tv [untitled] June 15, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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supervisors, but i've had a string of them lately and it's just been a string of really wonderful people who have made great contribution to district 11 who are either moving on or actually at a point where they deserve recognition and valerie deserves both. you're moving on unfortunately, but you definitely deserve recognition. i just want to thank you for all your great work. so, val was born and raised in california. this is so rare here. you can let us know when you speak. she spent the last eight years in san francisco working with a number of community based organizations and most recently volunteering on the equity advisory committee within the human rights commission, [speaker not understood] creativity explored. for the last 5-1/2 years valerie has worked with rebuilding together san francisco, a small nonprofit that provides major repairs for low-income homeowners, schools, nonprofits and provides aging employees modifications for seniors and people with disabilities.
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four years ago we're building together which is a city-wide organization realized the importance of focusing their work on particular neighborhoods and working with existing community organizations and neighborhood groups to leverage resources and contribute to broader community development strategies. they first focused on the excelsior and the omi neighborhood. as the representative of rebuilding together, valerie was -- has contributed to the formation of the omi community cohort and its first year worked closely with the omi cc partners and other neighborhood groups to revitalize and beautify the neighborhood by creating community action grants that led to community gardens at the rec center, landscaping [speaker not understood], not to mention mobilizing hundreds of volunteers to do home safety repairs for low-income families and seniors all through rebuilding together and their great volunteers.
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valerie is also with the first administrative for the community action grant program for the omi. it's a program that i'm really proud of and you were there from the start. it's also been replicated in the excelsior, and i believe it's also in district 6, a similar program now. the community action grants, the first in the city which my office helped to establish with the office mayor's office of community development, division allows neighborhood collaboration to collectively decide how to allocate small pots of money like around $30,000 a year that go towards neighborhood initiatives. grassroots organizations, community groups to do building efforts, to help revitalize parks, murals. we have the funding for the first muni golf course in san francisco at [speaker not understood] park which actually has the best view of ocean beach in all of san francisco. no one knows that. she is deeply passionate, valerie is deeply passionate about issues regarding our
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rapidly aging population, place making and urban farming and a fierce advocate for community-based change. a graduate of uc santa cruz, valerie is headed to ucla this fall for a masters in urban planning where she hopes to gain the tools to become an effective change maker for her community. a big history note and a public radio station cheer leader, she can often be found gardening, sewing, or loitering at the public library which i don't think is loitering really. valerie has been amazing organizer in the neighborhood. she has infectious charm that is warmed everyone up to the work that she does and rebuilding together does and working together to really create a really strong fabric in the omi neighborhood. i'm sure you've done that in other neighborhoods in san francisco. i just want to thank you for your great work. it's been a pleasure and honor to work with you. my staff has a great relationship with you and rebuilding together and a stronger relationship with our community because of your efforts. thank you so much. >> thank you.
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(applause) >> thank you so much. this is a tremendous honor. i've been doing community-based work with rebuilding together for six years now. in san francisco for over eight. although a lot of grated reasons to do this work, meeting neighbors, getting to truly know a neighborhood, being part of positive change, very rarely do organizers that do this work, do this work for awards and appreciation. to be honest, the most tireless and hardest working community organizers that i've been inspired by and had the opportunity to work with are relatively unknown outside of their neighborhood or cause. and when i found out i was being honored for this work i've been lucky to be part of the last four years, i literally cried. a huge thank you for supervisor avalos's office and your staff. not only supporting my organization and my work, but being willing to be innovative and creative in the ways you support d-11 such as these community action grants.
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these community action grants were specifically aimed at helping residents and nonprofits implement direct change in their own backyards. and it's through the development and implementation of these community-led grants that inspire leadership, they encourage collaboration, and shelley bradford bellverx that ashen surex that the omi community is connect and had engaged. ~ friday was my last day in san francisco, it's very sad. as i head off to graduate school to learn to be a effective agent of change, i have the opportunity of working with the omi community collaborative to thank for my future direction. [speaker not understood] little did i know that four years ago i would be continued to be inspired, engaged and actively collaborating with over 20 community-based groups, countless residents and leaders for years to come. this started as a croup of cdos and residents coming together to meet each other and learn more about our respective services has grown and developed into one of the most organized and effective neighborhood grewxctionv i've had the opportunity to work with.
