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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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required to do this is because it's in the city charter. am i correct? >> mr. updike? >> yes, supervisor breed, the mandate here is actually found in both the city's charter as well as in the state law. this is the first county library in the state of california. so, we have an underlying 18 70 statute which drives this mandate ~ and then that's further, really, copied in the charter language. >> and can i get clarity as to why it's not included in the resolution or did i miss that part? >> that's a very good point. the reference is made to the buyer resolution adopted in april on this matter which included a fairly robust outline of the legal mandates. so, we felt rather than just repeating that, we have made a reference in the resolution reciting what we discussed on
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the prior adopted resolution, further ratify any actions taken there. >> as it relates to both the city charter as well as state law? >> that is correct. >> okay. and then in that particular -- because i haven't been able to reference it, that doesn't necessarily specify the footage or anything like that? ~ square footage doesn't specify square footage, right? >> that is correct. that was a court issue which was determined subsequent to the board's action. >> supervisor breed, to add to that, that was part of our larger debate last time that we approved the initial lease. >> yes. >> it was a third-party consult that thectionv determined the 20,000 square feet was reasonable and adequate, which mr. givner, it was of the exact standard that is outlined? >> deputy city attorney jon givner. the charterv requires to us provide suitable and sufficient space for the library. and in reviewing the initial lease, the consultant who we had retained for the purpose of
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the litigation conclude that had that standard was met, that space was suitable and sufficient. and the resolution the board adopted in april conclude that had 20,000 square feet of space did meet that standard. >> thank you. i just want to say before we approve this, i'm not really happy that we're spending all of this money on a space for this particular purpose mostly because we are entering into -- and i know this was something that supervisor kim mentioned when we had this discussion the last time -- we're entering into more technologically advanced stage of how we do business. and this is just a lot of money. and not really happy about it, but i do understand our obligation under the charter and our obligation to move this forward and the issues around litigation. and i just really am not happy about it, but i'm prepared to move it forward. >> okay, thank you, supervisor
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breed. i think everyone echoed those comments and shared those feelings. colleagues, can we take the underlying item as amended without objection? okay, we can do so. [gavel] >> mr. clerk, can you please call item number 6? >> item number 6, resolution authorizing a 10-year lease of 19,560 square feet at 1145 market street for office space for the health service system from 1145 market street lp, for an initial annual rent of $743,280. >> okay, thanks. mr. updike, back again. >> thank you, chair farrell. so, the health and service -- health services system has been located at 1145 market street since about 1977. they are currently on a month to month hold over while we have commenced and concluded now our lease negotiations for that site, but also looked at
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any other locations and frankly tried to find the most efficient spot for them to be located in the civic center at the best price, providing the best space for them. and that's what's before you today. so, this particular lease is a 10-year lease. it is for 19,560 square feet. takes us to occupancy through november 30th of 2023. there is one five-year extension. that's renewable at 95% of fair market rent. the leased premises is all of the third floor at 1145 market as well as a portion of the first floor. and in a moment we'll take a look at the floor plans because we want you to see the prospective layout and standard operational needs. the lease agreement includes two free months rent or rent abatement. it includes a base rate of $38 a square foot.
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that is net of the electric cost only. there is also a very robust tenant improvement allowance in this case negotiated of $1,0 36,680. ~ there is an early termination right for the city in this lease at a .7-1/2 years after commencement. that was thoughtfully introduced into the lease negotiations as we are looking at some longer term space options ~. again, in our effort to try to consolidate human resource related activities at one location, we believe there may be an opportunity and around that timeline. if we're going to have that chance if we needed to vacate, we have that built into the lease and owner agreed to that. page 36 of your report from the budget analyst does detail the space allocation and the improvements. just want to touch on those briefly for you. so, within the space we have open enrollment, much easier to
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handle open enrollment and, of course, the large crush of folks we have in and out of the facility during that time. there is a wellness component to this floor plan. seminar screening locations as well as, employee assistance program is a much better space for them to do their confidential business within the premises. and i think most importantly, to meet the standards that govern how their operationses need to maintain confidentiality, we've done a good job in separating certain areas of the conversations individual members have regarding their health issues can be can hethv confidential. right now their current space plan really does not afford them the opportunity to have those conversations ~ in a way they should. so, briefly, i want to just show you the floor plans. in the report there is some discussion about whether this is an appropriate size for this
