tv [untitled] June 16, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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independent living. back in 1990 [inaudible] that was finally settled. there were a certain number of units that had to be built, and we know they were built, but mostly they weren't done by modifying any of the economisting units. they were done by counting the six new units and the problem is that most of the people in the hope six units don't need them and if you're an old person and you get shot or something, you need to transfer to a nice new unit that's wheelchair accessible, it's similar -- it's hope six. well, we won't take you because your credit isn't good enough. there seems to be a two tier system and on the tenant level it's very confusing. the other thing i want to talk about is
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that housing authority, like probably most housing authority needs to keep better track of occupancy. one of my /khroeupbts went to actually add her new husband to her lease. first she got a lot of grief in her management office. then they lost her paperwork. and as she was trying to cope with this and do the right thing and get her rent raised because her husband had moved in, a janitor said to her, why are you bothering. everybody here has people living in their unit that aren't on the lease. and i think you're going to find that probably significant portion of the [inaudible] people aren't on anybody's lease. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning supervisors, madam chair, supervisor cohen and thank you david campos for calling this timely hearing. i grew up in public housing also. my brother currently stay in public housing and the one
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thing that i notice in my 44 years here in san francisco, a lot of times commissions or committees or whatever we put in place as task force, they may have goodwill or may not, but then when we remove a commission and replace it with a new group of people, the oversight somehow get left out. how can we go forward and don't allow this to happen again. let me bring to your attention a few years ago our mayor stated in the state of the city of dress that housing was doing perfect. he stated over and over again as he went up to hunters point and played basketball with little black boys that housing authority was doing perfect. when san francisco get the -- san francisco needs to get stronger in dealing with hud because at
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a certain point hud has got the pursestring and all this trickles down from money -- mismanaging money, fraud and waste and we know there's laws on the books to send people to jail when people steal money. that's what it's all about is money. 'cause at the end of the day when you move into any low income housing, it's all about you being in affordable unit, can you may, can you last and can you sustain yourself, but there's no long term vision from san francisco to take residents and to help them become self sufficient, not dependent on the city. so we'll be here 15 years from now talking about this again. no. we need to deal with hud also going forward and make sure that hud is giving us the respect as a city and not jus bypass that. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is
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maria and i live in the sunnyville housing unit and i'm here because i've been there for seven years and i've had issues with problematic neighbors, issues with property management, they refuse to help the tenants out with neighbors. the maintenance issues have exceeded incredibly in my unit. i have come out of my own pocket to make immediate repairs in regard to mold and cracking walls and so forth. i have lived with an issue with a toilet -- two-and-a-half months without a working toilet. it was breaking off and on. issues with units that have been empty for over a year-and-a-half that squatters break into and they're doing
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drugs. and police enforcement that does not do anything about it. i have been harassed by neighbors. i have been physically assaulted, i have been threatened and the police refuse to press charges or to listen to any complaints. i've become from the victim to the perpetrator in their eyes because i am make ago report because i am speaking out. i have been harassed by property management for making complaints for bringing things toe their attention that needs to be taken care of. i have lived with bedbugs -- i entered my unit with -- that was infested for two-and-a-half years. i finally got rid of them myself and invested money in that. the crime in our neighborhoods is being overlooked and it's clear to all of us who is committing the crimes, but the police will not respond to certain things.
