tv [untitled] June 6, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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blue, fog markets are not like that. we are an art and sandwich deli cafe and we are not taking the slack in between the white bread and selling it and we are not taking the bread and putting five inches of meat on it and selling it to 400 people. but we create all of the sandwiches and we have meats marinated and grills and vegetables and we buy the breads from the local backry and cookies from all over the country from the small rendors. and all host of different drinks that are healthy and to go along with that. that makes and fills out the offering is beer and wine. that is why i asked for a license, we have already one on union street and i want to make sure that when i took over that
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store i eliminated all liquor that was being sole. we just sell beer and wine, and we just sell, what do you call boutique wines and draft beers and we only have a couple of selections but really all of the beers you have heard of. the wines are all over the world. and it is you know we are not selling wine to someone like to take back to the frat house and we are selling the wine to you know, the chefs in the community who take and go back to use it to cook, and the child going back to have for dinner. you know that is the type of customer that we are looking for. our customers are the local merchants on polk and the residents nearby. and the people who are coming home from work and want to grab something quick. we have grab and go dinners and
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salmon, and bbq chicken and flank steak, and all of it, we use a chef called ryan scott who is a legal xhef on television and it has a couple of restaurants in town and his team cooks for us and it comes up and the wine is beer is meant to go home with those meals. and i will not allow my store to become a destination for alcohol. that is not the point. we sell about ten percent of our sales are for beer and wine. >> >> i have had the discussions with the supervisor chiu and
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with officer david. we are giving sort of the deals and the gift certificates that sell $100 each to the elementary school that is nearby on polk street and i have an ongoing relationship with sherm an elementary and the teachers and the principal. and saint vincent depaul on green street and the people in the area of the store have asked me to contribute and i am glad to. >> so... >> thank you. >> thank you,. >> that is about it. >> thank you very much. >> and i appreciate your presentation and i appreciate the out reach and i appreciate your community involvement and you have succeeded in making it a lot more hungrier than i was prior to your presentation. why don't we now, thank you very much sir and unless we have questions, why don't we
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hear from the police department from inspect ter fong. good afternoon again, they have filed an application with the department of alcoholic beverage control. abc, seeking a type 20 off sale beer and wine for 1552 polk street on the east side. for march 2012 to march 2013, the department received four calls of service and no police report. and the premises is located on 535 and for 2012, so the applicant is located in a high crime area. so this premises is located in 111, and so it is located in an
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undue concentration area. we have no (inaudible) with abc and one letter of support for the abc. the opposition from the station and you have this to agree to the recommended condition. and alu recommends approval with the following condition. one service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. two, no more than 15 percent of the square footage will be used for the display of alcoholic beverages. loit tering is prohibited on any sidewalk or property adjacent to the licensed premises and under the control of the licensee as picked up on the form 257. number four the sales of beer and beverages in confident, on 22 hours and 24 hours.
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40 hours or 75 container is prohibited. accept for michael brewe ry and organic products and sold under such definition as (inaudible) and further ipa and esb. this condition is intended to eliminate high alcohol and low cost products that are frequently abused and not prevent the sailor sales of specialty. >> wine shall not be sold more than (inaudible) and on may first, (inaudible) and the applicant consulted and was conducted and he agreed. thank you, any questions? >> why don't we open it up to public comment. i have one speaker card and any member of the public that would
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like to come forward. don from the neighborhood association, thank you for your patiencee. >> many people may ask why would you ever think of putting more alcohol on polk street and it is something that we spent a lot of time thinking about usually we are again adding any liquor but at this case it just makes sense to have somebody being able to go and get a gourmet din sxwer a builtsing of wine or a specialty beer with it and i can see myself doing it on frequent occasions and that is a model since he has been there and he has kept the place spotless even before he opened for business. he steam cleaned the space. >> and he met with the association and the polk
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association at our september 2012 meeting and he came back twice after that just in case there were any questions, and he got the overwhelming support of our neighborhood association and i would like to see the approved place thank you. >> thank you very much. >> is there any other member of the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and i know that supervisor chiu, and president chiu is supportive of this application and i want to thank the applicant for the impressive presentation for the police department everybody the neighborhood association for their involvement. and do we have any comments if not, is there a motion? >> supervisor yee? >> yes, as you know we give a lot of difference in which the licenses are impacting in the district and i am glad that you reached out to supervisor chiu and spoke out. and to make a motion for a