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particular operation. i thought perhaps the visual wasv might help better orchestrate where we stand. one thing unique to the health services system is your filing. as you can imagine, every member that they service, there is a piece of paper associated with them. lots of paper associated with them and that is no fault of their own. they need to maintain those records. so, there is a very large file facility in the center core area of this floor plan. so, you can see that laid out here with offices, modest offices and a number of cubicle locations. this is their main working floor. on the first level the premises is not highlighted. in white here is the premises on the first floor. we wanted to put the open enrollment and wellness aspects on the first floor. so, it would be much more
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welcoming, accessible to all of the members. and then there is also a very large conference facility which actually will be shared not only amongst meeting health services needs, but other needs as well. and then there are some other employee assistance program offices where private conversations can be had. i mentioned that earlier. so, we think this space plan is not over the top in any way. it is something that's been developed over a number of months working collaboratively between ownership and my staff and a team assigned by health services to look at the best floor plan available. so, with that said, the recommendation does suggest the director of property should secure alternative usies for the first floor. what i'd respectfully suggest is you'll be having some policy discussions going forward, of
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course a budget approval process ahead of you relative to any fte increases that this space accommodates. might be wise to allow that to play out if, indeed, these program issues are adopted. then we have the space available for them and we move forward with what is in front of you. if not, i feel confident we can find alternative uses for the first floor if that's the case. but i'd like to keep our options open in that regard. and i think what we presented here allows us to do that. happy to answer any questions and i'm joined here by my colleagues at hss as well. >> thank you, mr. updike. colleagues, any questions right now? okay, thanks. why don't we go to our budget analyst report. >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, on page 37 of our report as shown in table 3, the total first year cost hss under the proposed new lease are $643,263.
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and on that same page the report that is shown on table 2 on page 36 of our report, the proposed lease rentals results in a total square footage increase of 5,98 4 square feet or 44% compared to the current lease. ~ now, approximately 4,00 5 square feet are to be used as a wellness center. the controller's office will begin a strategic planning effort in the summer of 2013 with a possible strategic plan to be completed in the fall of 2013 and also as mr. updike just indicated, hss is requesting new positions in the mayor's proposed fiscal 13-14 budget for implementation of the wellness center. so, our conclusion is that the controller has not yet begun the strategic planning process for the proposed city-wide wellness program and the board of supervisors has not yet approved the hss fiscal year
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13-14 budget, the board of supervisors should consider alternative -- alternatives to approving the proposed increase in space for hss and actually our recommendations are consistent with what i understand mr. updike just stated. so, we seem to be in agreement. our recommendations on page 38 are to amend the proposed resolution, to clarify that the resolution is authorizing a potential 10-year lease based on provisions of the letter of intent rather than the actual lease -- oh, that got changed, i'm sorry. i withdraw that recommendation. the second recommendation is we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution to request that the director of real estate find alternative or interim uses for the first floor space currently designated for the wellness center including locating other city difficultthtionv in that space and it's really the hss. just to clarify that's
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contingent on your approval of positions in the budget and what the result of the controller's strategic study on the wellness center plan for the city is, and finally we recommend that you approve the resolution as amended. so, i'm not recommending any reduction in space, but i do not believe that the lease should lock in right now 4,00 5 square feet of space for the wellness center specifically for hss at this time. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. colleagues, any questions? can i ask, [speaker not understood], in terms of the timing on the wellness center, can you talk to us about that? >>yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee, monique zamuda from the wellness office. we did conduct a [speaker not understood] with the department of human resources as well as health services, the major client, if you will. we've contracted with an outside expert in this area. we're doing a tremendous amount of data analysis with the
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consultant, looking at the various needs of the employees and what has worked in other places and doing benchmarking. we are very well underway. we are planning to release the report in the fall that will provide recommendations. we certainly agree with the health service system and the director of human resources that a wellness program should begin next fiscal year. there are a number of funding requests including the space and individuals and so on to begin the program. we do know from all of the data that we've reviewed and research that we've done that wellness is a way of stemming the increase of health care. and we believe that there are a number of steps that the city can take to do that without reducing benefits. and, so, you will be seeing that report in the early fall.
