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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> it will come back to you. >> all right. i think that concludes this... >> not quite. >> i just remembered. >> sorry. some time in the last month or six weeks, president chiu and city attorney herarra proposed amendments to the various laws governing ethics to try to tighten up. the commission has not held a hearing on those, the way that i understand it. they are written in such a way that it would not require the commission's concur ans because it does not amend sections that the commission has approval or aauthority over, nevertheless, i think that it would be good to discuss what the proposals are and what the impact would be or what they are trying to get at and how just to talk about those proposals. they were sort of highlights as a big deal thing and i don't know if they are a big deal and
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i think that it will be good for the staff to talk about what they are and what they will do and we can just talk about it. >> you will be glad to know that we definitely plan to do that. >> careful what you ask for. >> i thought that you said that they will be sent to us. >> they will be referred to us for comment and recommendation. >> all right. >> it is not actually a four fifth. >> we don't have to adopt them for law. >> sometimes you ask and you get it immediately. >> thank you very much. >> with that, i believe that we conclude the matters before the commission today. and do i hear a motion to adjourn? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> thank you, and good night. t
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test, test, test, test, test, test, test >> the meeting will come to
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order please call the role. >> (calling names) >> thank you, very much. we have a quorum any comments on the minutes? i'll entertain a motion >> second. >> public comments on the minutes? there being none all those in favor signify >> the motion carries now we're under general public comment whose going to go first? the cost of a true general >> beauty before age. >> (laughter)
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>> just a minute human resources that was really funny. and he's nothing but a baby underneath. but good evening. i would like to state that some parts maybe on your agenda today but at our meeting at the south facility meeting it was broouth brought to our attention that was on the agenda that the commission made a motion to send to you all that they support the digesters coming on line.
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but we're concerned about whether or not there p will be a long time the surrounding and were where a lot of the sewage is running down the street and they want me to ask whether or not you all will be putting in new pipes before the digesters are built. they put in public housing over the top of the other housing and that happened all over the area so there were never any new sewage pipes put in and these pipes burst and the sewage is running into people's homes. we want to make sure that the area is clean and no sewage.
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so i want to also i have i was asked to ask you when you were talking about funding programs in our area to non-profit organizations those groups should come before the southeast facility organization so we will know and they will know who is getting funding from you. because i h have made a statement and we call you've heard of cash cows and redevelopment used to be the cash cow now u puc is now the cash cow and i'm asking
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people like richard, mr. norman
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did i, commissioner king because when the community participateed in those workshops we saw the best interests of the community. what we are saying in the press and what we are seeing behind closed doors is the lack of ethics and morals. in our constitution and when you are professional we must do the right thing. now most people does not like to speak about ethics and morals because they think it's not part
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of business. but let me state to you having been trained by some very type of authorities that deal with the highest standards including the united states army it is loopholes right to do the right thing and you can't do it unless you have ethics and morals. you commissioners if you don't take the right actions quickly you are some of you all are great you've done a lot but you will fall flat on your face. the community is watching. thank you very much >> thank you, mr. robert woods.
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>> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i've been working in the community for sometime and it basically goes back to 1982. i've been in the point working with the various community leaders. i've seen the community grow and prosper and i've also see the community that it is in the state it's in right now. but we have a lot of problems and if you gave me three or four band-aids i wouldn't have enough band-aids to cover our hurt. we have a lot of agencies that
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are being funded and the community don't know who they represent. what they bring to the community and who hired them and whether they're doing in the community. we ask that you set up something with the south east facility that this is one of your kids also the south east facility. we would like to see these who come to the community soliciting funds are put something in for a project or program we would like to know who they are. what with we up against because there's a lot of crown.
