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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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identified >> okay. >> we could do that. >> that might be helpful. >> it's estimated to be about 1 hundred and something million. >> the second question is the park. so the park what is the budget for the park currently >> the total estimated costs of the park and all the things associated with it is $50 million. now - >> which 38.5 is funded by the impact fees. >> exactly. >> and we have you identified the revenues for the other 25 million? >> we have nothing specified against that expense. >> okay. thank you. thank you.
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mr. beck >> now i'd like to ask fred clark to give the presentation on the skin the w one and the work he's done since the last meeting with the board. >> good morning directors. i'm fred clark i'm the senior design principle of the architect for the transit center. and i'm very, very happy to be presenting to you the work we've done on say external wall of the building. i will go through a number of impacts through the work. here you see the outline eased we'll see the choices of how one might pattern this wall. we'll look at the subtilties and we'll look at maintenance and fire safety. we'll go incited business deck
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and look at the wall from the internal and finally at latin-american and finally at cost. i will say this is as bob mentioned a few minutes ago. this is one of those buildings it's large it has about half a dozen well centers. it's not the biggest but the most visible and the most to maintain the quality and refinement. that really underlay our work to a great deal of time. as i mentioned to you before that about or - it responds to the outside super structure and the skin is a floating network.
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it increase relates to the design of the structure itself. that's been one of the proposals since the time of competition. that secondary structure can be skinned. the glass surface with the impact of the rb a was a difficult thing from a cost point of view. they looked how to including enclose the building. if euphoric on certainty parts of building you'll see a repetition to this pattern. approximately 25 different shapes and have those 90 percent are 8 shapes and those shapes are best tip if i did if i look
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at the prominently repeating part which is the center part of the panel. now 41 if you look at those you'll say a double line that is the double repeating panel and it's comprised of 8 different shapes. this is a good example of how one takes a problem and optimize it so you'll see the shapes and panels. that was beneficial, of course, when the skin was glass it's now extremely beneficial now, it's metal. they'll all not 90 degree angles. this is true of ail 44 though plus panels. this is critical in the design
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of the pattern and how one choose the pattern that includes the building. there are two approaches one is the panels that are based on grids. they repeat themselves endlessly. they're less good if you're xhontd with 90 e non-ankle shapes. but it gave us another opportunity because in the days of the glass panel this was really a ceramic fit but not transparent to wind current. we allow the wall to breathe and we're using approximately 35 to
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60 percent opening that was the pattern in the previous design. there are all kinds of periodic parents this is a is no flack pattern that was designed by dr. cook. it's a repeating pattern and it's a repeating pattern. but it it ankles it becomes an unhandsome appearance. there's another pattern those are patterns that don't repeat. they have flying structure they're not symmetrical. a mathematician at oxford university is very supportive of the use of his pattern for the
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outside interior wall. what's really, really faifg so it was discovered in the mid 70s but it gave rise to a whole different study of crystals. however, it was discovered there's a whole bunch of crystals that are related to the pinning rose pattern. the aluminum adams look very, very similar to the pin rose pattern this is just the beginning of how this might lend to science.
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so just to smierms >> even though the a period on the pattern has structure and appears to repeat it doesn't. what's nice about that it is he means are less critical. so let's look at some panels specifically. this is a blowup of one of the panes it's 6 by 5 feet square. it becomes a disjointed evidently and in the mass of the entire building that show up in
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a way that's not good. if you employ the pin rose pattern at the edges it can be cut a number of ways and cut at dramatic angles and the pattern skooshz that discontingent very, very well. so it seems to us the pin rose pattern was exactly the way to pursue the skin of the building. we then looked at the very important issue of the density of the pattern. they're all 35 percent open. so thai percent of the wall is open and 65 percent of the wail is solid. we then looked in a - next couple slides.
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we looked at the side and in our office we made very, very simple paper prints of patterns that looked the most promising to us. you'll see very, very quickly from those paper pages they're in the air about 13 feet that's the closet the panel will to the observer. so the panel above you say fourteen feet in the air. we held those 13 and fourteen feet in the air and within our entire design team we looked at the most valuable density and we choose the one in the right-hand side. i don't know - if you see on the
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right-hand side that's the one that looked the best visually. we then started looking at the number of optioned in terms of material. as you know there have been a lot of discussion on how to enclose the building. we've looked at stainless steel and we're looking this very closely but we focused open stainless steel aluminum because we had to get at the cost profile of each of those choices. we had those shipped to san francisco in both stainless steel and white aluminum. here you see the that stainless steel. we had those phone call lifts
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lift them in the air to see what we looked in the context. and to be absolutely certain that the panel was doing what it was supposed to do. this was the stainless steel. you can see how dramatic and frankly quite beautiful the wall could be. we looked at it in various situations in shade and in full sun and on the left-hand side you see this is halfway down the building the pattern is still really handsome and it has what we are after. we looked it with a darker
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background. this is the building on the north side it's surround by darkish buildings and this very building light lacy pattern. i invite i to go to look at that. we then started to study with your computers what the total effect would be. this is how the panels themselves get attached to the sub structure. it is being designed to respond to r va criteria and the possibility of having a l e d light sources. and randy do you have a - we've
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down our own 3-d prints of the nod. i want the nod itself. so we've looked at it where the panels come together is an issue it has to be very, very handsome. so here you see the panel without the led fixture. we then walked all around the building and we'll do a view from the left. it's very, very dramatic and very handsome. this is if you're standing on this this is in the drawing on the left a very scale of the quality and wall itself.
