tv [untitled] June 13, 2013 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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heard a lot from me over the years. hopefully now you understand a little more why we've been beating that drum so hard. we see hundreds of both section eight and public housing tenants a year and we've been seeing them for the last eight years or so at least. and we are hearing the same complaints over and over. they have similar of what you heard today about repair issues, mold and mildew, past infestation, heating systems, broken windows. we've heard a constant complaint about general customer service and the fact that folks condition get a hold of their worker at the housing authority, can't get their questions answered and so we hope that improves. the big thing i wanna say is that what all of this leads to in terms of what came out in the report and what we're hearing today is that there needs to be much more accountability and oversight
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for the housing authority. no one was watching. we weren't minding the store. that's from all levels. remember that the residents -- they're the true experts on this issue and they're the ones most equipped to play that function and that role of being the overseers, the monitors and your eyes and ears on the ground so i encourage you to continue to include the residents in this conversation. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other speakers? seeing none, madam chair, public comment is closed. >> thank you very much. public comment is closed. thank you everyone for coming out. staff, is there anything last minute you wanna say? nope. okay, great. madam clerk --
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>> i just wanted to again, thank the committee, thank the residents first and foremost for coming, taking time to be here. i want to thank the agency, miss smith and of course mr. torres and the other commissioners who are here, to rose mary dennis who has been going back and forth making sure she talked to every person who has raised an issue. thank you for doing that. the last thing i would say is i really believe that it'll take some time to get to a point where we can, as a city, say that we have a dressed all the issues and i think all of us as elected officials have some responsibility in how we got here in the sense that cheerily there is a lot more that each and every one of us could have done and there's a lot that we need to do. one of the things that i am doing in this budget
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request is to provide funding so that there is more tenant and resident engagement. whatever the solution is, whatever this looks like, it cannot work, it cannot be sustained long term unless the tenants have more of a say in what happens. and there is a model for that and we have the model of what's happening with sro hotels. the situation is not perfect, but the fact that you have community involvement makes issues so that people in those agencies actually responds to them. my experience with the development projects in my district is that the more involved the residents are, the better the situations an conditions are. so that is the intent of that -- to create
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a system that engages the tenants. i don't believe we can say we'll be solving this situation unless that happens. it's not enough to address the many basic main /tphapbs issues that need to be addressed. they should be addressed, but for us to make sure they don't come back, we need to get tenants engaged. so that is the intent of that, and i know there will be a process for does discussing that at the budget committee. i believe that tenant involvement is key to anything being done to change the situation. thank you very much. >> thank you. okay. i'd like to entertain a motion to file the call of the chair. >> we move to continue to the call of the chair. >> thank you very much. seeing
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no objections, unanimous vote. could you please call three through eight together? >> item number three is [inaudible] -- >> sorry, hold on. folk, please clear out so we can continue with the resources -- continue with the rest of the business. yes, that's correct. throe through six. mr. clerk, could you please call items
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three through six? >> i'm number /thaoe is an /ard /tphapbs amending the memorandum [inaudible] fiscal year 2013 through 14. item number four is an /ord /tphapbgs amening memorandum of understanding for the san francisco deputy sir riff's association for fiscal year 2013, 14. item number five is an /ard /tphapbs of amending [inaudible] local 1021 for fiscal year 2013, 14. and item number six is ordinance [inaudible] for persons employed by the city and county of san francisco whose compensation are subject to the provisions of charter in job codes not represented by an employee representation. >> we have the department of human resources to present on these items. thank you and
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welcome. >> thank you. i am martin grand, department of human resources, employee relations director. we bring before you today three contract amendments and one ordinance. we are in the first year of a two year agreement and this that two year agreement we set aside a handful of issues to be dealt with off cycle, so to speak and the amendments that you see in the contracts are the result of our negotiations and in some cases some arbitrations on those issues. the first contract before you -- item number three -- is an amendment to the sheriff's managers and supervisors association contract. there are two changes in that contract. one is to take care of an issue
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that arose when we created the sheriff's managers and supervisors association, known as the msa. the msa was receivered from the sheriff's association in 2011 and one of the vestiges of that was that the sheriffs and deputies ended up in different bargaining units, but were competing for the same time off in different time slots. we've pulled them out and created a different sign up process for the sergeants, separated them from the deputies. the sheriff's deputies or senior deputies are in the dsa and the sergeants are in the msa. the second
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change is to add a physical fitness incentive program for the msa. this is a program that is modelled after one in the san francisco police department and one which is intended to allow and promote physical fitness monday a population, which like the police department population are called upon to have to become physically engaged at times with prisoners in the jails and in their patrol duties at general hospital and potentially at the courts. this was an item that, through mediation, we agreed to and we have tried to take steps to ensure that the program, although it grants time off as a basis for rewarding and providing time for employees
