tv [untitled] July 1, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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technical nature and i will elaborate on this in a moment. >> basically this information was in order to respond to a couple of requests that commissioners had made to the differences from the previous projections and say back in january and the projections that are reflected in the recommended budget and not necessarily looking at 1213, verses 13, 14, and showing those and that is a dimension and i can comment on that in a moment. but it is more just to help the
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commissioners reconcile the assumptions that i think for those of you who have been really studying the projections that we were using before the may revise, what those changes were in terms of revenues and expenses so that is what this little packet of information is to address. >> i have to clarify for myself. >> everything that is in this, actually describes the variances between the first and what we are getting now. >> it actually goes further back from that. >> since may, or since say january to now. >> between january and the enactment of the state budget what changed both in terms of
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revenue and expenses. the budget is referred in the q, and a, document that you received and on page, let's see. >> so based on that, this document of the january budget that we got, presumed that we would presumed that the reversal of furloughs? >> correct. at that time, we were anticipating that the furlough days would continue that also increases in the step in column because they are a function of the percentage of salaries? >> and that is why they are referred to there as an
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increase in the step in column and that net increase. it said here that the advanced salary and benefits from the column and step and reversal of furloughs. the biggest detective at it was the furlough days. >> that will help me about the second column >> it is a combination of it and all of the savings from the holidays and so the loss of that and plus, yes. the step and column increases. and then just on the, i guess that one point is that there are many ways of looking at variances and we can look at 12, 13, and 13, 14, recommended and we can look at the changes
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between the first and second readings and we can look at the assumptions back in january. and what we tried to do is give you information and problem managed to confuse you and we tried to give you information that i am hoping that future, we will include much more about variances between what the current year and 13, 14, and the budget year, and currently we see that only in those object codes and we see the increased and that is where we get the where is that coming from. and then we see like now, we have made the presumption that we could make that and that the big increase in the things to
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which the commissioner fewer referred us and a certificate salary and a classified salary and benefits was about the column and restoration of furlough days but it does not say that in the budget document and it does not say that these are the variance and here is where they come from. and as i said before, i do. but i am not... i was going to say that i don't care, but of course i do care, but what i am not referring to is the little tiny percentage of increase that is related to, and but the big things and so that the people can understand, and instead of coming to the podium with only the information that just shows that you have 20 more million dollars and i don't have any way of knowing where it comes from or why or how you are spending it and i presume that you are not spending on what i want you to. i want more tf and the public to be better able to understand it. >> so commissioner, i think that the best place to look for that information is in the budget book itself.
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and it is in exhibit 6, it is summarized kind of by line item or department, or each of the contributions in and out, and so that is probably the best source for looking at those comparisons of the budget. >> actually say what is the difference? there is an increase and there is a decrease. thankfully and i am very happy to say that, our budget book gives two years, which it did not use to, and it also gives the variance in money and percentage but it does not say what, why there is a variance there. that is my point. >> continuous improvement is
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good. >> thank you, deputy superintendent for answering these questions and thank you superintendent to your speech. i just think that this is perfect for what i just i will emphasize once again and so i see that the clarification on my question about... (inaudible) and the youth guidance center and that it is a juvenile court system provides the students support resources for the log cabin and there are not additional resources allocated. and so we have just a portionalty problem. and this district has made a commitment to correct that, and if i just took a trip up to the log cabin school and a man that worked tlao for 30 years in the last eight years they had one white student, the majority of them black, they have also
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disproportionalty issue in the juvenile court system and i think that our administrators here that the log cabin is the last step before it (inaudible) i was there and i had a conversation with the staff, and i think although, that it is being supported, by the juvenile justice system. there is an issue about them transitioning back into the high school. transition is hard for them after being incars rate and to transition back to the high school to help them immediate mediate and navigate. and so that i feel is our
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responsibility. >> the it is very definition of equity and so that is why i feel like this answer, sort of is not adequate. and because we are going lts a new day here. because we are looking at equity and this thing and i think that i said it right is exactly doing that. and as you look at the schools and last week, we looked at the list of insensitive schools and log cabin was one of those schools that did not get anything. we know that we are giving more resources to the civic center and to those schools? the zones and absolutely we should. but i cannot overlook those students. they are not actually our students at log cabin school and youth guidance center. this is, if we want to stop,
