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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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the question now is will it be out just on weekends? or upon weekends and the week in between? one way or two way? all of that is being evaluated. there are major complications with all of those in your executive director did share with me your interest in seeing one-way bikeways on both northbound and southbound and i have shared this with a bike planning colleagues for consideration. there will be valet bike parking both at marina green and pier 27 and 29. we are also doing a lot to make sure that all of these strategies are well understood
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and communicated to visitors. we are developing maps and brochures and working with the hotel and visitor industry to make sure that visitors know about all of these great sustainable transportation options. we are working with the region on a special 511 america's cup page. we have a whole host of ambassadors. we are working with the sfmta ambassadors and america's cup ambassadors to make sure that they're all crosstrained on transportation issues and can keep people safe and going to the right places. finally lessons learned from last year applying this year
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and looking forward, really engaging partisan advance and making sure there is ample time for input and review, not just a local issue even though all of these events are happening in san francisco we have regional partners that we have been working with closely also public and private community. environmental review, strategy we are using in other projects too, already a legacy for us. we are using polyp project to test effectiveness. i already mentioned the special events team and how that has been successful. we are already seeing the experiences with the america's cup leading to legacy strategies in our planning. for instance sfmta is partnering with the port on a couple issues,
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the regional transportation agency. evaluating transportation strategies along the embarcadero which will include bicycle access. and your forward calendar is item of the waterfront trust petition assessment which takes a lot of information and strategies that have come up in the people plan development process and looking at how do we apply these needs and strategies that we have tested out the longer-term transportation demand and development along the waterfront. with that i will be happy to take any questions. again thank you for your time and attention. >> thank you kelly. we do have public comments. >> i'm sorry, my bad for not having finished before. i want to recognize commissioner katz for the idea
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to have this item and for you carly for coming today. now, -- i'm done, i promise. >> we have public comment. bob isaacson. i'm sorry. that's on the next item. is there any public comment? on the people plan and america's cup update. >> thank you for presenting. also thank you for acknowledging that he would make sense to have bi-directional lanes so people don't ride bikes one-way and not have a way to get back safely. a question.
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last time we did not really start -- i don't know we are calling it the embarcadero lane to the ferry lane. >> what is being considered now -- thank you for asking that, i did omit that -- from washington to pier 27, 29 only. >> and then, there will be the ability to adjust. as we look at days. the schedule is changing literally as we speak with adjustments and the louis vuitton challenge. how quickly can we adjust if we get alerted to potential needs to expanding efforts or putting some other action items and to place rapidly? >> we have the capacity to --
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shift resources kind of on a moment by moment basis. for instance last year and the date october 6-7 weekend we had several enhanced transit lines in service and it turned out one of them, and forgive for not recall which one, was being used heavily in one of the others wasn't. because we have people on the ground and really great communication and key point people who were authorized to make decisions we quickly reallocated vehicles to go on to the line being used heavily so we can do that, and it was seamless to visitors, users and customers. we do have that capacity. >> and then -- i don't think we'll ever see
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the october 6-7 traffic although i'm hoping that the giants will be back in the hunt this year, i there any other for foreseeable big, multi event days at this juncture? >> we do have an overlap of other events but nothing that is costing us to get anxious. >> and the last time for the challenge races, the world series, a lot of the activity was concentrated in one spot instead of a focal point. this time it will be all along spread out from marina green to pier 27 and probably some down to 30-32. my sense -- and this is just
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again without knowledge -- given that we are expecting a significantly larger crowd to come and watch the races, spread out all along the waterfront, have we thought about that and made adjustments for that in the public transit? >> one of the challenges that is different from last year is connecting -- is providing service between 27, 29 the marina green. working with goldengate transit, their lives will be key to providing that connection. we have negotiated the ability for them to drop off and pick up. the challenge on us and them is to effectively communicate to people that the services available. we are working with them and with our respective communication departments and media outreach teams to make sure that is clear. the f line shuttle is also going to be a critical component.
