tv [untitled] June 11, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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>> [speaking in spanish] >> thank you very much. why don't we skip -- why don't we call these items in just a few minutes and just go through the remainder of our calendar, items 30 through 34, madam clerk. >> items 30 through 34, ordinance amending the public works code, by adding section 791, to allow the director of the department of public works, subject to specified requirements, to accept certain public improvements as public gifts and dedicate such improvements to public use; and making environmental findings. item 31 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to establish a street design review committee. item 32 is an ordinance amending the fire code, chapter 5, section 503.4, to clarify what does not constitute an obstruction of a fire apparatus access road. item 33 is a resolution urging the public utilities commission, department of public works, municipal transportation agency, and planning department to develop a clear policy for reviewing street improvement projects that overlap the jurisdiction of various agencies and for those agencies to expeditiously modernize codes, standards, regulations, and other guidelines to ensure that the city's collective public policy interests are advanced.
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and item 34 is a resolution urging the california state legislature to adopt legislation allowing local jurisdictions flexibility to amend local fire code street width standards in order to maximize pedestrian and bicyclist safety goals. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president. today before us is a package of legislation that i've authored and i want to thank supervisor yee for his co-sponsorship, to make it easier to deliver pedestrian safety projects in san francisco. we have an epidemic of pedestrian accidents on our street, nearly a thousand pedestrian accidents last year and too many fatalities. and while we all strive to have better traffic enforcement and public education to all users of our roads, we also know that making physical improvements to our roads, streetscaping improvements, wider sidewalks, build outs, shorter crossing
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distances, there are physical changes that we know will reduce pedestrian accidents and make our streets safer. i think we all support these changes and we all work very hard to get them approved and to fund them. the voters passed prop b which helped move us in that direction. and the mayor recently put out a very positive pedestrian safety strategy which aims to, over time, physically improve, particularly our most dangerous roadways and intersections. but despite the high priority that we as a city have given to pedestrian safety upgrades, even when we have pedestrian safety projects that have strong support and that have funding, our process for actually implementing these pedestrian safety improvements is flawed and needs to be improved. this legislation will do that. approximately i think five or six different debtsv have to sign off on the engineering
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around any pedestrian safety upgrades. ~ different and at times those departments do not communicate effectively with each other and do not i don'teder nate effectively. this leads to one situation where one department may have an objection from a mid level employee and that ends up killing the project rather than having the departments work together to find the path forward. so, one aspect of this legislation will require the departments, if there is a problem, to get together and work together and find a way to move the project forward. we shouldn't have to legislate this, but unfortunately given the experiences we've had, i think that this is necessary. the legislation will also make it easier when private development actually builds pedestrian safety improvements around their project, make it easier to gift that to the city, would make it surprisingly hard for [speaker not understood]. in addition, the legislation will update some outdated codes
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that can sometimes undermine pedestrian safety improvements. and i do believe that this legislation will have a positive impact in allowing us to move these projects through the process in a good way, but also in an efficient way. and, so, colleagues, i do ask for your support on these items. thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you, president chiu. as you know, pedestrian safety is really one issue that i've been really concerned about and have been focused on for the few months that i've been on the board of supervisors. and given that now we have city of san francisco pedestrian strategy plan of some sort, that this set of legislation would help expedite many of these projects. and as supervisor wiener had
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pointed out, sometimes some of these projects get dragged on for a while because there's been no agreement or disagreement between the different departments that need to sign off. so, i just want to say that i'm so glad that supervisor wiener has taken leadership on this issue and for -- i'm very honored to be able to co-sponsor with supervisor wiener on these five legislation. thank you. >> thank you. any further discussion? colleague, can we take a roll call vote on items 30 to 34? >> supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye.
