tv [untitled] June 6, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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into a world-class port and she was part of all of this happening. so one of the main reasons i am here to speak i used to be with the puc, public utilities commission and running a training and linda wong was my favorite intern and she left me to return here and she is now the rules clerk for your boards and i really wanted to come and say hello, linda. [ laughter ] and ask to you continue to support the fine work that kimberly is doing. thank you. >> thank you. >> mr. chair, members. my name is vincent mccarlie, i am chief executive officer -- and i strongly support the re-appoint of kimberly brandon to the commission. as a smalls business
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enterprise in the city, my brandon has been a local and consistent supporter of small businesses and whenever there are deliberations before the port, she is very concerted to make sure that they are part of the process and i have provided written comments and very much support her re-appointment. thank you all very much. >> thank you. >> chairman yee, supervisors breed and my supervisor cohen. my name is timothy allen simon and i am very honored and humbled to be the companion of kimberly brandon for well actually the last 16 years. i know the exact date. don't worry. but i met her as a commissioner. so all the time that we have been together, i have seen her in her professional capacity and i have learned so much from her in terms of how she balances her time and how dedicated she
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is to sharpening her craft as a commissioner. and that agenda arrives at our home, i know there is going to be time taken, when she not available, in her preparation for the meeting. the trail between her office of 101 california and pier 1 is a heavy walked trail as she goes back and forth to cover commission needs. as supervisor cohen so eloquently said her visibility in the southern waterfront and throughout the city clearly is something that i think every san franciscan can be proud of. so i just wanted to come and give my thoughts as someone who has not been an amazing commissioner and amazing partner to me and our children and our granddaughter is in the audience. i want to thank mayor lee as well and i will say that i feel our port is in good hands under her stewardship, along with her fellow commissioners and
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executive director moyer. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors, manny flores consider local 2. i have watched commissioner brandon over the years and she is a well-spoken person, carries herself well, but most of all, she has a huge passion for her job and that is a huge plus. and that is what she really has going for her and we really support her. thank you. >> thank you. are there any more public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] colleagues, any thoughts? >> i just wanted to publicly acknowledge that we have got the director of the port, monique moyer here today and thank you for joining us monique and wanted to give you an opportunity to speak, if you felt so moved.
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>> thank you very much, supervisors. i really did want to speak, but you had so much public comment i was trying to be mindful of your time. >> we'll give you a couple of minutes. >> thank you. >> thank you. i am watching. >> thank you, mr. chair. monique moyer from the port of san francisco. i have had the benefit of working with commissioner brandon since i arrived at the port. she has been a great mentor for me as well. and helped us to really provide good leadership of the port and a lot of the changes that you see happening at the port have been a long time coming. it's been a long time for us to be able to raise the funds that we're being able to invest now and have programs under which they kc invested and dedicated and i'm proud to tell you that for the first time in over 50 years the port is actually investing its own money with the city's help. and that has come from the good
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stewardship of the port commission and in particular the financial acumen of commissioner brandon. she is very concerned about the vibrancy of the southern waterfront and the beautification policy where we set aside monies from the revenues from mariposa street south to beautify the neighborhood and we have accumulated enough money that you will start seeing some of those investments and others that are happening along the creek that are not the port, but really changing the face there. it took the city about three decades to get the northern waterfront in the way that it is today. and one big factor to that was the course the federal investment in the embarcadero roadway. we haven't been as fortunate in the southern waterfront to have that type of economic spur, but we're really sitting on it right now with the development of 337 property and pier 70.
