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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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back in and i don't think this is going to be a safe solution for the cyclists either. there's been reports, if you look on the internet, this type of lane you're proposing with this little gradual up thing to the lane itself has proven to be very dangerous. what happens when the cyclist is going along parallel to the lane and attempted to exit or enter it, the tires can get caught in the little v shaped bit here and throw the cyclists off. if they're lucky they'll be thrown on to the lane, if not they'll be thrown into traffic. i urge you, look at the lane you're proposing, if you have to do one, if there's no way to stop it, please don't make it a raised lane. really bad idea, really expensive. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> i've spoken about that area many times and i know that some of ya'll immediate -- made some comments, but i'd like you to look into a few issues -- number one, lighting. number two, in the last five years we have had 20 killings in that area. number three, it may be quite surprising to ya'll that a number of african americans who take a walk in the park and who have lived there for 25 years are stopped by the police because some other nationalities who exercise there think that whenever they see an african american, which they don't see normally because for many years recent years the quality of life there has not improved, they think that families coming to mug them, they call the police. so in
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spite of these things when you do some improvement you have to have outreach for this so called represents from district ten, nine and eleven, do some quality outreach on various levels. that goes hand in hand with improvement. i work at [inaudible] so i'm very [inaudible] talk about this masonic area and i commend the astute san francisco citizens for coming here and speaking out 'cause this is what happens. we have represents who have no sense of planning, no sense of congestion, no sense of traffic management and remote control they want to back such ideas. now, the bicycle coalition has a political action committee, a pack. it funds a lot of ya'll. and ya'll get the money -- not
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all of ya'll -- when ya'll get the money... >> thank you very much. >> that is my first bet i think. >> that was your second bell. >> i hope you heard me loud and /khroer. clear. >> thank you. any other member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, public comment closed. this item is live befores. commissioner breed. >> thank you. i have received a lot of emails from constituents who have a real problem with this project. it's really unfortunate gnat because this project was approved last year and from my understanding there was a lot of outreach. i actually received emails and information about the planning process when
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masonic and looking at improving safety, improving the corridor, a number of discussions, especially at the north of juan handle neighborhood association. there were discussions of fliering, neighborhood discussions to ask that there be extensive outreach to the community was clear, but you -- although the outreach was extensive it's clear that there are a large number of people that didn't receive information in order to provide input for this project. and unfortunately the time for planning has passed as it relates to making significant changes to the project. i drive a car myself and looking for parking in the lower daily is really a challenge especially /wo*ut residential
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parking permits and for my perspective as supervisor my goal is always pub lib safety first so to make the corridor safe is paramount. safety comes first and masonic boulevard is clearly a dangerous, almost freeway like corridor in the middle of our community and it's been that way since i was a kid. and the more people that have moved into the area, the more traffic, the more problems the more accidents and so unfortunately this is not something that everyone is gonna be happy with. i'm not with the fact that i have to figure out a way to kind of work out a bad situation for my constituents, fig /kwraourb out other ways to make sure we work with the neighboring communities to make available parking spaces and other things but it's what we have to do in the interest for public safety.
