tv [untitled] June 8, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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verify that today and also to verify the costs of something like that. i also just watch to back up a second in terms of your action tonight. it was agendaized as discussion and possible action and there is no need to really make a decision this evening. at staff-level we're capable of looking through the minutes of your discussion tonight, as well as the possible ways that you are kind of figuring out how this might move forward and bring it back to you again. so don't feel compelled to make a decision this evening, but think about all of these options and yet, some sort of guideline. the issue for us is consistency and while the discretion to take one action versus another based on the differencings in application it's not one side
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size fits all. so look at that in guidance of the process, because it will continue to evolve. your consistency is at issue as well. you heard in terms of public comment, it will come back to haunt you if you are not consistent about what you you do. >> also, just to piggy-back on that, i also think it's a great idea if we take home commissioner hyde's suggestions and know about the already existing document and come up with something that we can actually look on and vote on and correct me if i'm wrong, but i do believe we'll be voting on whether or not to include this in our policies, is that right? so this is something that we would be voting on to add to our polices and procedures for an applicant.
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and so we need to come up with a document that the staff can work with and that people can look at and implement when they have a permit issue, whether they are applying for a new permit and coming into compliance and having a change of ownership or whatever. so i think it's important that maybe we -- i don't know if some of you have never seen the entertainment commission document before called "neighborhood outreach for permit applicants?" never? maybe i could suggest this, with commissioner hyde's permission, that we go ahead and continue this to the next meeting and that we come back with some solid ideas by putting together the documents handed us tonight, the planning department's document plus the one that already exists, plus the one that commissioner hyde has developed and our comments
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tonight about the one size does not fit all things and agendize this for the next meeting and come back and discuss it and possibly vote on it to be added to our polices and procedures. how do you feel about that commissioner hyde? >> i feel fine about that. i do not feel that we have to rush this through and make those decisions. i think it's fine to have more discussion. >> may i comment? >> absolutely. >> thank you for drafting it and having something to start with is great. my comment is that i one size doesn't fit all, i think we all have to think about the types of policy, does a pool table have to go through the same outreach as a live entertainment venue versus a nightclub? >> amusement. >> exactly, a series of permits to think about and how to differentiate between those. i also think and i kind of agree with commissioner akers,
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whether it's called stakeholders or what not, the central issue that we often have is patrons and the businesses versus the neighbors. and i warrant want to give a fair voice and i want to say that patrons aren't coming to the table and saying this pizzeria at 4:00, is it important to come to the commission to tell you about that and who do we allow to actually be their voice, too? so i don't want to negate or deamplify about the residents of that neighborhood, but we do need to hear from the patrons of the venues, that i don't live on broadway and i need to go to broadway in order to party. >> i was thinking, if i may, maybe we make a suggestion to
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the permitee to encourage support from their patrons, but i don't believe that outreach is for the patrons i believe is my pointed. i think if they want to bring patron support, they are able to do that and come or send that by email, but i think community outreach is for the community and the neighborhood. >> with regard to after-hour permit i believe in the importance of food and somebody talking about building 45,000 units along market and south of market and as it stands right now, i can't get a restaurant reservation at a time i want. what is going to happen when the 40,000 units are filled?
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there are possibly not enough venues or enough restaurants or enough to serve what is going to be the population in the city maybe in two years' time? as opposed to what it is now. so i think we're going to see a lot more permits coming our way over the next couple of years and whatever we design for this neighborhood outreach, we should think forward and address what is going to come down the pike, rather than what is just sitting here right now. it's a different ballgame and i think it's also important in this. >> i have one question that i forgot to ask. in terms of the policy-making, can we mandate 50 signatures or threshold for any of this outreach? >> at this moment it's not part of the determination for
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approval offer denial. so i guess the answer is no, you can't deny based on not having signatures. >> policies are important to the commission consistent applications are important to the commission and "suggestion" doesn't seem quite strong enough, but again, it's not a basis for denial in the law as it stands >> that is why i said we should ask for a reasonable amount and not can for a number. >> it's up to the commissioner and if it's not that they like, they can vote no. if they are not happy with the outreach, they can vote no and it's an extra guideline to
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communicate that. i mean that is the whole idea behind the outreach is public safety and knowing what is going on. again, i don't want to burden the process and make it so difficult that it takes them so much time to get this that it expires and they can't come back and finish and they have to continue. and again, we should think about in advance, you know, if you are applying for this permit, we suggest that you do this outreach and determine that ahead of time until they come up here and we're listening and say you didn't do that and then we're stuck again. you know? >> i think it's to clarify between planting flowers or giving out food to homeless people as meaningful community outreach, because it doesn't have anything to do with the permit and in the last couple of weeks i have heard a couple of cases like that and more trying to define it and i want