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and i think it's imperative that the port commission, we have got a great commission, but kimberly brandon is the one with the institutional memory, more so than myself and i think that is really valuable to the port at this very important time. so i thank you for the opportunity to speak and i support her nomination very much. thanks. >> thank you. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i am really excited to move this nomination through to the full board for a positive consideration and i just wanted to say a couple of things about commissioner brandon. since 1997, since many of us are san franciscans here on this committee and many in the room, we know what that particular area, where port is, primarily, centered in the
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heart of the embarcadero, what it used to look like. we remember before 1997, when the freeway was there, and after it had gotten torn down and how dark of a place it was. and in order to make it what it is today, you have to have good leadership. you have to have vision. and you have to have really good people who care about the city but more importantly, people who know how to make great things to happen and be patient in allowing those things to happen and i know commissioner brandon is one. she is a leader, a true visionary and also she is very particular about what she decides to put her time and resources towards. and the fact that she has committed her time to the port is truly something that san francisco should be happy
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about, should be proud of, because we are definitely heading in a direction where the port is becoming what it needs to be for san francisco and now clearly, moving in the direction of making sure that the south -- the southern part of the port is not completely neglected and i know she is the kind of person who will ensure that doesn't happen and will move in a positive direction to make it as equally amazing as the center part of the port. i am enthusiastically move this nomination forward. i know that her continued leadership, her institutional knowledge of the port is definitely necessary in order to make sure that we are moving in the right direction. and with that, thank you so much for your willingness to continue your service on the san francisco port commission. >> thank you. >> so i believe there is a
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motion to confirm the nomination of kimberly brandon for port commission to the full board without objection. did you say something ? >> i second that motion. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> i am moving in my senior, sort of slow motion. [ laughter ] [ gavel ] , so moved. [ applause ] madame clerk, no. 5. >> item no. 5, motion confirming the mayor's re-appointment of larry del carlo to the treasure island development authority board of directors for a term ending february 26, 2017. >> larry del carlo, would you like to come up and make a statement? >> good afternoon, supervisors. and thanks for the opportunity to come and speak with you today about the consideration of my re-appointment to the
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treasure island development authority board. mayor lee, i would like to thanks for his confidence in me to ask for your consideration for my re-appointment. and i would like to tell you a little bit about myself. i won't go on too long, but i am also a native san franciscan. i couldn't believe it sitting here, seeing so many folks who are native san franciscans. i don't usually see that, but it was pleasant to see folks who are native to san francisco come up and make presentations. i was actually born and raised in the commission distributeding in san francisco, and graduated from mission high school and later got my degree in public administration and serves as executive director for two
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mayors and had an opportunity to work with many folks, non-profit organizations, organizations, members of the board of supervisors and others and was able to enjoy what my passion is, is to work, especially with low-income communities and non-profit organizations to build affordable housing in san francisco, but also to provide needed services such as child-care and workforce development and so on. during my tenure as executive director, i was able to have the opportunity to be involved in provide something of those programs to the city. also i had some national involvement with public policy as the former president of the national community development association. as you can tell, most of my career in life has been spent
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working in community development, and housing development. i also worked for five years with the san francisco unified school district as the director of business and community development; where i am very proud of our accomplishments there in bringing school to career in san francisco, which was a program that provided opportunities for low-performing students. students who were consistently truant, to give them opportunities to actually learn in the workplace through paid internships. so i feel very good about that and a number of us were able to bring that to the city. and it continues today. also, i am currently the executive director of the mission housing development corporation, an organization that is about to have its 41st-year anniversary. and you know our commission is
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to preserve existing affordable housing, but also to provide new units of affordable housing especially to the communities of the commission district, and the south of market. i am a board member of the youth build usa, which is an organization also devoted to working with young people who need a second and third chance in some cases, to be able to do career opportunity exploration and get the kind of training that is necessary for them to have highly-skilled jobs and be able to earn decent wages. i have been on the treasure island commission for about two and a half years. and i filled the remaining term of a former member of the board, and now mayor lee has asked that i continue on to
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fill my own term, with your consideration and approval. a couple of concerns and efforts that i have made as a current board member has been to find opportunities for folks, who live in san francisco, local-hires is also a passion of mine. find opportunities for them to have job-training programs for them to be able to work as apprentices, to be able to obtain jobs and careers that will sustain them and their familis and treasure island development is an opportunity to make those kind of connections with job-training programs, with apprenticeship programs and so on, that can give our local resident and
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opportunity to have good careers. i am looking forward to continuing my work as a board member. you know, i really think that residents should participate and as members of boards and missions and so on, it's our duty to listen to everyone, to hear all sides and to ask questions when it's necessary to ask questions. and i think i have performed in that role, you know, to make sure that we are not just listening to staff reports and approving them, but that we're asking residents to speak up. i attend meetings on the island, and i have gotten to know a number of residents, and i enjoy their participation. so with that, i would like to ask you for your consideration