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we have a website, a van that transports seniors to day programs, all members actively support each other's work. we advocate around budgetish youxerctiontion, address timely concerns that affect our neighborhood like the recent gun violence. we're now in our second year of implementing these fantastic community action grants. by providing project management, my agency rebuilding together ensures that anyone who has ever had a vision for community-based change, whether it's a mural, a trash clean up or youth art exhibit can successfully accomplish that project. rtsf, we manage 50 construction based projects, 3,000 volunteers with a staff of four. so we bring to this work 23 years of experience with volunteers, project management and leveraging resources. but the majority of the action grant work from developing a vision for the neighborhood, designing the grant process, has been led by the actual omicc members themselves with the tremendous support of sf state, supervisor avalos's office, and the mayor's office of housing. as a result, the omi, there are
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currently seven projects underway. seven were completed last year and we are now implementing 13 projects in the excelsior district. grantees range from local community organizers, rallying their neighbors around the mini golf course. small cbos who want to >> aye. try a job development program for youth, to a stay at home mom who never managed a team of volunteers or grant budget at all but is excited to implement an idea. this work has had a tremendous impact with the omi neighborhood from community festivals, unique and innovative programs, to supporting diverse and vibrant merchant correspond corridor and it has been unbelievably inspiring to work with these grants and wonderful folks. i feel so thankful and lucky to have been part of this amazing neighborhood based work and learned a tremendous amount about community organizing and learn sustainable and tangible change in one's own backyard. once again, thank you so much for the opportunity envisioned by supervisor avalos and the board of supervisors for honoring my work. i intend to come back in the
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bay area in two years, even more inspired with more tools and ready to rollup my sleeves and get back to work. (applause) >> that concludes our special orders for the day. why don't we go to our consent agenda. madam clerk, can you call item 2 through 6? >> item 2 through 6, are considered to be routine. if a member objects, an item can be removed separately. >> colleagues, would anybody like to remove the items? real call vote on the consent agenda. >> items 2 through 6? supervisor kim, kim aye.
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supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tackv aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. there are 11 ayeses. >> passed [gavel] >> next item. >> item 7 is ordinance amending the environment code, by adding chapter 23, to require new buildings that have drinking fountains to provide bottle filling stations; and making environmental and other findings. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? this ordinance is finally passed. next item. >> item 8, ordinance appropriating $55,064,799 of proceeds from san francisco public utilities commission water revenue bonds to fund the water system improvement program calaveras dam project and re-appropriating $77,271,241 of wsip project appropriations to various wsip projects consistent with the revised april 2013 wsip program budget adopted by the sfpuc. ~ projects.
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>> colleagues, same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 9 is resolution retroactively approving the feeder agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the bay area rapid transit district for repayment for transfer trips, with a term from july 1, 2010, to june 30, 2020. >> madam clerk, can you call item 10 as well? >> item 1 is a resolution retroactively approving the special transit fare (fast pass) agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the bay area rapid transit district, with a term from january 1, 2010, to june 30, 2014. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. these two items are items that have come before us a number of times and actually the last time that they came before the board, the items were sent back to the mta for further negotiations between the mta and bart. let me say a couple of things. first, i think objectively -- well, i recognize that the mta feels that we as a city are
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getting a good deal relative to the two agreements. i'm not entirely convinced that we couldn't have done better. that said, i do think that it's important to think regionally here and that the two agreements that we're talking about here, the feeder agreement and the fast pass agreement are agreements that are good for the region. and i think it is in that spirit of making sure that we're working collaboratively with bart that i will be supporting these two items. it's important for the mta and bart to have a good working relationship because it makes the entire transportation system in the bay area work. that said, i also want to say, not that this is related to the actual vote here today, that at some point i would also like to see a resolution of something that we do see happening right
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now with bart. i'd like to get more information about the state of negotiations between bart and some of its workers because if that issue is not resolved, the entire public transportation system and the region, certainly the mta muni will be negatively impacted. we want to make sure that there is a fair contract that is quickly negotiated by that agency. but i will be supporting these two items and hope to get more information on where things are with the labor matter. >> thank you, supervisor campos. and i also want to associate myself with those comments as well. i do hope that we get some better resolutions of the problematic state of negotiations that exist today. with that, supervisor wiener. >> thank you. i, too, will be supporting both agreements and i am very appreciative, supervisor campos' comments. and i think for all my colleagues who helped send this back and make this a better agreement. while it's certainly not perfect, i think that the mta
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actually did do a good job negotiating and i know we would all like it to be better and better, but bart has its needs as well and its own financial struggles. and the fact is that this agreement is critically important to so many san franciscans who rely on bart to get around within the city. many, many san franciscans who use san francisco bart to get to work, to get around, whether it's in the mission or glenn park or balboa park or other stations, and it's a really good deal that for not that much more on your monthly pass, pass, you get unlimited access to bart within san francisco. so, i was a little nervous when the negotiations appeared to be maybe not going in a positive direction and what could happen if bart walked away. so, i'm very happy that the parties were able to get it done and i will be supporting the agreement today. >> supervisor cohen.
