tv [untitled] June 16, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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stewardship. i believe that is truly something to celebrate. that concludes my presentation. thank you. >> we do have public comment. bob isaacson. >> thank you, director of commissioners. i moved down to mission creek to a houseboat about 25 years ago,in an amazing thing was to see the wildlife there. they should be preserved. at that time the developer catella -- an earlier version of catella mission bay
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development consider the place a blank slate. wait a minute. there's a lot here that really needs to be taken care of. the fact that it is within a mile of the downtown area and these wonderful, charismatic shorebirds are there told us that there is really something that needs to be done so we formed a conservancy, about half of us from the creek, half from other places to publicize what was there and needed to be preserved. i am proud to say that we have been successful. the species, the number of species of birds has increased from about 50 which we counted earlier on two over 100 now. the number of individual birds has about doubled. the number of steps of habitat restoration, fortunatetely catella joined right in with
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us once we presented the idea. the harbor association and the conservancy to care of it directly. they accepted our recommendation for hiring a wetlands consultant, michael josland (sounds like) who stayed with them for years and years including directing and upland small weatland there, and one of the factors, the preservation of perch piling, birds that come to roost there. i looked up my window and saw that the port was removing the
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old pilings. first thing i did was to talk to the guy in charge of it. i was amazed. he immediately stopped. they stop the removal. at least for the day. then i made calls around and they stopped. i would like to thank the port for its cooperation and assistance almost from the beginning. david -- was very helpful to us in years meetings with catella. thank you. >> thank you. jeannie stearns. (sounds like) >> i'm jennie stearns, also with the mission creek
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conservancy. it's been wonderful to be living in a houseboat there and become steward of mission creek and to see how this body of water which is basically forgotten and neglected was really a sewer at one time has become this beautiful amenity. and that the port and the bodies of the city have really made it the center of the mission bay project as a sort of focus. and -- my job down there is to help with habitat and to put the habitat into our area. at first i thought it was something to get done, getting everybody to help the putting these plantings. as we went on i began to see that it was something to keep going because it's a community focus on the people came down from the new condos
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on the north side and they wanted to help them there were people from other parts of the neighborhood that wanted to help. together we really did make a very beautiful habitat, and now we have the whole body of stewards in the community. i think this is one of the really special things that can come out of this kind of project. here right in the middle of the city we have ways when the fish come in pelicans drop in from the sky grabbing decision squadrons of cormorants and blue heron and caspian herns, is exciting to see this much wildlife where people can see it we have bat rays and sea lions, it's very exciting. i want to invite you come down
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and take a look at this. thank you for your support of these projects. >> thank you. karen woods. (sounds like) >> good afternoon commissioners, karin woods, member of the mission creek conservancy. you saw a picture of me digging. i think i have given you a copy of vanishing quarters (sounds like), which is a book that -- the rest of the conservancy commission because mission creek was considered useless, wasteful; it should be lined with concrete and turned into a canal. the conservancy, with the
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support of the port and -- who was at the time drudge manager for mission bay development, supported us, and supported the ecosystem improvements that we thought was important and we do believe that it is a jewel. in the port's crown. we are port tenants; we support what the port wants to do and appreciate what the port gives us. thank you. >> is there any other comment? commissioners any comment? >> -- inds (indiscernible)>> wanted to thank carol bock for her
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presentation; it was heartening to see the kind of work that we're doing and the stewardship of the port exhibits along our waterfront. i'm struck by the hard work that has gone in by so many people that are still around, people and faces continuously pop up. i want to thank the mission creek alliance; people like karin who seem to be at the forefront of every issue before us and david bellpray (sounds like) -- as you noted heron's head park -- having been there with my dog, i appreciate the dog park, he loved it.
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>> you are being gracious to say that it had all the support but there was some opposition. heron's head park has received several honors which should be attributed to carol and david and the whole thing that made a lot to make this happen. because of the port's alliance with parks and rec in the 2008 bond we were able to do mission creek and the park at heron. it is wonderful. all the kids i talked to are part of - they loved it . thank you. >> it has been expressed well by commissioner katz high commissioner brandon.