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time to engage in physical activities, we have put a limit on doing that in the sense that it can't be done if it will cause overtime in order to let people off the program. it is at maximum 40 hours of time off per year, that's less than an hour per week. that's modelled after the pd program. that's item number three. if there are no questions i'll move to item four. >> please do. >> item four is an amendment to the deputy sheriff's contract. in the previous round the msa won in arbitration over the city's objections, an increase in a premium for an increase in the emergency services unit. this provides emergency response functions within the jails in cases of emergency and does crowd control and
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cooperates with the sfpd and other departments such as when the giants continue to win the world series and they are out there in the streets keeping us safe along with the uniformed members of the police department. the msa had argued that they need that [inaudible] and msa members that they needed parody with the san francisco police department unit that does similar work. and the arbitrator granted that the dsa had the opportunity to come back and revisit that argument this year and in an arbitration award the arbitrator found that the benefit was warranted. there's about 100 dsa members in the dsu so it's a modest increase in cost. those are the changes. if there are no questions i'll move on to item five, which is the sciu
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miscellaneous contract change. in this round we had put off the issue of refreshing our arbitrator list for grievance arbitrations. this is very old and difficult to find names and refresh the /hreus so we came up with a procedure which both sides really like so we amended the contract to reflect that. i'll ask my person on my staff have the pleasure addressing you on that. [inaudible] employee relations labor specialist. >> good afternoon supervise [inaudible] representative with the hr and i have the pleasure of doing the meet and confer
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process with our unrepresented employees that cover about 43 classifications in the city and the major [inaudible] we update this ordinance yearly and so basically we applied and agreed to the wage increases that we negotiated with the majority of our bargaining units last year and nose are three 1 percent increases over the next fiscal year. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> colleagues do you have any questions? >> okay, mr. grand. >> so those are the items which we have to present to you today. i believe we received a request from the mayor's office to [inaudible] items seven and eight. so what we're going to do is deal with three through six first and then we'll call seven and eight and deal with
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that in a separate motion. okay? >> absolutely. >> okay. so we need to take public comments on items three through six and i'd like to open up public comment at this time. seeing no public comment, it is closed. okay, there's been a motion by supervisor tang [inaudible] full board and it's been seconded so this goes forward. would you bring items seven and eight together. >> [inaudible] san francisco police officers association unit p 2b for fiscal years 2013 through 18 and i team number eight is a memorandum [inaudible] p 1 and p 2a [inaudible]. >> has rejected the proposed mou for item seven and eight so we will need to continue these
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two items until negotiations conclude but we will still take public comment on this item. so public comment is open. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. we have a motion to continue? thank you. okay unanimous decision to continue this item. >> could /kwrouz please read item number nine? >> item number nine is a motion to review sunday streets program, how the program is funded and how to further the program's goals. >> supervisor avalos regrets he /wupt able to be here himself, but he wanted to review the sunday streets program which has been pretty wildly popular across the at the time city.
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it's now in its fifth year and has never been discussed here. he wanted to review how the program works, hear from the chief organizer [inaudible] organization as well as from the mta and warrant to look at some of the bet benefits it's offered. department of public health has done [inaudible] the local businesses that come from sunday streets and then i think we also want to look at what are the challenges, what are the logistical hurdles that make it complicated or make it harder to administer and what can with doe to make it run a little smoother. so to speak to it, id'd like to bring up the executive director of livable cities. >> thank you. good afternoon supervisors, tom, ed of livable
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city. we wanted to thank supervisor avalos for requesting this hearing and thank you for your time today to talk about a program that we help run and one of the city's most popular programs. we have a presentation for you today. i'm going to give you a little background and then we'll go to christina from the /tk-p of public health who will talk about our findings around health and economic development. then we'll go to rebecca [inaudible] i'll conclude, then i believe we're going to diane that from mta who is our public sector partner on this and then we can go to any questions or comments you have. so we have a presentation. if you don't mind /sphreuping the slides, sure. the first slide we have is about the goals of the program. when this program was set up our goals were to
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increase for people to bike, walk, socialize and play safely, to demonstrate the benefits of increasing open pace and recreational opportunities in san francisco and beyond, and lastly to connect diverse and underserved communities with social networks. our program was inspired by bogatay columbia. it started over a decade ago there. it's enormous event now. it's miles and miles of car free space encompassing the full city and it happens every sunday. we'd love to see it, but we're not that ambitious yet. we were sort of an early
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adopter in north american. there was la which is a huge event. it was in that context in conversations with the mayor's office abwhat are things we codo that will have an impact, low cost and done quickly that will advance sustainability in transportation. we put this idea out and had the first event in 2008. we had our 39th event last sunday in the bay view and we have a few more events this year and are planning 2014 already. so this event was selected by michelle obama's partnership for healthy america as one of the ten national programs to produce play streets, which is another innovative program we're going