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>> thank you. thank you very much, mr. chairman. ~ mr. chair. i just wanted to communicate that i've heard from transportation workers and they have actually voiced some concerns around some of the agreements that have been made, particularly around unsafe work conditions for employees. and, so, i just wanted to go on knowledge giving voice to these concerns. thank you. >> with that, colleagues, can we take these items same house same call? without objection, these resolutionses are adopted. [gavel] >> item 11. >> item 11 is a resolution authorizing the general manager of the public utilities commission to execute agreements with cdm smith/ats, a joint venture (cs-211a); icf + avila, a joint venture (cs-211b); shaw environmental and infrastructure, inc. (cs-211c); and urs corporation (cs-211d) for specialized and technical services for natural resources and watershed management and monitoring, each with an agreement amount not to exceed $5,000,000 and each with a term not to exceed 14 years pursuant to charter, section 9.118(b). >> colleagues, can we take this same house same call? without objection this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 2 is a resolution
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authorizing a potential five-year lease of up to 20,000 square feet at 1145 market street for space for the san francisco law library from 1145 market street, lp, a california limited partnership, at an initial monthly cost of $42,753.75 for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2014. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. [gavel] >> item 13 is a resolution authorizing a 10 year lease for approximately 20,000 square feet at 1145 market street for office space for the health service system for initial annual rent of approximately $743,000. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. [gavel] >> item 14 is a resolution approving the execution of the lease amendment between the city and proxy development for an extended term through january 31st, 2021 and a revised monthly base rent of $7,200 effective june 1st, 2015. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 15 is a resolution authorizing the public library to retroactively accept and
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expend a grant in the amount of up to 750,000 of in-kind gifts, services and cash monday from the friend of the san francisco public library. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 16 is a resolution authorizing the department of the environment to retroactively accept and expend a gift in the amount of $20,000 from ch2m hill to build out the department of the environment's ecocenter at 1455 market street for an unspecified period starting february 1, 2013. >> supervisor kim, did you have an amendment to item 16? >> yes, thank you. i do have an amendment to this item. actually, after chatting with department of environment, we wanted to change the language so that this was no longer retroactive accept and expend. that being the funds for these dollar amounts haven't been expended yet. so, i've actually distributed amendment language to all the supervisors and just make a
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motion to amend. >> colleague, supervisor kim has made a motion to amend. seconded by supervisor campos. take it without objection, that should be the case. [gavel] >> and on the underlying resolution as amended can we take this same house same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted as amended. [gavel] >> item 17. >> item 17 is a resolution authorizing the 2013 south of market community stabilization gr and authorizing the mayor's office of housing to expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of $300,000. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 18 is an resolution approving funding increase for an emergency public work contract under administrative code, section 6.60, to repair a kitchen cart wash leak and related mold abatement at laguna honda hospital in an amount not to exceed $328,644. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 19 is a resolution
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approving fy 2013-2014 home investment partnership (home) program and authorizing the mayor, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, to apply for, accept, and expend the city's fy 2013-2014 home program entitlement from the u.s. department of housing and urban development in the amount of $4,083,152 and to expend program income in the amount of $30,000 for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2018. >> colleague, same house, same call? this item is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 20 is a resolution approving the emergency solutions grants program and authorizing the mayor, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, to apply for, accept, and expend the city's fy 2013-2014 emergency solutions grants program entitlement in the amount of $1,182,146 from the u.s. department of housing and urban development for an unspecified period starting july 1, 2013. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 21 is a resolution approving the house opportunities for persons with aids (hopwa) program and authorizing the mayor, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, to apply for, accept, and expend the city's fy 2013-2014 hopwa program entitlement from the u.s. department of housing and urban development in the amount of $8,633,125 and to expend program income and reprogrammed funds in the amount of $2,546,160 for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2018.