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we talked about a lot of things. some of them are hard-nosed. it's nice to have this presentation today to make us feel that we are talking about life and the environment and how we are contributing. i think this is very port effort, it's lovely to hear from the residence to know what that effect is made on their daily life and hopefully more people will enjoy that environment in the city who want to gradually everybody who has worked on it. it sounds like it was a labor of love and it will continue to be a labor of love. thank you very much. >> item 10a -- consent calendar. >> sorry, can i say thank you, thank you so much for your time and attention for this. i appreciate the opportunity to present to you. i appreciate the thanks and what you have expressed a really without the ongoing support of the port commission none of this would have been
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possible. so thanks. >> item 10a, requesting authorization to enter into cost-sharing agreement with the us army corps of engineers for a feasibility study of dredging of the port central basin near pier 70. (reading from the agenda) >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment on the consent calendar? all those in favor? aye. resolution 1323 and 1324 have been passed. >> item 11a, introducing responded to the request for proposal for the pier 38 rehabilitation project. located at -- and embarcadero.
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>> good afternoon i am john -- i would like to introduce you to the two responses to the rfp. last september the port commission authorize an rfp for pier 38 with intent to rehabilitate and retenant the bulkhead on pier 38 but also qualify the development team with the possibility of a long-term reuse of the entire pier. the intent of the solicitation was to find respondents with experience in rehabilitating, developing and operating facilities comparable to pier 38. the ideal respondent would consist of a development team that has experienced with one historic rehabilitation of waterfront structure; two, and
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ability to identify and secure potential tenant; and three, and ability to maintain real estate projects when completed. with this in mind on march 25th port staff received two very qualified proposals from two very qualified development teams. one was san francisco development partners. san francisco pacific waterfront partners iii, the company to be formed and to be wholly-owned by san francisco waterfront partners llc. the other team is tmg pier 38 partners. the staff report just said pier 38 but should be tmg, the partnership again formed
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consisting of tmg partners and premier structures. this afternoon i would like to give both teams the opportunity to present their teams. present the overview of the qualifications of their vision for the rehab of pier 38. after this presentation, the next that would be an evaluation panel will convene next week to evaluate and score written submittals plus interviews for each of the teams, and then we hope to come back to the port commission september with the staff recommendation based on the scoring of the evaluation panel toward the pier 38 development
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opportunity to possibly one of these two development teams. i would like to present -- from waterfront partners. following that we'll have michael corubia (sounds like)from tmg partners to give us on the presentation and staff will be here to respond to any questions that you may have. thank you. >> good afternoon prsident woo ho, commissioners. i am simon -- this is my partner alicia olden (sounds like) put together we'll make this presentation today. thank you for this long-awaited opportunity to present our vision for pier 38, especially
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thank you to the port staff for all the work they did in putting the rfp together. the development entity, just to clear up names, san francisco waterfront partners iii. pier 38 will be the third -- the same partners that we have had for 14 years. we are passionate about the pier 38 space and the future of the space and the waterfront. we wanted to do this the work that we have done in the waterfront and our journey of reconnecting the city with its
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waterfront. >> good afternoon. piers -- share the same challenges physically as pier 38. the historical development at the piers received 12 million dollars and start tax credits and is a recipient of multiple awards. the piers are 100% leased and are economically successful and embody the goals of recreation and maritime preservation that we have set for pier 38. -- provides unique opportunities to increase the value for an underutilized piece of land by combining it with an adjacent private plan. the project will generate 100 million dollars of income to the port and the city. the size and significance do not always correlate. pier 24 brought 27,000 of
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industrial square feet, and it is now one of the most photographic exhibit spaces in north america. as represented by the past projects we understand the complexities of waterfront atonement. we commit and we deliver. we are working with an excellent team whose members have had extensive waterfront and historic rehabilitation experience. they are all here today. have made an exhaustive study of every aspect of this project. additionally is proven on past projects we are committed to exceeding the port's lbe goals. without i would like to go into the pier 38 rehabilitation concept. in conjunction with our historic architects -- we have
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thoroughly scoped and research the site to identify the areas of historic significance to ensure that our short and long-term development plans a privately preserve the historic fabric while exhaustingly analyzing the -- remedies. more and more the waterfront is a people place. in addition the tech boom are derivative of the demand for this location. pier 38 is at the epicenter of this activity and we are enthusiastic to play a role linking pier 38 with its surrounding context. outlook access is restricted to the embarcadero promenade with no penetration along the pier to the back. pier 38 redevelopment provides an opportunity to remedy that situation.