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and approval of my re-appointment. thank you very much for the time. >> thank you. any questions, supervisors? >> no. >> seeing none, okay. thank you. any public comments? >> i'm sorry, i have a question. >> larry. >> okay. >> supervisor breed. >> can you tell me what your thoughts are around how fast you believe the development of treasure island is moving versus how fast you think it should be moving? >> good question. well, it's moving a lot slower than i would like to see it move. there have been a number of setbacks, which you may be familiar with. the questions regarding the environmental impact studies, the lawsuit, now the appeal. that has been a major factor in slowing us down. recently we were excited that
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we saw that there were going to be a large amount of funds invested in the island through the developer from the bank of china. and as we know, that deal did not come to fruition. i am still very optimistic that working together, the city, the developers, our board, and your board are going to be able to put together the financing plan to provide the funds that are necessary to continue and do the development to east answer your question, it's not moving fast enough for us >> i did actually work for the treasure island development authority as a development specialist, where my primary job was attracting the film
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industry and at that time there were a large number of films that were renting out the hangars there for film productions. i was able to get "the hulk" and other movies here and a lot of work, but a lot of it was the city under its film commission and the treasure island development through its marketing efforts attracted the film industry and that has changed over the years prior to your joining the treasure island development authority and the number of films that have not only relocated to the island, but have relocated to san francisco in general have declined significantly and therefore, taking with them significant millions of dollars in revenue. whether it be jobs for the fx and his crew and others throughout san francisco, the hotel industry. do you have any thoughts on
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what we can do in order to basically get some of what we have lost back on treasure island? what we could do in terms of working with the authority and working with the city as a whole to attract films and bring them to san francisco by utilizing the resource of treasure island? >> i think part of the answer was just in your question actually, that i think it's going to take a coordinated effort from a number of city departments and the board of supervisors and the mayor's office and so on to be able to make it a priority to market once again. i did note that you had been involved in that and it must have been good work because there was a lot of stuff going on at that time. i know there are commercials being made on the island "myth busters," some of the filming is done on the island, but
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nothing like the past. there is a bit of activity going on, but i happen to think more activity should be going on and it's maybe something that our staff and the film commission folks maybe ought to be talking about. and i think it's a very important economic development activity. so i think that the whole city should be interested in it as a job-creating opportunity, business-development opportunity, and generally an economic-development opportunity for the city. so i am very supportive of that kind of marketing and bringing back more films to treasure island. >> it's just that maybe some of the hangars have been vacant long enough, where there might be some even more problems than there had been in the past, because they haven't been utilized more consistently. that might be a challenge now. >> i think it would be a challenge, but i think there are solutions to that. that you know, when folks put
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their heads together and work in a coordinated way, i have found in my experience that once people are willing to work on finding a solution to bringing those hangars back into operating condition and doing the work that is necessary for that, and raising the money that is necessary for that, we can certainly do it. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> thank youed. >> thank you. >> any public comments on is this this? >> i am here to speak in favor of larry de carlo's re-appointment to the board and not only for his work to the community, but understanding the importance of supporting unions in general and our
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plight with regards to a sustainable/livable wage. our most recent work is, like supervisor breed said was the treasure island and maintaining ored at least trying to maintain a livable wage for the people that maintain the grounds out there. so we strongly urge and ask your support for his re-appointment. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, once again mani flores local 22, and supporting the re-appointment for larry del carlo. you have the right man for treasure island and he has a passion for training and work opportunities for local residents. also the man has -- you know he has got a big heart and he is a hard worker, and he loves challenge because he says,
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"this is how we're going knock it down." he won't back down and is he a straight-shooter and a decent and good man and look forward to your support. thank you very much. >> mr. yee and members of the committee, my name is vince courtney, with the alliance for sustainable growth and i have known larry for 40 years now. he is an outstanding individual. as for the relevance for this particular re-appointment, is he one of the strongest advocates for collective bargaining and works hard to work out compromises to make it happen. he has been an outstanding commissioner and i urge you to support his re-appointment. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, joshua with
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brightline, speaking in strong support of the re-appointment of larry del carlo. i got to know larry, director del carlo through work in a collaborative called the emerald city collaborative with folks to help green our city. he had a project that, like you said, he wanted to have local hire and do some energy-efficiency work and he wanted to be all union and he wanted to do it all together through a project labor agreement and he said i want it to be real local hire and i want some of the folks working in san francisco to be at the table. and some folks said, well that is -- i don't know if you know this, but at times local hire has been a bit controversial and he said here is the deal. if the community folks aren't at the table to negotiate local hire, i'm not doing a project labor agreement and he got us to the table, first ever time in history that the community has been able to negotiate on a
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project labor agreement and it was great. we work with the building trades and worked with larry and got the job done. it was great. about 70% of the work was local residents and i'm very grateful for that opportunity to actually participate in a project labor agreement negotiation. he is coming up big with community and labor particularly around landscaping. there has been tons of questions how the landscaping services are being performed at the island and he has been the outstanding support for quality and leadership that we hope continues for a long time. potentially citywide reform, really soon, not to say too much, but really excited. please support the re-appointment of director larry del carlo. thank you. >> thank you. any local public comment?
