tv [untitled] June 17, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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me seeking lie log on how they can be good neighbors with our congregation. i believe that they will be good neighbors. many of us who live and work in this neighborhood have waited and waited for some kind of beacon of hope to shine out of that block. and over the years this project has waited approval, the cathedral hill block has been a magnet for shady activity where i and my family have been a costed by riff-raff [speaker not understood]. my children have watched and waited for an outcome that has taken from from grammar school, middle school and now in high school. they have been told the natural disasters strike without warning and the effects can be devastating. they asked me if san francisco is ready to handle a natural disaster. i assured them the city has done much to prepare since 1929, but the hospitals are not ready. san franciscans must do what we can to plan for the unthinkable
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and we are vulnerable. i advise you to move this project forward and move safe hospitals forward and ask that you vote in support of rebuilding cpmc. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, my name is sarah [speaker not understood] and i'm a leader at the light house church [speaker not understood] and i support cpmc's plan to rebuild. we appreciate this project has continued to move forward so the work of cpmc and mayor's office and members of the board of supervisors. i regularly walk up and down van ness to run my errands in the city. i look forward to the day when the two vacant blocks on either side of my nest are [speaker not understood]. especially for pedestrians like my setv i also look forward to the day when it's not a dark corner when i'm coming home late and looking for parking. this is a project that will
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benefit us for years to come. thank you. >> thank you very much. one second. let me call a few more names. robert caplan. bethany hoffman. marlene morgan. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. gwen [speaker not understood]. barbara red field. barbara dunn fox. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. amy morgan. manny flores. [speaker not understood]. and benjamin [speaker not understood]. wendy ward. go ahead. good afternoon, supervisors. david elliott louis, co-chair of the city's mental health board. you know, we live in stressful times right now and we can see the effect in terms of actually increasing mental illness in our community. san francisco actually has one of the highest per capita rates
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of 51 50 admissions to psychiatric emergency services. one of the highest rates in the country. not in total, but per capita. and often, and increasingly these admissions called a code red condition where basically psychiatric versus these services have closed down ask desserting patients because they can't take them. they don't have the resourcies. there are 19 beds currently being managed in another cpmc campus that cpmc has not promised to keep up. i should a i actually in many ways support this development agreement and my mental health board passed a resolution congratulating cpmc and the city on reaching this agreement. but we're asking for a little bit more, not much more, but just a little more support for community mental health and maybe for some of those bed, those optional beds that might
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be built at cathedral hill, there is an optional 25 beds in addition to the ones that have already been approved. maybe some of those 25 beds could beal rated for psychiatric inpatient acute beds. there used to be 32 beds at the st. luke's hospital cpmc initially promised to keep and didn't. make they can make good on that broken promise of the past and allocate some of these final beds at cathedral hill to serve as inpatient psychiatric services. again if we don't -- if we don't provide these services, the consequences are often tragic and many times these people then end up in our criminal justice system. so, [inaudible]. >> thank you. next speaker. stephanie hoffman, member of the national alliance of mental illness.
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[speaker not understood] a determining factor of implementation of any major medical facility is how it addresses the needs of the community. that said, it is appalling that neither the new cathedral hill hospital nor revamped st. luke's hospital contain a single inpatient psych bed. with more sutter cpmc has made no guarantees the existing 18 psych beds on an existing campus will remain open, [speaker not understood] conveniently provides an option to shut that down as well. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] cannot stand more cuts to mental health care and more roadblocks to patient access goes well into the realm of dangerous and harmful. at a time when it's a critical mass driven by high profile and widely publicized violence, it
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is reckless to shut down [speaker not understood]. despite its designation as a nonprofit and its obligation to provide charity under that is it the status, it is abandoning ~ [speaker not understood]. instead, these costs are off loaded to the tax paying public. individuals who can't access preventive medical health care will inevitably turn to other health care services. emergency rooms, jails, shelters as well as police and fire services. the cost then compound exponentially and the public pays the price. the department of public health and board of supervisors it has been commission today ensure health care needs are met and protect the public's best interest. hats off to those on the board of supervisors who have advocated for mental health and fought to keep existing services. but by giving sutter the green light [speaker not understood]
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[inaudible]. >> thank you very much. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood]. i am a volunteer and returning army veteran for operation enduring freedom and operation iraqi freedom. due to the high level of returning veterans with ptsd i want to know what is being done to provide services to these former service members and have the lack of psych beds [speaker not understood]. the 15% increase in patients coming in with nowhere to send them as the acute and subacute bed at san francisco general hospital are full. i know because i was there on friday afternoon and i saw how crowded they were. mr. ken rich mentioned that st. luke's will open as a full service acute general hospital. however i am curious what he means by full service when he did not consider psychiatric department in the proposed plans. thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon and thank you for this time. my name is barbara red field and i am a resident of cathedral hill and i'm an active member in san francisco national alliance for mental illness. and in that role i go to many support groups and it's just heart breaking to see the suffering of the families of people with severe mental illness. and my understanding is that our congress and our state legislature have passed laws guaranteeing parity for mental health services. for me it just doesn't make sense what i've heard today, that 18 beds for psychiatric care in this luxurious new hospital is in parity with the medical services being offered. and i really hope that there's something that you can do in your role as supervisors to
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encourage the hospital to meet this obligation and make it a part of their services provided because it's really important. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. father don fox with the san francisco knight ministry and episcopal church in diamond heights. the proposed plan is almost wonderful, providing state-of-the-art medical care. it would be really wonderful if it included adequate psychiatric care. cpmc has already gotten rid of most of its psychiatric beds. and as you heard mr. cahill say, there is no change proposed when supervisor kim asked him what's going to happen in the future.