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>> okay, thank you very much. also want to give -- we have lisa gape here who is the interim director of hss, wellness is out taking care of business. do you want to add any additional comments? >> thank you, chairman farrell, supervisors. i'm lisa gape, the chief operating officer for the health system and currently the acting director while our director dodd is out on a medical leave. we do appreciate your support for this lease resolution. it is important to the department for our current activities as well as our potential expansion. under the direction of director dodd's management of hss has for the last few years really undertaken a deep dive into our compliance requirements under all of the laws that regulate employee benefits. one area that is addressing our need to prohibit compliance is the need to separate our areas where we speak with our members
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and allow privacy and also our areas where we do open enrollment and where we have seminars, and making sure those are areas that are separate and completely distinct from where we hold our members' personal records. so, [speaker not understood] expansion on the first floor does for purposes, it does give us the opportunity to grow into the potential wellness activities of the future. but it also helps us secure the activities that we're currently doing in wellness, and that there are substantial seminars and training classes, et cetera, that we do including our [speaker not understood] assistance program. and we do need a [speaker not understood] place for that separate from our work activities. so, we appreciate your support. >> supervisor breed? >> i think mine is just a general question as to -- i just have a real concern with approving a lease for potential
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future needs in terms of space and we haven't approved the upcoming fiscal year's budget. and i do understand that these two leases he, with both the law library and hss, are somewhat linked and there could be potential compromises ~, but i'm just not understanding why this was actually not dealt with differently in order to make sure that before we moved into this particular direction that the budget was approved. >> mr. updike, do you want to comment? >> certainly. thank you, chair farrell. supervisor breed, good question because this often comes up this time of year. unfortunately our real estate issues, no fiscal year boundaries, but you're right it's a bit difficult.
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we're either just before or just after the lease. but that lease resolution is subject to appropriation. so, way want to make that clear while you're making a decision about a space commitment which is necessary for us to engage the landlord to begin the process of prepping the space which will take us sometime into the fall so that hss can execute the mood [speaker not understood] labor day, that's why we need to make these decisions now so we can make the legal commitment. but that commitment is subject to appropriation. so, there is still that issue out there that could reflect a potential change if, indeed, an appropriation was not made. so, i hope that helps address your question. >> supervisor breed, any other questions? okay. okay, if none, if no other comments right now, we'll open this up to public comment. if there is any member of the
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public that wishes to comment on item number 6, please step forward. ♪ you go a-walking after midnight all down market street like you used to do you go out walking after midnight searching for your medical health place you go out searching, searching after midnight after midnight out in the full moonlight you go out searching after midnight down market street looking for your health care services >> okay, anybody else? all right, seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, we have this item before us as well as recommendations. supervisor breed?
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>> just a follow-up question. where in the resolution does it say based on appropriation, what page number and line number? >> unfortunately, my apologies, i don't have the resolution in front of me, but i believe it is at the tail end. it usually is contained in one of the final paragraphs, perhaps ms. zamuda can help me. >> if i might, through the chair to supervisor breed, the very last sentence of the resolution lines 10 and 11, said lease shall be subject to certification as to fund by the controller pursuant to section 31 05 of the charter. and then when the controller signs the resolution, we do
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note that funding is available pending approval of the budget. and, so, in both of those areas it secures the requirement that funds have to be appropriated by the mayor and the board of supervisors to make this lease effective. and that's boilerplate language for all of our leases and all of our staff looking to the budget, every lease, and certify that money is available. if it's not available, then we state that. >> okay, all right. colleagues, i just want to add as a member of the health service system board now and working with the department staff and [speaker not understood] who does a good job, wellness is obviously a big push forward as a city. i know there seems to be a time lag issue here and certainly per mr. rose's recommendations
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which i absolutely appreciate, i do understand where he's coming from. i think without a doubt this space will be used for a wellness center. been talking about some of the folks involved na study. and in addition as we think about implementing president obama's health care act on the federal level where we are going to be adding head count for sure, ~ within the health service system. and, so, i certainly have no doubt na we will be able to utilize that space. but i do take mr. rose's recommendations to heart. so, mighty suggest a slight tweak to it in saying that approval of this item, but make an amendment to say that we would direct the director of real estate -- if after the wellness study is completed by a controller's office, there is not suitable uses from the health service system to then direct the director of real estate to find alternative uses for the current space designated for the wellness center. that would be a suggestion from
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my point of view. mr. rose? >> [speaker not understood] recommendation. >> perfect. and from a health service system, was that -- >> speaking on behalf of my client department, yes, we would be amenable to that. thank you. >> perfect, thank you. can we have a motion to take that amendment? >> may we also add the additional resolved clause to request the department provide an executed copy of the contract for the file once it's complete? >> we will do that. mr. updike, maybe in the future we can include that resolve clause in every single thing we bring forward. yes, we don't have to talk about it at committee. can we do this without opposition? thanks, so moved. and the underlying item as amended can we take that without opposition? so moved. [gavel] >> thank you very much. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 7? >> item number 7, hearing to consider the budget and legislative analyst's report on the socioeconomic equity in the