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i'll hand it over to smon for the ultimate vision on pier 38. >> first and foremost in our consideration is pedestrian access. it's the number one priority of our plan and shows the long-term access to the bay. public views of the water north of the bridge -- will be maintained. minimal but necessary vehicular access will be provided, serving the restaurants, cafés, maritime uses and tenants leaving. we responded to the port's objected to quickly retenant and reactivate the pier under
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ultimate one which will present an imminent. phase 1 shown in the left. we have never been known to conform; we could not resist without pitching you on an entire pier alternative. you will see under alternative two to animate and retanant the ground floor of bulkhead while obtaining phase ii entitlement. this will be the following uses: 21,000 sq. ft. of office, 7000 sq. ft. of restaurants and
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acres and acres of public access space. as you can tell i am brushing. public access would run from brannon street wharf to the north on to a wide boating and activity area, south to -- from here it will extend south to pier 40 and west through the bulkhead made possible we removing a portion of the present ground-floor office space . a view of the public access follows on the next slide. this is a vision for the new public promenade outdoor seating facing the brannon street wharf with a greatly improved dock, providing an exciting opportunity for the public to enjoy the experience of the waterfront either by dining outdoors or messing
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around in boats or just hanging about. the facility will be upgraded and expanded to include a small craft launch, water taxi and kayak landing, it has the potential of releasing the port of its bcdc obligations of the brandon street wharf. alicia will address the -- for the area. >> the majority of the phase i users on the ground floor will be dedicating two visitors for restaurants. it allows bulkhead tenants to remain operational during phase ii construction. the tone of the quality of the project as with most projects
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will be set with public's experience with the ground floor uses. we want to provide a casual beer garden and light dining restaurant and secured a letter of interest from local operators to execute this concept. to the south of the smaller cafés allow for more casual dining. we will ensure a minimal initial investment in the small areas which will need to be temporarily vacated in phase ii. a view is shown on the next slide. will also allow for more prevalent storefronts in the corridor.
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we have been working with local chef -- and secured an loi for one of the spaces. it lent itself well to restaurants and cafés as represented in piers 1 1/2, 3 and 5. we have included a modest number of parking spaces for visitor and maritime use and service truck parking but are flexible with working with the port and bcdc in the ultimate requirements. under alternative one the second floor will be restored and all code violations corrected. -- (beeps) almost done? i desired for the spaces to -- industrial nature of the space and the goals for start reservation land themselves well to an open, flushable layout design i tech tenants.
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it maintains one level across the entire (indiscernible) we have been working with the former pier 38 tenants and securing them a home at pier 38. they have already signed a letter of intent for all of the phase i office space. the currently occupy 60,000 of office space throughout the city. simon will now discuss phase ii. >> are we past 10 minutes? >> yeah, like 2 minutes over. >> whatever time we give you have to give to the next. that'll be the limit. it's only fair that both developers have the same amount of time.
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>> i'm going to rush past alternate ii. it's the whole pier. this would extend the public access space all around this pier; it would -- create at the end of the pier and exciting 5000 square foot public event space. and if he is that public event space would be here, providing an opportunity to get the public all the way out where they can enjoy the bay and where we can have events all over the city. finally we will work with the port harbor manager and the excited to look into the future feasibility study of transient birthing to act as a gateway to pier 40.
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this is the first floor office, the economic engine. second-floor office which would be penetrated by skylights; we would be able to do our alternate ii and get this space on the ground floor, reactivated six months earlier. the benefits of doing alternate ii, are streamlined timing, continues revenue to the port, retanting with a higher quality, higher rents preservation, seamless transition, 17 million dollars
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in tax credits and thank you very much for listening to us. >> thank you. >> question of procedure. we'll take public comment after both? thank you. >> i would like to introduce michael cobarrubias from tmg partners. >> i would ask if any of you familiar with this new japanese slideshow presentation style called (indiscernible) -- design for the millennia, baked in add. we'll try to talk a lot about a lot of projects that we have done and then go forward. thank you chairman and members of the commission. i am mike
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cobarrubais. i'm here with two folks, amie and matt. we'll tell you a little bit about what we have done over the years, we've been in business for about 30 next year. we will tell you what the reason to pick us for this revitalization. oh simon -- ( laughter) i expected better of you. >> tick tick tick. >> as i mentioned, we are joint venturing with premier structure, we have a great group of architects and all the basics that you would expect us to have. we have been in business as i mentioned for 29
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