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>> thank you. i do have a question for you. in terms of your toilet, has that been fixed? >> after two-and-a-half months it finally got repaired, yes. >> thank you for coming. next speaker.. >> my name is [inaudible] i am from cuba and i appreciate [inaudible] my english kinda rough and -- see, i was -- i lived in 1750 [inaudible] and i've been noticing the situation -- [inaudible] i go back in my beginning when i see people stay from the [inaudible] like i went, went for the [inaudible] hotel and [inaudible] place where i live now in 1750 and i don't understand why the housing authority no follow this
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[inaudible] to the housing [inaudible] because a lot of people in [inaudible] living there five six year with no bathroom in the room and they never miss a month of rent. [inaudible] housing authority somebody no mussing ent for six year but still live in a room with no bathroom filled with roaches an all this stuff. they need [inaudible] better place like the people in the [inaudible] in the street [inaudible] but if we go step-by-step from the [inaudible] family and no, no, no. you go by the book, everything [inaudible] nice and smooth [inaudible] five years and don't have no problem. i want that one to be my neighbor. i wan the person to be my neighbor, not somebody
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you picking up from the street and putting next to my -- you don't even know the situation. follow the rule from [inaudible] you not gonna have no [inaudible]. you understand? and thank you. i [inaudible]. >> i would ask members of the public, if you need to speak to someone, maybe you can go outside so that we can hear what folks are saying. let me read a few more names -- dan, jessica, dita, aaron, jennifer, mary anne. >> my name is carroll, i'm at 491 31st avenue. i moved there in 2005 and there's been a lot
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of problems at this complex, which is a very nice complex. people have brought people from seven different areas as their gets. now we have trouble sleeping in the social rooms, car break ins, all kind of things. i have it all listed here because it's from 2005 to now i haven't had the proper housing help and maintenance that we need. so from the senior citizens -- /kwuz 'cause i live in a senior complex. from the senior citizens i have surveys that what they need done, how long they lived there and how we can represent them right. and they can't always be here because we have tenants from 91, 96 and so forth there. they're scared, we have problems still. i have
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invited sergeant reynolds from our precinct there and he's working to clear things up because there's crime around the corners from us. so these surveys were intended to give to barbara smith because i have not pleased with housing, but since barbara has been taken over, there's the benefit of the doubt, maybe things can turn around. will it or won't it? we don't know. there's no trust there. i planned to give these to barbara but i got a call from the office and the office said commissions might want to see these... >> let me just finish -- so they're right behind you so they'll be happy to get that from you, ma'am. no, i'm
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leaving these with commissions. >> okay. next speaker. thank you very much. >> thank you everyone for being concerned. >> if you can speak into the mic. >> i live in the west side project and my concern is that everything been going well, but i have a lot of problem like these people have because before i went to van ness. my concern now is about a year-and-a-half i had continually been getting roaches in my refrigerator. i had repeatedly asked the people and the manager and everybody i was supposed to talk to to give me another refrigerator. i haven't seen that yet. couple of weeks ago on memorial day my stove broke down. they brought me out a new stove. they say they gonna come and hook it up. nobody came. four days i had
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to go without a stovement some of this stuff is so ridiculous to me, i'm not being respected. i haven't had response. i'm sorry, this was inconvenient for you, but i haven't gotten anything. also, i'm 61 one -- with hud also. they suppose to be trying to find me a senior house, but with my certificate. what do i do with my certificate that i have. it's up in 2016 so i'm concerned and i know a lot of people here has got other issues but i have the same issue they have and who do we talk to when your property manager is not listening, is not responding? where do we go then? i go to a lender that worked on [inaudible] but sometimes she don't even listen so i wanna know where do i go
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from here? thank you. >> thank you very much. once these meetings are televised, if something like that doesn't get addressed you'll be able to come and make sure you let the entire city know. next speaker. >> my name is frank. >> if you can speak into the mic. >> i am the president of [inaudible] as well as the first vice president of the chpa and i'm speaking on behalf of the resident development. and we have issues, we have had a few problems, but in recent years we have resolved a lot of 'em and we have had a good collaboration with [inaudible] community center and they helped us in a lot of
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incidents. i could see for myself, since barbara have come aboard -- she's doing a wonderful job and i appreciate what she's doing because she's putting forth effort that the residents can see. she can't do everything overnight, but she is doing things and i can see us moving ahead, things moved forward in a positive respect. so if the residents would give her the opportunity, i'm sure she will succeed and be a good director. that's what i have to say. thank you. >> thank you. let me read a couple more names. jazzy collins, leon, karen. next speaker.
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>> i'm amber and i work at the [inaudible] neighborhood center and one of the things i do every month is work with public housing working group and we work with two developments in our neighborhood. i think having that platform to be as a liaison between the residents and the resources that should be available to them through the housing authority which kind of have been lacking is very positive. i do get some [inaudible] housing now my case manager is here and i think it's important that case management and resources are provided for residents to kind of get people to be more self sufficient because public housing shouldn't be, like, a long term goal. it should be more of a steppingstone so that people have, like, more opportunities in the future to
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give their children. so just public housing working group has been very helpful. i'm glad you participate in a lot of our safety walks and i'm happy this is happening now because my experiences in public housing have been pretty horrible. that's it. thanks. >> thank you very much. >> good morning. thanks for this opportunity. i'm dan, i'm here representing the homeless prenatal program. the housing authority is in crisis right now. there's a family homelessness crisis in the city as i'm sure you know. our shelters are packed full. these two problems are connected. for one thing, a lot of families in shelters are on the wait list, have not had
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the opportunity to get on the public housing or section eight wait list because they've been closed for so many years. that cease something that /aeu carding to hud /tpwaoeud lines we need to and open again so that homeless families is can have opportunities. the vacant units -- this is tragic that there are several hundreds of vacant units while our shelters are packed to the gills. the vacant units are a threat to security. one of the issues i heard -- one of our clients living next door to a vacant unit [inaudible] so that's still an ongoing issue.