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when we discussed this issue in the plans and programs committee, one of the things that worried me the most was the concern around access for seniors, for those who were gonna fry to have access to buses or crossing the street and the concerns around the [inaudible] and so i am talking to mta to get clarity on that and if necessary, make changes to the plan in order the address those issues. the other thing that my office has already began the process of doing is meeting with the city college. we're going to be meeting with /thoepl them in the next two weeks to talk about making the john adams campus parking available in the evenings for residents, as well as the blood bank and target area so we can increase the number of spaces. we don't have the exact number of spaces that that would bring to the area, but we are really committed to convincing these
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particular organizations with these parking lots to make them available to the community. we also will be suggesting to the residents that they consider implementing /rez den /-rpbl parking permits because one challenge we have is we have people who park there, they leave their car there for weeks and they don't even live in the neighborhood so implementing residential parking permits could really help. we're thinking about changing side street parking from parallel to die ago diagonal which could increase parking. at is this point, as i said, you know, the project has been approved and my goal is to try to figure out
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a way to deal with the access ability issues, the parking issues so we can strike a balance. lion's share of the funding is expected to come from the federal government and not the city. i appreciate everyone's input and am prepared to meet with any group within my district to try and figure out other options i've not mentioned here today. we're here as a result of discussing the approval of grant funding to facilitate in moving this project forward. the plan has been approved, it has been vetted and i'm prepared to support the funding to help move this process forward. thank you. /tkpwhr thank you commissioner reid. >> i wanted to associate myself with many of myself with
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commissioner breed's comments. i want to thank everyone for testifying. i want to thank the ta staff for -- i know in plans and programs committee they've presented a number of times on their process to identify key projects with the one-bay-area grant or obag grant program and the process they went through as well in selecting projects that would benefit many districts in the city. i wanted to thank supervisors or commissioners breed and fell for ebb /hraoeubgtening me about the areas along masonic that are impacted by their districts and for my district, district one, from geary to [inaudible] is of interest to me as a city supervisor as well. i wanted
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to say that i took about 15 minutes this morning at the starbucks near the -- it's now lucky's, formerly albertson's on the full ton and masonic side and watched the traffic. i observed tremendous amounts of speeding, close calls and even over the past three weeks there have been a couple of terrible accidents. not deaths like the one whose funeral attended of a 22-year-old man. i go way back to 2008 where we considered lots of concerns way back five years ago. it's not
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that this plan has come out of nowhere, but it's been many years ago. it's been many organizations that have been involved be, not just usf, but there's john adams campus but there's a high school very close by and many other parochial and public schools as well. for me it is a choice between public safety versus maintaining the number of parking spaces on the street and i accept that's a choice and if it comes down to that choice [inaudible] the efforts with the mta to mitigate the loss of -- i think it's 147 spaces that are lost because 20 spaces are being added on turk, i believe. so it's about cumulative loss of 147
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[inaudible] or usf is planning a dorm that's close by off of golding gate as well so strong efforts from usf and other offices of supervisors number of cars and the need for packing. the masonic and /tkpwraoer /tkpwraoer target will un/tko*utedly cause more traffic to know through geary and masonic and that's inevitable given the approval of target, but my office the working with a number of your offices as well to try to make sure that will be accountable to reach out to the high school and the neighbors that are around it so we're mitigating the traffic around there. it's inevitable. it's not as connecting to this project as i think some of the testimony was given. some have mentioned the
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hardship of losing the loss of the parking spaces and i'm sensitive to that as driver as well, but for me the killings of [inaudible] and many others over the past five years and the /saoersz accidents, many of them not even reported, but i get them tweeted and texted to me so i know directly all the safety issues that many are bringing up. i wanted to say that i think the status quo is leading to more /stepbts and i could see them from the testimony here, but also from many of the comments that people. i think we have to leverage the money coming from the one-bay-area with other funding to make the whole area safer. i want to do my best to acknowledge the hard work of many of the community based groups that were here today that were part of the coalition of fix masonic five years ago. this is a long time coming. we
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need to use this money to make this street /saufr and i'm committed to make sure we mitigate the loss of the parking, but it is a choice and i choose public safety as the key goal of why we need to accept the one-bay-area area grants and i'm supportive of this as well. >> thank you commissioner cohen. >> i'd like to give my space in the queue to commissioner /tper er ferrel and i'll go after him. >> i think this touches my district the least. from my perspective i have been -- i want to echo a lot of the comments supervisor breed made and say /aeu /soesuate with the this process started so long ago but i do also -- this has
