tv [untitled] June 1, 2013 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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item 1, at 84 city view way. it's proposed for continue to june 16. case 2006.064 d and d at 216612th avenue is continuing to june 6, 2013. those are the continuing that i have and i have no speak are charges. >> any items proposed for continue znswer i. >> commissioner moore. >> i. >> commissioner sugay. >> i. >> i. >> move commissions that motion passes 5-0. in places in commission matters, item 3 consideration of adoption draft
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minutes for may 9, 2013. >> is there any public comment on the draft two minutes? see none. public comments closed. commissioner woo. >> move to approve draft minutes. >> second. >> second. >> on that motion to adopt draft minute for may 19, commissioner antanin. >> commissioner moore. >> and commission woo. >> it passes u nan muss five to zero and places you on item four comments. >> mr. antani, it jointly between the planning commission and historic preservation and that continues to meet. we met yesterday and we will be meeting again in three weeks and we'll keep you appraised of the progress in this venture.
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>> thank you. >> commissioner saga. >> there's an article, lengthy articles on housing in the city and something like 8,000 units going under construction or about to be, but there was a smaller article accompanying the main one that noted that i think some where around 10 percent or less or actually able to be converted to condominiums, according to the article that had to do with the financing that developers have taken or the nature of their business or whatever, but they used a figure of 10 percent, so the majority appear to be apartments for i don't know, forever, but for a good long time. >> commissioners if there's nothing further, it will place you under department matters, director 5 directors announcements. >> good afternoon. in the interest of time, i'll pass on
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the record. there's nothing urgent on this wook's hearing and i'll -- there's nothing urgent and you'll pass it on. >> item 6, review of the board of supervisors. >> good afternoon and department staff to give you your weekly report on the board of supervisors, they he heard three or four ordinances i like to share with you. the first was sponsored by supervisor cowen and this was preapplication in the pdrb zone and this had approval on may 9. also before the committee was another ordinance by supervisor cowen and this is a use district at 1111 street. this would allow educational institutions without size use limits and permit student housing and allow the zoning
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administration to allow temporary structures and this is occupied by the college of the arts. this ordinance was recommended by the commission on april 25th and at the hearing, there were a couple of speakers that had approval and the committee recommended approval to the full board. this week the big item again was a couple of items, three items to be precise, these are the secret ordinances sponsored by supervisor kim and weinner, this was the first where kim's was actionable. kim's ordinance was heard by the hpc last week and at that point the commission recommended in their resolution a very similar who what your recommendation was which was generally a disapproval of some portions but approval of other portion and they picked up the four
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additional questions that you asked our staff and the board to explore and then they added three of their own points. this week the hpc also ask that planning should provide an analysis that would clarify the difference between supervisor kim and supervisor wiener ridge legislation when an appeal period would end for exemption ie. they're interested between the difference between the first and last approval. secondly the hpc ask that the legislation allow entitlemented and they specified landmark to move forward and they ask that the legislation should clarify the role of their commission during the appeal process. this week the clerk of the board of supervisors attended the meeting and have amendments. three members spoke at the hearing and the planning department also presented the member ran dumb which i like to share with you
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now. this memo responds to four questions from your other resolution. with regard to supervisor kim's ordinance. this memo describes our current and plan notification capacity. it also explains about while appeals -- the approval process maybe pending and potential avenues for prioritizing affordable housing and other projects. this week at the hearing, both board president chew and supervisor winer, we stated their commitment to move forward. and he was committed tro bring potential amendments into wiener's proposal and he ask for more time to do so. the items were all continued to the call of the chair and they had discussed potentially holding a special hearing on june 3rd, but at this point there's been no further meeting announced and the items were
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continued to the call of the chair. at the full board of supervisors on tuesday, the historic park district was heard and this was sponsored by wiener and it was by approval. we create a new district and it was unanimously on the first reading. and supervisor comps poss -- composs added. this would review committee with the city's better street plan and this would include the mayor, the director of public work, the director of the municipal transportation agency, the director of planning and the general planning of the puc and the director of economic work force development and the city fire marshal. this is sponsored by wiener and yee and
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secondly supervisor breed introduced a planning committee, and this would amend section 703 to expand the formula retail uses but it will pertain to the neighborhood transit commission. so that ordinance is a planning code and we'll plan to schedule that one before this committee within 90 days. that concludes my point. >> thank you. >> yeah, on that last item, haze valley, i think haze valley has a band on formula retailers. the ordinance is trying to other things called formula retail. is that's what's being -- that's correct. >> i like to know what that is. >> you'll get an opportunity to make a comment to the board. >> thank you. >> the historic reservation hearing, so no place under the
