tv [untitled] June 28, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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>> i'd like to ask matt, our traffic engineer. >> sure, he can answer that, whoever is -- >> hi, matt [speaker not understood]. so, there would be room for 5 to 7 just within the area itself within the queuing area itself for the car wash. and then if, if somehow that additional cars did come, then they would start queuing back into the the front of the convenience store. >> in other words, in the queuing area, you can have depending on the size of the car, 5 to 7, no less than 5. and there's still room that they could queue up in front of the convenience store, but they wouldn't be out on the street; is that correct? >> that's correct. and if there were -- if there were a cume issue, that's where the no abatement policy would come into effect and mitigation
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measures put in place. >> i would think so, we would want to have a situation where someone would be directing the traffic or something like that, pull the cars into one of the parking spaces or something so they weren't on the street or blocking a driveway, blocking a bus lane. if that's important, i would like to see that as part of the approval. as much as they do on trader joe's at masonic where they have a back up off of there. they don't have anywhere near the kind of room you have for cars to be lined up. but they do have attendance to get [speaker not understood]. >> okay. >> so, that sounds reasonable in your agreement, we could end up with an approval for four parking spaces for the convenience store? >> i'll turn to planning, but from our perspective, we're prepared to do whatever we need
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to to screen the parking spaces properly. >> planning, did you want to comment on that? >> yeah, i'd just like to confirm that as the existing service station right now has approximately nine questions including some that are dedicated for car share services should the commission want the project sponsor to add those two additional spaces as long as the project sponsor said [speaker not understood]. >> that makes sense. i'll see what the other commissioners say. i think that would be a good compromise. you could do that without diminishing the size of your convenience store apparently. okay. >> commissioner borden. >> yeah, i think what's regrettable here is the breakdown twenty the two sides. they don't seem to be able to work together or trust and that's really unfortunate because obviously we want to -- use is changing in the neighborhood. people can dialogue with each other and find common ground if there is, indeed, common
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ground. in terms of this site, i guess i just don't understand i used to live with erin don. that's very highly congested and trafficked area as it is. i don't understand how the noise from the car wash would be significantly higher. i looked up the decibel level. it's 60 decibels is about the level of regular conversation and you get traffic and noise and i looked it up at national institutes whatever the sound industry decibel level. the levels are pretty high because of 19th avenue having a lot of traffic congestion on it. the interesting thing, we already know san francisco has some of the most expensive gas in the area. we do have a declining number of gas stations. car washes are not plentiful. i have seen car washes on geary
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and [speaker not understood] on the weekend because there are not many car washes in the city. that's a problem. i also happen to know there is no margin off gas. i have a friend who works for sec ron and cells lobby for alcohol and stores in other municipalities. station p raters don't make any money off the gas. it is a reality till we abolish cars, that we need gas stations and because of the way and the nature of that business has changed, there aren't a lot of revenue sources for profitability. the gas station owner has committed they're not going to sell alcohol. our proposal would not allow that, if there is only one parcel space, then the only people who would buy stuff at the convenience store because it wouldn't really be convenience to go to the
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convenience store. [speaker not understood]. there's one handicapped space and one regular parking space and that space ask often used by people coming out of the car wash drying off their car. ~ is often used i don't see it impacting local businesses there especially since a lot of times with 19th avenue, it's people who are driving. they notice they need gas, they'll stop and go to the gas station. i don't know that there's going to be -- maybe there will be some that will go just for the car wash. but the speed at which people go down 19th avenue is not like you're going to stop and get a car wash -- it's not that kind of road, so, i don't see what -- i understand that, you know, [speaker not understood], but i don't see how this intensification the neighborhood negatively.
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i'm in support of the project. i'm sorry that the community couldn't come together with the sponsor around it. for the need of car washes in the city, using existing station, improving upon it to make it more of a neighborhood asset would actually be a good thing. >> commissioner wu. >> thank you. i'm supportive of the project. i do want to ask the project sponsor in the case there are 10 or more cars, what management techniques can you have, do you have to alleviate that position? >> they're actually the ones that help customers, make sure they're having a od day. when we have a convenience, two or three people there that give us the flexibility to accepted somebody out to help direct traffic. what they'll do then is say car washes are always good for 7 to 10 days.
