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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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administration has seen. on the contrary, mr. speaker place -- miss palacios everything she's said has been born out. i think it has more significance too that she's banding around that miss palacios is a murder suspect. this is not the case, we've checked with the court's, with the police department, she's clearly making these things up. that has an impact on because she's trying to tell us that none of these activities are taking place. we can't believe her on her allegations against miss palacios. the bottom line that miss wright has been in violation of this ordinance of two 1/2 years and has produced
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a great deal of stress for my client and we respectfully ask the board deny hera appeal. thank you. >> any other public comment? >> hi. my name is sarah diamond. i have been lily's neighbor for eight years. she has become a good friend. i'm here primarily because for the last couple of years, i have seen her mental health not be good, she's stressed out. since we are good friends she tells me a lot. i'm not sleeping well. there is noise coming from upstairs at all hours. i live in the building next door. i know what it's like to have
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someone above making noise because i have a similar apartment situation. i'm just going to say the facts that i know. maybe about three years ago when this neighbor moved in, i remember there was somebody selling tickets outside lily's building. they said c'mon over. you can buy tickets for this concert and there was loud music. that was my introduction to something was not so natural up there. and then, then one time i was just walking home and a couple people asked me do you know where such and such business is and the address was that address. 264. i said, well, no, the address is up there. so then i was kind of a flag that there was a business thing being run up there and just
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yesterday i was at lily's house to try to have a cup of tea in her kitchen, 8:30 and a motor was going and it lasted for over an hour and it was grading on my nerves and it wasn't enjoyable for my neighbor. i can imagine what it's like for her at all hours. i just wanted to say what i know. >> thank you. any other public comment? hello, my name is nicholas. i'm the son of lily
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palacios. i just want to report what i have been seeing and hearing . there has been a lot of noise from the upstairs in the daytime and nighttime. most lee at night it sounds like a lot of shuffling around for various projects they do and at first it was sounding like an exercise group or maybe stamping from upstairs. this was very regular. it would happen pretty often and eventually it changed to the juicing business which they brought in the juicer that sends vibrations throughout the house. you can tell when you are at the bottom of the stairs you can walk through the doors and tell she's juicing already. sometimes it goes for hours and other times late at night. sometimes at late as 11:30. her
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interactions, there haven't been many. first it was phone calls and eventually her phone number was blocked and then we tried sending letters and we would get the letters back with various notes denying that she was running a business. we also received one letter from her one night that just kind of got slipped under our door. basically a hate speech against my mom saying she was burned and had no right to do this and she works with handicapped people and that my mom is a terrible person. and just keeps saying that we are the ones being noisy and bothering her roommates which we are not. we are a pretty quite family. that's all i have to say. >> can i see that letter? >> sure.
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>> i don't know if anyone else wants to see it. >> hi. my name is julie. i'm the daughter of lily palacios. i'm also going to comment on what's going on. we can't live comfortably. i cannot stress how often and how continuous. it's almost impressive of how it doesn't stop. i wonder how
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she can keep up living with that much noise. to live there it makes me uncomfortable and how to see my mom upset makes me very unhappy. this whole situation is very hard to live with. and despite us trying to be civil, it's never worked. we've only down -- done it a few times because the response we get is not positive. we would have hoped this matter would have been resolved much more peacefully than it has. just to say again it's been very stressful to live with nicole doing what she does in her home and she has been attacking my mom verbally and it's been very stressful to receive those letters. my sister can't even be here because it's that stressful.