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>> thank you, mr. woods. any public comments? there being communication. please come forward and identify user. good afternoon. i would like to first discuss some of the - well, i would like to approach the commissioners for disrupting staff it had been inappropriate but i want to talk about the public utilities commission and any homework i've done. i was deeply impressed with the
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outcome talking to the contractors and i was comfortable with the funding. i had so many providers that were interested in my work as well as my education for san francisco city college. i want to over turn the information subsequent to the panel and identifying the paper curren currency. but for written comments like small little writing some of the information would be good for individuals that are determined to get the sewage how it is in the financial district and if
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you look at the rural districts it is clean. and i'm deeply impressed that i will be able to present some of the information to professional writers that are under writing for the sewage that will be clean. so in the financial districts it's a little bit more up to par and then down mid market it derates. there was a little bit of haze but it was - i'm quite sure that most of the individuals that are here they are interested in the sewage and the billing. i'm interested in working with
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public utilities for whatever nose i want to make sure as a residential or rural residential tenant i'll have as well as public lieltsz i'll have something to offer for had my community. i like being here. i don't want to feel like i'm in virgin islands. i want to make it short and simple i was interested in fulfilling my identification. and others were discussing other information i want to make sure that my mission when i'm talking to the commissioner i have discussed this with the clerk system and i sent it to the
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commissioner so it's in works for banking as well business. thank you >> any other public comments? communications? yes >> thank you just one comment. as part of the communication on the wastewater system and we have been working for awhile taking the reporting structures and applying them throughout the enterprises. i had a chance to speak with mr. richie and it's heading in the right direction. i would like to for the next quarter is the one in particular
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could be calendared and see what progress has been made and a appreciate some of the issues that have been different when you step outside the progress >> okay. we'll make a note of that. you want to put it up next? >> next quarterly report would be we'll discuss that item and a okay. great. any other comments? >> yes commissioner came in. >> under communications c the quarterly report. i would like to have the red circle explained. mr. richie is coming forward
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>> general assistant for water. as we develop this report we found a particular spot where the internal management for controls has ruled in a glitch where a number of things that were transferred from projects to programs are ongoing you end up with a skeltsd that's out of whack with some red stars. that's part of what we're talking to make a system that does designed for specific projects applied to programs walk like water issues. that's the new as an we need to
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make sure that we're clear those are not projects out of control but rather an artifact of our reporting system. we want to make sure we bring forgot the right information >> are you saying the next report that will be corrected. >> on the waterside there are 5 and the fifth one is an individual project the tunnel project will be an individual conversation by itself. >> okay. all right. any other comments are from the members of the commission. >> commissioners on the communications i want to address item c and d. when i tried to gather information linked to item
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number c i couldn't get it. it was all garland you been. i could get information for d. i say this because some of you all may get the reports in hardcopy. and i prefer getting it in the digital form. so i'll put it over here so - it's important i'm following the special very, very intentionally like a hawk. but i see what's going to happen if you don't take the appropriate actions quickly and do the right thing. now, when i read the report item
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number d which was a lengthy report i that's what i like. it tells us not in detail but more or less what's happening in this report and that's what some of us want to read. it's the engineering and the maintenance and the budget. and we get some sort of fulfilling of what's going to happen so that we can draw our own timelines goals and objectives. we can't come here all the time i used to. but i'm picky now. i prefer that those who are interested in the sewer system
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improvement project come to my office and maybe i can share with them my experience and tell them when i went on my recent tour you have europe what i saw and what ought to be done. or if they can go to los angeles and learn about the reverse. and learn about the central valley we may not have the water in 20, 25 years to grow the crops. i think the commissioner knows about it because such issues come before sacramento. but because we presuppose because people give us the
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resources we keep wasting the resources we have to think about that. d did you ever find the hedge report? >> yes. i did. only one - no, no, i didn't find the report i couldn't read the report on line >> huh? okay duly noted. any other public comments? >> any other commission business? and now we come to the very anticipated report of general manager >> first, i'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of our 2013 winner for using water wisely. it was something that was put
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together by the water division. >> these pictures are great. >> uh-huh. >> where did they go? >> hi water resources thank you for having us here today. i want to start out by
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(inaudibl (inaudible) >> on? >> technical, of course, when i get up it's technical difficulties. so as our general manager said every year we host our contest throughout the years classroom presentations and field trips to local watersheds. we close our school year this the the third contest. we invite ask the to talk about recycleing or prevent pollution in our water. a lot of the students that
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participate participate in all the programs. we had about 2 hundred submissions. we have our lower grades participate >> the grades are? 3 through 6. we target that because that's when the water is focused in the school. this is your overall winner ms. clark. it's a little hard to see but we have her in a parallel world where she's leaving the water running on one side and running the shower and on the other side she is a smiling girl because she's turned off the fault. we also see different ways to conserve water.
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i'm going to make sure i get the ask the names. this young leader is our third grade winner. here we have ms. chang and they was our fourth grade winner. this one is we have a water meter reader. and she's specifically talking about taking shorter showers. good to know she knows about showers too. this is our fifths grader winner. this might be a gym or agent facilities we want to make sure that our students know about pipe leaks. we're working with other schools
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for stickers so she know when to report leaks. awe and finally this is our sixth grade winner. and we selected this winner this is a concept we talk about a lot to know about all the different ways to use not just plants and animals needing it but for things liar manufacturing and electronics and clothing and food to have an understanding of that. >> and quickly wanted to show a couple of selections. this particular contest was focused on water but we have pollution prevention. we have a student who is
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stopping greases and chemicals from enclosing into our bay. this is a young man who is throwing things into the sea but we want to prevent our beautiful animals. >> can we have? >> can you have aerial? >> come on up. >> want to say anything? you're putting her on the spot but her class 0 did receive the presentation. we couldn't bring all the winners but aerial took the time to come down so that's great (clapping)
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>> so from the puc we want to thank you for you're great effort and you're a family for coming here to support you and the puc. i think all the commissioners joined you to make that welcome to the family and congratulations to the winners of contest. those pictures are great >> so the next item is the sewer improvement program update. >> let me just get it cueed