tv [untitled] June 3, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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thank you colleagues for your consideration of the item. i am really excited to be here today to move forward, hopefully a resolution to enable the formation of a new community benefit district in district 3 the top of broadway cbd. as i think many of you know, there is a short stretch of broadway that have challenges. these conditions have sadly often kept many san franciscans from thinking of broadway as a destination. for the last few years i really want to thank a number of businesses, residents, neighbors and property owners who have been working together on a number of fronts, on public safety to better think about how to market the corridor and to think about how to clean and beautify the corridor and in particular, we have been working on this plan that is part of this
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resolution. a number of years ago, before i joined the board of supervisors, there was an attempt to pass a similar proposal, but unfortunately by a very, very narrow margin it did not pass and it's my hope that the proposal we have in front of us, providing services and [pw-eufts/]s to residents in the district that go above and beyond the current levels of the city to provide sidewalk beautification, economic development and marketing activities, i very much hope we can move forward on this and i want to close again by thanking members of the community who are here and who are not here, and who have been working hard on these issues and reiterate my strong support for this. i do look forward to the continued conversation that we will have both today and in the coming weeks and i very much hope that we will be successful in the election that we anticipate will happen early next month. with that i would like to invite lisa pagon from the
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office of workforce and economic development. thank you. >> supervisors, thank you, thank you supervisor chiu for sponsoring this legislation and for working with the community over the years to organize themselves. they have done a tremendous job on a voluntary level providing supplemental services in their community and they have worked very hard to get to the place where they are at today. the steering committee for the top of broadway community benefit district, that is proposed, has submitted to the board of supervisors petitions representing 33.19% weighted support in favor of establishing the top of broadway cbd. and the proposed district has approximately 39 parcels. and the district starts on columbus avenue, at grant and
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fresno on the eastside of columbus to pacific. it goes along tierney and stressed from broadway to montgomery. the specific parcels can be seen the district plan. the proposed budget is $106,567. 99% of the budget could come from property-based assessments. with that said, above and beyond the annual assessment budget a donation of $100,000 for year for the first two years has been offered if the cbd is established from a business located within the top of broadway boundaries. the intent of this is to supplement the cbd's budget to provide additional security, marketing and economic development and administrative
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services. the first two years when a significant investment is needed to get the cbd off on the right foot. as supervisor chiu mentioned the proposed services will include a variety -- including sidewalk maintenance and beautification and greening and that comprises about 25% of the proposed annual cbd budget. district identity, which is marketing and economic development and assistance to businesses, that represents 42% of the cbd's annual budget and then administration of the district, overseeing all of these services, represents 30% of the annual budget of $106,567. if the proposed resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to establish the top of broadway community benefit district is approved, the department of elections will mail out ballots to all parcel owners within the proposed expanded boundaries on or near june 7th.
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the resolution of intention on july 23rd a ballot hearing would occur or as soon as possible, where ballots would be counted, and if the required property owner vote threshold is met on july 23rd, the board of supervisors could vote to establish the renewed district at that time. excuse, not the renewed district, but to establish the proposed district. if approved the district will begin collecting assessments as of -- it would go -- the collection year starts july 1st and the assessments would be put on the property tax bills that go out in fall of this year and the term that is proposed 8 years for the district. so assessments will be collected for eight years and services will be provided for eight years to the parcels within the district. if you have any other further questions i would be happy to answer them and there is also members of the proposed district here to answer other questions that you may have.
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>> call public comment. >> okay. let's take public comment on this item. if you are interested in public comment, you have two minutes. come on up to the podium. thank you. >> i feel like a political fly. this is the second time i have been here in two weeks. before i make any comments i want to say congratulations to carrying the bid for super bowl 50. you guys did a great job. congratulations to the city of san francisco. >> thank you. >> so i am the owner of bfc management and founded becca, which is the current cbd bid. david kept saying, you know, you need more community support if you want me to support you
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and it got really frustrating at times. and in hindsight, i am really glad he did that, because i have never seen our community quite so together. and not just the community -- not just the stakeholders, but the police, the da's office, everybody who has come together to make broadway a little bit better and a appreciate that. and it's been a long battle and people, you know, why do it? why push so hard? and the idea is that if my thinking if we make broadway better, we make north beach better, and if we make north beach better, we make san francisco better and i think it's worth the effort and worth the support from the board of supervisors to create this cbd. thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any other speakers?