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this is the view from beal street. again presenting this extraordinarily and handsome wall. this is going on first street past the transit tower on the left and going under the building it's you'll see the light lacy delicate quality. this is as you walk into the transit center so above you say this light luminous very, very light structure this encloses the bridge like quality. if you're standing on the corner of admission and fremont you'll see the transit center on the
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right-hand side and the lacy enclosure in the distance. this is going to be one of the most stunning views. at this day it's hard to remember with this other environment was but it's going to be completely changed. this is at the point with the transit tower and the transit itself comes very close to each other this extraordinary new urban space is going to transform that part of san francisco. i should see is that by virtual effect of the design of the tower itself we're actually able to make one color statement between the center and is tower they'll be white flurnt
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materials and will relate together they'll create on urban investment. maintenance is very similar to the maintenance on the glass panel. it's very simple we're going to wash the building from the height of a cherry picker crane. this wall will have a guarantee but the warranty is best held in the building is maintained and we think it's critical for once a year to be maintained. we're looking at very careful ail issues of fire safety.
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the panels are painted aluminum they non-flammable. we're analyzing very, very carefully to see if there's any defects. we have a peer review team that looks at things. if anything by virtual of the fact they allow the air might be slightly better than what the glass was. we ended in an analysis of what it looks like in the inside. intuitively you would think that the interior wall would be more light admitted in the glass version than in the metal version by the metal is painted
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white on the inside so there's a reflected light in the inside that makes the building more lighter and more luminous so this is an extraordinary discovery to us with an entire difference experience. the other opportunity that presented itself was how one can light the building in the evening. as part of our base bid we're proposing that the struck up structure the v shaped behind the wall be lit from morning actually evening. but with this delicate last it
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increases the drama. again, if we can afford it this will not be the base bid but it might be wonderful to have an l e d on say outside of the building it can celebrate the world series or do anything that is relevant inform the san francisco community >> and, of course, flying all of this is one being very, very conscious in terms of where we're going with budget. the glass option is at roughly 38.5 million as a total cost we looked at the painted steel and the material savings are substantial in addition to the fact we don'tave an r
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va impact meansheverall savings is quite significant if we choose the aluminum we can save a lot of money. the metal optioned will increase the numberfbidders. the glass option with a specific type of system and there were only a few bidder that would look at that clearly but with the metal we have significant bid opportunities. our cost estimated market range could be 16 and a half and $21 million savings depending upon the bids. the other thing about the metal option is we're seeing people
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interested in the building who were not potentially interested before. we talked to a person in oakland who did a beautiful job in the park in chicago. he has ideas about this wail. and to participate in the bidding at the appropriate the are others >> any additional comments new. >> thank you. i think i may have said last time from both the designer and staff prospective a very creativity seclusion and even an prompt it's the single biggest aesthetic feature of the building arguably and it seems like you've made a way to make
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improvements and save costs. now that we're going to save $20 million to change the whole look and feel of the place is complexity we should consider but for a number of reasons might be an improvement but i'll defer to the design experts but i want emphasis in terms of the ongoing costs. the maintain ability you spoke to the maintenance of the skin itself. and, you know, minimum once a year complaining e cleaning up the warranty on the paint how long is that and what combrarlz
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do you think it should be maintained. do you see this changing over time 20 years from now or thirty years would this be significantly different >> let me put that in in xhektd. the kind of paint is a 3 coat apoplexy paint or even a powered coat application that is applied in the factory. those technologies are what you see all over san francisco today. so every painted aluminum building they and there's millions of square feet in san francisco agricultural of those are very, very well stashed. manufactures give warrant.
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the good thing about panelizing the building is if there's discoloration a panel can be attend down and repainted. it's a good system of rather than the glass was you touched on the terms of the building itself have we reevaluated the climate control would be switching from the skin to the glass >> they obviously should be about the same. there's nothing new in the
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lighting proposals in the metal vs. the glass. i think the biggest difference is from the inside it's chiefable it could be a bit lighter. the glass shaded the inside, the metal brings more light into the bus level. we may rely on artifical lighting less >> it's actually ideal to the perforated wall. it should be a slightly more pleasant environment it's all and all the quality of being inside the building >> director. >> yeah. i have two questions.
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there's a form of aluminum that's called light sheet. but you've considered that for some reaps you didn't want that >> the actual reflect activity of the building is a critical consideration. considering how close to the neighborhood f it shouldn't be highly reflect active. you may have heard about or kept track of issues with stainless steel was not the best neighbor. the stanlts steel had to be buffed to take down the reflect activity. we're going to keep it subtle
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and soft. we're concerned about any reflect activity that would effect the neighbors >> and you said the r va issues. >> the up charge had monthly to do with how the glass was attached by the spub structure. the attachment proved p to be tested but it had a cost impact that was associated with it. with the metal we don't have that kind of metal connection it's for straightforward to design and it's an easier thing to predict >> is there a reduction in the
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r va budget not just in the cost of moving from the cost of glass to aluminum was there a decrease in the r va estimates? >> the simple answer is yes, but the best way to think about it is it's money you don't have to spend. with the glass we had to update >> very impressive good solution. have you explored how much it would cost to add the lights >> it's about 2 and a half million dollars but if we provided the conduit and add them in 4 to 5 years that price
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could double or triple but it's an interesting question because l e d are becoming cheaper and much more available. i would say it's doubling the price in 4 to 5 years is not a bad guess >> any other comments or questions? >> i appreciate a lot of the work your first name went through to evaluate this design and how it will impact the community. thank you >> i have two members of the public that point to address this