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it's unconscionable and also amazing that this 21st state-of-the-art hospital will not provide its share of psychiatric acute beds and subacute beds. we have a mental health care crisis in this city. beds are being reduced all over. the county hospital cannot even begin to accommodate the people that they have to help. and for sutter to renege on its responsibility and not share in carrying its load should not really be allowed. [speaker not understood] get sutter health to up the psychiatric beds to the numbers they removed already. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. hello, marlene [speaker not understood] and coalition for health care housing jobs and justice. thank you all for all of your hard work and thank you all for being such great transportation
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advocates. supervisor wiener, i appreciate your comments about the mission bay project, very important. and particularly to supervisor chiu for all the work you've done for environmental protection and transit transportation on the van ness corridor and the central neighborhoods. i think there is a lack of understanding on the part of the planning commission when they took out the provision for limiting public access to the garages. yes, we're very concerned that the garages not fuel the entertainment corridors late at night, but we also have the issue of being very much in support of reducing single vehicle trips to this facility, particularly duringv the day. but in the evening we have our 200 plus night shift workers who are the least likely to be able to use transit or to do transit sharing. so, we want to make sure that no matter what, we have adequate parking for night
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shift personnel and visitors and emergency personnel contractors that have to go in around 10:30 at night. so, based on this, we definitely support the agreement as it stands with supervisor chiu's amendment to limit access after 9:00 p.m. for the garages. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. hello. i'm george mainer, chair of the unitearian universalist cpmc task force. i would like to thank supervisor chiu for his nuanced parking proposal. that's excellent. i hope that the other two of you will join in supporting the idea of a 9 o'clock restriction with the option of pre-arrangement. that is superb. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker.
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good afternoon. my name is whitney wood. i'm here with the california chapter of march of dimes. we're here to support cpmc in this project. the march of dimes is a national organization and we have offices here in san francisco. our mission is dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing premature births, birth defects and infant mortality. here in san francisco we have a really great partner in the california fa sickv medical center. cpmc has partnered with us for many years, [speaker not understood] safe deliveries, and healthy children. and i'm sure you guys are already aware, but california pacific as a regional center for high risk obstetrics delivering close to 7,000 babies a year. so, the work they are doing is so critical and we're very grateful to have them as a partner. and we do have a long-standing relationship with the cpmc and in particular we'd like to underscore their support of the
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march of dimes prematurity awareness campaign. specifically elimination of elective deliveries before 39 weeks gestational age as well as healthy babies worth their weight campaign. they're doing their role in the community to ensure every baby has the healthiest start in life. cpmc has been a financial supporter of the march of dimes. you should know our organization is very careful about selecting our partners. we look for those with sterling representation and they are closely aligned with our mission and our goals, too, keeping healthy babies and healthy lives for moms. so, on behalf of march of dimes, california chapter, we thank and commend cpmc and this group here for pushing this project forward and we're just so grateful to all the community support alive for healthy babies. thanks so much. >> thank you. next speaker. my name is brian singh and
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i'm a volunteer [speaker not understood]. i want to thank supervisor dado and others who went to the bargaining table to get us to where we are today. i know they worked very hard. i would also like to thank supervisor jane kim for raising this issue of mental health and i believe that perhaps during the negotiations for whatever reason staffers from the mayor's office and dph were saying that it will be fine without including any mental health care in this deal. unfortunately it came out last month that the ceo of cpmc won't even guarantee the beds that they do have at the pacific campus. you know how dph has been telling the board all along there's only 60% acuity [speaker not understood]. they need more beds, more outpatient services and we weren't in this development agreement to have the mental
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health services the city needs. what is dph's plan for mental health needs when they're going to be reducing proposed 15 more locked facility beds next year? this is after years of cuts, after we lost st. luke's 32-bed psych unit and geriatric psych unit at davies under cpmc. visiting psychiatrists from all over the world during the apv a conference were pawedv at the idea of acute full service hospitals without any psych beds. ~ apa and we have basically front line physicians and nurses and psychiatric at thectiontionxes and social workers who are doing what should be in the finalized development agreement and we have endorsements from the central labor council, good neighbors coalition, many, many local business owners who see these problems. and, so, we are wondering what is dph's plan. we want to see something under the development agreement.
