tv [untitled] June 26, 2013 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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money than just leaving it sit in the reservoir. that sounds nice and simple. it's too simple. there are environmental benefits to consider. there are all kinds of things to consider. and one of which would be the political risk you might take by having your customers rationing or conserving by having, perhaps, penalties impose and at the same time, selling water to someone else above the allocation. i wouldn't explain that to your customer, but leave that to you. there are obstacles, but it would be the cheapest alternative for us in terms of reliability. if we could achieve certainty with that, in other words, an agreement that that would happen, that would be a tremendous benefit to the region. when i say that, i think it's safe to say that it's not just the wholesale customers versus the retail customers.
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people in san francisco, who live in san francisco, and work in san francisco and visa versa, this is a regional issue that sometimes it's too easy to draw dividing lines and say it's us or them. we need to think about it together. >> it's one of these circumstances that i think there was is a useful parallel, that there are surpluses throughout the system in excess of our allocation in san francisco and also in some of the wholesale customers. so i think about what it would take to say, well, we really don't need a portion of the supply we have spent good time and money generating. we think we should allocate it to the wholesale customers. that is a difficult decision for the san francisco board to make, no more difficult than
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for palo alto to say something similar about the surplus that they have. so this is a case where the issue is equally troubling for you and us. and i think it means that none of us are in a position we can take shots at the other. we can't look to your surpluses and you can't look to ours and there are issues to be thought of in a very deliberate and responsible way. >> well, if we do, we know where the club is. any other comments? questions? any public comments? thank you very much, art. appreciate it very much. consent calendar, please. public comments? statement sorry i didn't have a listing for you. >> my apologies, i didn't turn in a card. i want to commend your staff, i think they have done a great
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job coming up with alternative sources, conservation, recycling and groundwater to a great degree. at the trust we have a concern with a couple of the projects, water transfers and the storage and recovery project which has a lot of merit to it, but our concern is that these projects would take more water off the middle tuolumne below o'shaughnessey dam. our concern is that in the '80s, the puc wanted to add a turbine to the kirkwood powerhouse and the department of interior agreed to that, but required a biological study downstream between o'shaughnessey and early intake
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and there be an adaptive management plan. there was a draft study that fish and wildlife produced in '94 that recommended an increase in releases from o'shaughnessey about 35% on average. and that report was never finalized and that was a requirement of this agreement. and a few years ago we brought this to the attention of the puc and we reached an agreement there would be a study in adaptive management plan that is now called "the upper tuolumne ecosystem program or project." and the idea it would be completed by the end of 2009 and here we are in 2013, and we don't have that report and we don't have the adaptive management plan. so these projects are moving forward that would reduce water below o'shaughnessey, when we don't have adequate baseline data, because that study is not
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completed yet and it might be there is no change and just a shift of some water from summertime to the springtime. so i just wanted to make you aware of that. i will try to forward to you our comments on the regional groundwater storage project because it addresses that. secondly, mr. ritchie mentioned the use for this year is 224 mgd and wouldn't it be great if we could keep it at that level? but you are facing reality and it's a population growth. the bay area is required to create more jobs and more housing and just something to think about, the global population, expected to reach 9 billion. >> we have until that year to leave the planet. >> increasing to 9 billion and
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so i would love to see some leadership talking about population and the demand side. >> we won't include the vatican in that discussion. [ laughter ] >> let me take it in a slightly different direction. and thank you for your comments; which makes we want to say that we think about san francisco's water demand as kind of capped over time. at least that is an allusion we have worked under and fact that infill is important and everything that we do in san francisco for development is basically infill that generated additional water demand and we'll deal with some of that, i guess at our next meeting. so i don't think we have complacent on that front. i want to make a request of staff and that is that i think it is -- it's certainly