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they are in the first stages it and this is how we do it, we put a little bit more resource to it and we do it by asking actually the people who are serving them what the students need and how this transition would be easier for them. and what they told me is a gentleman and quite frankly graduated with me and the class of 74 from george washington high school and i thought that he was younger than me. and said that after this working 30 years this is what they need. and what they need is they need this assistance, when they transition out. i met many young people, and also at downtown high, this is the type of support that they need. and i think that i am sorry, i want to get one more plug po
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this and i think that you know, when we have a counseling staff, where the students to the counselors and these students, these students will get lost and they have been lost before. and it is our opportunity to help them find their way and it is their last chance and it is in our hands and it was completely economickty based and so i want to make a plug for that and another thing that i think on this equity focus thing, is i also want to talk about the kc. i think that in this, i realize that we can put this on the chair three. and i realize that we can flex those funds and they have given us the government and how that they said that we could, that we could flex these funds but this kc exam was for the high school exam for the instruction
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and when i hear that is not going to the instruction, and then i am not saying that the money should be pulled from it, i am saying that for the person that actually does the data collection, on who is passing and who is not. we know that we have not met our target. i just say that we need them. as they had it and which they no longer have is insensitive instruction to have them pass the high school exam. because we are not going to meet our graduation requirements every june if they don't pass the exit exam. and let me remind everyone that it is an exam and it is an 8th grade level and if they can't pass it in their junior year, and they are not doing something right. i see that, we are giving alloc
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means that, and let's change it in $50,000. and it will be allocated again, in equity issue and we say that we are budgeting by the equity for a equity and this will really do it. so, i want to give you a comment about the fund and i think that it will... the projections. >> and it is set up for a rainy day. i don't know, i have a problem spending it. i don't know, i feel like we have seen a really bad couple of rainy days and we are so grateful for that money. if we don't need that money if we can scrape by and do without i think that we should make that money and give more relief from our prop h money. because we hold $6 million dollars in prop h money, the third which is supposed to go towards serving students and we hold that back in our reserve,
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and i think that i would like to see some relief for our p funds and again, i have an issue of what the rainy day fund and i think that it is rained before here, and i think that this last rain was hard. i just heard on the news that we in for a bad, fiscal. it freaked me out that he said that 2008 was nothing and so i think that you know, we see the projections on the horizon and cnn is telling us something else. so i just... >> what paper are you reading? >> it made me kind of worry where the savings that i had. we are living on a retirement now. >> so i just think that it is prudent to keep the money in that rainy day fund and it is collecting interest and it should be used for a very rainy day and right now it is not raining as hard as it has been.
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and so those are the comments and i don't know we can find them any way to fund something about the kc and the... and because the students will transition back into the schools unless they have taken the egd and have passed those are our students and those are our students incarcerated right now and some day they are going to company out and it is up to us whether or not they leave our schools with the high school diploma or go on to the california youth authority or frankly, (inaudible). . >> thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> i just want to support commissioner fewer and her comments about the counselors specifically for what we see in log cabin and i know that there
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is a notice in our board packet that we will be able to recall all of the counselors that were noticed for layoffs, so clearly we definitely understand how valuable these employees are, not at our other employees are less valuable. they are all valuable. and i hope that we are doing everything that we can to show them how valuable they are to us. >> and by providing them the opportunities to find other openings and sfusd and i see that by his memo that that is happening for other areas. but, particularly, particularly regarding the counselors of these two institutions. there are our children and these are our students in there and the transition is monumental and they often do it you know, alone. and if we can find any way to support the effort i will definitely, and i will want to
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know that i am there to support that. >> commissioner, dr. murase. >> i have several questions, the first one related to commissioner fewer and the rainy day funds. i am concerned that we have rainy day funds in our projections because it seems to communicate that we are assuming layoffs in the future so that you could elaborate on what that number under the rainy day funds really is meant to indicate. secondly we heard tonight about what some of our folks have perceived as differential treatment between the certificated and classified, they were labor partners and if the staff could explain, that is just a timing issue in terms
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of the labor negotiations and the budget? i would like to understand that better. >> and there was also a point about special education, cuts and i wanted to understand what was the funding rubric to determine the size of those cuts? and then finally, we have had several presentations about the common core which is on the horizon and there is some concern about you know, r, and will the teachers be well trained for the common core and so i would like to know what investments we are making in professional development. >> so, i put down four questions, commissioner, and so the first one, regarding the rainy day reserve and this is referenced in the materials that you have received.
