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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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so you are going to... the public will have ample opportunity and the board will drive this conversation in the coming months around how we use the resources that come back to us and how do we use them in a systematic systemic and very thoughtful way to build capacity to interrupt decades, decades of under achievement in our community, which is what the board has articulated is our board. >> deputy superintendent do you want to go in the cracks that i missed? >> thank you, superintendent, you said what i was going to say and a whole lot more. but just to highlight one theme, which is to mention, i think that one of the main things that we need to both in the district's relationships with the schools and then within schools, and how they are surveying all of the diverse students within each school community, and do a
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thoughtful and a effective job of providing a base. there are parallel and it looks different between the districts and the school verses the schools in schools but the same principals as to why and with respect to why all or the base or the roll out and the implementation of the common core is probably one of the most significant examples of things that are happening nationwide and state wide and within our district. and so investing thoughtfully in the common core, and implementation and that is critical. and that is embedded throughout the budget development process.
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and then, also, the ntss which the superintendent mentioned from the district to the school sites and so providing, an effective base of support to all schools and then differentiation for the schools that are identified as needing additional more focused support. and then within the schools, implementing the strategies like response to intervention or more specific use of the early warning indicators, and the case management and providing the resources to do that. the synergy implementation is going to be another important tool in that regard. so as i think that all of the commissioners are aware that we have significant limitations and frankly risks with our current information system and we know that is a big ticket item in terms of cost and we
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are confident that that will and that investment will be worth it. in the short run and the long run from the program perspective and to recognize the data risks and the challenges with the limitations in the current system. you are asking a big question, commissioner there are a lot of different things that are embedded and i will point to the guiding principle and emphasizing equity and our priorities which the superintendent referenced. >> did you get your question answered there haney. >> commissioner wynns? >> thank you. >> i want to thank you for the presentation this evening because i appreciate the new information and i have not seen before and i want to thank you for the answers to the questions and i want to thank you for all of them, although i do not think that they were
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adequately answered that could be and appreciate in particular that recognition that we have big pending questions that will help us to understand more how we budget the money, and how reeducating us. and so i appreciate that. and there are a couple of things that will delve me out. here is the... in part the answer to not exactly the question that he asked and i would like to say that everybody wants to know and where is the money going the more money that we have, and i totally appreciate completely that it is not anything like what the people are presuming that we have and so you know if you look in the newspapers it says with the implementation, the san francisco unified is going to go from $7,000 per
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student which is all funds and not just our revenue of a limit to $11,000. it does not say in the next eight years and that is important for people to know. yet, as commissioner haney said if you look at our revenue you see that we have more next year than we do this year. it is very hard the way that these things are organized basically into the object codes and ftes and things like that for the people to really understand. and so, my, or when the people have asked me, i have said well where they are going to if you look at this chart, we don't have to make the cuts that we thought that we might have to make. and also, so there is not any place that says this is whatnot having any furlough days next year is going to cost us of that additional revenue.
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this is what i don't know what these numbers mean but i appreciate the list here of things that say that we have changes from this year to next year to the following year in >> the cost of the increases and i am hoping that you can make, and summarize and i don't know if it is possible, it summarize some of this information for us here now, so that we everybody will understand, we will understand as i think we do when we look
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at the budget book but we have to look at it in such detail there about what we are actually voting on and what the changes are. and is it possible to do that. >> vice president fewer has a question. >> a question to the question. >> and so it seems to me that we look at the budget and the fiscal year for 1213 that we see that the salaries are $168 million for a budget for 13, 14, is $180 million that is where some of monty goes. and also, the 49 million, and 51 millions and we see the estimates and the books and so the benefits. and the fiscal year was 2013, 14, it went up to 91 million. so we are seeing those types of increases. and if you look at the outgo and the classification is and
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the physical year in 2013 that was 69 million and our fiscal year of 2014 that is 73 million and i think that i look at that estimated to our budget of 13, 14, i could easily see where it might be. >> what i agree is what i think that we should say to people that the reason that salaries have gone up that much is because it includes this much for column and the restoration of the furlough days and that is all of it. the same thing true of the benefit and the class sized salaries and a function of those things so i don't know if we have answered this question but i think that that is kind of more i just think that we see this much more in the budget, in object codes instead of english. what people can understand. and i would like to see if we could take a step toward there if we think that there is
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anything that you can say that will help us particularly talking about this. so for instance, some of the questions i referred to that were asked that the budget hearing, are specified here in amounts like how much more are we doing on special ed transportation and those kinds of things. but, the budget book, does not say that. superintendent? >> i will do it. i think that commissioner fewer and wynns did an admirable job of answering that question. >> what do they use that for? >> well, i think that is a good point in that there are some ongoing costs that as a matter of doing business, step and column increases and the cost of reducing furloughs and the deputy superintendent lee talked about the increase in the skyrocketing cost of benefits and those are costs that just it sounds almost unwheming to say, it is just a
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cost of doing business, period as an entity. so those costs are embedded in the costs that you will see embedded in the budget but i do think that it is probably a good idea to take the page that you have referred to commissioner wynns and have lee just very briefly make some points about some of the items that are listed there because they also illustrate in the budget book. >> i just want to say that the pages that were just referring to and because of their sort of technical nature and i will elaborate on this in a moment.