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general public comment. and the public may address that's within the jurisdiction. your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. i did have one speaker card. >> linda chapman. >> linda chapman, will i be able to use this. >> yes. >> just stick this on here. anyway, in our continuing conversation and i don't come in here really to bore you. my hear dresser said to me, they listen to you and i don't know if you do, but it's because so many people in my neighborhood were really disempowered including when they came in here to talk and we're so discouraged because they were just a blit rated if some
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people would come in and say we he represent the committee and we're middle pope neighbors or whatever, they somehow had standing and the people who actually lived in the neighborhood who were affected by the project had none. you see how lower pole neighbors eliminated its neighbors because they saw the architect, or because they were intimidated and forced out through the press or through threats or through posting their name in the windows, mine for example, threats of being sued or verbal abuse and those organization -- that organization became a permanent expediter in affect. they advertised. you join us or give us money and we'll ex per indict your permit. the hairdresser was saying, right down the street from him, the massage parsley lore is all
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prostitution and middle pope neighbors which is more of a neighborhood association but with he have four people to decide they're the armor belligerent traitor, and they're going to receive money to approve tearing down the church. is this the land that it's supposed to work. we never heard of this in any other organizations, so i'm going to quickly show you, if i can do it, what are -- is this showing. what -- what our student urban planning, native of nod hill and a former member of the head start at the little church that we'll try to reuse better took of the buildings that were saved from
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demolition, gorman said the developer who wanted to tear that down offered them what would be $420,000 today and if you gave him a dem ligs permit and he said, well, you can see we're not supporting it, but yet grouped -- our neighborhood didn't have groups that would take money. so i'll come back another time with more of this information. >> thank you. >> is there any addition until public comment? >> okay. public comments are closed. commissioner hes, it will place you under your regular calendar and that's previously announced and we'll take item number 8. 2009,
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point 885, 2009, point 886 for the california pacific medical center. long range development plan project. which consists of items 8 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, hi, j, k, l, m and n. to adopt findings under the california environmental quality act request for general plan amendments for the saint like campus and for the cathedral hill and minding a minding with consistence with 101.1 request for planning code text an amendments and map amendments
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for the saint like campus and authorization for the campus and request for authorization for the like campus, consideration of a motion for the general plan referral for the saint like campus, request for planning coat text amendments for the cathedral hill commission for the cathedral hill and office authorization for the cathedral hill campus. consideration of a motion for the general plan referral for the cathedral campus. and use for the davie's campus and request that the board of supervisors approve a development agreement pursuant to chapter 76 to the administrator code will be before you know. >> good afternoon, elizabeth and department staff. if i can have the power point, please. items 8 a through an on today's
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agenda constitutes the approval to the medical centers revised long range planned project. today's presentation will include a summary of the revised project, an update on the development agreement and an over view of the actions being requested of you today. one stack concluded their presentation, they'll have a brief presentation to walk you through the revised design of the two homes. before i get started i have passed out revised planning code amendment ordinances for the saint like and the cathedral hill campus, since your packets went out we made changes to these ordinances and wanted to get them before you today. i'm happy to go over the details but the changes are minor and not substance in nature. >> since the commission heard the presentation of the project many times i'm going to go through this section quickly emphasizing the key changes that have been made sense your
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approve last april. the project still consists of five new buildings, including the creation of a new campus at gary referred to as the cathedral hill campus and the medical office proposed of the saint likes and cathedral hill campuses and the neuro science institute hasn't changed at all since the approval last year. the hospital at the saint like and cathedral hill has changed. the saint like homes has been enlarged since the last approval and it has increased by 40 beds and the height was improved by 43 feet. the cathedral hill campus improved and it has decreased by a minimum of 251 beds and the overall height decreased by 39 feet and the parking has been decreased a minimum of 235
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parking spaces, and we'll touch more on during this presentation. the davis science building has not changed and the development a fwreemented relating to the campus hasn't changed since the previous an approval and i would like to turn it over to ken rich from the work force development who will go through the key development agreement. >> good afternoon commissioners, i'm going to go through the summary of the da because you saw it three weeks ago and focus on the issues that's of concern of you that we heard three weeks ago. looking at the first slide, have you the key points and they haven't changed. significantly larger saint likes which is a part of the cpn system. cpn obligate to provide charity care with with no reference to their financial condition and about $80 million in cash for community benefits.