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and welcome to san francisco city hall. on this momentus occasion, we are going to have and celebrate the unveiling of the adolf trotro bust. and so we will begin with the present mayor of san francisco, mayor ed lee, talking about one of the former mayors of san francisco adolf trotro. >> all right. thank you, ellen. >> you are very welcome. president lee. >> good morning, everyone and welcome to city hall. and thanks for as a various departments that are here, i understand that we have three
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representatives from our counsel general offices, certainly our counsel general from germany, from israel and russia. thank you very much for being here. former supervisor clint is here, i can see him in the crowd thank you for being here as well. our chiefs from the fire and police department are here. members of our commissions are here as well and thank you very much. my good buddy, leonid, mucupkin has been an advisor to me for many, many years previous to my being mayor of san francisco. and he is always been giving me great advice on not only history, but how we can celebrate more of it in modern day san francisco. and just a couple of weeks ago leo, we celebrated our 1906 earthquake event as we have done for the 107 years that we have had and it is great to
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always bring those themes of history that we have and of course, with the 1906 earthquake, the theme has been about resilancy and recovery, that we should bring today that we should continue to be a resilient city and build for the future. when you look at the history of what the mayor brought to this wonderful city in the late 1800s, you realize you have a similar great theme that i can bring forward today and that theme continues to be one of philantrophy. he was a self-made engineer and came to the san francisco area and as a brilliant engineer he discovered the way to drain water from the great sewer lines in the area and he became so famous with his scientific
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discoveries that, back then, the president johnson at the time made it a requirement to honor his patent and his royalties by his great engineering try. and so all of the miners had to pay that royalty and therefore, he obviously became wealthy. and in fact, so wealthy that he was known to own about one 12th of the land in san francisco. and i don't know about you, i don't think that i own one 12th of my house. i think that the majority owners are my wife and the mortgage company. but, if we could follow in his example, most of his land, some of which now we understand to be the cliff house, or probably even more importantly the climasus campus, 27 acres on the hill was owned by him when
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he encured his wealth. and of course, in addition to that is millions of books that he donated to the city and to the public. so, in addition to being a fine, fine mayor in the 1800s, he is also was known to be not only a great philantropist what who donated a good portion of his wealth to the city. of course he was one of the first practicing men of jewish faith and so he did that as well while he was mayor. all of this as part of the great history of san francisco, one that we honor and if we could bring a theme for philantropy for anybody who owns one 12th of anything here in san francisco and it would be a great accomplishment. this is what mayor sutro brought to our city and i am so happy that leo has made this presentation with our artists.
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and jonna and hendrikson. you are hiding someplace, i hear that you are shy. [ applause ] >> thank you, for your artistic talent and also working with leo and the fund-raising effort, of course, that we had to bring to this effort. working through the arts commission, and our city hall historic preservation commission to make this happen. this adds, fine, fine history to the wealth of the mayoral bust that we have in the great city hall and it is of course appropriate and timely that we do this. with that, again, i want to thank him for his wonderful leadership and you are always reminding us of great history and great stars of our history that contribute and you make it so relative with or artists and the second pride that we have in presenting the history of our city in connecting them up with what is happening today. thank you and ellen, you have
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one more thing to talk about when you bring these troops in to city hall, don't you? >> yes. thank you very much for joining us today. [ applause ] . >> and now we will hear from leum utkin president of united human tar an commission and then the big moment will arrive. >> thank you. sorry i can't not speak like our big and nice mr. mayor. and gentleman. mayor ed lee. i am very proud to have business, leading up to the completion of this project. now and also the bust will be displayed and a building that was created with love and
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professionalism. and all need to know in 2015, we will be celebrating the 100th university of the construction of (inaudible). the bust (inaudible). he can explain more in detail the life of the mayor and i would like to headline (inaudible). 1896, sutra became the mayor of san francisco and in ten years, (inaudible) the ability and willingness to spend the time to be with official and bureau crats. jewish came from japan and a
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jewish from russia, and this celebration was not only to sutra, but also the immigrants were failed and given to the lands of the united states. chinese and the ukraine and russian and immigrants are present today. all immigrants that are influenced about and delighted, (inaudible) never forget the roots. i would like to express an important thing here that the counsel general of germany and russia to be present in this
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>> we request, if you are photographing this, please do not use flash because we will have, you will have a problem with the image. and in the words of mark leno who unfortunately could not be here today, it says congratulations on the occasion of the unveiling of the bust of san francisco civic and cultural leader in its rightful place inside city hall. as we gather to commemorate the service to the city and county