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city and county of san francisco, and how the report may be used to guide the city's budget decision-making process. >> okay, thank you. this was sponsored by supervisor avalos, so, i will turn it over to him. >> great, thank you, chair farrell. and thank you, colleagues, for scheduling and being here for this hearing. this is a hearing on a report that i had asked for of the budget and legislative analyst office. and fred russo has been the lead in the budget office on the report. i want to thank him for his service. ~ budget analyst's office. this report was to provide a framework so we can look at our decisions we make here in the budget committee and as a city about how we are dealing with disparity. i wasn't trying to get a gotcha on the city so much as really trying to get a baseline on what the needs are in san francisco. i think perhaps at times i can
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be misunderstood about my concern about poverty and about how we spare economic benefit around and concerned about how we provide a lot of support for big business and corporations. actually, not so much worried about providing the support along as we make sure that we're providing a real benefit to everyday san franciscans, that we are using our wealth and not just trying to generate wealth, but make sure it gets to the places where it's needed the most. and i don't think any one district, any one part of the city has a premium on what the need is in the city. we'll see from this report that it's pretty spared around. as we see reports like this, it gives us a sense of how we can be really strong advocates for our districts and for our neighborhoods within our districts as well as particular populations in need. we're going through a series of indicators of economic equity
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in this report and it's by no means an exhaustive list. and i think we can call it a working document as well as probably other ideas that can be generated. there are other ways that we can look at certain indicators in the city. and i welcome people's input on that. i don't want to say that this is the one reality we have. there are probably other realities to add in term of greater what reality is in the city. overall -- and i will say this at the end of the hearing as well -- i think -- i want to see if it's possible for the budget committee to really look at how we can provide some guidance for the budget analyst to look at the budget and ways that we can be better informed about how we look at some of the priorities we make in the budget as it comes to us and we finalize in the last couple weeks of june. we'll see just recently the department of children and families had finished their [speaker not understood] allocation process. and we see that there are
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actually major changes about how districts are affected. and that's one way that we can actually make some adjustments about perhaps how we use any money that we're able to reprogram in the budget to focus on where there were big cuts in services and districts, especially districts that have a high level of children that are needed like district 5 where there were some major cuts there. overall, also i want to see that we're looking at how we can provide a framework for how we look at deciding where we need to promote greater opportunity in san francisco. greater opportunity for housing, greater opportunity for education, and greater opportunity for better quality of life thaw can lead to safer streets, that can lead to playstations where young people without greater fear, with greater access to health care and things of that sort. so, i'll leave it at that and let mr. russo continue and
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share with us his indicators. and, colleagues, i encourage you to chime in any time with questions you might have as we move forward. mr. russo? >> thank you, mr. avalos. members of the budget and finance committee from the director of the budget analyst office, i'm going to walk through some of the indicators that we reported on in the reports of economic equity in the city of san francisco. this is requested by supervisor avalos. the idea initially was that this would be a first phase of a two-phase report. this one is looking at the -- establishing the code file, looking at the allocation of social benefits or determinants of equity lot the city. and the second face would then take this information and look at how city departments and agencies allocate their resources to address some of the inequities identified. so, i'll start -- i have a
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couple of slides here. i guess that is on. the main variables we looked at to make the analysis of where disparities exist are race and ethnicity and neighborhoods and there are many other ways you can evaluate the city population and the distribution of social benefit. but these were two that are key and often lead to indicators of disparity or inequity and they were used for that reason. in addition, we could get information from the census bureau and other sources including a number of city departments that enabled us to analyze the population by these two factors. there certainly, as i say, other ways of analyzing it. there are other subgroups that could be identified that might also be experiencing disparity,
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but these are the main indicators that we use, variable. so, the first slide is just looking at the population and the distribution of the population by race and ethnicity. it shows what probably everybody in this room knows, the city has changed considerably in the last 30 years and has become more diverse. there is a breakdown here showing the percentage change in population from 1990 through 2010, showing large growth in the other population which is could be mixed race, people who don't choose to identify their race apart of the census [speaker not understood]. the second group that has -- their growth is 48%, second group is asian, latinos at 29%, and american indian, alaskan native 21%. there was a decline as you can see of 35.7% in the black or
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african-american population. the latino population just punish point on that and why it's shown below the total line because the way the census bureau corrects statistic, they don't identify latino as a race ~. it's identified as an ethnicity. so, latinos could be incorporated in the numbers above the total line, but then they also can self-identify as an ethnic group separate from the racial categories. so, you'll see this point of distribution throughout the report. ~ one, not punish i appreciate the break out. i did mention in my opening comment that racial disparities are something that i wanted to make sure this report looked at, but it's a key area that i think the city needs to be cognizant of especially when we look at homicide rates, especially when we look at unemployment rates, especially when we look at access to after school programs and things that are going to help