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supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. there are 11 ayes. >> these ordinances are passed on the first read and resolutions adopted. [gavel] >> colleagues, at this point i know there have been a number of amendments circulated for the counter [speaker not understood] legislation and folks wanted a little bit more time to review them. so, if i could suggest we go into roll call and public comment and then come back to these items, when that's done to give folks a little opportunity to digest some of the information that's been floating around. with that, why don't we go to roll call. >> thank you, mr. president. first on the roll call is supervisor kim. >> thank you. today i am introducing a resolution regarding some of the recent incidents with one of our -- or some of the statements made by the mayor of one of our sister cities, owe sack is in japan. to give a little context for the history behind this resolution, many of us here on the board, and me personain the
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u.s., ~ i often grew up hearing and reading about the stories of a silent community of women means a misnomer as comfort women. these comfort women were actually women that were forced into enslavement. i mean girls and women in countries in territories that occupied japan during the late 1930s through world war ii and is considered a crime against humanity we must acknowledge and of course remember. most historians agree there were likely over 200,000 girls and women who were abducted or recruiting by trickery to serve the japanese military in the field in asia pacific during that period of time. these women and girls were drawn throughout asia and southeast asia primarily korea, the philippines and china and including japan. some of them were so young that they had not reached puberty. a quote from one of the women who told her story many decades after the incident talked about
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how, "the broth he will i was taken to was a two-story japanese style building with 20 rooms. there were already women there when we arrived and rooms were very small. each was big enough for two to lie down in [speaker not understood]. the walls and floors were laid with wooden beards bowederxand nothing else. [speaker not understood] when my pregnancy became apparent, i don't know if my baby was born alive or not. [speaker not understood]. these stories share a common element which hear about with human trafficking. initial promising of gainful employment at factories, [speaker not understood] upon arrival of the destination, the discovery of a situation completely different from anything she had been told. instead of a paying job that she was told would help her family back at home, there was imprisonment, beatings and rape. multiple men per day. sometimes not being able to sleep at night. many were forced to have
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abortions during their enslavement, died during the or deal, or were unable to bear children after the war ended and those that survived lived with the rest of their lives of a sigma of having been sexually victim eyes and had could not marry, have families, or live a normal life in the countries when they returned. i'm introducing resolution today to ensure that we hold accountable the mayor of osaka [speaker not understood], and any government official who would attempt to minimize this atrocity as a military necessity as he had recently stated in may of this year. and later then denied that coercion through force or fraud was used to victim eyes hundreds of thousands of girls and women in these so-called comfort stations. because we want to honor the courage of these female survivors who eventually came forward with their stories to the world and demanded justice, i think it's important that we also hold accountable our sister cities that have a relaying ship with that city.
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so, i'm introducing this today and i do want to thank our co-sponsors supervisor cohen, president chiu, and supervisor mar, as well, appreciate your co-sponsorship in this. and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor kim. supervisor mar. >> thank you. thank you to supervisor kim for introducing that piece of legislation with the other co-sponsors. i did want to just add that i know i made some comments last week. i think mayor's potential visit with mayor ed lee and bloomberg in new york opened up a bigger dialogue that some antirape and women's advocates are continuing to raise awareness of the horrors of the forced sexual slavery during world war ii, but also there have been other examples as well and even just calling out the euphemism of the so-called comfort women is really critical, with one of the groups that helped to draft the resolution the rape of men
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[speaker not understood] redress coalition and others, we're moving forward on an effort to create some type of memorial site within san francisco, hopefully in one of our city parks so that it can raise awareness to women, girls, and anyone of the history of forced sexual slavery and also so that we acknowledge and can learn from the experiences of the survivors as well. i also wanted to acknowledge that i am co-sponsoring, proudly co-sponsoring with our president david chiu his legislation that would hopefully create a family friendly workplace measure that would go on the november ballot. i'm proud to be co-sponsoring that. also wanted to ask my colleagues to join me today in closing our meeting in memory of sifu everett wong lee,
