tv [untitled] June 7, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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we'll continue this to the next meeting and obviously we can think about it and maybe if we had some more questions. i would have questions on the staffing and the direction there. i would have questions about the timeframe to do this in the field. if you knew you had projects that took a certain time to do. and where staff would stand if the project didn't have to comply with this ordinance had to while the project was under construction and what is the situation there in the department of health had to come out to observe the site.
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with those kinds of questions to be addressed as a commissioner i want to be sure this passed and is implemented out in the field and we want to do it as efficiently to the stakeholder. i'm thinking more of the smaller projects and they have to deal with. and the smaller ones don't have consultant and it can be very stressful. these are the issues i want addressed before i vote. so i'd elect to continue this to the next commission meeting. >> there's a motion and a second to continue to the next
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meeting. >> john from the city attorney's office. maybe i can clarify a issue. the charter requires only the building inspectors here you're not required to act on it. so if you continue the public hearing you're still in the hearing phase you could also end of the public hearing and still consider your vote as the commission if you want to vote at another hearing. so you do have i think the way you've presented it everything would be intent both the public hearing portion and your decision michael if you do that to the june hearing that i but
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it's not necessary >> i think it's right with the realization that we don't have to it could go to the board of supervisors it becomes political that we're not quite ready and we'll be heard there, too so that's clear. thank you >> there is a motion and a second to continue this item for the next he meeting. i'll do a role call vote. (calling roll). the motion carries unanimously. we're onto the item number 9 report fro from the nomination committee >> so i'd like to excuse
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commissioner lynch. >> okay. yeah so. >> how many people we need four poem so nobody else can leave. >> all right. so first of all, chair lee commissioner lee regretted that he had to leave. first of all, the committee we wanted to thank all the people who applied. given the short notice we had a good number of applicants and we decided to invite in 5 applicants, 4 actually came to our meeting and put a face on their applications.
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i guess we do - the committee did have a couple of recommendations. we wanted to recommend for the commercial property seat or manage seat the advisory committee mr. henry who applied and actually came to our meeting and he's been the the - i believe he's been the committee before. for the architect seat in the board of examiners we wanted to bring forgot 2 candidates. we felt they were both qualified but there's only one seat so
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with that i'd like to put forth the nomination of mr. sugarman. and we actually mentioned if it's - if this body is open to it - because there's going to be more terms expiring in august we want to hold the candidates in the pool because for whatever reason if the prior folks leave >> any questions? >> our commission didn't elect. >> the committee could decide 80 not put forward nomination.
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>> commissioner nails. >> it's not going to be voted on today, it's our report it could be voted on the next meeting isn't that correct. >> that's don't we'll have it imprinted and - >> okay. thank you. >> thank you for that commissioner. >> any public comment on item number 9. okay seeing none. item number ten commissioners questions and matters increase the staff at that time the commissioner can bring up practices and procedures that are of interest to the commission >> the only one i was wondering for the next meeting to give us
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an update on the milestones for the next fill board meeting >> actually, i had been approached by residents whether there was a new list out on our website somewhere. >> any comments? >> future meetings and agendas at this point they could set a special meeting or place the agenda on the next meeting. our next meeting date is june 19th. >> so i would again like to propose a special meeting.
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maybe over the next few months and kind of authorize the secretary to pole the commissioners open their availability and to work with staff. i would like a special meeting of the and i basement board to take care of some of those lincoln issues and give plenty of public notice and allow the secretary to arrange for the room and stuff like that >> i'll be sure to follow up. >> is there any public comment on 10 a or b? seeing none. item 11 review the minutes of march 20, 2013, >> i move. >> second. >> and there's a motion and a second to approve the meeting of
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>> thank you, for that wonderful introduction, this is exciting for me as david indicated both my daughters are graduate of lowell high school. [ applause ] so i know how your parents feel. i am excited today the last time i was at a high school commencement was for my daughters. i want to say that this is exciting for me because as i was listening to darle and the other speakers that had a moment to reflect on my high school years and i will talk for a few moments about that. those exciting days. but i did want to say that i was walking over here with my director of employment and workforce opportunities and i
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took a deep breath and said todd you have to find 613 more jobs. and that is what we do in san francisco. we look for jobs for you and we make sure. this city is successful so that when you come back to your studies you are ready to go. >> the principal, and thank you so much for inviting me, and the faculty, and the staff, and the administrators, school board members, and of course, the students, families and friends. >> i would like to begin my remarks by sending my sincerist condolences to the family of (inaudible) chan was happened was a terrible waste and calls us to action to do better and we will do better. we will make that street safe for everybody.