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please come. >> hi, good morning my name is mike patrid a member of the police advisory board and resident. broadway has had a very colorful history as an entertainment area and it's often forgotten that people live on broadway and bordering the area. last several years residents have had to live with the consequence of several badly-run businesses that have attracted a real often dangerous element to the street on the weekends it's resulted in an environment that locals and many san franciscans really avoid on the weekends or actually all week. and it's in an area that really relies on the police to contain the free for all that is done that, that ties up police resources for the rest of the district that is suffering. as members of the community, we have been working with several
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businesss on broadway the last couple years and this is the real first positive sign we have seen of some progress. so we really support the cbd because they are not only working to kind of improve the current situation, but there is good long-term plans for improving the area and making it a thriving, entertainment-focused street with diversity that will appeal to a nish number of san franciscans and visitors. so we do support this. thank you. >> thank you. any other speakers? come on up. >> good morning supervisor my name is stephenie greenberg, president of a local resident association inclusive of the greater broadway corridor area and i'm speaking on their behalf today. i am here to give a residential perspective and voice my
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support and request your support for the proposed top of broadway community benefit district. i strongly believe that the proposed cbd will not only prove county of to rivitalizing the historic broadway corridor, but have a positive impact on the life of our residential community. branding efforts are essential to our goal of a prosperous and vibrant corridor. the cbd will drive a number of improvements that will benefit the community, including the promotion of area business and tourism and attraction of new business to the area, which will help to reduce long-term commercial vacancis and perhaps most importantly we foresee a reduction in crime, which has long plagued the community, by making the corridor more attractive to businesses and less attractive to criminals. by bolstering the community's identity and advocating it's reach history.
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the collaboration of business owners, property owners and residents is a loud and clear signal that urshared community is ready for change. this february mayor lee announced the results of an impact analysis that valid yets the impact of cbds on their respective communities and i truly believe that top of broadway will be yet another example of the proven successful partnership in driving community improvement. i hope you agree that our effort to compel real and positive change on the broadway corridor is necessary and to support the top of broadway community benefit district. thank you very much. >> thank you very much next speaker, please. >> supervisor my name is stephano and i am a consultant in north beach. i just want to say when you say "community benefit district" you are also really saying benefits for the community, benefits for broadway. when this started out, and i
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understand supervisor chiu was kind of skeptic, because he wanted a total collaboration from the community at-large. north beach is very, very political area and it's very, very hard, a lot of people have different perspectives, different visions. but i think through the efforts of joe carubo, becca, bsc management u the voice of broadway, sotele, the residents who live above broadway never gave up and had meeting after meeting after meeting. in the 25 years i have been done there, i have never seen the collaborative effort that they have. so i would say this; i think it's time and i thank supervisor chiu very much for saying i need more support, i need more support, i need more support. because right now it's time. and north beach has a chance,
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the broadway corridor, to rebrand itself, because some of the problem operators have gone out of business. they can rebrand and they can start to attract the kind of people that they want down there now and this window of opportunity is right now. so i want to thank supervisor chiu and all the collaborative efforts from the community to bring this to fruition. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good morning supervisors, any name is douglas. once again for the record i will have to oppose the resolution and in my opinion this is not being heard in the correct committee and i think it opens up a future challenge, if someone wishes to, to see whether this item is heard correctly. it says "government audit and oversight," and doesn't say thinking anything about what
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we are talking about today. once again, in other words, why don't we try the whistle-blower program with the late example of the police department, police chief fong and suhr, and let's talk about other things like why the 49ers left san francisco? the previous speakers said it was a win for san francisco -- excuse me, let's remember the san francisco 49ers are headquartered in santa clara. they have a mayor. the closest major city, which is bigger than san francisco is in san jose. if i remember correctly, a lot of those super, superjumbo jets fly in and out of san jose and i predict there will be many