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and so, it is what the clarification now and i appreciate your question about the, what this is meant to signify and so the amounts just to name the amounts, that are included in the three-year projection, so for next year, 13, 14, we expect and in fact, the mayor's budget includes 5.8 million dollars of the rainy day reserve being appropriated to the district. and the following year, 14, 15, it is 4.4 million dollars and the third year 15, 16 is 3.3 million so those are just the calculations of the balance of the rainy day reserve that would be reduced each year by the amount of the draw to the district. so the district is eligible for
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25 percent of whatever the balance is in a given fiscal year and it is eligible for 25 percent, if it is appropriated by the mayor and the supervisors in the following year. so as a drive made in one year, the balance goes down, and the amount of the 25 percent reduces for the next year. and so that is just the... that is just the amounts. and i think as you know, one of the conditions for receiving rainy day reserve funds is it is pretty broadly stated in the city charter but it does link to layoffs so the language says that if the district has noticed significant layoffs, that is one of two, conditions to be eligible for an appropriation. we have had discussions about
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whether there are ways to, if that is the condition that must be met for the rainy day reserve, to be appropriated and that is really the requirement then, are there ways of taking steps to meet that requirement that have a milder impact on the individuals that might be receiving those notifications or even could there be an affidavit or something that says, notifications would be needed? that is, asserted by the superintendent or the board and could that serve as a proxy to meet that requirement. and that is something to meet some conclusions probably from the city's attorney office because that is the entity that would have to be careful with taking that proxy. >> and so we would very much be interested in looking at questions, or options like that. and if that is really the point
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to meet that requirement, to receive those funds, and this is not meant to say that we that it is a foregone conclusion that we will be laying employees off each year for the next three years, that that has been the case for the last several years. but it is really just articulation of the amounts that will be available. >> i am supposed to be going now. the differential treatment honestly i don't know what that speakers were referring to, as far as the classified verses the certificated. and so i could stand to be better informed about that. and then the third question, would you... >> i am sorry, i did bring a
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little hand out today this evening and this is about the reductions or the changes in the site allocation and now this is not included in your packets and i am sorry, i sent this to miss franklin shortly before the meeting and she did provide me with the question as she mentioned and it is just been hard to keep up with all of the different questions so we got to this today, right before the meeting, and basically this is the summary of the per pupil amounts. >> for the special ed allocation, and which is the point of the testimony that was given. >> it shows for all of the all
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of the grade levels in the three categories that are used for this purpose. there was a slight change in the categories between 12, 13, 13, 14, and nr is a label missing, under the 13, 14, column at the top and in 12, 13, that the categories were rfp, severe and non-severe. >> and then rsf, moderate and moderate to severe. >> and the per pupil amounts are similar and they are increasing slightly. not by much. in essence they are similar between the two years. it is shown that the rest of the page miss franklin provided me a list and sort of a sample list that she was noticing some
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proportionally larger changes sbaoen 12, 13, and 13, 14, so we went back and looked to see what was behind those changes and it is not the per pupil amount and it does not have to do anything with the amount it has to do the accounts and sat gorries so you can see for each of these seven schools the first four schools are seeing a reduction in their allocation and the last three schools have seen an increase and that is what miss franklin to me. >> and something for the schools to look at and you can see from the schools and it is a total. and within the three category and that just translates to the dollar amounts that are shown on the bottom. what i would recommend that we would do with all of the information is try to distinguish the changes in these allegations that are
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based on the changes in the student population. so for example, if there are 18 students at harvey milk projected for next year when there were 28 for this year and that is fairly significant, proportional change in the population. so things like that try to with the student population and verses the changes that might have been reflected in the use of the category and so if we have identified the same students in a different category, in 12, 13, then we are proposing 13, 14, and but the population is not changing it is the categories are changing and then i think that that raises more of a concern as far as you know, holding the students harmless for that to go into effect. and so that is what i would
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suggest that we do. and we can do this when we look to the revisions of the budgets in the fall. the way that the student form law budget and they are all revised the schools have received the final allocations in september and so we can incorporate this type of a review in that process. >> and i appreciate that. i just, i appreciate the commitment to look at this and make sure that if the same students are on the ground in the schools, then we are not going to cut the budget. i do wonder if maybe, we used to classify the students in that were fully included as severe or non-severe. and i believe that we don't do that any more. and i believe that we just classified inclusion students as rfps and it is really the stc students whether they are moderate or moderate to severe. ; is that correct?? >> (inaudible).
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>> yes, it would be on the mic. >> we went back in and encoded 6,000 children before the enrollment and so i don't think that is true what you are asking i could get a list of the coding was here from and she left. and maybe we corrected that and that would not be a problem, and we will use the issue that was coded incorrectly and schools were getting more money than they were entitled to and we have double weighted schools to try a pilot program for two years and they would also see a loss. >> i think that if we see that there are schools. that the certain is how does it feel on the ground.
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right? so if the school suddenly has the same number of kids and the same kids but they say that their supply budget falls by 3 thirds that is the worry. so even what he said and notwithstanding, because if the schools were incorrectly encoded and the schools should not have been and we need to fix that and that is just saying that needs to be backed into or explained in a case by case basis. so that a teacher does not show up on the first day of school and say i have the same kids but last year i had twice as much money to buy supplies. >> yes, i also asked when we do the revise in the fall is to avoid setting up a system that creates incentives because it makes the students in categories more severe than necessary. >> i think that it is setting it up and i just don't want to have the reverse facts.
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>> and then the fourth question has to do with professional development and common core. so i think that the availability of dedicated state funds for implementation of the common core so we are anticipating i think all of this is articulated in that information that we received. and we are anticipated 10.5 million, i think. that is right. >> and from over two years, for the common core. and for multiple types of expenditures associated with the common core and we are expecting to spend about 6 and a half million of that amount in 13, 14. and we are really pleased that that funding was increased beyond what the government has proposed and then they revised and we
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