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despite [speaker not understood], we still have 8 people running around bart. >> i won't comment on that. [laughter] no, go ahead. >> next speaker. i'll give you the police emergency number if you want it. next speaker. thank you, supervisors. good to see you. thank you so much for hearing this. i am a little sorry that you calendar my name so quickly. it's never happened before and i had just put the equivalent of my social security check into a parking meter outside. [laughter] you need 4 minutes or a quarter. y'all have to do something. i don't know how much more we can take. 4 minutes for a quarter to park. anyway, that's another hearing. for this hearing, let me encourage you and thank you for working out a relationship that will allow this much needed facility, both here in the
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western addition, which you know that's where that hospital is, and the st. luke's hospital which is so needed in that part of the city. we thank you for making it happen. i am, as someone who is part of this aging, growing aging population in san francisco, i recognize how serious it is to have great health care. just had an incident with emergency surgery myself, and i just know we need this facility. i do want to remind you of one thing, and that is you have done a great job in putting the provision in there for the jobs. now i'm encouraging and urging you to monitor along with the mayor's office effectively that it does happen and that because of our declining population, you don't forget the african-american folk in this city who need those jobs disparately. finally, as to the 9 o'clock, i don't really get it because people are still going to use
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the entertainment being used and now they're going to park on the street where residents and their guests would normally park because they won't have the garage. but i guess i'm not quite smart enough to figure that one out. thank you so much. >> thank you. ms. shadow. hi good afternoon, [speaker not understood], california nurses association. and the coalition for housing health care, jobs, and justice. ~ ciavo we very much support the project going forward. we very much appreciate the work that's gone into it, both -- you know, supervisor chiu, campos and farrell, lou girardo and his skilled mediation. you know, and very much mike cahill and sutter for their collaborative process in this last kind of round of negotiations, around monitoring
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and enforcement concerns that we had, too. and, you know i just want to clear up i think a misunderstanding that came from, you know, from the concerns that the coalition had expressed around monitoring and enforcement. we were not looking for opportunities to litigate or have more public hearing or, you know, delay the process or anything like that. we legitimately have brought to the table expertise that has informed the development agreement and where it is today and we think that we can continue to provide that expertise to help any changes or amendments that need to happen in the future because they will need to happen and we know that. i think everyone knows that. and, you know, we would like to be involved earlier in the process unfortunately that didn't happen with the city, you know, this last go around. we would like to see that happen in the future. we want to have a better working relationship both with
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the city and with sutter. we think we can prevent things like, you know, the change that just kind of happened off the cuff at the planning commission around parking or a mistake on work force that was in -- that got corrected at the planning commission. things like that, we want to continue to work together on. we think this is a great agreement. we is support it and we thank you for your work. ~ >> thank you. next speaker. i'd like to thank the board of supervisors and the commissioners of the hearing. the hearing this important item today future of health care. i'm going to make it quick because i'm one of those persons probably going to get a ticket in a couple minutes. [laughter] going to be hard to follow those last couple of people. you know, i just want to introduce myself. i'm army morgan. with operating engineers. and, you know, been with them 20 years, worked out in the field, you know, 18 years.