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uncomfortable for me, that even with an optimistic view, every plan that we have on the books saying that by the end of 201 8 we'll have to say no to all three questions included in the water supply agreement. that is troubling. i would saying that by the end of 201 8 like to request that staff return to this commission with a first draft talking strategy. so nothing that has all the i's dots and t's crossed, but a first talking draft of a strategy that would lead us to be able to say yes to those three questions. i'm going to ask that come back in 60 days, which is awfully fast, but the fact is that we know a lot of stuff. in the course of getting to the set of projects in the wsip, there was a lot of work done on alternatives and we made some cuts as to what we can and cannot do. we know more today about the projects that we decided that we would do and i think we know
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what we need to know. there is no requirement that we hire consultants to enrich us in terms of the information that we have of what we need to do is focus on the issue and sit down and scratch our heads and say given the options that we know are available to us, how do we think we can get to "yes" on those three questions? that is my request of the general manager and staff. >> we can put that together and schedule it 60 days from now. >> thank you. >> well, it depends if we're going to have a meeting in august; right? have you done your poll? >> yes. >> and what did they come up with? >> everyone is in favor of canceling the meeting. >> i am surprised. so it may be more than 60 days. all right. any other public comments on the two presentations? being none we'll move to the consent calendar to read. >> all right 9 of the consent
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calendar, items 9a and 9g are considered to be routine by the public utilities commission and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of commission or board requests. >> any removal from any member of the commission? there being none, any removal from any member of the audience? there being none, motion to approve the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> seconded. >> all those in favor, signify by saying aye? >> aye. >> opposed? motion carries. >> mr. president, if i could just make two comments. one is that one of the projects in there does provide some flooding relief in the sunnydale area in addition, to the milestones that miss labonte pointed out to us. and i wanted to make sure and the other is that one of the projects in there, through best
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available efforts doubled their minority participation and we often look at the best available efforts as a being weak sister to the program, but it works sometimes and that was a case where it does. >> any other comments? regular best of my business? >> item 10, recommend that it the board of supervisors approve the sale of an easement over an proximately [#23*-rbgs/] 185-square-foot portion of sfpuc real port in the crystal springs watershed in unincorporated san mateo county to pearing. >> this is a big-ticket item. >> good afternoon, commissioner >> do we know who maintains the land right now? >> we maintain the land. we maintain the surface. it's watershed, so it's not like we have gardeners that go out. it's natural. >> it's a natural area?
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>> yes. >> is there is any successor relationship as it relates? so we're talking about jobs. we're talking about taking public land and we're talking about now having a private enterprise; right? be responsible for that land. there is a jobs component there; right? >> may i clarify. >> please do. >> sorry commission, i wanted to make sure that we answer your question. it's our watershed land and maintained by our staff and the staff that actually maintains it are classified as "laborers." >> are you trying to conflict me out? [ laughter ] >> if i wanted to do that i would have said it differently. i just wanted to be clear. >> thank you, michael.
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workforce and if so, have they cactized the type of work accordingly, so we can articulate to the employees affected? >> one thing that i would just like to stress, pg&e already occupies our land pursuant to an existing easement. we're just expanding this easement to expand the valve lot. we have a pg&e representative here, may i invite him to the podium to answer your questions? >> please do. she is a former puc employee. >> okay. >> hi. can you repeat the question. >> so our concern is that we have public employees; right? that maintain these facilities and the land and whenever we do a land swap or agreement, one of the first questions asked by the staff, mostly men and women who live here classifications and they have particular packages, benefit packages and they have particular affiliations. when we do these sorts of things, whether it's a golf course or natural area it's always going to come up. there is a jobs component and we want to know if pg&e is planning on having, say local residents maintain that land, if it already has been being maintained by local residents? or laborers maintain that land if it already has been maintained by or electricians? it's an important part of these transferencings and often times it seems not to be addressed. are you able at this time to address this concern? >> i believe as roseanna mentioned we have an existing easement in that area that
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encumbers a large amount of area, where we have our regular gas operations and maintenance crews relly maintaining that area. so it would be maintained in the same fashion that it is right now. >> so for example, a benefit of having the land maintained in a certain way in the city and county of san francisco, we have an ordinance that requires a certain amount of people to be local residents. in your opinion, does the private enterprise abide by an ordinance such as that? >> i am not sure that i can speak to that. mike, would you be able to? >> mike rideron with pacific gas & electric. the property will continue to be maintained in the same way that the existing lot is being maintained. as far as local hiring