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public comment is closed. [ gavel ] i have known mr. del carlo for many years and i have been there watching his professional development. i really feel like the treasure island development authority would be very fortunate to have somebody of larry's experience and caliber and i will be supporting your re-appointment. so any other thoughts, colleagues? seeing none, can we have a motion to confirm the nomination of larry del carlo for the treasure island development authority board of directors to the full board without objection? >> yes, so moved. >> seconded. >> with no objection, it is moved. [ gavel ] >> thank you, and congratulations. [ applause ] >> madame clerk, item no. 6. >> item no. 6, ordinance amending the administrative code to establish the bayview
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hunters point citizens advisory committee, to provide policy advice to the city and county of san francisco on planning and land use matters for zone 2 of the bayview hunters point redevelopment project area. >> supervisor cohen will be speaking on this item. >> thank you colleagues for hearing this item today. the ordinance before you today will establish a new bayview hunters point citizens advisory committee that would be responsible for reviewing and providing recommendations to the planning commission, the board of supervisors and other city departments on land use matters in zone 2 of the bayview hunters point redevelopment project area. i know supervisor breed is extremely familiar with the structure and process associated with the redevelopment plans, for those of you who are not, i will give a very brief overview of the city adopted the redevelopment plan for the bayview hunters point neighborhood in 2006, and
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subsequently amended it in 2010. as a requirement of the california redevelopment law there was a project area committee established that was charged with reviewing land use decisions and projects in the neighborhood, making recommendations to the redevelopment commission, and implementing the redevelopment plan. now in recognition of the structure, the requirements of the california law, the planning department and the redevelopment agency entered into an agreement that specified the process for providing notification to the project area committee, and required that the committee hear items before the planning commission to make recommendations. now as a city, we have spent a significant amount of time dealing with the impacts of the governor's decision to dissolve the redevelopment agencies. however, one issue that has not been received -- that has notice received as much attention is when our local redevelopment agencis were dissolved, so were a number of our project area communities.
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as a supervisor who represents an area by the bayview hunters point redevelopment plan, i have been particularly concerned about the loss of the citizens advisory committee. the bayview is a neighborhood that is experiencing change, much of it for the better, but in other words, for the change beneficial, the community needs a voice shaping it. so i think that anyone who has an experience with the cac recognizes it is no a perfect structure, but where community members with share concerns about proposals for the neighborhood and i think this structure made projects a lot better. that is why i am working with many of my neighbors and the planning department, as well as the city administrator's office to craft the ordinance before us today. this ordinance builds off the existing agreement placed with the planning department and establishes a new citizens advisory committee group for
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zone 2 of the bayview hunters point project area and portions of survey area c in india basin. i know the map of the area contained in your packet is a little fuzzy and i provided a better copy to show you area that is covered by this legislation. this legislation establishes a 12-member body, nine voting members, three non-voting members, appointed by the district supervisor, the mayor, the city administrator, who will be in charge with reviewing land use proposals, in the project area, and making recommendations to the city agencies responsible for approving these projects. now consistent with the previous agreement, and the recommendations of the planning department, the types of projects that would be subject to the cac review in this area include: there are a few of them. first, projects that create six or more residential units
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