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>> basically this information was in order to respond to a couple of requests that commissioners had made to the differences from the previous projections and say back in january and the projections that are reflected in the recommended budget and not necessarily looking at 1213, verses 13, 14, and showing those and that is a dimension and i can comment on that in a moment. but it is more just to help the commissioners reconcile the assumptions that i think for those of you who have been really studying the projections that we were using before the may revise, what those changes
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were in terms of revenues and expenses so that is what this little packet of information is to address. >> i have to clarify for myself. >> everything that is in this, actually describes the variances between the first and what we are getting now. >> it actually goes further back from that. >> since may, or since say january to now. >> between january and the enactment of the state budget what changed both in terms of revenue and expenses. the budget is referred in the q, and a, document that you received and on page, let's see.
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>> so based on that, this document of the january budget that we got, presumed that we would presumed that the reversal of furloughs? >> correct. at that time, we were anticipating that the furlough days would continue that also increases in the step in column because they are a function of the percentage of salaries? >> and that is why they are referred to there as an increase in the step in column and that net increase. it said here that the advanced salary and benefits from the column and step and reversal of
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furloughs. the biggest detective at it was the furlough days. >> that will help me about the second column >> it is a combination of it and all of the savings from the holidays and so the loss of that and plus, yes. the step and column increases. and then just on the, i guess that one point is that there are many ways of looking at variances and we can look at 12, 13, and 13, 14, recommended and we can look at the changes between the first and second readings and we can look at the assumptions back in january. and what we tried to do is give you information and problem
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managed to confuse you and we tried to give you information that i am hoping that future, we will include much more about variances between what the current year and 13, 14, and the budget year, and currently we see that only in those object codes and we see the increased and that is where we get the where is that coming from. and then we see like now, we have made the presumption that we could make that and that the big increase in the things to which the commissioner fewer referred us and a certificate salary and a classified salary and benefits was about the column and restoration of furlough days but it does not say that in the budget document
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and it does not say that these are the variance and here is where they come from. and as i said before, i do. but i am not... i was going to say that i don't care, but of course i do care, but what i am not referring to is the little tiny percentage of increase that is related to, and but the big things and so that the people can understand, and instead of coming to the podium with only the information that just shows that you have 20 more million dollars and i don't have any way of knowing where it comes from or why or how you are spending it and i presume that you are not spending on what i want you to. i want more tf and the public to be better able to understand it. >> so commissioner, i think that the best place to look for that information is in the budget book itself. and it is in exhibit 6, it is summarized kind of by line item or department, or each of the
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contributions in and out, and so that is probably the best source for looking at those comparisons of the budget. >> actually say what is the difference? there is an increase and there is a decrease. thankfully and i am very happy to say that, our budget book gives two years, which it did not use to, and it also gives the variance in money and percentage but it does not say what, why there is a variance there. that is my point. >> continuous improvement is good. >> thank you, deputy superintendent for answering these questions and thank you superintendent to your speech. i just think that this is
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perfect for what i just i will emphasize once again and so i see that the clarification on my question about... (inaudible) and the youth guidance center and that it is a juvenile court system provides the students support resources for the log cabin and there are not additional resources allocated. and so we have just a portionalty problem. and this district has made a commitment to correct that, and if i just took a trip up to the log cabin school and a man that worked tlao for 30 years in the last eight years they had one white student, the majority of them black, they have also disproportionalty issue in the juvenile court system and i think that our administrators here that the log cabin is the
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last step before it (inaudible) i was there and i had a conversation with the staff, and i think although, that it is being supported, by the juvenile justice system. there is an issue about them transitioning back into the high school. transition is hard for them after being incars rate and to transition back to the high school to help them immediate mediate and navigate. and so that i feel is our responsibility. >> the it is very definition of
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equity and so that is why i feel like this answer, sort of is not adequate. and because we are going lts a new day here. because we are looking at equity and this thing and i think that i said it right is exactly doing that. and as you look at the schools and last week, we looked at the list of insensitive schools and log cabin was one of those schools that did not get anything. we know that we are giving more resources to the civic center and to those schools? the zones and absolutely we should. but i cannot overlook those students. they are not actually our students at log cabin school and youth guidance center. this is, if we want to stop, they are in the first stages it and this is how we do it, we put a little bit more resource to it and we do it by asking
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actually the people who are serving them what the students need and how this transition would be easier for them. and what they told me is a gentleman and quite frankly graduated with me and the class of 74 from george washington high school and i thought that he was younger than me. and said that after this working 30 years this is what they need. and what they need is they need this assistance, when they transition out. i met many young people, and also at downtown high, this is the type of support that they need. and i think that i am sorry, i want to get one more plug po this and i think that you know, when we have a counseling