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more flying in and out of san jose than the jets coming into sfo. it's a win for everyone, not just san francisco and let's not forget when we have an audit for this? why did the san francisco giants stay in san francisco? can they get a new stadium with the city's cooperation? i don't think so. why did the warriors leave san francisco? why did the warriors leave san francisco? they had a central location at civic center. why did they leave? please audit. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. and i thank david chiu because this is district, the current cbd being proposed for his leadership in bringing the stakeholders together to form this cbd. i think that the issues that have arised around broadway in the last couple of years, this
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will help rebrand and illegal immigration bring back the area and revitalize it and put another entity to deal with the issues as they come up, when they do come up for the community to talk out. so i think safety is very important and the way it helps with public safety, helps with the -- in the management plan, the number of things that are put into it to deal with the area is very important for the community to have a voice and also a place to deal with the issues before they get out of hand. so this puts another layer without having to go to the police department and other entities to deal with the issues as they arise in the neighborhood. so speaking on behalf of the tenants association coalition of san francisco, we support this cbd in this proposal and we hope
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that the committee will support this and that the property owners will support the cbd. thank you very much. >> hi. my name is michael can knulte. a lot of times we deal with issues that are very important to us, which has always been safety concerns and obviously cleanliness inside our buildings, but also out in the you beened community. one of the things that the community benefit district have provided, in particular the citizen of san francisco is an
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additional layer of the safety and cleanliness in the communities that the districts are formed at. ehr time every time i listen to the current stats from the police, they talk about the problems that they have with the promoters and businesses that have problems in the area. so this is a way to hold accountable what goes on in a certain area as a layer of more assistance. i think is important. so having another entity there, that could be speaking for the community is helpful, because it brings all the stakeholders as a group to try to deal with the concerns of the community. so we are in support and we
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would like to see this pushed through recommendation to the full board and look forward to it passing as an actual entity. again, thank you supervisor chiu's office for its outreach and all of that to the community. bye, thank you. >> thank you very much, any other members of the public who wish to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor chiu, any closing comments? >> as we all know the story of this portion of broadway, while it's a short stretch has involved a fairly long and windy road and i really want to thank everyone's patience and persistence during that time. we all know it wasn't too long ago our various community stakeholders couldn't come together to agree on where we are today and the fact of the matter our club owners, our restaurateurs, our business owners and in particular law enforcement, everybody is final loin the on the same page and
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i want to thank catherine, who has worked tirelessly in recent years to make this happen as well in my late 20z almost every weekend i would go to north beach and broadway and it was too long a time to convince my friends from around the city to come on weekend nights to broadway and it's my hope as we allude to super bowl bid and as we allude to the incoming america's cup, all the events that we will offer, i really hope we will in very short order we're turning around broadway. we're going to make sure that broadway is a top night-time distance not only for the world, but in particular for san franciscans and thank you for working on this and colleagues i ask you for your support. >> all right. is there a motion? >> so moved.
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>> seeing there is no objection, there we go. [ gavel ] . this item passes. [ applause ] >> great, thank you. supervisor chiu. madame clerk, could you call item no. 3. >> hearing on the san francisco public utilities commission tap water outreach campaign. >> colleagues a quick update the sponsor of this update supervisor mar has requested that we continue this item. motion made by supervisor tang. >> just a reminder to take public comment before you vote on the motion. >> thank you very much. thank you for that reminder. is there public comment on item 3? this is the item to continue to the call of the chair. >> i looked back in the room and i rest my case. how many people are here? but i think they were all here for other items, including
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myself. this item, obviously, obviously has been misplaced here. so i say for the record, it can be challenged later on, because i feel that all three items in today's agenda were put here for political expediency and not for proper placement and as i quote "government audit and oversight committee." i challenge this committee, if you want to be meaningful, why don't you call a public hearing open to all city employees, in writing, advertising through every city department and i guarantee you, i guaranty you will feel room 250 full of employees that have stories to tell about retaliation, harassment, misuse of funds, et cetera, et cetera.
