tv [untitled] June 6, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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thursday, june 6th, 2013. i am supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing this meeting. to my left is supervisor malia cohen and to my right is supervisor london breed. the clerk today is linda wong and the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgovtv, jennifer lowe and jesse larson, who record each of our meetings and make each of the transcripts available to the public online. madame clerk, are there any announcements. >> yes, mr. chair, please make sure to silence all electronic devices and copies of documents should be submitted to the clerk and items acted upon today will appear on the june 18th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay. thank you. can you call item no. 1? >> item no. 1 motion appointing supervisor malia cohen to the children and families first commission for
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an indefinite term. >> i believe -- thank you. do i have to make a motion? >> yes, mr. chair. >> motion to recuse supervisor cohen from this item. >> so moved. >> without any objection? any public comment on that? any public comment on the recusal? seeing none, [ gavel ] public comment is closed without any objection, this will pass. is there a motion appointing supervisor malia cohen to the children and families first commission? >> so moved. >> so moved. >> any public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed [ .
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without any objection, this motion passes. okay. madame clerk, item no. 2. >> item no. 2, hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending april 30, 2013 to the police commission. there is one seat and two applicants. >> colleagues in order to provide the applicants more time to contact committee members about their qualifications, we will be making the motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] can we continue this item to the call of the chair?
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>> moved and seconded. >> with no objection. >> mr. chair, i have a comment? >> yes. >> i just wanted to ask if either of the candidates are here today, before we move this item for continuance? >> i don't believe any of the candidates are here. are there any of the candidates here? for item no. 2? i didn't think so. thank you very much. so motion to continue is passed. [ gavel ] item no. 3. >> item no. 3 motion appointing the mayor's nomination for appointment of barbara seymour campagnoli to the entertainment commission for a term ending july 1,2014. >> barbara, come on up. and make your brief comments. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisor yee, supervisor breed and supervisor cohen. my name is barbara campagnoli and i am honored to be
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nominated by mayor lee for the law enforcement seat on the entertainment commission. i am now here to seek your approval. i am a native san franciscan, raised in the richmond district and graduate of san francisco state. i have also raised my own family in the richmond district, where i still reside with my husband of 35 years. i served 30 years in the san francisco police department before retiring three years ago. i held the rank of inspector, and i served in the domestic violence response unit, and also in background investigations. i worked in the police permit bureau at the hall of justice for 16 years, holding a top-uniform advisory position, and this was prior to the creation of the entertainment commission. so the san francisco police department still administered and regulated entertainment permits. there i was able to interface with many of the club owners. i believe that i have a great
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deal to give back to the city, that i love so much as an entertainment commissioner. i have firsthand only in of the natural tension between club owners, the surrounding community and law enforcement. i believe we must strike a balance in this regard, and i think that we see that balance where we have responsible, professional club owners. since i will occupy the law enforcement seat i will have particular concern for accountability and for public safety. there is no question that a world-class city like san francisco deserves a robust and safe and healthy entertainment nightlife. i myself am a long time consumer of entertainment and nightlife.