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of san francisco as the 24th and first jewish mayor, i commend his many contributions and generous donation to san francisco to help to make a beautiful destination for the world to enjoy. the legacies left behind by mayor sutro will be enjoyed by future generations. may he long be remembered for as member gifts to our city and also, happy birthday mayor sutro. this is the day in which he was born on april 29th. this building was started on april 5th of 1913. so it turns out that april is an incredibly important month. mayor sutro joins the other 14
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busts that are presently at city hall. and now, we will hear from peter rosen, the german counsel general. >> thank you so much. and thank you, especially mr. mayor for gracing this ceremony with your presence tha, is appreciated and i would like to thank individually the chief of the police and the chief of the fire department for joining us here today and for interrupting their important businesses for joining us here at this ceremony, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming and also to my colleagues from russia and from insurance, this is a great honor for me. i think and i will be very brief. i think that this is really a day of which we can be of which
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many of us can be very proud. but, probably most of all, i think that he must be very proud to see this beautiful bust now in this wonderful position standing in city hall because he has been working so long on this project. and i really would like to commend him and thank him for his tenacity. of course there are many more that i have to think, the artists and the sponsors and the political leadership of the city who all have supported this project but i think that he deserves a special thank you. [ applause ] . >> thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. >> now, i'm not going to add detail to sutro's biography, because i think that you may be hearing more of that from others, more knowledgeable ones. but let me just add one brief personal impression on his
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personality. i have developed the ha bit of going out to jobs on sunday mornings on ocean beach and when i was driving out there yesterday morning from my home in jackson corner, in light, sunday morning traffic. by the street, it is still took me about 20 minutes to get from there to actually the parking grounds at the cliff house. and while i was driving there and thinking about today's ceremony, i felt that it is for me, it is hardly imaginable what visions this man must have had to build out in this, or at the time, his mansion and to later on build the sutra, and i don't even want to think how much time it must have taken at the time to get from the city
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center to there. and so, to have this energy, and this vision to build something out on the other edge of the city. and already for me shows what kind of a man he must have been. and as you know, he not only build the bath and the cliff house, he even later on, he added a railway line from what i understand there was one. but he thought it was too expensive so he bought a second one which was going out from the city center, i think about eight miles to land, and to cliff house. to bring people there. and so, i finish with this. i think that all that he has done shows the wonderful entrepreneurship that he stands for and that characterizes especially jewish germans, who contributed so much to my
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country's development. unfortunately, as we all know, it took a very tragic turn. but he stands for those people that he would make enormous contribution to germany's development. and he came here and he made enormous contribution to this city's development and i think that the fact that he became mayor, also pays tribute and shows the spirit of this great city. it already to me shows the diversity that characterizes this city and that already apparently existed at the time. a city that took up immigrants from all over the world and just treated them by marriage and not by any other criteria. >> so this is a wonderful tribute, i would say to germany in a way because he came from there and he liked to claim him as such. but especially to san francisco
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and to this man's entrepreneurship. and i would like to thank mayor lee for giving mayor sutro's bust this wonderful spot. thank you very much. mr. mayor. thank you all. [ applause ] >> and now, we will hear from one of the descendents. miss cythia, soyster great grand daughter. [ applause ] >> well, i can't tell you how proud and pleased my family is today to have this event happening.
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and i have another generation with me. i have the great, great, grand daughter in law of adolf and my, the great, great grand daughter, and also here today. and they have come from out of town. but mostly i want to thank all of the people who made this happen. the mayor, and the board of supervisors, and all of the commission and i want to thank jona for making such a wonderful likeness of adolf. he really is the person who made this happen. so thank you very much. [ applause ]
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>> thank you, guys. thank you everybody for being here. i appreciate this opportunity to be a part of the history of san francisco. and making this bust and sharing it with you for the people today. and moving forward in future. and i hope that it inspires people to take up more of an interest in the study in sutro. what he stood for, and what those things mean today. and to visit the sutro library. >> the inscription on the pedestal of mayor sutro is quite, quite, something to read. it is almost like an inspiration and it tells you a great deal about this man's life. i have an incredibly fond memory of sutro, and it involves a blue and white
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bathing suit. and in a certain era of san francisco, people were required to rent a blue, and white bathing suit in order to swim in sutro baths. unfortunately they were a little itchy and scratchy and then you had to sit on a sutro mat and it has left an impression, and i think that i am still scratching. hopefully i will never stop scratching, but i will always remember fond childhood memories of sutro baths and of the man who created them. so thank you all very much for coming and visiting us in san francisco city hall.
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