy dell taco and very busy super duper burger. i was walking down the block and noticed one of my officers and it looked like he was opening working on somebody and i saw the fire truck and paramedics coming down. they were working on a homeless man. it was a gruesome scene. 19 years as a prosecutor i have seen a lot. it was terrible. a man struggling to live. what bothered me most was a very busy street, thousands of people walking by at that hour period. nobody stopped to dial 9-1-1 while this man was vomiting. however, vanessa, who works for the department of public works was the only
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person who did anything by flagging down sergeant rodriguez who was on his bike and requested to help this man who was bleeding and dying. the fire department and paramedics worked on this man. he didn't survive. they covered him up on the street. this man died on the street. there is only one person that cared besides our police officers and fire fighters and it was vanessa i saw police officers talking to her and she was visibly upset. i saw for myself there is someone who cares. for her trying to save a homeless man. who died as john doe. somebody cared. for that she gets a certificate of appreciation
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said, if you see something, say something. it doesn't take too much work to pick up a phone if you see anything like that. i appreciate your appreciation. thank you. >> thank you very much. [ applause ] please call next item. >> item 2, adoption of the minutes of april 10, may 1 and may 13th. >> commissioners you have in your packet the prior minutes.
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any comments? hearing none can we have a motion. >> what we do is call an item. we save it to the captain's report. if there is a need to say something before that, we do. then we move to line item no. 3. all in favor? aye. >> line item 3a. review of recent activities. >> good evening, commissioners, residents and visitors of the ingleside. i'm going to make my comments brief so that captain falvey can take up the line share. it's his night. we had a
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busy memorial day weekend. we were able to make an arrest in the homicide. kevin myers was killed on the walker. partnering with the nevada city police department on may 18, we were able to arrest a 15 male-year-old juvenile and on may 21 partnering with the las vegas we arrested 24-year-old andrew zam era in connection with that homicide. we feel these two suspects are responsible. if anyone has anymore information, please contact the police department, the homicide detail. as we rolled into memorial day, we started our after noon at saint
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john's elementary high school and the fire department was there. the kids did a great service. thursday night we kicked off our drunk driving enforcement for the memorial day weekend. on 7:00 to 3 a.m.. there were 2 dui arrest and 12 citations issued. it was a great job and we had a relatively safe weekend on the road for san francisco memorial day. we worked carnival. it was a great event. it was larger than before. it was -- if you have been to carnival, it's
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supposed to be fun and i think it was and behind-the-scenes the officers were doing their job. relatively and visibly they were contacting a lot of anxious -- or did have several anxious moments, they did get a conceal arrest and warrant arrests and other misdemeanor offenses. finally as i close, i want to reassure everybody that we had three significant missing person's searching. on february 6, and shawn city who had just suffered a traumatic brain injury went missing on may 21st. we are working with the families and volunteers and hopefully with an a little bit of luck and maybe some help
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from the person upstairs we can find these folks and give the families some relief. i'm going to wrap up there unless there is any questions for me. yes, commissioner? >> chief, are the pictures of those three missing persons, can they be found on the website. >> i believe so. they are everywhere pretty much down by the warf and the mission introduction. >> i think it happened near the alley. the bart station was closed. it was 4:00 in the
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morning and robbery appears to be the motivation and the victims are recovering and the suspects and firearms are in custody. >> thank you chief. >> i have one more. >> [inaudible] >> i apologize. yes. anyway. we did a distracting walking campaign, you may have heard about it. anyway. we actually with the kids from abraham lincoln high school and thankfully for curtis lung, the kids came out with post cards which we are going to use citywide both on distracted walking that might make you a victim of a pedestrian accident. it was unbelievably timing when it was the same day
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when the bicyclist went into the garbage truck and was killed. this was exactly what we want to do, and hopefully people are not paying too much attention to their cell phones. i know we talked about that when we were young, the big thing your parents talked to you was don't talk to strangers and look both ways before you cross the street. the 2013 version of that is don't look at your cellphone after you look both ways. anyway, i appreciate that for bringing that up. >> thank you, next item. >> item 3 b, directors report. review of recent activities. >> director hicks? >> good evening president mazzucco, members of the commission, chief sir, captain
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falvey and members of the community. i'm joyce hicks, the office of complaints. in addition this evening from the office of citizens complaints are samarra marry marian and the activist and sherrie hall. it's a pleasure to be had are this evening with you about the function of the citizens with office complaints. we are known as the occ. this is the third largest in the united states. this is over passed by the city of new york and chicago civilian oversight agency. the occ was created by a board of supervisors sponsored charter amendment in 1982 adopted by the voters and became
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operational in 1983. we are now 30 years old. the occ was originally in office of the san francisco police department but later placed in the direct supervision of the san francisco police station commission as an independent agency separate from the police department and a civilian agency as the san francisco police commission. the function of the occ is to assist the police department in building trust with the community by being a bridge between the public and police in matters of police misconduct and police practices and policies. to that end, the office of citizens complaints has hey mission to ensure police accountability by conducting fair and timely and unbiased investigations and making recommendations in policies and practices and conducting mediation between the police. the occ investigates civilian complaints against san francisco police officers and
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as previously mentioned the policies recommendation. in california law enforcement agency must have a procedure to investigate complaints by members of the public against peace officers. the occ serves that purpose for the san francisco police department. the occ is operated by a diverse group of civilians who have never been san francisco police officers. the occ has a 35 member staff. the majority of the occ staff is investigators and the balance of staff consist of attorneys, technical and support staff. what do we do? we conduct investigations to find out what happened. we follow the evidence, we interview individuals. the individual who brought the complaint, the involved police officers and civilian witnesses. we also have subpoena power to compel
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testimony and obtain evidence. we obtain additional evidence from the police department and we may take photographs of places or persons. we aim to complete our investigations within nine months and with limited exception we must complete our investigation within a year. when we complete an investigation, we make a finding of whether the complaint of officer violated any police department rules or local state or federal laws. the standard of proof used by the occ is the preponderance of the evidence. that means, the probability that the complaint of conduct occurred is more likely than not. that is the probability is greater than 50 percent. if after the investigation the occ finds an officer violated a rule, we forward a report to chief sur
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for further action. he can impose discipline up to a 10 day suspension. if the proposed discipline is more than a 10 day suspension, the police commission will conduct a hearing on the matter. in addition to investigating complaints, the occ provides mediation as an alternative to discipline. last year the occ facilitated 52 mediations. our mediation program allows complaint ants to resolve issues with a dispute officer dispute resolution format. the goal of the mediation to bring the parties to go -- together in an effort to achieve a
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mutual understanding. we have a body -- board who provides us with mediators and we provide them in different languages ands provide interpretation services. the both, police officers and complainant must agree to mediation for the mediation to go forward. i'm happy to report we have a high level of cooperation with police department. our mediation program was 90 percent. in addition the occ received the 2012 practices award. our -- was the recipient
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of the award for dispute resolution for the state of california. now i will share a report to you about the occ report in 2012. in 2012 the occ received 746 complaints. when i first started with the occ in 2007, the occ was receiving over a thousand complaints a year. the number of complaints we received last year, 746, represents a 6 percent reduction in complaints we received in 2011, when we received 784 complaints. last year we received -- 6 percent of the cases we closed. we found proper conduct and 4
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