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traditional china martial arts and resident of district 1, the richmond district. it means master teacher in cantonese. he was 85 years old. he was born on july 24th, 1928 in kansas city, missouri to lidu [speaker not understood]. he was raised in [speaker not understood] china where at a very young age he began learning chinese martial arts. chinese japanese facilities began to endanger his family in china in 1941, but as his family could only afford to send one member back to the safety of the united states, so, he was sent on a four-day ocean crossing to san francisco's angell island at the age of 13 where he shortly arrived in san francisco and worked odd jobs continuing his martial arts training and by the age of 19, he joined the u.s. army and was promptly sent to the front lines of the korean war. his experience mirrors some of
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my father's experience, actually. four years and two purple hearts later was honorably discharged as rank of sergeant [speaker not understood] and began a career in acting, body building, and martial arts instruction. pursuing had i active crictiontionver landed various roles on some of my favorite television and big-screen hits, most notably the streets of san francisco and "star trek". ~ however, his primary passion was chinese martial arts and he eventually became widely recognized master of both the choi lee style of kung fu and yang style of tai chi. [speaker not understood]. he was simply known as sifu, which again means master in cantonese. many students were attracted to his school because of his reputation as a ms. at thererctiontion, but they stayed because of his humility,
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humer, storytelling and philosophical and kind heart. he was a man who spent his life training others in the art of fighting and mediation. he leaves a lasting legacy of love and a community of students committed to carry on his teachings. he died peacefully on april 28th, 2013, at the san francisco veterans affairs medical facility. he has no living immediate family, but he is survived by many of his loving students and his kung fu family. the memorial was held on june 8th at the ashley and mcmull an mortuary in the inner richmond of san francisco. also i just wanted to alert the community that this thursday, the richmond district ymca will be hosting their annual comedy night fund-raiser at the neck of the woods site. it used to be the rocket room. it was also the formerly the
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last day saloon at clement street. 21 and older and includes stand up comedians such as sean, [speaker not understood], and ron ben. you can purchase tickets at the door and please come out for a night of laughter in supporting our neighborhood ymca the the rest i'll submit. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam clerk. as i mentioned in my comments about pier 70,today i am introducing a hearing request to discuss how we are going to ~ support all the new development in san francisco with transit infrastructure. a couple weeks ago we held a hearing about muni's current status in terms of its ability to provide reliable transit service in san francisco. and what we learned is that currently for our current pop laying, muni has a 60% on-time rate in term of the light rail
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vehicle fleet, on only one-third of weekdays does muni have enough lrvs to even meet bare minimum standards. it only has enough electric trolley coaches 50% of the time. and the vehicle status service way too long when they do go out of service. muni has more than $2 billion deferred maintenance on its physical infrastructure. we are not delivering public transit with enough capacity to meet the needs of current san franciscans as anyone who has to squeeze onto buses or lrvs or who can't get onto a bus or lrv can attest. we are having a building boom now and that looks like it's going to continue for quite sometime. about a dozen projects going along -- going up along upper market which will rely on our already overtaxed subway. octavia is seeing development and then, of course, along the southern waterfront.
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and we need to come to terms with this. we need to talk about exactly what we are going to do on what timetable and how we're going to pay for it to bolster our transit infrastructure so that we have not just enough service for today, but significantly more service to meet the needs of the future because otherwise we're going to have a very, very challenging time getting people around this city. so, at the hearing we will ask the planning department, the transportation authority, mta, office of economic work force development, the mayor's office and the port to have that conversation. i note -- we know what we need to do. we just have to have the political will and the foresight to do it. the rest i'll submit. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. we'll rerefer you. supervisor campos? >> submit. >> supervisor cohen? >> submit.
