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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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american grilled cheese and the spy -- >> so can i ask you. >> couple of questions. this is music once a month and if it is rain urging to do this anyway? i'm joking. does anyone live on the alleyway? >> no. >> you do school of rock? >> not any more. >> that's too bad they're really good. >> if we bring them back it's going person.
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>> i'm the only manager who works weekend days but if he are on vacation we wouldn't have a band booked. but i have a handful of other
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managers that run the place and all of us would be on the same page we would agree with the - everyone agrees with even the police department. we set the levels and keep it that way. if i might add i did speak go briefly with approving the first day of the first of those 6 dates and, of course, my main certain is to be a good neighbor and get along with my neighborhoods. i know we can do both and i want an opportunity to approve that. and i hope you guys grant that. i have one certain and we are i
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believe the first in the neighborhood to ask for something like that. and i know that concerns some of our neighborhood associations that i've reached out to and i i know it concerns the commission. i'm hoping that we will have a - i'm hoping to have a fair shake to earn this on our own without any kind of fear that may come to past with further applicants >> i don't think that's how this commission operates. and if he approve we'll approve one and because united states daylight hours between 10:00 p.m. if there's not any problem after 1 you can come to the commission
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staff and they would would or do it administratively. why don't you take a seat. any public comment on the loudspeaker plan? >> my name is peter since i came to support the amendment. i work near that >> and you're wearing one of their shirts. >> i was hoping you would have this granted and i play acoustic but i've you know, i think it's a great thing during the daylight hours. i don't know what they're asking for you came in support of them >> thank you very much.
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any other public comment? >> seeing none, none public comment closed. officer changing you're up >> good evening simon representing the station. at this point we don't object. and in addition we ask that the applicant provided contact manager and phone number for eachville date and perform the neighbor of each upcoming event >> thank you. questions of the officer? okay. thank you very much sir, >> thank you.
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>> the question before us is to grant a chocolate is really good. to grant a loudspeaker permit for saturday june 15th and if that goes well, to grant the balance of the permits and the police asks for a phone number and to contact the neighbors and let me - let them know >> i move for the first saturday june 15 to approve that permit with a manager and phone number provided as well as
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notice to the neighbors. >> we have a motion do you have is a second? >> how are we going to ask them to inform the neighborhood? >> that's their problem we don't have to babysit that. >> he's been having these - these have been going on for a while i don't think there's a big problem. >> are we ready? >> this is to approve that permit with the police conditions as well as the manager and phone number and to inform the neighbors (calling names) congratulations. before we go to the next item
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think the agenda i want to bid a fond farewell. we appreciate and everything you've done so far and lotsz of fun in you're next endeavor and to welcome dorothy as our next a l u representative and we ladder to working with you so there (clapping) okay item no. 7 the commissioners questions and comments. commissioner acres anything in >> commissioner perez. >> i would like to dissolve the ad hoc commission on the discussion on how outreach will
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be presented the two committees and i think we're ready to make the recommendations for the next meeting. >> it's resolved. >> you bring the recommendations and then you resolve okay. >> commissioners lee. >> nothing this week. >> i wish you all have is a pleasant save memorial day. >> we had a benefit through david office and we were able to raise $14,000 that paid their permits and all the money on behalf of the permits about 5 thousand dollars went to a translating organized that is definitely in need of the money. >> good for you.
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under new business so let's adjourn to june 4th is that, too soon the discussion about the cameras. please talk to the city attorney and a can we have that and if the city attorney feels like they have to show up can we make that so they don't have to sit around and wait >> if i run into any delay i'll let you know. >> if you run into any issues june 18th then? any new agenda? >> i would like to present the unvialing of the report get our
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tickets now. >> okay asking any other imply business requests? seeing none, we're adjourned
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i'm nicole and lindsey, i like the fresh air. when we sign up, it's always so
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gratifying. we want to be here. so i'm very excite ied to be here today. >> your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. >> last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering. without that we can't survive. volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160
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acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able