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[ laughter ] so i thank you for this opportunity and i welcome any questions that you may have. >> colleagues, are there any questions for barbara? supervisor breed. >> thank you. thank you so much for your application to be a part of this commission. i had a chance to review your information, and you truly are a san franciscan with the fact that you have jess jeans listed as one your employers and i remember that store on geary boulevard years ago and thought it was pretty funny. one of the questions that i have has to do with the challenges that we seem to face in the nightlife community and that is adequate security within the nightclubs? so many of the nightclub owners, there are some that are very responsible when they hire professional security companies that have experience and ways
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in which to not only keep the participants safe, but also to manage crowd controls and things that make sure that the clubs are not over-capacity, where if there were an incident, people would not get hurt or people have the ability, i guess to exit appropriately in case of an emergency, a fire or a fight or any other situation that arises sometimes in the nightclub environment. so one of the challenges that we have are responsible club owners and they hire component security personnel, that are consistently working with the nightclub in order to keep people safe. and then is there another section of the population that doesn't do that and we continue to have some problems on places, like, polk street in particular. and as the person who is occupying the law enforcement seat, i was wondering if you had any feedback or if you were even familiar with the fact that this is an issue in the
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nightlife industry and what will you bring to the table in terms of address issues around security which are clearly an issue in the nightlife? >> i know that both the police department and the entertainment commission have addressed that issue. there are conditions that are put on every permit to have well-designated security guards. i believe -- i believe -- i'm not exactly sure about this, that you have to have one per every hundred customers. and that they wear some sort of -- that either says "security" a jacket or t-shirt that says "security" or "staff" on them. they do have to be licensed
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security guards. i believe that it's all in the good neighbor policy that the entertainment commission hands out to every applicant for a permit. >> in terms of a guess enforcement of those requirements, there are some challenges with enforcement. so for example, the entertainment commission gives out a tremendous number of permits for nightlife and there is not necessarily the ability to always enforce the policy consistently. and so i guess what i am asking is, you know, do you have any recommendations? or will you bring any recommendations -- do you think it's an issue? do you think it's a public safety issue? and what would you bring to the table in order to address those kinds of issues, because ultimately from my perspective as someone who has a number of nightclubs in
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her district and someone who has challenges around security and i want to ultimately keep people safe and everyone is following the rules and what can we do in the city through the entertainment commission to make that happen? >> i don't have an answer for you right now; to be quite honest, and i am eager and up to the challenge of finding an answer to that. in fact, two of the clubs that are in your district are my favorites, the filmore and yoshis and they probably don't have that problem. i can see where that is a problem, and probably particularly in the broadway area.
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>> and increasingly in the polk street area, it's rapidly becoming a bit of a challenge. >> that is very vibrant. you are right, polk street is very vibrant right now. but i look forward to working and solving that problem. >> thank you. >> so i think i have a follow-up question. you are aware of what the situation that supervisor breed is describing? >> i believe so. i believe that you are saying that there are some clubs that don't have adequate security, or that are hiring security that are not well-informed. >> let me give you a real-life example. i am on the southeastern side and club kokomo will have a
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promoter that promotes and people come to the club and it's right in the residential area and several cars have been broken in and shootings in the area, one that resulted in a homicide several years prior. and there is a discrepancy between the neighbors being frustrated between the type of the security, the quality. so the party promoter and the people that own the property feel they should not have to pay to hire an sfpd officer who is off-duty, because they are very expensive. but if you go through a private security firm, there are varying degrees of skillset that these security firms have. and questionable level of security that they are extending. so i'm not sure if this is what supervisor breed is necessarily trying to hone in, but you may be a user of
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nightlife, but from a security perspective, that which you built your career on, how do we begin to rectify that? how do we bring an elegant solution to a frustrating situation, where neighbors are living near or in some cases across the street or next door from businesses that are partying? this is something that is happening in the south of market and it happens in parts of the north beach area and this is a universal challenge coming to security and nightlife. so we're looking to get some of our ideas and we're here to consider you as a candidate, because you are new and you are vibrant and you have a fresh set of eyes. so walk us through some of the things that you think -- even if it's just a gut-level, you know? >> right. i know that the station
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officers have asked the club owners to apprise them when there are promoters coming in, to rent out the clubs, particularly club kokomo and other venues. so that they can remind them of security on-hand and there is a clear dialogue between them and also they can notify the neighborhood there is an event coming and be prepared.