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she can't properly describe how she's feeling about the whole situation particularly the very last letter that my brother showed on the overhead screen. that's all. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment? >> okay. seeing none then we will take rebut tal. there is 3 minutes. miss wright? >> so, for no. 1 it is my hope that you have experience with stalking and harassment and narcissistic paranoid stalkers. the city planner the notes he made about my house
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has been correct. the house is very clean. we have 5 roommates that make more than 6 figures and we all clean and they have very high level jobs. it's not a crime to have a clean house. we have a pandora in our kitchen because we like to cook and it's great music or tv. there is no other business from my house. with regards to the woman taking out boxers, that is patricia. i have currently i have bronchitis, a staph infection. i have asked her to make juices for me. i have an avid juicer. i do personally juice at least four times a
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year. so when i first moved in, basically what lily did was she used to call me in the middle of the night. i have obtained records from verizon and she would is send me nasty letters. she produced a scarlet letter on my door talking about sex and drugs and very insane. i reacted negatively. i have over 200 reports of lily calling me in the middle of the night and also because all my roommates are all high level over six figures. we are in bed by 10. our house is totally quite. i work on my computer, i'm very silent. yes, when we use the vacuum, she would hear that. in
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fact i hear her playiher music. the difference from my how was -- how household and mine, she's making a lot of noise. her daughter broke into my house. i have contracts with my clients showing that i do not see clients from my home. if you know anything about paranoid stalkers, it's a form of narcissism and they go and terrorize their victims and twist everything around. this bottom has been harassing me. regarding the tickets. we had a house warming party and i had one of my friends check in the guest list before they came to my house and the music stopped before 10 p.m.. >> okay, your time is up.
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>> can i say one more thing? >> one more thing. >> thank you, regarding the eviction, the attorney also per beyond -- perjured himself. >> i have been devoted to yelp. it's not by real people. once your business gets to a success, yelp post reviews. i cannot prove it but i do believe lily has been posting fake reviews as well. it says it on my report and website. i think 5 of them are accurate. we get a signature card from
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every image is client. also i have been in bed rest since july. i have internal bleeding. >> okay. thank you. >> i would love it to reschedule. >> no. this is your hearing. >> mr. sacramento, you have rebuttal if you care to use it? >> i just want to make it clear, when i say this is your hearing, you are the appellant. you brought this forward. thank you. planning department. we do have some photos of the apartment that we can show. these are actually taken off the web. this is off loop net from last november advertising the apartment for sublet so --
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>> we need the overhead. >> so we have the are there particular text that you would like us to focus on. i can't read it. this is taken at
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dolores. a loft for wellness practitioner. they also rent out the kitchen. the photo of the appellant says they rent out the kitchen for private parties. the minimum fee is $1200. this is a resident control dwelling unit and more of the materials which advertise that food body me operates at 264 dolores. another listing for american sign language class at 264 dolores and this was from march 20th. so there is substantial evidence that shows this rent
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control dwelling unit has been illegally used for commercial uses in violation of the planning code. i will be available for any questions. >> thank you. >> this matter is submitted. >> any comments? >> i will comment. i think the evidence is pretty overwhelming here. the space has been used as a commercial establishment and i would vote to deny the appeal. >> anything else? >> i concur that the president attempted to get to the issue with the appellant, however nothing came forth in terms of answering the charges of the zoning administrator and the planning department. that's
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what we are really here for. i will make a motion to deny the appeal on the basis that the zoning administrator did not error abuse his discretion. >> if you can call the roll on that please? >> on that motion from commissioner hurtado to uphold this notice of violation on the basis that the zoning administrator did not error or misuse his discretion. commissioner fong, aye, president huang, aye, lazarus, honda. this notice is upheld on that basis. >> there is no further business. we are adjourned.
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[ >> welcome to the regular rules committee meeting for thursday, june 6th, 2013. i am supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing this meeting. to my left is supervisor malia cohen and to my right is supervisor london breed. the clerk today is linda wong
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and the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgovtv, jennifer lowe and jesse larson, who record each of our meetings and make each of the transcripts available to the public online. madame clerk, are there any announcements. >> yes, mr. chair, please make sure to silence all electronic devices and copies of documents should be submitted to the clerk and items acted upon today will appear on the june 18th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay. thank you. can you call item no. 1? >> item no. 1 motion appointing supervisor malia cohen to the children and families first commission for an indefinite term. >> i believe -- thank you. do i have to make a motion? >> yes, mr. chair. >> motion to recuse supervisor
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cohen from this item. >> so moved. >> without any objection? any public comment on that? any public comment on the recusal? seeing none, [ gavel ] public comment is closed without any objection, this will pass. is there a motion appointing supervisor malia cohen to the children and families first commission? >> so moved. >> so moved. >> any public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed [ . without any objection, this motion passes.
