tv [untitled] June 13, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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tourists. we have a project report with the sfmta. this is a real snapshot of some of the outcomes. you'll see that 44 percent of businesses saw an increase of sales during sunday streets. we did a baseline treatment and post so we have great data across all businesses on the routes that we investigated so this is a really thorough analysis. i feel con /tpeu den with these results. we showed a net increase of ref knew of 466 dollars. we show the opposite about did report a de/kraoesz while gift and clothing shops showed an increase so type of business does matter given that overall outcome. there was also slight decrease in the
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average number of customers who bought, but clothing showed an increase. we're looking at a lot of foot traffic, people coming into businesses, making purchases or not. we've done an endirect impact, which is how can we talk about those 25 thousand people who walk by stores in the mission and notice a store for the first time and make a note that they'll return to that store so they're not actually purchasing on that sunday street, but we may see some residual an activity after the fact. a lot of free advertising going on with that. this is the change in the average number of walk in customers by route. i made a note there about mission two -- you'll see there's a skewing going on there. all of the
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others show an increase in the number of walk in customers from baseline, that the week before, to the event sunday so across the board an increase. even in china town had concerns about activity but they showed an increase in the number of walk in customers. in makes a similar point that i've already made -- the average net revenue on the sunday streets -- overall increases reporting there. in terms of another economic indicator [inaudible]
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fewer than 20 percent of businesses reported an engagement with sunday streets. >> quick question. what do you mean by engaged? what does that mean for a business to be engaged? >> right. the mission is probably the best example. some of the restaurants pulled on to the sidewalks, some of the businesses has events in front of the stores. so in most cases it was right in front of the building -- some type of activity. >> thank you. >> in the case where multiple events are scheduled along the
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same route businesses although the caveat there -- there weren't any losses for the event. attendee fatigue -- not really clear what those factors were. the first half of my presentation, i would like to say across the board we see a lot of /poz tiff health benefits, the economic [inaudible] event more than 80 in this country to this point and when i present on sunday streets around the world, which i've done regularly, many people know about us in advance and we are seen as a model for how to engage communities, how to engage our economic partner,
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business partners, so there are many other positivity pieces that we haven't yet measured. thank you very much. >> thank you for your presentation. do we have anyone else who is going to be presenting? >> i am. good morning, my name is rebecca, i am the manager of events and fund raising at the bay view opera house. if you're not familiar with the bay view opera house, we are san francisco's landmark building number a. eight and we are san francisco's newest national landmark. the bay view opera house is [inaudible] and this was the fifth sunday street that i helped plan and
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organize. what i wanted to report on is that in 2010 when i was asked to be involved in sunday streets bay view i expanded on the health component that already existed. we decided to really get a look at what was happening in the bay view. i consider it the last and lost forgotten sector of our city and we're trying to ensure that communities know that bay view that they can take their neighborhood back. it is their neighborhood, they can walk at night. and sunday streets is one of those things with kids can come out, play and we're trying to engage as a non profit every afternoon in a safe community where otherwise they would not have arts
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enrichment. so the arts aspect and the musical aspect is something i've worked on over the last five years. we are excited to work with other great partners such as ucff bringing free dental screenings as well as hiv alliance, native american health center for free hiv itselfing, and really try to engage people in their bodies as well as their minds, physical emotional, through the arts and musical aspect at the event. we're excited that this /h-z bandage something that we're building upon the moment /tupl in the past five years and because of the rep
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reputation we are looking forward to working with the partners that have been identified. i want to express that despite the difficulties, some of these events have in regards to closing down streets, i think ultimately the collaboration between all the city, state, the non profits, the residents -- it's the ultimate collaboration and i think it takes the whole community to be engaged to benefit. i try to challenge all the non profits to be involved as well as our merchants. the bay view opera house has been awarded a nice sum of money to activate [inaudible] plaza which we consider to be the bay view town center and that is to stir
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up the economic pot so we are encouraging people to be open on sunday 'cause that's when families go out to dinner after church and stuff. so this particular sunday streets we had more restaurants be open and in bay view we have a cook off so we engage people that normally wouldn't be in the commune tip to come out show their talents and their cuisine and their love for food. and we hope that sunday streets will continue to build on what they have been going here in the city for the last fife years, we hope that the bay view opera house will continue to be involved. and most importantly the increase in foot traffic to be identified as one of the more notorious
