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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2013 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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and also, i have an article published in this month's issue of ink magazine, where i talk about micromanufacturing and shout out for a number of small businesses here in san francisco. and so, i'm a columnist now doing a column every three to four months and so my next article i hope to write about how small business and government can work together to make business better on a local basis. >> that is great. >> congratulations. >> can i have that? >> i will send a pdf >> i would like to add on my report that i did attend the mayor budget announcement. >> and i attended last week, a lunch in sponsored by american express to discuss how they could better improve their relationships with our small businesses. >> great. >> >> next item.
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>> please? >> 13. general public comment >> do we have any members of the comment that would like to make a comment on the future meetings? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> 14 is new business >> do we have new business at this time? >> seeing none, the next item, please. >> 15, is adjournment. >> motion to adjourn? >> a motion. >> second. >> all in favor, aye. >> order the regular
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meeting. the meeting is now called to order roll call please. (calling names)
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thank you >> thank you please join me if i like to the pledge of allegiance all right. item a for the regular meeting for may 13 may i hear a second? >> thank you are there any corrections? >> seeing none, roll call please. thank you (calling names) >> thank you. item b presentations to the
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board of education. >> thank you president norton. every meeting gets better and better and better and better. and so good evening to everyone. i have many updates i'd like to share with our public and whew we made it to the end of the school year. another year. i have some good news we join withor parents and other school districts across california from sacramento regarding the state budget and local formula. i spoke about that. well, our budget will not increase but by 20/20 it will be $11,000 per student. it is cause for celebration that
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in the not too distant future our public funds are more consistent and the rest of the state catches up with the city and county of san francisco. in terms of the san francisco budget process tonight we'll have the first reading of our 2013 and 2014 budget. this is approximately $15,000 more for next year's budget. we've been working diligently and steadily to insure that all the exponents that need to work together to support students have what they need. the 2013, 2014 has bold changes. we will discuss more about our
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budget for local control funding in this meeting. i have some good news the western association has finished the budget. we have 5 high schools had their midterm review by the association of the schools and colleges. w a s k receives an accreditation that meets the standard our 5 high schools received the full 6 year accreditation. congratulations to the arts and science and existence and mission high schools. clapping the four midterm review schools include the school of the arts downtown and
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international studies academy congratulations to them as well. great work to the school teams that make the success possible. why did this w a s k association mean. it's actually valid and it gets accepted to colleges across the country. our supple especially program 6 graders spent a week to get to know the step up program. this is the first year to include all our middle schools. they learned how to open their lockerers. we are thrilled to be able to offer support to make this big
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transition. our staff continue to nourish the success of this program. so thank you. we have a couple more. a summer event on monday june 17th we'll officially kickoff the summer learning san francisco. we're going to have a full steam ahead to enrichment education in insuring that our children have an array of education opportunities. summer has gone at a lot of our schools and we have expanded opportunity for consider earning options. have a peaceful save and restful
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summer and we look forward to seeing our suntanned faces next semester >> we have item d student dlel programs. >> we had a workshop that partnered with the sftv to envision a new school year. there were about 8 students that participated in the workshop. the students got to see some of the initiative ideas. they offered ideas of their own.