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to speak to commissioner tan, we have a supervisor looking at adding a tense in making meaningful outreach as part of the code also. >> to that end, i would like to call for public comment on this issue. >> stephano, i want to thank commissioner hyde for his efforts and anybody who comes to these meetings it's a work in progress and commissioner perez too >> i do want to agree with commissioner joseph on not quantifying any number, numerically as to the quantity,
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50-100, and the reason why, at some point we codify this, we don't want legal interpretations coming in here and really missed the point of "meaning of outreach." we're getting to the point that we're going to be a better effective and efficient commission by getting a handle around this outreach issue. the other thing that i like what commissioner lee mentioned at the end of the day, it's your vote and individual decision and judge call and we just hope we put good people like this commission behind to make those decisions. so ultimately, it's your conscious and your call. and we should be able to live with that. the bottom line is better outreach can be done, because we do see inconsistencies in many of
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these applications. and ignorance by saying i didn't know is not an excuse. >> thank you. >> any other public comment? >> no overhead for this one. my name is michael knulty and i'm the executive director for alliance for a better district 6. i think what is being discussed here is more like guidelines. if you are looking for the right words, and i think it would be guidelines relating to a specific permit. so there should be maybe several categories of types of guidelines. and in the past, i have seen there has been a lot of confusion over what is required, what is not required, now it's done and not done and i hear you and you get into this reality of what your preferences are.
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and then us out in the audience are figuring out where did you just go on this and just redefining and going back and forth? and part of it is also education, educating not only the commissioners, but educating the permit holder, educating the neighborhood, the neighborhood associations. if you are going to come up with these various polices and the next step once they have been instituted, they need to be sent out to the community groups or whoever is going to be -- you mentioned several groups here. the presentations to health, housing, at-risk youth, and then neighborhood organizations. they have to be made aware of this policy why they are writing this letter. they are not writing a letter to a donor or to somebody who received a kitchen or something from a business owner.
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they are writing a letter because they have been reached out to, and told what that permit about is about and i think this is where a lot of murkiness happened. the other thing is i want to also point out that the issue -- you are asking the community groups to ask letters. i am not that great at writing letters and i would suggest for me personally, i would like to see maybe downgrade that a little bit to an email, because i might be quicker to write a line, a one-liner, versus having to figure out what is the damn address to the commission and all of those details and the date and have to formalize that? because some people are professionals and that is all they do is write letters all day or you have paid staff and that is all they
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do all day is write letters, but i don't. so that makes me do a lot more extra work as a volunteer. so as a volunteer, i'm not interested in writing letters. i don't even write letters to myself. so when you ask me to do all of this extra work, who is actually doing this extra work? >> thank you and i agree with you, i don't write letters much, either. >> good evening commissioners. i want to piggy-back on a couple of things, one, again, confusion. i have watched multiple of your commission meetings before i came here and i haven't been in front of this commission since you have been seated on this commission. so you have never seen me before. no, in person here, okay. this is the first time i have been here in years. i was here at the very beginning of your commission. second, i did not ask a person
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to come to a meeting. we just suggested it as was stated. third, you wobbled over where the permit was to be placed and came back to the outreach. i am concerned, again because it's neighborhood groups, which is mostly volunteers, because most neighborhood groups don't have paid staff members and thereof, you are asking volunteer groups to write letters and i'm concerned about that. and also, some of the non-profits, probably dependsing on the size of the non-profit, they may or may not have staff. and go down the list. so it's an issue of time-consuming and also adjusting to schedules. i think there is a window here, too, of how long the applicant actually applies for a permit? i think it's 90 days or something like that and
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actually to do the outreach. and so, within that window, are they actually going to be able to do all of that? and this is where this gray area comes in, because i see where, like with the planning commission, how they do it by mailout. you have something to verify a third-party mailing or postcard or whatever it is to the surrounding neighbors. so that there is a verification of the notification, whether or not they accept or respond is up to the person. most people are busy and get them in the mail and i don't waste my time going to the business, because i am notified of their permit and the neighborhood notification
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process. so people get that stuff and they just trash it. if you think about it, of how this process might work. >> thank you. anybody else for public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, do we need a motion to continue? >> i would like to move to continue this to the next meeting and changing "letter" to "notification to the entertainment commission." second >> call the roll. >> commissioner tan? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner joseph? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> commissioner perez? >> aye. >> commissioner akers. >> aye. >> okay item no. 7, commissioner questions and comments, commissioner akers, do you have anything? commissioner perez?