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>> same house same call? this measure is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 22 a sotion approving the community development block grant program authorizing the mayor, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, to apply for, accept, and expend the city's fy 2013-2014 cdbg program entitlement from the u.s. department of housing and urban development in the amount of $17,155,981 and to expend program income and reprogrammed funds in the amount of $6,938,230 for a combined total of $24,094,211 for a period beginning july 1, 2013, without an expiration date. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 23 is a resolution finding the proposed development of the pier 70 waterfront site, an approximately 28-acre site located in the southeast corner of pier 70, fiscally feasible under administrative code, chapter 29, and endorsing the term sheet between forest city development california, inc., a california corporation, and the 9ñ.ñ?ñ?mission. n l';p >> same house same call? >> mr. president, i understand that -- >> mr. president, i understand the deputy city attorney for
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the port has provided an amended version of the term sheet. >> okay. colleagues, i believe we have received the amended term sheet. is there anything that the port would like to say to address that? >> [inaudible]. >> turn on your microphone. >> [inaudible] couple amendments to address the budget analyst recommendation and the report on the item. thank you. >> thank you. let me nowak knowledge supervisor wiener. >> i'll speak to the amendments after adopted. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i wanted to take a couple moments to talk about the term sheet. you know, there is no shortage of development and activity in san francisco today. many of the projects are large and small and public infrastructure and some of them are also private development. but much of what's happening -- much of it is happening in the southeastern part of the city. and one of the projects that is actually most exciting about
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the revital -- this is one of the projects most exciting about the revitalization of pier 70. this project is going to really have the ability to single handedly transform a long neglected portion of our waterfront with new parks. it will rehab an amazing historic structures as well as create needed affordable housing. the project build on the foundation of many years of work by port staff, the central waterfront advisory group, and the many stakeholders whose work led to the 2010 pier 70 master plan. the city's development partner for city engaged in an extensive community outreach process to develop a vision for the next evolution of pier 70 waterfront site that's embedded in this term sheet which is what we're dealing with today. the concept of the plan reestablishes pier 70 as a key employment hub focusing on the types of uses and activities
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that already make dogpatch, potrero hill just wonderful neighborhoods. local manufacturing like bag and apparel manufacturers, chocolate and wine makers, space for arts, artists and cultural organizations,s and local neighborhood realtors, retailers, restaurants, and cafes. there is still much work that needs to be done to turn this concept plan into a detailed project agreement and to complete the necessary environmental review of the project. but the bones of this plan are solid and the community enthusiasm is significant. and the momentum is real to create a new san francisco neighborhood that we can essentially all be proud of. i do have some nonsubstantive technical amendments today that better incorporate some of the recommendations of the budget analyst. colleagues, i provided you copies today. i would just like to -- well, i don't know if the port staff has any more that they'd like
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to comment on. no? okay. seeing there's no more comments, i also like to get the budget analyst an opportunity to verify that they have had an opportunity to review these changes and they agree with them. thank you, mr. rose. >> to mr. rose. >> mr. president, members of the board, supervisor cohen, we have reviewed it, it is consistent with our recommendations and we continue to recommend approval. >> fantastic. thank you. i hope that you'll join me, colleagues, in supporting these amendments to the term sheet. >> supervisor cohen has offered the amendments that the port has delivered to us on the term sheet. is there a second to that? second by supervisor breed. any discussion on that? if we could take those amendments without objection. that should be the case. [gavel] >> supervisor wiener, do you still want to make a comment? >> yes. >> supervisor wiener. >> thanks, mr. president. ayethv be supporting this. ~ >> i'll be supporting this. this is an exciting project for the waterfront and for the city. i do just want to comment and
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during roll call i'll be describing a hearing that i'm calling for. i believe that given the many projects that are either approved or in process or will be in process or will come up for approval along the waterfront, along upper market, and octavia area, we are not doing what we need to do to plan for the public transportation that's going to support those projects. so, i'm not in any way saying it falls on any one development, whether it's pier 70 or mission rock or the warrior's proposal or hunters point or mission bay or any of the upper market or octavia projects. but as we look at each of these projects, they're adding housing, adding jobs, and these are positive things. we need jobs, we need housing, but we need the transit infrastructure to support it. and i, just to be totally blunt, i don't think we're