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if a customer does decide, they can either get a refund if they don't want to wait in the queue or they can come back at a later time. so, the convenience piece helps us have the staff on-site to manage those issues. >> okay, thank you. >> can i ask a follow-up question, just curious. is there technology to stop the sale of the car wash if there are more than seven in the queue? >> no, currently there is no technology for that which is why we offer the full refund if somebody does buy a car wash and turn and see that the line is too long and they don't want to wait, they can't refund. >> curious. thank you. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. >> i want to do a quick follow-up. along that line, do you have to buy gas in order to get a car wash? >> you do not, but most people [speaker not understood] the pricing. >> commissioner moore. >> since we are adjacent to a residential neighborhood which is actually close by, i would
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say the car wash hours should be restricted to 9:00 p.m. the machine goes on and off, the machine does not run constantly. the machine goes on when the car pulls over that threshold where you turnoff your motor and you put your car. the acceleration of noise from zero to something is actually quite noticeable. and i could have pair that to a similar situation actually in sausalito. [speaker not understood]. there is a driveway separating the residential from the car wash itself. and i also find the kicking in of the whole motor annoying. and i can see that, which is really a quiet residential area given it's nice traffic calms
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down on lincoln road. there is more ambient quietness right at the edge of this residential. the reason i'm saying it is it is a coincidence. i have a friend who lives on 1th and lincoln, she's from new york. i realized oh, it's similar and it's right in the backyard. she didn't know this would be on the agenda, but i happened to kind of realize how compact this really really is. i would be comfortable supporting it because i do see the needs [speaker not understood] but i would like to minimize direct impact on the residential limiting evening hours for the car wash, specifically to the car wash to no later than 9:00. >> is that a motion? >> yes. >> are you adding [speaker not understood]?
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>> i'm not for sure. i think the department [speaker not understood] i do not really see a comfortable space or two spaces. the 60 degree angle of parking, one into the buffer which i think planning reserved for this. i would be comfortable having a pale legal space. >> [speaker not understood]? >> it would only be one space, only just one space and that particular space. i would see one additional space. the way i use these gas stations, which i do, many people, while they're gassing their car up, run into the convenience store, they grab what they want. they're in and out. i don't think we necessarily
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need to add two spaces. >> commissioner hillis. >> was that a motion? >> i tried to, yes. >> i'll second that motion. i'm supportive. those are the two issues that resonated with me, were the hours and attending a little late and adding some additional parking for that convenience store although i think some people will be, you said, getting gas >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah, a couple questions for project sponsor. there was commentary about access and the speaker was saying only off 19. one would assume you could access the station by lincoln going eastbound, and i would think -- and you also could exit that way, too. >> that is correct. >> so, basically my understanding is there would be
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two areas of egress and ingress. either 19th northbound or lincoln eastbound. >> that is correct. >> because obviously you can't make a left turnoff of 19th and you can't make it off of lincoln either going westbound. so that would be the way it would be handled. >> you're correct. >> and then for staff, on the issue of parking places, are you in agreement we could add two more places without causing a problem there? >> the department would need to work with the architect to determine whether parking spaces can be accommodated without impacting the queue for the project. i mean, i think we definitely would be able to get in one more additional parking space adjacent to the currently proposed spaces. if the commission decides, you know, it wants a total of four parking spaces, that would have to be designed with the architect.