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district of san francisco. it's the sunniest part of san francisco, it's friendlier part of san francisco. i want to end in that we're honored to be a part of this. we engage the community as far as being the one that gets people involved and we hope that with play street san francisco the city and all of our partners will see that to close down the street it takes a process, and maybe we can streamline the process, find a nice number that would be the appropriate number to actually charge for these street closures and such, especially when we call on san francisco /phrarpl and our bay view station especially to help us out. we're seeing that in other parts of the country you can do this on five dollars and
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that's new york city. i want to say thank you /t-r letting me speak today. and thank you beth, susan, and the whole gang for letting us be involved. thank you. >> thank you for sharing that with us. >> thanks. so as i mentioned, this is a partnership between livable city and the smfta who make this happen for us. briefly, our mission -- livable city's mission -- we're tax exempt based in san francisco and our mission is to create [inaudible] walk inging we're
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real really excited about this program. i wanted to mention the sunday streets team. susan king has organized every event for us. i do very little, they do all of the work and an amazing team. a little bit about the program -- some of the considerations we have are to bring these events to neighborhoods with little open spaces and neighborhoods of concern. so how can we create
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these car free events. we tried events. all want it in your district so we try to be accommodating of that. the third is is really if you wan those health impacts to happen you need to bring it to the people. it's very important to us that we partner with community organizations on the programming and promotion of these events so rebecca gave you a great oar overview of how that happens. we've had a policy of outside vendors. we don't want them. we want people shop /tph-g neighborhood, neighborhood. we try and /strepbten and that
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economic development component of the event. lastly, chris the no sweetened beverages is one obvious example. little bit about sunday streets funding. i'm just talking about the funding for all of the non city costs. it's about 300 thousand dollars is our annual budget for program. that covers staff salaries for organize thesing outreach, day-to-day management and things like rentals, stages, those /sorts of things. half comes from corporate do nations, the rest is government grants, foundation grants and individual do nations. so a lot of folks think the city
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pays for everything for sunday street. we want to know that there's a huge city contribution but we are trying to raise money out of the city. some challenges is sustaining the funding so every year it's a challenge to sustain the event and to grow it, both on the city cost and the [inaudible] these are not necessarily mta permits b these might be dth [inaudible] thank you supervisor wiener, office of small business, oewe, can we rather than everybody make their individual permits. can we streamline getting permits, make this work better for the merchants and so they can participate in the way
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outlined. lastly the iskot process. they all have to go through it. a clear criteria what their priorities are so there's work there to make this event work better for sunday streets. we want to ends on the future. we have a lot of data. we're going forward knowing that this is working but it can work better so some of the things we want to do in if future is mull stake holder so this would involve all the city departments that touch different aspects of this as well as different community sake holders to try and decide what is the future. we want to monitor the alignment of this
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event. want to deepen those community partnerships wherever we can, create new ones in new they /pw-r hoods and say hey, what are other ways to advance communityings and goals an identity. and lastly we want to continue to work to ration /alize and streamline the permitting for this event not only for our permits as the event organizers but also for those community groups that want to participate. with that i'll turn it over to diane that, who will con chose. >> good afternoon. i am the community outreach manager for the sfmta as tom noted. i appreciate your time today. i actually have been with the agency for about six years and i've actually been the marketing and communications lead for sunday streets since
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its inception so it's very dear to my heart. i have some slides i'd like to go over with you today. this is just an overview. we're going to discuss very briefly our partner role, give an overview of the schedule for 2013, talk a bit about the projected city agency expenses for 2013 and [inaudible] 2014 objectives and recommendations. i feel like this diagram is a great /spwerp /tkaeugs of our partner roles and because it's a puzzle and all pieces need to come together for this to be a successful event. implementing it is a coordinated effort and it is a coordinating effort between livable city and the other agencies. just to touch on these very lightly, livable city is very instrumental in the programming, posting the
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route signage, making sure they coordinate all of volunteers for the event. we get more involved of the logistics side of things. that's the reroutes that happen for sunday streets that we have. it's the traffic detour. it's our parking control office /-rs that have to be out there to ensure the safety of our attentees and we get involved in the [inaudible] approval process and my role is assisting in the marketing and pr that takes place for this event. then /wuf sfpd and they coordinate quite a bit with us, again, on the logistics and details involved. also helping us put the barricades together, the volunteer placement and [inaudible] comes in and they help us with the barricade set
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up, the placement of all the barricades and doing a really great job of cleaning up after the events, which is actually very important as well. this is just an overview of the 2013 sunday street /e /srepbtss that are taking place and you can see that we've had some and there are some more events to come. i thought i should just touch upon some of the estimated city expenses for 2013 that we're dealing with right now. the insurance is actually a mandatory. we have to have a certificate of insurance and real will what that does is it speaks to general liability, accident insurance. another [inaudible] operations and non labor and what that highlights is the additional operators that we need to pull in perhaps because