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we are hoping a lot of people will walk and bike as well. we saw last year, and saw on the 4th of july and if it's nice like today, people will walk. it is a beautiful place to walk. >> is there a way to expand it? people are coming in on caltrain, bart or muni with their bikes. it is not easy to get onto washington at that junction. >> a be happy to follow up with more information on our bike planners. given all of the other competing needs for the embarcadero and roadway space,
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this is a piece that can be done safely, and within the kind of design work that is possible. i'm going to get back to you with more details. i don't think that was a super satisfactory answer. >> and then, again, last year we had the world series. this time the louis vuitton cup and challenge, in theory this will attract more people to the races. i working with the event authority to get a better sense of how many people are coming? >> yes, they have given us numbers i will defer to jane tullivan. >> hi, jane telephone with the
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office of economic development. the original estimate was 3 million, now down to 2 million. >> compacting the louis vuitton challenge and maybe we'll see different numbers for those races spread out through july and august. >> we'll have real data at the end of all this and match our projections with reality at the end. >> thank you very much. >> is that 2 million today? >> over the course of the three months of the summer. >> san francisco has about 4-6 million visitors in the summer anyway, it's a significant jump. >> i'll start at a higher level and go down a bit.
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in terms of the protection i will be touristed now during the last world series, particularly in the october peak, how many people we were experiencing that weekend? >> i don't know, i'm sure someone knows and i can get that for you also. >> okay, and then i see three different levels you mentioned local, regional level from around the bay, and from the lou vuitton and finals, the mix of out-of-town visitors is going to be much higher than in previous event because this is kind of the crescendo moment. i would like to know whether we know out of the enhanced transit that you mentioned, the goldengate bus, presidio,
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bart, the percentage of peak days. >> it's hard to parse out what was attributable to america's cup versus everything else. bart had one of the highest ridership days in their history. we heard reports from the ferries that they had high ridership than normal. (indiscernible) >> and just to mention the only other thing that i know if that weekend is the 49ers opening season game on sunday. not necessarily going to the specific area of the america's cup but anytime there is a game at candlestick the traffic north-south gets backed up.
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that will impact whatever happens because the game is going to start at 4:25 in the afternoon. i think you want to factor that in for that we can because that would be the opening weekend for the final. the other question is, given that we do think that they will be more out-of-town visitors i hear and see your shuttle from market street to marina, but what about union square? with the private operators have shuttle services because these are people who may or may not know how to use local transit. they could ask their hotel concierge, but will there be shuttles to where most tourists will congregate? the usage demand will be different than what we have seen in the past. >> two parts to that. one is that the america's cup event authority is running shuttles themselves that they
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are operating and charging for and they are keeping us informed about them. and -- i don't think that their service routs are firmed up yet, but they are primarily looking at people who are from out of town who want me be more comfortable -- >> i am aware that there is a vip service. i'm talking about the average tourist staying around union square or some of the area needing to get somewhere. they have very customized service but that is for a very small group of people. >> and then our -- our transit service i believe one of the routes that is a shuttle between -- let me go back -- i think the marina pier 27-29 shuttle there is a variation on 30x.
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there is a conversation kind of looping in to union square. the other part is we have worked with sf travel and the hotel council abaca medication strategy and making sure that the concierges have all the information to know how to direct people not familiar with our system. and making sure that the america's cup ambassadors are going to be throughout the high visitor population like in union square, part will be human communication. >> you mentioned satellite parking. hopefully there is thought about how people go on the satellite parking to the various venues.
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>> the satellite parking that we have identified are parking structures not immediately against the waterfront. we want to make sure the people who drive are not getting caught up in a lot of congestion but are either close enough to walk or adjacent to one of the transit lines. we work with ucsf mission bay; they agreed that this can be satellite parking to america's cup and you hop onto the metro there. >> it was my personal experience during the last world series, i drove around for an hour and could not find parking. you have to have a way to get from the parking to the venue. >> what other questions? we were talking about -- establishing lanes for bicycling.
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i encourage the staff to work with sfmta, it is a pilot for opportunities that we may have for creating bike lanes along the embarcadero. from the numbers that i have seen it looked like it was successful encouraging people to take their bicycles with all the bicycle parking that was provided for free on marina green, seem to fill up pretty well. this is a great opportunity for all of us to look at this as a pilot for how we may want to expand bicycling lanes or restripe them to encourage the use along the embarcadero. >> thank you so much for the presentation. a lot of work has gone into this. i have one question. that is, as far as the local community, and how people who live and owrk in this area are going to get around the city during this time, and if they will be enhanced local transit along
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with this, and how will people know when this is happening? >> several questions there. first, will there be local enhanced transit? the transit services that we have designed our intended to build on our existing transit lines, and so if somebody is waiting for a 47x and our special shuttle comes, bringing them where they want, all the better. for them it is just a bus that comes, instead of in 10 minutes, it comes earlier. the local san francisco population does not feel a drain in transit service. if you are nowhere near the waterfront your bus is still
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coming when you expect them to. we have not refocused all of the transit service for this one event. that is really important to us. second, people who do live and work in these neighborhoods are benefitted by the special service. we haven't gone and created whole new lines but building off the existing ones. the third part, how would they know about it? we are working with community t and neighborhood groups and market associations to make sure that we get the information out of them in advance about the special services that will be in place when the events are, and 511, and their special america's cup pages will be the primary place where everything will be updated. so that we are not saying, oh,
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go to goldengate website, or our website or bart's website, we are using that to provide all the current information and all of the regional agencies have committed to provide all information for posting and provided to that america's cup website on 511 and the america's cup event authority will also point people to that 511 page, and so we will all speak in a unified voice with that one location. >> thank you very much. that was very helpful. you can tell that we are interested and engaged and we want to see this be very successful for the city and for all of us who hope to enjoy the event ourselves. >> thank you. i will follow up with answers to your questions. >> commissioners, public comment on the executive directors report? >> is there any public comment?