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>> and i know that (inaudible) was a beloved member of your community and was in our thoughts today even as we celebrate your achievements. and i would also like to take the opportunity to recognize five phenomenal lowell high school staff members who are retiring today. they have helped shape your high school careers. dr. ray hill, lowell science teacher for 17 years, congratulations dr. hill. tony, mona, math teacher for 41 years. >> wow. >> i have to say tony that i love my math teacher. vanessa guest, an english teacher for 13 years.
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cynthia mitchell, secretary for 39 years. thank you. >> and finally someone who has kept you safe on the campus, ron hodges, security, 41 years. thank you all for your dedication and your commitment to the youth at lowell high school and to our great city and now, good evening, for lowell high school graduates class of 2013, go red and white. [ applause ] [ cheers ] >> i got my red on today. and with 613 students graduating today, i would like to say congratulations to all of you, you truly represent the incredible promise that our great city of san francisco is. thank you david, for your very
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kind introduction, as one of lowell's student leaders you must be very proud to be standing here in front of your class who will be graduating with you, thank you for being a great example to your fellow classmates and to our city's youth and i hope that kayla your senior class president and david your student body president as well as the entire lowell graduating class of 2013 become the great community and civic leaders of san francisco future. because of being your mayor, i think that the people of the city every day for the opportunity to serve san francisco. it is a privilege to wake up each morning and to work for you, a people the our city and to do everything that i can to help all of us be successful. and as your graduation day is a day when you set off on a path to success you will use what
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you learned at lowell to tackle the great challenges next in your life, to make the differences in your world and the impact in the lives of your peers, family, your friends, and your community. looking back at my graduation day in high school, i remember feeling excited, scared, nervous, and inspired to make a difference in the world and just like you my journey started on this very important day, graduation day. and you know, each of our lives brings different challenges and each of you will have your own individual challenges. for me, i lost my father, when i was a sophomore in high school, so i knew that my days ahead were not going to be very easy. in fact, i made up my mind as a
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graduate of public high school, that i was pretty much going to go it alone even though my dad was a cook and my mom was a seamstress and she had five other kids to take care of and i did not want to be a burden. so, i was going to do what i think all of you are trained to do at lowell high school i was going to work my rear off to make sure that i could prove myself. and if i did it on my own, more pride to be taken. as a graduating senior, i had a vision to make this world better, a better place for my family as well as my community. after graduate froming public high school in seattle i went to a small liberal arts college in the state of maine, i went from seattle to maine.
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i had to sees the opportunity even if it meant moving away from friends and family and moving away from what i was familiar with to take on new challenges looking back at those years i made the right move because the learned the east coast, i learned now where my daughters are at so i could tell them what they were about to face, and i know that this country is tied much more than just land. going from east coast you get a lot of experiences, after four and a half years i had enough of the east coast and i moved back to the west coast here to get a law degree at uc berkeley and i knew that san francisco would be become my new home. as some of you may know my background is as a civil rights lawyer working right here in san francisco.