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been a real public safety issue and i've driven the street my whole life. there are deaths that happen here and we need to do a lot in terms of programming to make sure that doesn't happen. i think the improvements will be great. i am extremely sensitive to the comments. i have a family with young children -- in terms of parking -- it's an issue. we need to address it. it continues to creep up and from a supervisor here today, a commissioner's perspective, i am constantly frustrated by the fact that it seems like we can't do enough outreach or the outreach that is being done is not enough or appropriate. we have projects where people across the street don't know about it to me still bewilders me and raiseses a lot of concerns, but in terms of this project to me it is about public safety and why i would support the funding of it, but
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going forward from my perspective, i want to echo supervisor breed's comments. i would love to work with the community. residential parking in terms of district two and i want to minimize that impact on father milies and people that speak that spoke today that can't use public transportation or can't walk and can't bike. there are people and they don't seem to have a vice right now and it frustrates me. we will make this right. we will continue to do our best and i look forward to working on these projects going forward. >> commissioner cohen. >> thank you. to the members of the public that came and spoke passionately on both sides of the issue, thank you for your time. exhibitioner breed, i want to commend you, it sounds like you've done a lot of work in a short period of time in giving some thought
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and listening to the voices and concerns around this particular project so thank you for that. i too, in the southeast side deal with challenges with parking structures. i want to encourage you to pursue the resident /-rbl parking permits. i have a staff member that has been affected by this change. i think we have a represent in the audience from mta. i hope you are taking back what you're hearing to mta and informing your commissioners. i know i will be in contact with the director, but also the commission needs to be made aware of this. i want to encourage the members of the public to spend some time making sure your voices are heard. i want to associate myself with the comments that commissioner fro was speaking about how oftentimes the middle
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class people in san francisco with which children are left without a vice. the bike coalition is very organization is left -- my number one concern is safety. i've seen a lot of accidents also down in the henry adams circle right on the northern part of my district where they joined each other and there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from this particular process that we can take all across the city. i am really concerned and glad to hear that commissioner breed is
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thinking about mitigating the loss of parking and i think that's critical on peoples' quality of life. we need to be con sit rate about the entire population of san francisco, not just our young people and our able body, but those that are articulated their opinions here that have challenges. i am interested in hearing and incorporating more thanes with disability, some kind of their concerns in the e ir process as we begin to evaluate many processes as they come on board. as i think about the southeastern side of the city as it relates to economic land use and development -- how it compliments with our infrastructure conversation. that's it /t-r me. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner wiener. >> thank you. i'll be supporting this item. there
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are a number of really good and important projects on this list of obag grant resip recipients. i know we've been focusing on masonic but trans/pwa*eu and second street and a number of other projects are very important. i will say that when we get lists of projects that come through the authority we don't understand district eight as receiving zero dollars of investment despite the fact that a majority of the district is pry torety development area. i'm just under a lot of reasons for why projects and not others pick it on to the obag list, but i think that
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geographic equity is always something that should be important to all of us. i'm very supportive of projects around the city. we have some significant needs in this district eight, particularly upper market which is a complete and utter mess. it is unsafe for pedestrians, unsafe for cyclists, bad for muni, has many problems and requires a lot of attention and i would like the ta to focus a lot more or the upper market and how can work with the mta to address this troubled stretch of market street, which was left out of the better market street plan, and needs a lot of attention. putting that aside, this is an important list of projects and
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i'll be /su /poring it. >> thank you. commissioner kim. >> i appreciate certainly the come /phrebgsty of a lot of [inaudible] and appreciate the work that supervisor /pwroed and mar are doing on the masonic street improvement plan. i wanted to note some of the other projects that are [inaudible] really happy to see second street street /skaeup improvements as part of this and i appreciate the transportation authority for working with us to ensure this project moves forward so we're really excited about having a corridor that connects downtown to the ballpark with the cycle tracks and widened sidewalks and additional plannings in the neighborhood. appreciate your work with the transbay power authority and ensuring we move forward with the bike and ped improves through [inaudible] of the list of projects that are moving forward. happy to see