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>> supervisor farrell? and president chiu. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i'll be producing an ordinance for the november ballot consideration that we have entitled the family friendly workplace ordinance. i want to thank advocates for parents and working families who have worked with my staff on this ordinance as well as supervisors mar and cohen for their co-sponsorship. the issue that we are trying to address has to do with workplace challenges for parents and caregivers, giving changing demographics the in 1975 nearly half of all american families had the traditional model of a male bread winner and a stay at home mother. today that number is one out of five. ~ over that same time period the number of single parent households that's doubled. today women represent half of our workers and nearly four out of 10 families mothers are the primary bread winner. as we all know, san francisco has the lowest percentage of children in any major city in the country. thousands of families have left since the last census and there
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are many reasons for family flight and one of them includes workplace challenges. the workplace challenges of daily difficult -- the juggling act of parents that are trying to be good employers and are dealing with day care, picking kids up after school, doctors' appointments, soccer practices. we have all heard too many stories of workers who don't feel comfortable asking for more flexible working arrangements, discrimination against parents and concerns about retaliation from employers simply for asking for an accommodation. in our research we found a set of laws that are currently on the books in recent years in britain, ireland, australia, and new zealand which present an interesting model for this legislation. what i've introduced is a modest common sense law which would allow employees to have the right to request a flexible work arrangement, such as changing the start and end times of work shifts, part-time schedules, part year schedules, and job share. employers could grant a request
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or deny it if 2 causes an undue business hardship as defined in the legislation. and the employee could appeal this decision to the employer. ~ if it this right can be exercised by a parent or caregiver who has been employed six months and businesses over 10 employees and that exempts 85% of our city's businesses. the law would also prohibit employment discrimination based on parental or caregiver status or retaliation against employees for asking. and this law will be enforced by office of labor standard employment. the experience in other countries has been extremely positive. in britain in the first year after this law passed, 1 million parents requested flexible working arrangements. nearly all of these requests were granted volume untrial with little opposition by employers. in fact, these same countries are considering expanding the right to request to all employees. employers have had a very positive experience with this policy. in addition to the clear benefit to employees, employers have found that by allowing
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flexible working arrangements, increases worker satisfaction, loyalty and productivity, decreases worker absenteeism and turn over, and thus helps to control costs and help with the bottom line. the so-called right to request has been proposed at the federal level by several senators and members of congress including senators ted kennedy and bob casey, that has not passed. this is why national state advocates have asked san francisco to pursue this policy as a ballot measure in order to educate the public and to hopefully establish our city as a first jurisdiction in the country to establish this right to request. colleagues, i look forward to having a conversation with you and the public about this and the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor mar, you asked to be re-referred. >> yeah, i just wanted to thank president chiu and the coalition that's working on this potential san francisco ballot measure. as a parent, a father of a daughter that's often sick at home, i have had the luxury of having some flexible work hours in my experiences, but i know
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many women and low-income immigrants and vulnerable populations don't have that same flexibility. i think this policy would go a long way to make our work forces happier, more productive, and definitely better work forces and improve our economy by being more flexible to many of the over 80% of the work force that are parents or caregivers. so, i feel like this is an important policy and i'm hoping that the voters of san francisco will support this. i also think that it's a policy that will help us reduce the car trips and advance our city's aggressive clean air policies as well as more people telecommute or try other alternatives and workplaces allow more flexibility in work hours as well. and i just will say that my hope is that this right to request modest and common sense measure is something that starts a trend among many other cities throughout the country and throughout the world as well. so, i thank supervisor chiu and
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the coalition for bringing this forward. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor breed, you asked to be re-referred. >> yes. today i'm introducing a resolution to create -- help create 98 new units of affordable senior housing in the western addition. the project is rosa parks 2. it will be constructed in the parking lot next to the rosa park senior home located on turk and webster in the western addition. it's -- which is an existing 11 story building operated by the housing authority. [speaker not understood] it will improve life for residents in the building. it will allow residents of the rosa parks and rosa parks 2 to have access to each other, community facilities. the tenderloin neighborhood development corporation will develop the new senior housing units and they will partner