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staff, where the students to the counselors and these students, these students will get lost and they have been lost before. and it is our opportunity to help them find their way and it is their last chance and it is in our hands and it was completely economickty based and so i want to make a plug for that and another thing that i think on this equity focus thing, is i also want to talk about the kc. i think that in this, i realize that we can put this on the chair three. and i realize that we can flex those funds and they have given us the government and how that they said that we could, that we could flex these funds but this kc exam was for the high school exam for the instruction and when i hear that is not going to the instruction, and then i am not saying that the money should be pulled from it, i am saying that for the person
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that actually does the data collection, on who is passing and who is not. we know that we have not met our target. i just say that we need them. as they had it and which they no longer have is insensitive instruction to have them pass the high school exam. because we are not going to meet our graduation requirements every june if they don't pass the exit exam. and let me remind everyone that it is an exam and it is an 8th grade level and if they can't pass it in their junior year, and they are not doing something right. i see that, we are giving 471,000. and we are allocated, and that means that, and let's change it in $50,000. and it will be allocated again,
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in equity issue and we say that we are budgeting by the equity for a equity and this will really do it. so, i want to give you a comment about the fund and i think that it will... the projections. >> and it is set up for a rainy day. i don't know, i have a problem spending it. i don't know, i feel like we have seen a really bad couple of rainy days and we are so grateful for that money. if we don't need that money if we can scrape by and do without i think that we should make that money and give more relief from our prop h money. because we hold $6 million dollars in prop h money, the third which is supposed to go towards serving students and we hold that back in our reserve, and i think that i would like to see some relief for our p funds and again, i have an issue of what the rainy day fund and i think that it is rained before here, and i think
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that this last rain was hard. i just heard on the news that we in for a bad, fiscal. it freaked me out that he said that 2008 was nothing and so i think that you know, we see the projections on the horizon and cnn is telling us something else. so i just... >> what paper are you reading? >> it made me kind of worry where the savings that i had. we are living on a retirement now. >> so i just think that it is prudent to keep the money in that rainy day fund and it is collecting interest and it should be used for a very rainy day and right now it is not raining as hard as it has been. and so those are the comments and i don't know we can find them any way to fund something about the kc and the... and
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because the students will transition back into the schools unless they have taken the egd and have passed those are our students and those are our students incarcerated right now and some day they are going to company out and it is up to us whether or not they leave our schools with the high school diploma or go on to the california youth authority or frankly, (inaudible). . >> thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> i just want to support commissioner fewer and her comments about the counselors specifically for what we see in log cabin and i know that there is a notice in our board packet that we will be able to recall all of the counselors that were noticed for layoffs, so clearly
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we definitely understand how valuable these employees are, not at our other employees are less valuable. they are all valuable. and i hope that we are doing everything that we can to show them how valuable they are to us. >> and by providing them the opportunities to find other openings and sfusd and i see that by his memo that that is happening for other areas. but, particularly, particularly regarding the counselors of these two institutions. there are our children and these are our students in there and the transition is monumental and they often do it you know, alone. and if we can find any way to support the effort i will definitely, and i will want to know that i am there to support that. >> commissioner, dr. murase.
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>> i have several questions, the first one related to commissioner fewer and the rainy day funds. i am concerned that we have rainy day funds in our projections because it seems to communicate that we are assuming layoffs in the future so that you could elaborate on what that number under the rainy day funds really is meant to indicate. secondly we heard tonight about what some of our folks have perceived as differential treatment between the certificated and classified, they were labor partners and if the staff could explain, that is just a timing issue in terms of the labor negotiations and the budget? i would like to understand that better. >> and there was also a point about special education, cuts and i wanted to understand what
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was the funding rubric to determine the size of those cuts? and then finally, we have had several presentations about the common core which is on the horizon and there is some concern about you know, r, and will the teachers be well trained for the common core and so i would like to know what investments we are making in professional development. >> so, i put down four questions, commissioner, and so the first one, regarding the rainy day reserve and this is referenced in the materials that you have received. and so, it is what the clarification now and i appreciate your question about the, what this is meant to signify and so the amounts just
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to name the amounts, that are included in the three-year projection, so for next year, 13, 14, we expect and in fact, the mayor's budget includes 5.8 million dollars of the rainy day reserve being appropriated to the district. and the following year, 14, 15, it is 4.4 million dollars and the third year 15, 16 is 3.3 million so those are just the calculations of the balance of the rainy day reserve that would be reduced each year by the amount of the draw to the district. so the district is eligible for 25 percent of whatever the balance is in a given fiscal year and it is eligible for 25 percent,