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okay. madame clerk, item no. 2. >> item no. 2, hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending april 30, 2013 to the police commission. there is one seat and two applicants. >> colleagues in order to provide the applicants more time to contact committee members about their qualifications, we will be making the motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] can we continue this item to the call of the chair? >> moved and seconded. >> with no objection. >> mr. chair, i have a comment? >> yes. >> i just wanted to ask if either of the candidates are here today, before we move this item for continuance? >> i don't believe any of the candidates are here. are there
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any of the candidates here? for item no. 2? i didn't think so. thank you very much. so motion to continue is passed. [ gavel ] item no. 3. >> item no. 3 motion appointing the mayor's nomination for appointment of barbara seymour campagnoli to the entertainment commission for a term ending july 1,2014. >> barbara, come on up. and make your brief comments. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisor yee, supervisor breed and supervisor cohen. my name is barbara campagnoli and i am honored to be nominated by mayor lee for the law enforcement seat on the entertainment commission. i am now here to seek your approval. i am a native san franciscan, raised in the richmond district and graduate of san francisco state. i have also raised my own family in the richmond district, where i still reside
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with my husband of 35 years. i served 30 years in the san francisco police department before retiring three years ago. i held the rank of inspector, and i served in the domestic violence response unit, and also in background investigations. i worked in the police permit bureau at the hall of justice for 16 years, holding a top-uniform advisory position, and this was prior to the creation of the entertainment commission. so the san francisco police department still administered and regulated entertainment permits. there i was able to interface with many of the club owners. i believe that i have a great deal to give back to the city, that i love so much as an entertainment commissioner. i have firsthand only in of the natural tension between club
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owners, the surrounding community and law enforcement. i believe we must strike a balance in this regard, and i think that we see that balance where we have responsible, professional club owners. since i will occupy the law enforcement seat i will have particular concern for accountability and for public safety. there is no question that a world-class city like san francisco deserves a robust and safe and healthy entertainment nightlife. i myself am a long time consumer of entertainment and nightlife. [ laughter ] so i thank you for this opportunity and i welcome any questions that you may have. >> colleagues, are there any questions for barbara? supervisor breed. >> thank you. thank you so much for your
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application to be a part of this commission. i had a chance to review your information, and you truly are a san franciscan with the fact that you have jess jeans listed as one your employers and i remember that store on geary boulevard years ago and thought it was pretty funny. one of the questions that i have has to do with the challenges that we seem to face in the nightlife community and that is adequate security within the nightclubs? so many of the nightclub owners, there are some that are very responsible when they hire professional security companies that have experience and ways in which to not only keep the participants safe, but also to manage crowd controls and things that make sure that the clubs are not over-capacity, where if there were an
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incident, people would not get hurt or people have the ability, i guess to exit appropriately in case of an emergency, a fire or a fight or any other situation that arises sometimes in the nightclub environment. so one of the challenges that we have are responsible club owners and they hire component security personnel, that are consistently working with the nightclub in order to keep people safe. and then is there another section of the population that doesn't do that and we continue to have some problems on places, like, polk street in particular. and as the person who is occupying the law enforcement seat, i was wondering if you had any feedback or if you were even familiar with the fact that this is an issue in the nightlife industry and what will you bring to the table in terms of address issues around security which are clearly an issue in the nightlife? >> i know that both the police
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department and the entertainment commission have addressed that issue. there are conditions that are put on every permit to have well-designated security guards. i believe -- i believe -- i'm not exactly sure about this, that you have to have one per every hundred customers. and that they wear some sort of -- that either says "security" a jacket or t-shirt that says "security" or "staff" on them. they do have to be licensed security guards. i believe that it's all in the good neighbor policy that the entertainment commission hands out to every applicant for a
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permit. >> in terms of a guess enforcement of those requirements, there are some challenges with enforcement. so for example, the entertainment commission gives out a tremendous number of permits for nightlife and there is not necessarily the ability to always enforce the policy consistently. and so i guess what i am asking is, you know, do you have any recommendations? or will you bring any recommendations -- do you think it's an issue? do you think it's a public safety issue? and what would you bring to the table in order to address those kinds of issues, because ultimately from my perspective as someone who has a number of nightclubs in her district and someone who has challenges around security and i want to ultimately keep people safe and everyone is following the rules and what can we do in the city tgh