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good neighbor policy requires are lighting and cameras to address some of the issues and other than that, i don't know what else to offer at this moment. >> okay, i know you are nervous, i can tell. because in our 101 in the office you were alive and vibrant and i understand how nerves can get a hold of someone, particularly when they really want something. so i have no further questions, mr. chair. thank you. >> sure. and if you move further into this commission and get appointed, and if this issue of cafe kokomo, you can talk to me directly. i know that club very well. >> oh, do you? >> this is an avid salsa dancer right here. for members of the public that
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don't know, this man can cut a rug. >> thank you. >> i have a follow-up. i appreciate supervisor cohen going even further with examples and i still am a little concerned because i'm not necessarily getting a sense that there is a clear understanding of what i am looking for in your understanding of the role of the entertainment commission as it relates to permitting and as it relates to public safety and i'm not looking at the entertainment commission in terms of being required to enforce whatever laws or regulations are implemented. i just want to make sure that there is a connection or a desire to make sure there is accountability in that connection. so the entertainment commission is giving out entertainment permits to a number of venues that provide nightlife all over
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san francisco. what is not happening is necessarily in many instances the enforcement side for security as it relates in the venue and outside the venue. so my biggest concern is public safety in that regard. and how it may not necessarily be responsible to continuously issue permits and not have a way to hold nightlife accountable to the requirements of those permits. so just what i am looking for for this particular seat is someone with a vision for a plan that could help with that link, that could help lead towards policy, that would make what the entertainment commission does in terms of requirements more effective when they are issuing these to night life. when permits are issued to
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nightlife, how are we going to enforce those to keep both the participants of nightlife, as well as those who live around nightlife venues safe? so i'm just looking for that in this particular seat and just wondering if you could give some feedback to that? >> i have a very good relationship with the alcohol liaison unit, inspector darcy keller, and i have spoken with eight of the ten permit officers of the city. and i have a good relationship and dialogue with deputy chief john lochtus. so i feel that given my openness and relationship are the police department, i will be able to
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bring those ideas to the entertainment commission. and steadfastly homicide them to that. >> thank you. >> thank you for the opportunity >> are there any public comments? and state whether or not you are in support of the application. >> i am support of the appointment of barbara campagnoli and i think you will be very pleased with her on the commission and she is a quick study. she has a tremendous work ethic and if any of you know my work ethic, same model. and i think you will very, very pleased with this appointment and i think your offices will
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be very pleased with the working relationship she will develop with your staff. thank you very much. >> thank you my name is david heller, the president of the geary boulevard business improvement district and i had the opportunity to work with barbara for over 20 years, when she was the permit officer in our station. i think she has got a lot to bring to the table. i have never seen her in 20 years so nervous as she was here today. [ laughter ] i guess, supervisor breed, your questions would have made me nervous too, you know? but honestly, if you look at her record, not only was she permit officer, but domestic violence and all sorts of issue
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that relate to this field and i really feel she will do an incredible job and i hope you guys will put her in, because we would use somebody like barbara on the commissioner. thank you so much and thank you for the opportunity. >> >> good afternoon. my name is janet leto, friend of barbara and i also in supervisor cohen's district and supervisor breed's district. >> what about my district? >> you can't live everywhere although i probably did at one point. barbara is a good, honest woman and really cares about the people of this town, as you can tell. having known her over 20 years, our daughters went to school together and we had our 8th
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grade play party at cafe kokomo. the fact is that since barbara knows a lot of people in this town, everywhere i go with her, she knows somebody. so she can get the job done so well, because she is so well connected to this town. new year's eve we spent time together and many times she had to go as a police officer to help with security down at the embarcadero. so she has actually had to put on extra gear to keep people safe. so she really wants safety of the city in place. i know there is a lot of stuff going on in this town, this summer especially, and i don't know when this would all come into effect.
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but you know, she wants to make sure that this city pulls it off well. i'm not sure exactly what else i can add to her credentials, but she is a fabulous person and you will not regret it. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] colleagues, i want to thank barbara for reaching out to my office and for myself to have an opportunity to have a discussion with her about this commission. and supervisor breed and supervisor cohen, thank you for your questions of her in regards to safety and so forth. to me, the question supervisor breed that you have brought up really is an issue that has not
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been solved. and that the ethics commission as a whole needs to be addressing this, and i appreciate barbara that although you didn't have an answer for those questions that you were honest about your willingness or you were honest that you didn't have the answers at this point. but the feeling i had when i spoke to you, that you were, as you stated, you were very open to things, and willing to look at finding solutions so i will be supporting you to be nominated on this commission. any other thoughts, supervisors? >> thank you. so i am happy to move this nomination for consideration at the full board. i do believe she aned
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