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students got the opportunity to go on a tour on pier 28. we're excited about the process to continue to work with the nutrition students at the school >> the sf c has had the opportunity to be an advisory body. the mayor and superintendant and has been designated to the renewal of children's fund. the couple provides the engagement process and designed the content to be for the community at large. it will assist in the interpretation of starnldz. the commission have been meeting
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and planning their orientation that will take place at the end of august. and the new commissioners have been attending the meeting. the training as well letting what workshops and tainting they'll have. and the commissioners will be planning and leading many of the workshops as well >> thank you student delegates. and now we have the report i see the representative approaching now. >> good evening superintendent and staff. i'm sure we'll hear about the stories later. this evening staff report is just a brief update in the
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meetings and traingz that have been offered around hysterically practices around the education services and supporting the achievement of african-american students were we attended the training that was on the restoring enforcement. we participated in to kind of broaden our prospective on how it pertains to engaging parents and also to look at exploring how we can support the work across the district. one of the experiences that stuck out was the exercise of looking at the parental engagement of the process is it token or is it real are participation. what we determined at the end of this exercise it depend upon on
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the attention whether the parents had a say in the design whether they determined the consent or where they to participate and sign off. and one of the topics that really graded the meeting was the process itself. for a lot of parents showing up it's a new experience. maybe they don't understand the language but depending upon how it's structured. so another piece that we participated in was part of participating in the implementation of the design special education and their identifying their straefg goals across the department and the calculation of other parental
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organizations and community leaders to give feedback. they're specific goal was creating authentic relationships to address student success. as part of that process the ideas that were generated from the committee meeting in march some of those questions are included with dr. and her colleagues. i'm going to highlight a couple of those. some of those that came out of that briefing the parents want the information particle around the information progress. for example, on information sheet on the i p project works it should be included in a package including friendly language. another input from the pact this
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those cross packet calculations was the ideas of parents having information of the, i.e., process so they can understand the challenges and where is their input on the individual listed plan four their child. the pack has been in contact of how the packet can provided encounter participation from parents. the purpose it is to advise on the impact economic we provided
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we can create a safe environment and how they relate to educational opportunities and family engagement authentic family engagement. the support in continuing that dialog. thank you >> thank you any comments. >> thank you very much i'm particle pleased to see the achievement of african-american students and i want to bring up
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a thing that came up actually vice president asked for data on where our african-american students are enrolled and where they are being moved to. and whether the staff looks at the african-american component. we'll love to continue that conversation with the pact and a >> thank you all right. we'll move on to item f. are there any speakers? >> okay. we'll move on to item g. may i hear a motion and a second on the content calendar please. move to second >> any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent. >> good evening we have one correction is to item 611 k-7 on
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pages 67. the selection should read >> translation and interpretation unit will continue to use team text global for low incidentally languages because we've received positive feedback. they're able to accumulate last minute requests and they have excellent translation unit and it make sure they meet the needs and the experience. >> thank you, dr. are there any items removed for first reading by the board seeing none. any items severed by the board for discussion this evening
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>> i have one item. i do want to say as others in the past i don't want to vote against that. i'm a little worried that staff might have to hang around for 3 hours so can you think can i ask the question now >> maybe we can found out what the nature of the question is but not a have a discussion. >> this item is k 13 on page 77 it's an evaluation with the educational training but it's for a group of programs. i actually called our research people this is not out of the blue. i'm interested in if we can have a discussion coming up to talk about the design of our assessments and evaluations. whether the purpose of those
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second on the it would be your duty. the original and substitute motion is in the agenda. i'd like to consider the substitute motion we discussed the other evening. is there any objection? yes conspires. the - >> not
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. >> the meeting was from the fourth of june and we suggested amendments to their original proposal and we see that before us today. we didn't make a recommendation but suggested that we have a substitute amendment. thank you. >> thank you. i see mr. goldman and tom may we please have a reading of the requested action please. >> do you want me to read the entire - >> i wouldn't put you throw
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that. >> it's a summary. >> you can read page 7. thank you >> i don't see a page 7. >> the bottom page remember. >> okay. action is on page one >> i swear i reviewed that. >> i don't see. here we go. oh. okay i get it. i get it. so on page one mr. tom do you see it the requested action just read that short paragraph >> that the board of education adopt the attached local policy
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for 2013 proposition a facilitate bond that is executed project labor agreement. >> thank you. new what we will do is hear from our public speakers we have a number signed up to speak on this item. you will have 2 minutes each. as i read your names line up along the wall right there (calling names)
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>> well my name is willie ratting cliff if anybody don't know me. anyway we'll come down to the final local act of what we've been trying to do for over a year. i met with the previously superintendent along with the present superintendent for over a year ago about this problem. that we have. and anytime a discriminatory
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practice you're supposed to deal with it. i'm not satisfied with what i see. and we can always move forward after what you do tonight i'm hoping that someone o some of the things that others will bring up because i don't have the time. will bring up that's wrong in here. and one thing about it you're going to set aside money for a group of people that alreayou.
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>> latino democrats i was going over the latest version and
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echoed the same feeling i'll take it a little bit further. i'm especially concerned by this little clause here under sanctuary remedies. despite a concerted effort somehow we got back to faith effort that's a concerted effort. i went to law school i know how to word specify myself. i understand how the argument was we need a little bit of wiggle room. there's a lot of krarjts how the there who said they can't compete. here's the nature of business all right. if somebody says
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they can't do that there's at least 10 to 20 other contractors willing to comply with whatever you come up with. they've got families to feed and it just so happens that their black and brown and asian working class white boys from the richmond district and they're good phone calls for good faith effort. yeah. i've heard this kind of talk. somehow just by changing good faith effort to a concerted effort you're under the assumes that my people can't understand the english language. perhaps i'm stuttering perhaps i have an accent