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hearing none we move forward. >> can i make one comment? the executive director didn't want to give the report on herself, but i want to say congratulations to the executive director receiving sf travel cable car award, i cannot go through all the accolades heaped upon her, all well-deserved. among some of the comments is that she is one of the best port directors in the country, and one of the best directors we have had. this is an opportunity to acknowledge not just what she has done here as our executive director it also her history of work on behalf of san francisco on so many projects that she has spearheaded some of which i forgot. kudos. (applause)
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>> thank you commissioner katz, i believe there is a luncheon on june 18th, i think you would hear the commission commending you. >> item 9b, information presentation. >> forgive my trouble with the transition three. good afternoon. my name is carol bock (sounds like)
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commissioner katz thank you for setting the tone celebration, i'm happy to be here this afternoon to kick off the commission's celebratory series on informational presentations about the port's achievements. i'm happy to have the chance to inform you guys about our habitat restoration efforts underway at the port and also to introduce you to some of the wonderful partners who have initiated and supported and sistine those habitat restoration efforts. the port of san francisco unlike of its peers, --- we have portions of our waterfront where there is construction, waterfront,
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seawalls, pile supported wharfs 150 years old, and open bay water only a few decades ago. because of the varied shoreline physical form the port has had the opportunity to restore a more natural shoreline habitat in portions of its waterfront particularly along the southern waterfront. so, city adoption of the waterfront land use plan in 1997, the port has endeavored to create a network of public access areas and open spaces along all of its waterfront. and you will hear more about that open space network at your next informational presentation. so today i'm going to focus on those areas where we have undertaken habitat restoration and some of our soft shoreline area particularly at mission creek, pier 94 wetlands and
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heron's head park (sounds like). beginning from the north and moving south mission creek lies just south of at&t park and forms the northern shoreline of the port's sewall at the 337 area. and much of the shoreline of mission creek supports tidal wetland habitat as shown here in this photo of the northern bank of mission creek. and this area has been largely cared for by the mission creek conservancy which is a coalition that was initially formed by the mission creek harbor association and various environmental groups in response to a proposed development by catellas (sounds like) and mission bay.
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catellas embrace the goal of preserving and enhancing the habitat. mission creek conservancy members and volunteers together with catellas has created tidal wetlands habitat along the banks of the creek and also adjacent upland habitat. this habitat provides home to a wide variety of plants and wildlife including grey blue heron, snowy pelican, and this bat ray, the conservancy also developed landscape areas where there are flowering plants that support specific butterfly species, there are
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seven butterfly species resident of that upland habitat. i thank the conservancy and their members for these beautiful photographs. pier 94 wetlands involved the construction of the new marine terminal; the shoreline south, at pier 92, and north of the paved terminal at pier 94 was constructed along with that entire area in the sixties by placing a debris-dike in the water, forming a perimeter with the proposed lands in backfilling with fill material behind that debri dike.
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during construction of pier 94, a portion of that dike failed and a portion slug from the intended plan service to an elevation subjected to tidal inundation and that error was found to be structurally unsuitable for further development. it was left to be subject to the forces of nature for several decades. over time and with title in tidal inundation -- wetland life was attracted to that area. these are photos in the 90s, they can see that the fill material itself, degraded.
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chunks of concrete sticking out. the efficacy of primarily goldengate audubon society, who came to the port and urged us to undertake habitat improvements, the port sought funding . so in 2006, with funding from california state coastal conservancy, the san francisco bay natural resources section trust, and the port's capital budget we undertook habitat improvements at pier 94 that included removing those debris piles and piles of tires and asphalt to create a more natural wetland plain and tidal inundation channels and placing a sand