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of the reroutes for sunday street and then of course the dpw price tag is 34 thousand. and what that entails is place /-pl of the bare cads and the clean up. lastly we get to the sfmta parking control offices and that is really all focused around traffic control and safety. one thing i'd like to note is that we've reduced the cost of our parking control officers by 22 percent. it's been reduced to 119 thousand. the other items below are all attributed to signing, posting alerts, in addition to what sunday streets team does. there's often towing involved and permitting process and
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engineering is the reroutes for the event. the cost is [inaudible] for the 2013 schedule. i'd like to just touch upon 2014 objectives. and these are pretty straightforward. we want to align our goals with other entities to foster support. it's very important component of the success of subside /*r sunday streets and we want to identify ways to cover these costs and ways to measure public and business community effectiveness, satisfaction for support of sunday streets lastly, what i'll do is wrap up here with recommendations. we have met with livable city. on these reck menations with eve discussed these in detail and
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we believe would help us be more successful. the first one is to hire a professional consultant that would make sunday streets property more compelling to private /spopb sores and provide upon sare relations to us. that entails target sponsor revenues. the goal would be cover at least 100 percent or more, is what i neglected to add in of the cost per event and also the cost development would be cover so if we hired a consultant he would be paid through the monies from the sponsorships. if he exceeds our expectations
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we would pay him a bit more. at the end of the day if we could cover 100 percent of those costs that would be ideal. we want to produce post /e /srepbts and post season evaluations to demonstrate progress on the goals and /su sport sponsor interest. this is really port because any sponsor that's going to provide funding for an event and program like this, they're going to measure the success so those numbers are important to them. these reports include some soft standard measurements that you have. lastly but by no means least we'd like to gain approval at least two months prior, which speaks to marketing and raising sponsors. that's it. >> thank you. any questions?
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>> yes. i wanted to set couple questions for mta. thank you. >> just a couple quick points. gain approval for the full sunday street season. approval from whom? >> [inaudible]. >> that's a staff committee on traffic and transportation? >> correct. what i can speak to on that also is that we are in the process of finding a way to do that so we've sat down with livable cities and we are working towards goal where we can approve most, if not all of those sundays streets in advance. >> that's the various city agency getting together deciding whether or not to
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allow closure of streets. >> correct. >> i wanted to clarify that who they were. >> next time i think i should explain who that is. >> yeah, who is that person? just a final question. and i appreciate the objective of bringing in more revenue. is question is how do you strike that balance, the need for that, with making sure that it doesn't become too corporate of an event, you know, which is something we see in so many different events, you know, whether it's pride or some others or carnival. there's always the challenge of walking that fine line where you're bringing in enough revenue. >> it is a challenge and it is a very good question and there are a lot of factors that weigh into that and you highlight some very good events and how
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they've become very corporate and i think that's where we have to discuss down the road on how we strike that balance because the more sponsorship revenue, the higher the expectation is for the exposure and for all things we just went through as far as objectives and recommendations, but the cost has to be covered, so that's where the discussion takes place. >> yeah. we can say that a key consideration is that where the addition of sponsorships may push you away from some of the objectives, the policy objectives that you have -- i'd rather have city resources there than -- if it means you're gonna have to allow certain things to happen. >> the higher the sponsorship the more exfoe exposure is
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wanted. that's a very good /poeupbts. point. >> i'd like to acknowledge that sergeant is here if you have any questions for him. >> thank you for your presentation. any questions or members of the public? >> there's a public comment. >> yes. >> afternoon supervisors. my name is dale, i represent [inaudible] walking tours in the tenderloin. we are a neglected neighborhood and to pick on the point that you just mentioned, i really would like to make sure and hold people responsible that be this doesn't morph into a corporate entity. one of the benefits in
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the tenderloin -- we have four thousand kids that needs building. the this would be like christmas time for us. and if the health benefits are what the doctor s and other folk if it's that beneficial. i would like you all maybe in the next time look around the biggest corporates who are in the tenderloin and maybe they can contribute something for the kids, some clowns, face painting. our biggest benefit will be that we can walk down the street without getting hit. i've been in boston, i've been
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in chicago. a lot of employees volunteer for situations like that so people can train for the expense -- we give 120 thousand dollars to mta and some of this we could do ourselves and thanks for entertaining the idea of sunday streets and we'll sure welcome it in the tinder loin. we need it back. anyone other public comments? public comment close. >> i think sunday streets is amazing, it's a great event. i'm so thankful to everyone who woks on this and of course the [inaudible] cities, you have incredible staff that are very dedicated that are great at interacting with the community. the mta
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