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commissioner hyde? >> i just wanted to make a comment that justin did an amazing job at the nightlife -- what was it, nightlife health. that was great. i had a great time. i attended all three days and i learned a lot. i would like to say one of the things that alberta and that milan and other places are working on and finding very important is proper public transportation, which i think is something that the commission should really talk about as far as nightlife. and then i do have one more copy of this from milan, italy. it's about the problems they were having and some of their solutions. although they have big areas where people are just buying beer cans and sitting outside and it's just like an area full of people drinking take-out beer. so it's not quite what we have here, but i just thought it was
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interesting, if anyone else wants one. >> thank you. commissioner tan? anything? >> i apologize for missing the last meeting. i was experiencing the nightlife of spain and amsterdam. i think we have a lot to learn from them. i am not saying that they are perfect at all, but i think culturally, as well, i think there are different expectations around how you interact with one another, how you treat law enforcement, how you treat the earth? but i think there is a lot that we can learn about managing crowds, and late-night entities, and i would love to dig into that more not just as a participant, but as a policy-making. >> i agree. commissioner lee? >> i have nothing to say today. >> all righty. all i'm going say is that the end of the month, june 27th,
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san francisco pride. there is a gazillion parties happening and speaking of spain, the reparty will be here saturday night, june 29th at regency and it's been put on by a group from spain. so that is interesting, and also, speaking of amsterdam. there is also a party coming from amsterdam. so i think this is the first year that we actually have people from other countries coming here to put on celebrations during pride. also the supreme court decision with regard to prop 8 and coming down around that time and it should make for an additional -- sfpd pay attention here, a quarter of a million people in town versus a normal pride is the estimate. so instead of 650,000, they are thinking a million people. i know that makes you happy
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officer matthias. other than that, that is it. >> i forgot to mention one thing, i'm sorry. we're trying to rename the 100 block of turk, where the cafeterias were after vicky marlane and adding to the name to the street. it would not be a complete street change, but it would signify the first time a transgender person is honored with a name change in california and possibly the country, although i don't know that is true. you can go to to help with that, they are definitely around with signatures. but charlies raised over $2,000 for the street? renaming and plan a mural on the changes from the compton
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riot until now. >> new business future meetings, besides commissioner hyde's outreach policy. >> i remember discussing the chair position for voting. >> we're going hold elections the first meeting in july. it is likely that we will cancel the july 2nd meeting, because of the july 4th holiday. there are no permits scheduled for that meeting as i understand. so i guess i'm announcing now it's more than likely that will happen and staff will send out a notification to that. so the next meeting in july will be elections for this office and then staff is
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working on our 10th anniversary party. i knew you asked. >> you read my mind. >> our 10th anniversary partsy and we want to celebrate as close to our 10th anniversary as possible, so hopefully in july we will be celebrating that. >> just for clarification, we can have -- and question put it on an agenda, elections before the party, those things can happen. >> that would be awesome. >> if we do a regular meeting as our party, like we have done in the past, that is off-site, we'll have to past 15 days' notice, because we won't be in city hall as opposed to 72 hours. so we can have that discussion offline, but we can hold elections correct. >> so for those who have not come to our parties before,
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they are agendized as a meeting. they are a commission meeting, and we do enact business. we do open the floor for public comment. we do enact business. and then we have our party. so maybe that would be an awesome thing to have our elections at our party and then we can celebrate the new officers of this commission at that time. what do you think? >> so just for clarification, so we would hold all of our regular business at another venue, where we would be having the party and then have the party afterwards? >> that is correct. >> it's initially quite light of. the agenda is usually quite light. >> we won't have any permits. it will be a quite light agenda. >> that sounds good. >> the light part. [ laughter ]
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anybody else? >> do we want cafe coca moe? >> at our party? >> we cannot. >> for the next agenda. >> got it. >> do we not talk about having a discussion about cameras? or looking into more information about cameras? the city attorney, i was just wondering how that was going? >> can you communicate with staff offline? >> i sure will. >> that would be great. anybody else? seeing nothing else, we are adjourned. [ gavel ]
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>> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web based mapping systems.
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like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to
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dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or
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who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want.
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>> they are finding the same things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map >> good morning. thank you for joining me here at the board chambers, and thank you to board president david chiu, budget chair mark farrell, members of the board of supervisors, our elected officials, our commissioners, and our department heads. and welcome, members of the public who joined us this morning. this year's budget reflects a lot of hard work between city government and the people that we serve. we've met in every district of the city. we've worked with our elected city family. we listened to hundreds of community lde
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