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back then, a generation set out to make sure that we all recognized our greatest asset as a nation, our diversity. and together, in those years, we locked arms and stood in a doorway of the international hotel. to prevent the wrongful eviction of senior chinese and filipino immigrants who had no money and no place to go. [ applause ] and today san francisco has some of the best tenant protections. we sued the san francisco fire department, to get women and people of color a chance to be a firefighter, to serve, the public of san francisco. and to dedicate their lives to public safety, today we have a city's first female fire chief and our public safety agencies are more diverse than ever, and just as proud and good as any
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other generation that this city has ever seen. i joined with others there that were just as dedicated and committed as i was to make a difference for the residents of san francisco. together, we helped to make san francisco a different place, one that embraces and celebrates diversity. and today, san francisco is one of the most diverse cities and one of the most diverse regions. in fact, in the world's most diverse democracy. i never thought that i would ever in my lifetime see an african american as president of the united states and i never imagined that san francisco would have an asian american mayor. [ applause ] so as mayor, one of my many goals during my term in office
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is to empower all of the residents and make our city even more responsive, efficient and accountable to the voice of all the diverse communities. i gather the importance of the ties in the need of our community and every day i am trying to make san francisco a place where everyone succeeds, a city for the 100 percent. i am honored to be working for the community, and fighting for the community, and trying to help the community and our city be a better place for everyone to live, work, visit, and do business. today, san francisco's economy is recovering. our unemployment rate has dropped from 9.6 percent when i first came into office in 2011, to an astonishing 5.4 percent today. [ applause ] we put san franciscans back to work and gave them back the
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dignity of a paycheck so that they could support their families. but it is still not good enough. and i will remain focused on making sure that no one is left behind. that is why we created programs like tech sf to insure that our long term unploid and youth have access to education, training, and job placement assistance. we have already trained and packed scores of people in technology jobs and the first graduation is this june. last summer, i proudly joined mayor pelosi to take up president obama's challenge of taking up summer jobs for activities for at risk youth and we surpassed our own goal, we got 5,201 summer jobs for kids last summer. the summer jobs plus program and now thanks to another great partnership with the united way
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this summer. we are working even harder to make sure that we find the paid job opportunities for 6,000 youth in our city. yes, we want to insure that all of you have opportunities and skills needed to compete in the 21st century economy and workforce. that is why with the shared goals with the superintendents of our school and boards and we continue to make it the expectation >> and with the kindergarten to college program we are able to establish a college savings account for every kindergarten student, can you believe that? as a city? yes. >> and we are working to insure that every student especially students of our middle schools have the resources and opportunities to graduate ready for college. and since day one i have been
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committed to our cities' family and our children and our youth and i will remain committed because i see education and training not as an expense, but as an investment. my wife, anita and i have been parents to both of our daughters so i know first hand what it is like to be a parent here in san francisco. and i want to thank you all parents to being here. because they could not have done it without you. i know that. and what sacrifices your parents made, i know that. because they are investing in you as part of our future and helping you pursue your dreams. we all want you to succeed. because as all of you embark on the next leg of your journey, i want you to remember to come back to san francisco. i want you to come back, i want you to work here, the innovation, capitol of the world. i want you to come back and i want you to raise your families here and i want you to buy a house and maybe a couple send
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your own kids to public school right here in san francisco. i want you to come back and be the next generation of leaders like the great that have help to build san francisco like the houses and the fishers and so many more that fight for the community and build the strong neighborhoods and yes these names you know because they were in your shoes, they were also graduates of lowell high school. [ applause ] >> san francisco is the greatest city in the world, i know it. i know it. and wherever you go, we will get to brag about that because we are and we know this. and they love the city, and we love the city. so when you succeed whether you become the next fortune ceo or a noble prize winner or a
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supreme court justice, remember to make your community and your city a better place for all. i leave you with this advice as you begin your new journey, my vision began when i was graduating high school senior. and now, it is your turn to make your vision a reality. make an impact on the future, and make your community and this world a better place. be bold, and to quote one of my favorite movies, boldly go where no one has gone before. congratulations class of 2013, go out there and change the world. thank you. [ applause ]
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so i'm very excite ied to be here today. >> your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. >> last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering. without that we can't survive. volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160
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acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling.
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for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center so come >> good evening and welcome to the june 5, 2013 meeting board of appeals. commissioner frank fung and commissioner honda and hurtado. to my left is -- who will provide the board with any legal advice and we have mr. pacheco. i'm the board
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