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>> for the maker of the motion, could we give staff the flexibility to at another one if it can be done successfully? >> yes. >> on your motion, we have the two one is handicap and we would add one more regular one and possibly two if it's possible to do it. >> i don't want this to be at the expense of the buffer which keeps the queueing for the [speaker not understood] away from the residential. i could see there is one place commissioner antonini sees where i can draw it rather than going, unstacking. if staff has a better solution -- >> then dints it's amending to that, leaving it up to staff. no more additional. the hours have been changed from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the car wash. so, i'm supportive of that. >> the maker of the motion --
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okay. commissioner sugaya. >> let's face it, cars are going to park where they're going to park. i do at a gas station. [laughter] >> even if it's not [speaker not understood], i park wherever and run in the store or just leave it at the pump station and walk in, as commissioner moore was talking about. but i'm not too worried about it. it will just add to the congestion. it's an awfully congested intersection to be adding, i think attraction, more attractive stuff like the convenience store and the car wash. not too enamored making it worse than it is especially since there are two [speaker not understood] in froth of the station. can i ask the project sponsor a question? in your experience -- how long have you run the station?
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so far? ~ [speaker not understood]. >> in your experience, do the muni buses block your driveway? occasionally. >> 20% of the time, 5% of the time? yeah. can't do the calculation, but it's happened. >> i'm just asking. you know, it continues to add more stuff. so, i'm not sure if i'm supportive or not supportive. i think we're adding even more problems to this particular intersection and, i don't know. >> if i may, president fong. staff as well as the project sponsor did contact sfmta and their prep is to actually move
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the current line so the bus shelter [speaker not understood] move that bus stop to the north side of the section into golden gate park. so, what they will do is they will also, in doing that, create a left turn pocket for buses and then actually remove a right-turn pocket from lincoln way heading eastbound. and, so, although mta has determined that that will result in some traffic impacts and delays i mean, staff analysis indicates that this project will not exacerbate that condition. >> thank you for adding that. i think that is a very important piece there. >> commissioners, there is a motion and second on the floor. shall i call the question? >> please. >> on the motion to approve with conditions as amended to limit the car wash hours of operation to 9:00 p.m. and to allow with the consultation of
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the architect and staff up to two additional parking spaces as long as the buffer is preserved. >> thank you. >> on that motion, commissioners, commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner hillis? >> aye. >> commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya? >> aye. >> commissioner wu? >> aye. >> and commission president fong in >> aye. >> commissioners, that motion passes 7 po 0 unanimously. >> on the variance close the public hearing as well as commissioner sugaya's concerns about the project, i would be inclined to grant your requested variance and there is no way to have any commercial lease orthctionv property without granting a variance. with no subsidy letter appealable of the board of appeals within 10 days of the issuance of the [speaker not understood]. contact mr. beale. thank you. >> commissioners, next on your calendar is item 14 for case no. 2012.1356c - 2100 market street, request for conditional use authorization.
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>> good afternoon, president fong, and members of the commission. [speaker not understood] planning department staff. before you is a request for conditional use authorization to establish a formula retail restaurant with an outdoor activity area doing business as chipotle 2100 market street, on the corner of market and church street and within the upper market and neighborhood transit district. the subject property contains the commercial building has been vacant since 2011 and previously occupied by a business -- a restaurant doing business at home. the project involved exterior and interior tenant improvements to the building. 3500 square feet of floor area and an outdoor seating area located directly adjacent to the west of the building and
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located to the property. this report would feature standard offering mexican cusine along with vital beers and margaritas. it is based out of denver, colorado and has approximately 1200 locations nationally and nine within san francisco. it would be the first within the named commercial neighborhood district. and the packet was published. the department has received additional public comment. in total, the department has received letters in support for the project from the merchants of market and castro and the castro market community benefit district. 102 letters from the public and a petition with 1,161 signatures. in opposition, the project has received letters from the duboce neighborhood association [speaker not understood] along with letters from the public
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petition with 6 73 letters. [speaker not understood] and a separate online petition in opposition with 8 38. [speaker not understood]. the commission recently adopted a policy determining a approximate concentration of formula retail uses in similar neighborhoods that extends from octavia boulevard to castro street. [speaker not understood] recommend approval of any project that brings its concentration of subject property to 20% or greater. although the commission had discretion to approve or disapprove the project. retail uses with commercial frontage within 300 feet of the project site which results in an existing formula retail concentration of approximately 20%. and the project would increase this concentration to 36%. the neighborhood is also
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already well served by three locally -- local [speaker not understood] restaurant. [speaker not understood] at 136 church and [speaker not understood] at 235 church. and the project would also be detrimental to the neighborhood by occupying a formula lot. [speaker not understood] signage that would attract the local character of the upper market neighborhood. this concludes my presentation and i'm available for questions. thank you. >> thank you. project sponsor, please. >> commissioners, andrew junius waiting for the powerpoint to warm up here.