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with bethel ame church, a long-standing advocate in the western addition to assist with community outreach in developing the ongoing senior services and community connectionses for the project. my resolution today allows the city to apply for up to $30 million in california qualified mortgage revenue bonds. the bonds do not require the city to pledge a repayment. the project revenue itself backs the bond. mayor's office of housing will come back to the board to request authorization of issuance of the bonds and this project will provide critical as needed affordable senior housing units targeted at homeless seniors. construction is scheduled to start in february of 2014 and be completed by october of 2015. i am proud to support it and look forward to working with the community during its development. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed. supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much, madam clerk. i have one in memoriam to offer. recently the african-american community lost one of its
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pioneers, mr. david glory. he was born on july 15th, 1952 and passed away on may 22nd, 2013. way born in st. louis, missouri and a graduate of howard university with a degree in journalism. he, after moving to oakland he was hired by the bay area urban league to help promote and find jobs. ~ he is also the co-founder of the green lining institute which is an institute that helps create policy to up lift the under served. he taught neighborhood leaders the skills required to advocate for equity and improvement. and this is a great loss for the san francisco bay area community. he's one of our most gifted -- he was one of our most gifted advocates for economic justice and i think it's appropriate that this body close the board meeting in honor of his memory. thank you very much. >> thank you, supervisor cohen. supervisor kim. >> i would also like to add my name to this in memoriam, having been part of one of the organizations that mr. glover
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cofounded. it is a tremendous loss to our community and i appreciate the in memoriam on behalf of supervisor cohen's office. >> thank you, supervisor kim. supervisor breed? >> he is the uncle of our agency redevelopment fred blackwell. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor breed. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster that concludes roll call for introductions. >> thank you, madam clerk. why don't we now go to general public comment. >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including the policy discussion between the mayor and the board and items on the immediate adoption calendar. please note that public comment will not be allowed on those items which have already been subject to public comment at a board committee. pursuant to board rule 4.22, direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors and not to the audience. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please
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clearly state such to sfgtv and then remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. >> let's hear from our first speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. stop the corporate waste at the public library. don't give money to the friends of the library. don't accept money from the friends of the library. before we begin, we should be reminded that today is exactly the 50th anniversary of president kennedy's landmark civil rights address at a time when civil rights mattered. 50 years later, rights of any kind mean nothing and our society is privatized by the influence of corporate money with very little money and no benefit to the public. these are actual public disclosure documents. when the friends of the library made its original claim that it would raise $16 million for the branch library in 2000, it had assets of 20.3 million. at the end of the most recent year for which we have figures, the friends had net assets of
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8.9 million, thus during the 12 years of the branch library improvement program, it had net lost assets of 11.3 million. as required under the san francisco administrative code, the library administration has reported that funds expended to carry out or assist any function in the public library during that period was only 4.9 million. this means that after having income over that same period of $40 million, of which the library got not one red cent, the library received only 43% of the reduction in assets. the library would have been better off, in fact, four times the benefit if the friends had turned over its assets in the year 2000. the private philanthropyists fund-raising is so effective precisely because they can honestly say that the mechanisms put in place to protect the public benefit are nonsense. not only will this board of supervisors not hold these
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private fund-raisers accountable, but official misconduct, ethics violations all mean nothing. the public benefit is nonsense because of the failure of you as supervisors. the real damage is to the faith in our institutions and the lives cost more monday the money. thank you. ~ lies cost more than the money. thank you. i wish members of the public could stand up and have conversations when you guys are talking and show how rude it is to deal with people. (applause) here's an article from may 15 examiner, sick school officials accused of fraud, $15 million allegedly misused. nonprofit agencies also found under failing activity. whenever i see another story about the misuse of taxpayer funds, it makes my blood boil.
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especially when i think about the fact that we never hear any resolution to these abuses. the friend of the san francisco public library raise million of dollars each and every year in the name of the citizens of san francisco. when we come here and point out the problems in this public-private partnership, you just look the other way. when we point out that the city librarian and library commission have been lying -- yes, i said lying to the public about the financial dealings of the friends, you look the other way. 50 to $60 million have been raised since the year 2000 and the library commissioners and the city librarian have absolutely no idea how much of that money actually benefited the citizens of this city. they have abused the public trust placed in them. when we point out the
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