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ordinances apply in san mateo county? i am unaware. i know that our transmission and regulation team, which would be responsible for maintaining this public safety valve, are from the local office in san carlos. >> right. >> beyond that i don't know of any local ordinances applying. >> thank you, mike. my concern is not the specific purpose of the easement, but rather the easement and the land itself. because you are gaining a greater right-of-way; right? so then the question becomes is there a maintenance component related to -- because you are either going to take over the space or simply travel over the space; right? if you are simply traveling over the space and you are not going to
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maintain the space at all, there is no jobs component? if you are going to take possession of the space, then there is a jobs component and i understand, and appreciate the differentiation between san mateo county and san francisco counties and what ordinances do and do not apply, but there are other labor issues such as training components, safety, that sort of thing. things that pg&e are father-in-law with; right? so at this time, unless we can flush this out right here, right now, i wouldn't be ready to move forward. because i think it's an important enough topic for us to really flush out. ch commissioner courtney, this easement is vital to the pipeline replacement project. it is a key component of a series of projects to repair the pg&e gas line post san bruno explosion to the deliver gas to the city and county of san francisco. pg&e is already a mandate by the california public utilities commission. so while you bring very important concerns, i would ask that you not oppose
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this particularly, since the permit that led to this easement requires all of our licensees to conform with city practices. so including ordinances. they have to comply with law. it doesn't specify the particular local hiring ordinance that you mentioned, but there is a blanket compliance with law component that mandates pg&e as any of our other licensees. so in the interest of getting a pipeline safety project done as we would ask other entitis to respect our own pipelines projects, i ask that we approve this because we're going -- this needs to go to the board of supervisors and we're facing the board of supervisors' august recess. thank you. >> can i also point out that i
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know that this is one of pg&e's high-priorities is this gas line and they have been in constant conversation with us at the puc and also in the mayor's office, because this is a commitment that they wanted to make. so i would just stress that i know that this is important to them. but i understand your issue as well. >> how can we resolve both? today? >> i would request that this commission approve this >> how do we resolve? >> that we as staff address commissioner courtney's concerns in a briefing. >> can i ask a question? >> sure. >> so i will go ahead and comment. and i acknowledge the urgency of awarding this increased easement, but i think there are issues that warrant our
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attention. specifically the consumers and the people who are impacted by some of these disasters; right? should be entitled to know how the workforce is being trained? what kind of safety provisions are in place? there are a lot of things. if we're going to engage that way and i think it's appropriate. there are a lot of things that we do as a city and county, as a municipal utility district, that aren't being done in the private sector and when we start trading land i believe what should go and run with that land are those kinds of responsible labor and training and safety components. i don't feel uncomfortable talking about it and i think we should all feel comfortable having that discussion, because it's relevant. >> michael carlan, if i could answer commissioner courtney's question, i would say this. i think you are raising some
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very g valid points and we don't have the answers for you today. but i would like to say that we can actually sit down with pg&e and we're in discussions with them at various levels, on numerous issues and can come back to you with reasonable answers at our next meeting. with that condition being made, you could move this forward, so that we could actually submit it to the board of supervisors and get it approve and if that doesn't happen, we would put it over to the next meeting and come back with the answers. that is really the question to put before the commission. >> that is an acceptable contingency. >> okay. >> is there a motion? >> moved by commissioner courtney and seconded by commissioner caen. any public comments? all those in favor, signify by saying aye? >> aye. >> motion carries. public comment on matters to be discussed in closed session?
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public comments on closed session matters? all right, i need a motion not to disclose. >> okay. >> second. >> that will be the order. >> closed session item no. 13, existing litigation bank of america versus the city and county of san francisco. item 14, existing litigation, city and county of san francisco, versus pacific gas & electric. item 15, existing litigation, city and county of san francisco versus pacific gas & electric. item 16, existing litigation, pacific gas & electric versus city and county of san francisco. item 17, there is a really change from the published agendament it should be anticipated litigation over acceptance of street lights. all right 18 anticipated litigation as plaintiff. and item 19 consultation with agency's chief of security concerning security of sfpuc water and power systems. >> all right.