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to start on a much smaller scale. with that i'm going to introduce christina what's going to talk about the health aspects and activity aspects of this program so christina. >> thank you. how are you? so from a public health perspective, sunday streets is a fabulous way for us to create opportunities for people to be physically active and in this case [inaudible] very beginning. we were the presenting sponsor that first year in 2008 and we were up at 4:00 in the morn morning getting everything set up so i'm really excited it's gonna long and i want to make sure it continues. i wan to ensure it continues from a health perspective because it meets the goals of the shape up initiative, which are to address chronic disease. we have an overweight obesity /ep /tkepl nick this city as we do
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nationally and the result is chronic diseases. chronic diseases are one of the most costly diseases to be treating. we hook it a sunday streets not only as an opportunity for health, it has adopted the soda free zone as well so that the sponsors are not allowed to serve drink with added sugar and that contributed to that health. and we've also looked at /aupbd streets as a way to bring communities together and stronger social ties. i want to such a little bit on the community health improvement plan. just to give you a quick context, when we look at
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overweight obesity data we have a disparity in our african american and latino populations. this those are significant differences hen you look a the latino populations, we see similar differences in obesity where we've got 56 percent that are obese, cop paired to a state level of 30 percent. we know that many of these neighborhoods, access to open space is really limited and that impacts ability to be physically active. that's where opportunities like sunday streets really provide
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potential for people to get their physical activity. and my colleague, doctor [inaudible] will present her data in a minute, but if we can go to the next slide please. the public health department just went through a whole process [inaudible] health care services -- those are the three priorities and sunday streets falls squarely into those first top two areas. and it is indeed a specific strategy that is identified as one of those ways to create environments that promote health and to create opportunities for physical opportunity. i think lastly, one of the components
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responsibility 'cause health is influenced by so many different things and this is /tkpwrae example of tremendous collaboration and working together. you've got major city agencies working to put this on and i think we need to recognize that and that that's what we need to create a healthier san francisco. i think with that doctor is still here so i'd -- sorry, this is my last slide. the cost benefit. i'm sorry. it's really important also to talk about the cost benefit and how much does it cost to run this in comparison with other programs. and through studies this doctor participated in there is a cost benefit to conducting sunday streets, where we get an estimated savings of about $2.30 for every dollar spent in medical
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care and that's a big return on your investment. and the fact that there is a cost to putting on this event, but it gets spread out so many /paopl 'cause you get such high numbers coming out that it become a really good cost benefit where smaller programs that reach fewer people are more expensive per person so from a cost benefit ratio sunday streets also represents that benefit. now i'll turn it over to doctor. >> good afternoon. doctor susan from the department of [inaudible] from our work with sunday streets. first thing -- and i'll be very brief and talk very fast so i'll go through a lot of different points. you
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can see average age is 39. average time is 142 minutes. people are up and moving. the cdc recommends 150 minutes per week. race and ethnicity break down -- you see there represents similar distribution as the rest of the city, which is very positive. i would say one thing we're working toward is trying to attract those individuals who are low physically active and other health concerns. they travel and average of 3.2 roundtrip. more than half of the population of sunday streets participants come from outside the neighborhood so they're willing to go there to take part in this great opportunity. you can actually show the
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whole slide. so we compared those on the first time visit with participants who've attended sunday streets a number of times and we found differences between those two pop haitians. seems to be that those who attend more often will accrue more health benefits. you can see that break down. those in the second group, 25 reported a positive change. they've increased their physical activity behavior so talk about exposure in the health benefits world, that's a strong outcome. we're showing an incredible outcome there. quickly on this one, there, again, comparing on the left our first time attendees on the right side of the column are those who are repeat. nose who have been mr.
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more than once stay longer, accrue more minutes of physical activity and their total duration is higher. that's part of our goal is to make it such [inaudible] more than 90 percent except to return to sunday streets. why do people come and return? lots of coding going on here, but most important outcomes, positive experience and safe environment. over and over people talk about being able to walk down the middle of the street with their families, not worry about vehicle traffic and be around people that are having a good time. a little bit less, but still important is the children's activity programming. we're looking at the benefits from play streets we hope to see coming up. we see families with their kids out there looking to have
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opportunities with open space and programmed activities. this is a point i was alluding to earlier on. 20 percent of the participants live on our near the route, but other you see the variables there so we've identified all of the zip codes and neighborhoods that our participants come from. this is really an enormous finding that people are traveling to this event, they're seeing it as an important opportunity for them and this is our target that is attending. this includes out of town visitors and some of these events some of these events we see a lot of
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tourists. we have a project report with the sfmta. this is a real snapshot of some of the outcomes. you'll see that 44 percent of businesses saw an increase of sales during sunday streets. we did a baseline treatment and post so we have great data across all businesses on the routes that we investigated so this is a really thorough analysis. i feel con /tpeu den with these results. we showed a net increase of ref knew of 466 dollars. we show the opposite about did report a de/kraoesz while gift and clothing shops showed an increase so type of business does matter given that overall outcome. there was also slight decrease in
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