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saint like is 120 beds and it will open based on the da 24 months or less or fewer offer cathedral hill. instead of the 80 beds at saint likes with a 20 operating commitment, st. louis are be at 120 beds and more sustainable. they'll have excellence and senior committee health. standard have advices are provided in acute hospitals and a new medical office building needs to be built within five years or the city has the opportunity to do same. on health care, cpn shows hey baseline of 30,000 unduplicated patients and that's their obligation and $8 million in other services, it must be the partner and you're familiar with the new med-cal beneficiary at 5,400 and these
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are commitments and don't -- they'll fund an $8.6 million health care innovation fund and you're familiar with that. it insures the innovation fund to 5cent. on the how longing, it's $4.1 million to replace housing physically, displaced and 36.5 million through the mayors office for housing through affordable housing. local higher and work force training, 30 percent local higher, mere is the local higher ordinance and 50 percent for new positions and cnc will observe 40 local higher for entry level permanent jobs for ten years and provide 4 years of training and you saw these last time. on the transportation side, 6.5
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million to the mta in lieu of tdif which they don't owe legally but it's apart of the agreement. parking fee of 50 cents for every entry and exit off peek and 75 cents on peek. i forgot the dollar sign there. $400,000 for study of bicycle planning relating to the campuses. the next three you heard about last time but are new to the da this time around. survey evaluating the program and more studies every three years at a cost up to $40,000 to look at the traffic congestion in cathedral hill and help the city deal with it and encouraging its employees to purchase a clipper card in i
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that cardi equally with the employees. 4.25 million for the pedestrian and sidewalk widening and $600,000 to the city to save passage program. 1.55 million for transity and safety improvements around cathedral hill. on the pacific in california campuses, $3 million to the city to fmca for enforcement and safety around those two existing campuses, at saint like -- saint lukes it has been there. as i pointed out before, there's a list of improvements they may do even if the cost is higher, it has to be completed. that is a very quick over view and i'm
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happy if anything was glossed over too quickly to answer questions about it, but what we thought we would do is go back to three or four topics to be of concern raised by the commissioners or by the public and i'll ask city satisfy to help me do that. to begin on the first one which was a question that came up last time about the construction scheduled, relative to each other of the brt and the cpt, i'm going to ask peter take us through how those two relate to each other. >> good afternoon commissioners, my name is peter and i'm the project manager at the fsmtta. as you can -- as you can see from the slide the cathedral hill hospital is
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ahead of us in schedule and will be in the construction depending on the portion of the work between a year and two years before we break ground to the vaness and we've been coordinating our efforts with cpmc and at this time i don't believe there's going to be any difficulty in staying out of each other's way. most of the heavy work will be done by the time we start work and in the case of possible interference, we're building a two mile corridor and you can start either north or the south end and schedule our work to avoid any major conflicts of the hospital. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them for you. >> possibly later. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> thank you peter. the next
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issue that has been up, and it has always been an issue is traffic level around cathedral hill from the medical office and one key new set of terms in the da that was particularly spear headed by supervisor chew when we had the negotiation sessions was the idea of some enhanced monitoring of traffic around the cathedral hill hospital so i was going to have nickleson from the planning department to tell you how that will work and how we'll keep it under control. >> department staff, president commissioners. as kim mentioned, there's eye it items that we'll be doing. i want to focus on the components of those. but cpnc has a system wide goal of reducing
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single occupancy. and in order to monitor whether cpnc is meeting this goal, they'll conduct surveys of employees and report those to the city. if the goal is not met, they'll work with the staff to strengthen their tdm program. with respect to the cathedral hill campus because it was for the entire system, we put additional monitoring items in the agreement. this include, monitoring congestion in campus operation through the funding of three funding studies at $40,000 each and if the stud owe shows the congestion exceeds into participating level, cpmc will work with the city to address those circulation concerns, secondly at the employee and survey that i mentioned earlier, if it's higher than what was predicted, if more people are driving that
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we didn't anticipate, then cpmc will pay $75,000 to the mta to implement travel demands strategies of their own. i want to point out while the annual and three surveys are for larger projects, they still monitor congestion and campus operations and the confirmation of the anticipated [inaudible]. and the new items added. we feel the surveys and the studies had help insure that cpmc meets their goals and that they will be reduced to the greatest extent possible. i and other city staff are available for questions after the presentation if you have them. and with that, i'll turn it over to -- >> commissioner sugia. >> mr. rich produced a bullet that said they will provide
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40,000 and your bullets says funding, does that mean we're funding three transportations three years apart? >> is there a timing set? >> let me. >> it doesn't matter. >> we can confirm. >> we'll take a look. i think what you said was right but let me look in the document and tell you in a moment. >> thank you. >> the next subject we want to hit on, a couple of things is the public health department and we'll talk about issues around mental health care and preshadowing some comments i'm going to make in a couple of minutes she's going to talk about how her department will monitor the health care portions of the da wants. >> thank you ken. good afternoon commissioners, director, barbara garcia, director of health. mental
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health services was a sensitive issue to you and it is to public health and over the last 18 years that i've been at the health department, i can tell you most of my career has been how do we manage our mental health beds within the hospital and the lessons that we have learned there, particularly with health care reform that's going to emphasize committee health and not hospital beds, they want to see us use our hospital bed and help people get back into the committee where they live for most of their lives. and so i do want to acknowledge the sensitivity of it, but also the fact that we have found if we don't have a robust committee system of care for people to leave the hospital very quickly once they stabilized that what we found and we still find and i work on this even still as the director of health is we have to have and continue to work on trying to move people in the best certificate vuss best services
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in the community. cpm operated 18 psych alkylation trick beds and they would agree they can use those beds more effectively if they had more services in the community and step down services they can use to ensure people are moving to those bed and keeping at the level of acute. several years ago, med-cal lowered the threshold so they're not getting paid for lower levels of care, and acute levels of care is what cms is paying for and so as in san francisco general we do have people that are add and denied days because we can't get them out fast enough. cpmc provides other health services and our representative can speak about the services and you'll hear those shortly. the development agreement doesn't change
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