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that two of our schools were included in this as well. one, the broadway street /skaeup improvement with [inaudible] parker element stair school which does that the highest number of pedestrian collisions by a school so i think it's important that we do improvements there and of course [inaudible] elementary school. happy to see these on the list. thank you. >> thank you. colleagues, anymore comments or questions? okay. i want to thank par /teus /paeubgs /paeugs from the public today. i want to thank transportation authority for their work in bringing forward these list of projects. i want to respond to commissioner weaners comments. i do see that /tkpwraoe graphic equity has been considered in these allocations, especially my district has not been able to receive a great deal of funding support for our needs for many years and we have some pretty good projects here that i think
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will be useful for the district. i do see there are incredible needs also in the areas that commissioner wiener has addressed. so i do see that we're making [inaudible] as we put this list together but again, i want to thank the trans/por /taeubgs authority on this and let's take this same house, same call? this item will pass. next item please. /stkpwr >> item number 12, closed session. this is an information item. >> this is actually scheduled as a closed session but due to -- we're still making deliberations as a personnel committee that we're not ready to have a closed session. we can have a brief update abour progress so far in the selection process for any executive director. i want to thank the personnel committee, members who have devoted a
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great deal /aof time over the past couple of weeks in interviewing nine candidates so far. we spent two days a week-and-a-half ago and last thursday interviewing nine candidates, about an hour each per candidate and we actually look forward to the full commission -- the names of two, perhaps three finalists that we would like to have considered together all here at the board. and that discussion won't be able to happen until july 12 at 3 o'clock is our next scheduled personnel meeting where we'll go over the list of con dates for the position. so we'll be working with staff to -- after that to schedule meetings here at the ta. we could have two meetings before the end of this month to make sure we stay on the schedule of deciding an
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executive director before we go on our recess. we have been working on a very aggressive schedule to identify executive director and i know that's put a lot of pressure on the the personnel committee to act quickly, but i think it's very y deliberate about thought for in making the choice in executive director. with that, if there are no other comments or questions we can go on to public comment. >> the person nel committee is meeting july 12 and then you'll give us instruction at the next july meeting? >> we will be looking at scheduling two board meetings of the transportation authority to be able to discuss, interview candidates here
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before us. on july 12 we we'll be discussing who will go forward so it's not quite a certainty yet until we have that meeting and we determine which names go forward, but i expect that on the 23rd and 30th of this month that we will have full board commission meetings to be able to -- sorry, exactly. of july, 23 and july 30 to be able to finalize the list of [inaudible] one will be discussions with candidates, which will be on the 23rd and then between the 23 and 30th will be a finalizing what a package will be for the executive director and that will be finalized on the 30th meeting before the entire body. >> i want to thank all the
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members of the personnel committee. i know that personnel committee spent an awful lot of time in deliberating and meeting with the whole list of candidates and i think we all appreciate your work. i also know i would guess that those of us that have not been on the personnel committee would love to have an opportunity to have brief conversations with whoever the personnel committee feels strongly about. the last thing i will mention is the chair had sent a letter to our city controller asking for at least an expedited review of how our county transportation authority compares with others from a government standpoint and i understand that initial review is due out in about a week or two so i am looking forward to getting that information because i think it will inform how i feel about future leadership of the ta and how we move forward but i want to thank all of you for you work. >> i want to acknowledge the
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personnel committee who have devoted ha lot of time for this -- commissioner mar, cohen, our two chairs for finance committee and commissioner campos and wiener as well. just having a five person personnel committee is a bit challenging to schedule, but we've done well together and it's been great to have the work to the interviews together with you all. okay. so this item is an information item so we can go on to our next item, which is -- that was scheduled -- we can take public comment on item number 12 related to process for shrekking a new executive director. and seeing none come forward, we'll close /p-b lick comment and we can go on to our next item. >> item 13 allocate 12.406 in
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prop k funds with conditions for annual requests subject to attached fiscal year [inaudible] and amend the prop k traffic calming and [inaudible] fife year [inaudible] programings. this is an action item. >> good afternoon. sorry. this item has two enclosures that were attached to your packet and i will highlight the allocation requests very briefly. most of this request is for the para transit operations program and we fund about half of the operating budget for this. this is also a funding re/kw*us for public sidewalk repair from the department of public works primarily around city street trees. there is a funding request from bart for a civic center bike station. this will serve bart and muni patrons in the portio