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all right, thank you for your patience, commissioners. andrew junius representing the sponsor chipotle. we're going to take all of our time today, 15 minutes. i do appreciate your patience. i'm going to start with policy discussion related to some of the retail issues that have been discussed lately the last couple months, followed by the architect and designer [speaker not understood] who will talk a little about the design and then the presentation will be completed by chris [inaudible] to talk about chipotle and their mission here in the city. if i could get the overhead. so, let's start with the policy issue. you know, we certainly appreciate staff trying to address what's really a complicated emotional, very interesting issue that formula retail brings to city as the whole business community owners.
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as the conversation continues, we do believe that some of the issues are getting confused and more questions are being raised than we're getting answers. so, let's look at the policy now. it really comes down to a calculation. that's being called the 20% pole ski for everything. it seems like a relatively straightforward concept that you draw at a radius and you work through a calculation. but there are a number of things that the planning department doesn't include. it includes lots, vacant lots and store fronts. doesn't include [speaker not understood]. it's a confusing mishmash of neighborhood issues. so, here we're all familiar with this, upper market in the castro. here is our situation.
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we're -- we're not talking about the neighborhood commercial district as a whole here. this is a long district, linear along market street. ~ we're focusing on the policy because of the radius on this corner. what's kind of the elephant in the room in terms of this calculation and i'm going to get to this in more detail in a minute. just to the north of the site, the parking lot at the carpeting sen interpret. [speaker not understood] uses in that shopping center aren't in the radius. a little bit closer, look exactly what we're looking at in terms of lot and again, these are the five formula retailers in the radius. five store fronts, five businesses you would walk by on market street. the other thing driving the kg lag, it serves the saved kay to
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the north. it's not a building, not a business, it's just a parking lot. now, if you take out the parking lot, we'd have a different calculation. 1% would be a significant reduction in formula retail. and again, you'd still be looking at the formula retailers within the radius. you just wouldn't have a parking lot included in the calculation. we can certainly do things differently and in the past we have done things differently. if you look at blocks, for example, look at who is on the block face and across the street, in this case you'd get approximately 20%. we're also lumping all the uses in this 300 for radius together. and if you look -- it's an interesting fact that i was a little bit surprised about it. if you look along market street all the way down to castro, on market street there aren't any formula retail restaurants. there's a subway. there's a starbucks.
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there's a pete's and jamba juice. it would be the first formula retail. that's what the planning commission, not the other, the policy requires you [speaker not understood] over the last couple of years, i talked to a number of commissioners on sidebar. vacancies are real issue for neighborhood commercial districts, even successful with youedxctionv. we all think the castro and upper market has a successful neighborhood district. there are nine large vacancies along this stretch of market street. and if you approve this one today, we'd be down to . but it's a significant issue i think should be addressed. i'm going to turn the rest of my home over to the designer followed by [speaker not understood].
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hearing. good afternoon, commissioners, my name is chris. i work for [speaker not understood]. before i talk at all about the nature of our business and how we operate, i wanted to address a couple of misperceptions that have swirled throughout this process. the first is that chipotle is owned by mcdonald's. we are not. we've been in business for 20 years. for 7 of those years mcdonald's was an investor in our company, but they've been entirely divested since october of 2006. and the other is that somehow we magically outmaneuvered or outbid local restaurateur for this space. we did not. there was an independent restaurateur interested in the space prior to chipotle and when their negotiations got so far as exploring the very convoluted circumstances surrounding the liquor license associated with this space, they withdrew and that's when we got into the space.
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