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it is an embarrassment for my colleagues to point out these things -- you have a school district that nothing has been done. why is san jose taking the lead on child pornography and yet your city does nothing on child pornography? does that mean that you leaders turn a blind face to something like child pornography? so they kick me in the butt and say get back to city hall and do something. obviously your leaders haven't been listening to what you have to say. so you better put it on the record, so this way in the future, they cannot say we weren't warned before the crackdown begins in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. mr. city attorney, before we adjourn, could can you briefly
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tell the members of the public the reasons or -- not the reasons, but the type of items that are heard in this committee? i think there is a little bit of a misunderstanding. >> sure. let me pull out the board's rules of orders on that. the board rule 3.25.2, provides that the government audit and oversight committee handles labor agreements, civil grand jury reports, audits of city departments and agencies, oversees management audits, audit schedules, approval of audit schedules and it's a fiscal committee and the items on today's agenda were properly referred to this committee by the president. >> thank you. there was a motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor campos and seeing
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there is no objection, that item passes. madame clerk, any other items on the calendar. >> there are no further items. >> fantastic, this meeting is adjourned. thank you everyone. [ gavel ] >> thank you very much, we are in a construction site. and the work is under way, we want to make sure that we not only celebrate, but celebrate safely, but i am here to welcome you all in the morning, and thank you so much for coming my name is ed riskin and
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i am the director of transportation and i could not be happier to see all of you here today to celebrate what is pretty a tremendous milestone in the advancement of phase two of muni light rail project, otherwise known as the central subway, it is really just such a tremendous effort, and a cap stone of many, many years, and for some of you decades worth of work, to get to this point. certainly something worthy of celebrating. we have got a lot of people who in one way or another, themselves or through their organizations are a part of how we got to this point i just want to acknowledge some of them. besides the people, some of whom you will hear from that are up on stage including on you mayor, members of the board, the supervisors members of the sfmta board of directors, we also are pleased to be joined by our lead
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federal funder, of the u.s. department of transportation administration, and leslie roger and give him a hand of the regional administrator. and he is the one that started delivering that big check to us. back in october. i don't know that he is here and another important partner and we are sit ng his right-of-way underneath the structure, cal trans, region four director bj sartepi. we also have one of the central things that the subway does is bring connection to the transit including the upcoming high speed rail. so we have ben from the high speed rail authority, let's give him a hand, thank you for being here. we have a number of the our communities supporters as well, karin floods from the union square bid, very strong partner and they have been putting up with us as we have been working
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through her neighborhood, carlin diamond from the market street association. cathy, and andrew from the (inaudible) cvd and jim lazares that i was just talking to and he is already working on the next phase and we have the china town and many of our china ton including in the front row miss rows pack and mr. gordon chin. and we have a number of members of our community advisory group for the central subway. people who have volunteered their time as everyone else just mentioned has year after year to suffer this project through to make sure that we are doing it well and doing it right. and finally, there is a lot of leadership and support from the communities, from the federal partners and from the government and from city hall that makes all of this happen, but at the end of the day, everybody has to drive this project forward and so i want
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to acknowledge the subway director, john sungi, since 2006 john has been working day and night living and breathing this project to make sure that it happens, i think that he has a central subway tattoo on his arm. i think that the tunnel manage machine down stairs has spent more time with tom than his family has. he has been bringing expertise and commitment to improving the transit in san francisco to bear in this project day in and day out for the last seven years now. so i know that this is a big day for him and i want to thank him and his excellent team and the sfmta staff and dpa staff and the contractors and all of whom have been working hard to get us here today. and then i also want to acknowledge some of the political leadership, that is really been a part of bringing this project forward. the significant federal commitment to this project
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between the first and second phase is nearly half of the funding has come from the federal government recognizing the regional and national significance of this project and so of course our senators and their offices have been behind us all of the way and then a particular our leader the leader of the house of representatives nancy pelosi, has been one of the strongest supporters for this project and we are delighted to have the new chief of staff joining us if we could, give a round of applause for all of the officials fed and state that have been behind us. and we also have mike here and we are putting a lot of people to work with this project and it is not just a transit benefit that we get in 2019, when we turn on the switch and open the revenue service, but this immediate economic benefit that this project is bringing now to get
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