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i have to leave and vice president courtney will >> thank you. we're back on the record now. and announcement following the closed session. we did recommend a settlement on item no. 13 and no other action was taken. is there a motion of whether or not to disclose? >> move not to disclose? >> it's been moved not to disclose. is there a second. >> sec, with no discussion, that motion carries of the commissioners, is there any other new business? hearing none, this meeting is adjourned. [ gavel ] hello, san francisco.
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holy lee here with another list of buzz worthy activity. summer is here and the time is right for feel good fun that won't break the bank. swinging in the union square. this free swinging live dance series is every wednesday through august. arrive early for free dance lessons by professional instructors and enjoy the band's live set. transform your jeans into a bag for your bike our shoulder item. with denim bike bag
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workshops takes place at the mission library. rsvp is required. the community center takes flowers and makes them into small pretty arrangements and gives them away to people on the street. for any events > w coming. we are thrilled to host mayor lee and bloomberg at the square. i have had the privilege to get to know them for the past few years. they
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are great with technology and we are thrilled to have them. as many of you know, i want to describe the environment we are in. in 2009 when my cofounder lost $2,000 on a glass sculpture because they wouldn't accept credit cards. he called me on the smartphone and we decided to change something and build a reader for him to use. it was the easiest ways for all sizes to accept credit cards. it became more than just a way to accept payments and we saw businesses grow and help to grow the economy in their communities. just as technology connected jim and me, this technology has a way to create
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these communities and san francisco and soma and new york and so ho. we are creating that technology. it's key to our economic growth. right across the street, it connects both cities. it's grown to a small network of cafes all over san francisco including new york. it's important to bring together these business leaders and mayor lee cares deeply about these issues. i would like to introduce mayor lee. it's with his support that san francisco has become a leading example how government and business can work to together
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to spur economic growth. [ applause ] >> thank you, jack. thank you for giving us a tour. it remarkable what you have done here and kind of revolutionizing the way we pay for services and products and eventually the topics i like is philanthropy. thank you for inviting us here. mayor bloomberg, welcome back in san francisco and it's great to see you here. you have been a champion and a great leader and it's nice to see the opportunities for me and other mayor's across the country to get these practices down and receive, i think your very practical advice that i always appreciate because that means for me making less mistakes. i love to do that. i also want to
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thank ron conway, the head of our sf city for being such a great partner because in that partnership what we do what new york has been doing and working in a public private setting and creating opportunities not only for great companies to be here and joining and link them up to what government is concerned about to improve lives and this is what sf has to do with also with new york. i want to give a shot out to the squares. [ applause ] i had the experience of walking through a procurement and what it would be like for thousands of businesses and medium in all businesses. you are a great talent to have here in san francisco. i want to thank you for allowing us to share this
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and hopefully in the new market, i know jack and i have talked about for many months ever since the twitter marketing and what that was all about and joining the companies that help me to create jobs and also create the future of this great city. you can also be able to help me do a lot of cleaning up in the south market and tenderloin. that's the great spirit of having the employees here in downtown and part of a great exciting evolving city of san francisco. today we are here to make a very strategic announcement. an announcement that not only benefits our two great cities but suggest that we can contribute to the whole cultural movement of this country by having a digital summit, if you will, that we saw last october that mayor bloomberg brought many of us to new york to participate in the
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first technology summit. bloomberg's philanthropy sponsored and we learned a lot and saw some very good examples that we thought it would be wonderful for our two cities, bloomberg philanthropy and what us both as mayor's do which is bring our experience to each other and offer an opportunity for other mayor's to join us in a great summit. in september 30th, of this year, we'll be in new york to kickoff the first two planned summit meetings. inviting other cities to participate and develop an agenda and talk about and not only what the city and businesses can do with
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