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doing what we need to do to actually look at what the transit infrastructure needs are for all of this new population. it's not a reason to reject the development. it's a reason to get very, very dead serious about bolstering our transit infrastructure. as we learned in a hearing a couple weeks ago, we don't have enough transit infrastructure to support our current population let alone the increases. so, i just want to note i'm going to be raising this with every project that comes before us in the hope that whether it's through the mayor's transportation policy task force or other means, that we start really investing seriously and bolstering and expanding our transit infrastructure so these wonderful projects can be moved forward and supported by the transit that they need. thank you. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. i will be supporting this term sheet as well, but i just
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wanted to just raise an issue around affordable housing and the inclusionary percentage here, wondering if you could address that issue. i know that right now we're talking about doing the legally required minimum. but i know there is a goal to provide more and i was just wondering if you can just, just for the record, if you can address that issue. >> supervisor campos, brad benson from port staff. the city's projects where the city has a proprietary interest, like with port land, have an inclusionary requirement of 15% which is much higher than most market rate housing in the city which is set at 12%. pursuant to proposition c ~. the project before you also includes a substantial office component which will be subject to jobs as a linkage fee as you
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know. 9 port's development partner the city of california, is proposing actually an 80/20 mix of market rate to affordable. they're primarily developed rental housing. in conversations with olson lee at the mayor's office of housing, mr. lee prefers on-site inclusionary with rental housing. and to get to that 80/20 mix for city, would be looking at tax credits, 08/20 tax credits to accomplish that goal. >> thank you. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you. i wanted to thank brad benson and the staff from the port, oewd, port city, and so many different community forces that took years planning this process. i guess when i went and visited or heard about preliminary plans in the land use committee years ago and more recently in the budget committee, i what really impressed this process
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was about a vision, respected the history of the site. to supervisor wiener's point, i do think there's been consideration of transit over the next 20 years as it's planned into the residential units less than 1,000 or roughly 1,000, the sf-made type manufacturing business he. all the people that will come for the open space and the public uses will have a good effort to get thereby public transit. and it's connecting the neighborhoods and the blue is greenway and the different trails around the water front as well. but i was really impressed with the synergy of the different forces that came together to develop this issue. there is still a long way to go, but it's a good example of a model of bringing different forces together to come up with a better vision for what the area should be. i think there is one issue with the arts community. there are some uses with small local artists and i'm hoping that the issues get worked out of the existing artists that are currently there. i know the staff are working on
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that. but for a community-driven planning process that forced city -- the city and the port has led, i give nothing but props to you and i hope it is a successful process that goes forward as we support this term sheet. >> colleagues, any further discussion? okay. could we take a roll call on this item? >> on item 23, supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution is adopted as amended. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 24 is a resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to retroactively accept and expend a grant of $225,000 from the
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san francisco parks alliance for the renovation of the playground in carl larsen park, for the period of june 1, 2013, through october 1, 2013. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 25? >> item 25 is a resolution authorizing a 14.5 month extension of the lease with sfoc, llc, of 9,800 square feet at 711 van ness avenue, for a total lease term of thirty-five months with a base rent of $17,966.67 per month, for the department of emergency management and the office of the assessor-recorder for the period of april 14, 2014, through june 30, 2015. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 26. >> item 26 is a resolution approving professional services agreement, airport contract 9185.9, program management support services for the san francisco international airport, terminal 1/boarding area b redevelopment program between t1 partners, a joint venture of parsons transportation group, inc., the allen group, llc, and epc consultants, inc., and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in the not to exceed amount of $4,453,178 for the first year of services; this is a multi-year, multi-phased program with an estimated total contract value in the not to exceed amount of $32,000,000 pursuant to charter, section 9.118(b).
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