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absolutely imperative that we get those issues resolved. this audit -- the results have been a vindication of what we have been seeing for years and i'm so glad it's finally coming to light. it's a shame on our city that we've allowed the conditions to exist as long as they have. we've had some progress already with barbara smith but we also need funding and need to support her so i would urge you to do what you can. >> thank you. next speaker. er >> my name is jessica. thank you for requesting this very important performance audit. we are very concerned about the
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many, many, seniors and people with disabilities who are been living in housing authority units in pretty bad conditions for years and the many more who are waiting to get in. it's a huge problem that we talked about today as far as the waiting list and the vacant units. we're very glad there were some changes last year about the waiting list as far as people who have disabilities or seniors or who are experienceing homelessness being moved up on the list, but of course that means we have to keep the list moving and make sure that people are actually getting into housing and the list is updated regularly and having vacant units when we see homeless everyday is just terrible. we're concerned about some of the maintenance issues we have seen today. we're talking about real safety issues and seniors with disables when we're talking about mold and mildew and not
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able to /kwrouz kitchen facilities because they're not working or have appropriate heat. we're concerned about the accessibility issues that are -- units are made accessible when possible so that people who acquire disabilities are able to stay in their homes. we look forward to meeting with all of you to make sure the residents have a stronger voice as we improve all of public housing. thank you. >> thank you. i have a couple more names. bug, alley,
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elizabeth, robert. >> hi, thank you supervisors. my name is jennifer and i'm the subsidized housing advocate at the city of san francisco. i work with san francisco housing authority and section eight tenants. first i want to thank you for showing a light on these issues. i see thesish shows everyday. i've only worked in my position since june and i've worked with 250 clients already. in terms of streamlining, it's very important. the primary issues i'd like to address today are safety, maintenance and emergency [inaudible] they all go together. i have a variety of clients where i am very concerned about their safety and where i've had to request emergency transfers and those are taken months to get through. and in the meantime those people are spending money
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or living with relatives or hiding out. if you have theft or a personal attack on you then you report it to police, then you're labeled a snitch in your development and you're not able to live in that development in that community. cops have not been responsive. one client's windows were broken, her stove was stolen, everything was stolen and she was told that they would not repair her windows or replace her appliances inuntil she moved back into her unit which had broken windows no stove and no working bathroom. i want to make sure the housing authority understands that they have a lot of steps to go before those issues should be applied to the
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management all right so they can be /opbg if same identical page and the residents and seniors and people living with disabilities will not have to endure [inaudible] because someone else have the authority to administrate that. >> i have a couple more names -- sarah [inaudible]. >> i'm with the homeless commission. we are back again. i was here in 06 and we had these meetings and stuff about the police officers. san francisco is san francisco, police department is the police department. they should be working together. each agency -- if somebody was to work with each other, they wants to get money. that should not be happening because this the city and county of san francisco and ya'll is working for the city and the mayor. i want to know about the whole city. they keep on getting john
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stewart and he's the most worst management company. it's hard for low income people to get into property. they go by your credit report. i feel if they're doing these hope six projects, they should go under the san francisco housing authority guidelines so people can get in because people cannot get places with bad credit, but if they constantly paying their rent they should be able to have a place to stay. that should not have nothing to do with it. also, i wanna know -- because we never [inaudible] in 2006 who is over the hope six project?
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other than the windows being broken there's a lot of people who do a lot of vandalism and they break things around the properties. >> thank you for the translation. next speaker please. >> i'm a former resident of west side court. i now reside at 4698 california street. i've been there since october 2012 and since then i've been complaining about bedbugs, i've been complaining about rats. i've been having mold in the kitchen right by the sink, which i have pictures of about the mold and sink -- /skopl of the issues have been resolved and a lot haven't. i'm still
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having the bedbugs and mold, you i just don't see the rats. how can you not be a senior or disabled and they put you in a senior disabled building. i know some legal issues and things, but i wanted to see that. how could you not be a disabled person, but they put you in the senior disabled. >> i seem sure that someone from the agency will follow up with you. next speaker. >> i'm here to talk about what we feel the important, that is affordability, keeping our housing safe, with good management and provide resident empowerment
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