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so, you know, a project like this would be really good for us, of course, and i think it would be good for, you know, the community of san francisco. you know, we do support the project and support the city, the board of supervisors, the cpmc, plan to rebuild cpmc. we appreciate the work of cpmc, the mayor's office and the members of the board of supervisors who were able to keep this project moving forward and bring it before you today. these hospitals will only strengthen cpmc's ability to serve san franciscans throughout our city. many of the previous hurdles have been addressed. there's no reason to delay this any further. i urge you to support this revised project so that all san franciscans can benefit from safer medical facilities. as a resident of san francisco, i believe that i deserve
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state-of-the-art structurally safe hospitals that cpmc plans to build. i support cpmc and believe strongly that san francisco's infrastructure patience and hard working men and women need this project. let's get it done. i ask that you vote in support of rebuilding cpmc without delay. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. let me just call the final batch of names. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. mike mckenna. helene [speaker not understood]. steve. ysidra [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. fernanda [speaker not understood]. phil blackwell. eddie chin. joseph [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] wilson. james marbury. [speaker not understood].
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angie brown. good afternoon, supervisors. manny flores, local 22. i'll give it a shot. [speaker not understood], that represents much more diversified groups for the city and county of san francisco, the people. and i hope i said that right. thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is helene [speaker not understood]. i am the general manager of daniel berham court. we are a [speaker not understood] right across the street from the proposed cathedral hill location. because of our proximity to the
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upcoming project, we had a lot of concerns. i want to thank the planning commission, the board of supervisors, specifically supervisor farrell's office, and cpmc for meeting with us, for hearing us and for implementing some of the changes that we were very concerned about. thank you all for your efforts. we support the project and we would like to see it get started. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you, supervisors, for hearing this important item today. my name is [speaker not understood]. i am a project engineer at [speaker not understood] builders. partnering with bold company [speaker not understood] and st. luke's project. i was in san francisco and a lake merced member and i support the city board of supervisors and the plan to rebuild cpmc. i graduated from san francisco state university a year ago
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with bachelor of science in civil engineering. as a young professional, i was very concerned that recent graduates are leading unemployment statistics. i don't want to join the ranks of unemployed. i know san francisco has done [speaker not understood] because it will create jobs which we really need. [speaker not understood] where i met people from builders looking for interns. after six months of internship, i was offered a full-time position of project engineer. unfortunately, my endeavor was only temporary and short. in august the whole team of specialists, people working together for years, both professionally and personally was ramped down. i appreciate the work of cpmc, the mayor's office and the members of the board of supervisors who were able to keep this project moving forward and bring before you today. i am here today because i do care about the project.
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working on this project will be something special. it's what every day you can be part of an effort that will help our community when it's most in need. i want my [speaker not understood] to have a safe hospital and the best health care possible for san francisco residents and cpmc will be provide both of these. i ask that you vote in support of building cpmc [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is steve [speaker not understood]. i'm the executive director of [speaker not understood] senior center located in the heart of japantown. we are a neighbor of cpmc and have been a neighbor of cpmc for many, many many years. the members of our community, the members of my organization [speaker not understood] senior center, the seniors, including myself, participants with the hospital. we've had a long-standing relationship.
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we also in terms of [speaker not understood] have had a transition care program by which when our seniors are discharged from the hospital and upon returning home it's been very difficult in terms of that transition and we've worked with cpmc to be able to provide that. i want you also to know in terms of transparency that i'm the vice president of [speaker not understood] fire commission and in terms of observation of seeing how the emergency medical services at cpmc operates, i've seen individuals coming in on all levels to that hospital and have witnessed the staff, the physicians, the nurses in terms of a care sensitive handling of all the individuals that come into that hospital have been part of san francisco in an international city. we are at the point now where we need a state-of-the-art hospital that can withstand earthquake, but also can serve all of our patients and consumers there in san francisco. i stand here in front of you to
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support, to rebuild of cpmc. i ask that you move this item on. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon. my name is [speaker not understood], i didn't hear you call it. >> [speaker not understood]. yeah. okay, thank you. my name is laura barber and i'm a resident of san francisco for 43 years. i support the cpmc rebuild project and ask you to vote yes on the cpmc and st. luke's hospital. our under served community needs st. luke's hospital and cpmc. i had served on the cpmc african-american health disparity for eight years and i know firsthand of their service to the community. and thank you. >> thank you. don't forget babies. say what?
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>> don't forget davies [speaker not understood]. oh, davies. >> next speaker. thank you. my name is [speaker not understood], a member of the first unitearian universalist church. thank you, supervisor chiu, for working towards a nuanced arrangement where members of the public, general public can use the parking late into the evening as they might attend events that are hosted at the unitearian church. i'd like to just add a little bit of history to this. we have had a symbiotic relationship in the city of san francisco since the 1960s when we reconfigured the streets and we reconfigured the church property. we entered into an agreement with the city of san francisco to make our urban center available to any responsible groups or individuals planning to rent the space. and, so, the parking arrangement that we have goes far beyond the individual members of any one church. it goes to a
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