tv [untitled] July 3, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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in richmond british colombia, suburban area of vancouver, absolutely nothing to do with our area. indeed of trust /traoel area, not urban. there will be numerous right hand turns along this street that will cross the path. a survey done in denmark in 2007 was impressive. they saw a huge decrease in cycle injuries, however, in urban areas where there are lots of right hand turns the results reversed.
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once again, these two projects bringing a big box retailer and putting never seem analysis done for this reason i'm urging the cta not to [inaudible]. >> i wasn't sure if that was the first bell or not. it was the 30 second one. there's two bells before the end of your public comment. next speaker please. >> morning, my name is michael. i live one block from misoniy. i've lived there for 5 years and i /urblg you to accept the committee's recommendation for full funding for the street project without conditions. a couple of comments about the support that's been generated for this. the swelling of support came as we were
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preparing to present the project with the city. of course seeing the mta engineer and then to the mta full board. leading up to that, the sfmta had distributed 1400 postcards to everyone living on the street and one block on either side informing them of community meetings. fliers were distributed door to door. i can vouch for that, i did it. mta also surveyed people who lived one block away, and found overwhelming support. 86 percent said they support this particular proposal that's before you now. in addition to the north panhandle
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[inaudible] and they did their support to the mta last year. also, the pacific blood bank on-or the blood bank of the pacific on turk and [inaudible] so we do have the community support. there has been outreach conducting. there may be some people who did not receive those notices, but i think more than a goodwill effort was made to reach as many as possible. thank you. >> thank you very much. before the next speaker i'll name a few more cards. david, sandra, richard, howard,. >> i live -- my name is lawrence lee, i live in the thrower hey and i'm a board member of the association. i'm
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department on bicycling to get around the city and it's really the most affordable way for me to get around. too frequently we hear about injuries and deaths caused by automobile traffic around this place. the situation is dangerous and the automobile traffic is frankly just uncivilized and our neighborhood residents deserve better. i continua to hear how riding on the street is frightening for those who have to use it and sometimes they even have to use sidewalk. we cyclists do not have the option to push a gas ped /al to get uphill and achieve that acceleration that's needed to keep up with the traffic. i thank you for the work that's been made on oak and fell. that has made east and westbound traffic a lot more civilized, but we need improvements on masoniy. i commend you on the years
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/spepbts on developing this project. i's a common sense proposal with elements that have been tested all over the world so you can /*r successfully including urban cities and they are proven to make streets safe and it's needed for san francisco citizens so i urge you to support this project as well as the funding. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning. my name is joel, i'm an architect and i've lived and practiced in san francisco for the last 40 years. i'm recognized for my transportation expertise and have completed many projects in that cot /tkpwaeur. i'm in full support of the improves between fell and /tkpwaoerb gear. i am part of an architectural office that had one of my colleagues killed
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[inaudible] as she was taking her groceries from trader joes to her car. i wished her a weekend in the office the friday before and on monday i was told that she had been killed. she was 25 years old and in the process of becoming a licensed architect and had just passed the two parts of her examination and she was very happy on friday and we miss her very much. my question is, can a future plan be considered to aggress the area from geary to [inaudible] pedestrian needs. this plan is already in process, please update me if this is the case and i thank you very much for allowing me to comment. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> good morning, my name is david. i'm a resident of san francisco since 1970. i own a car, i drive in the city, i'm very familiar with this area and i want to lend my full support to the plan which is in place. until recently i'm a resident of the ash bury neighborhood. i ride my bike to work at mission bay everyday. that street is a horror. i've tried to ride on that street for decades. it is a really scary place for a person on a bicycle. i invite any of you to try that out northbound any day, don't wait for the commute hours. this is a project that is decades overdue. this is not a question of we don't want this. this is a question of we have needed this for a long time and the traffic pedestrian and bicycle tole tells that story.
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this is not just about our current inconvenience with change. this is about the future of our own lives and those of our chin children. i bike and my children bike in this city as well as drive. they make their choices because they have choices. this project is about ensuring that people have choices. i spoke to david who's working on my house, a carpenter who doesn't own a car and he said he never drives on that street because it's not safe. i pass him going to work everyday so i urge you to favor this project and see it go forward as so many other projects for the safety of our city. i want to lend my support to the second street improvements as well. i've tracked that and i fully support those work as well. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> my name is mary goodman. i
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live one block off masoniy and i live south of the panhandle and no one in my area was ever informed of this project until a few weeks ago. we [inaudible] so people with get through the city east and west, but there are very few streets that make it possible to go north and south and those of us who live south of the panhandle need streets to get north and south as well. reducing it a lane thinking it will make the traffic better doesn't make sense at all. i think the people hurt by it are anybody who needs that street to use -- for commuting for getting across town, for taking their children to schools, to
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shop, whatever it is. not all of us are bicycle riders. i urge all of you to come down to masonic to see the gridlock that is there and to try to comprehend how that will be better if you reduce the am of lanes. it doesn't make any sense. it doesn't make any sense when there are people who need cars, who use cars and are dependent on their cars to get across town. there are also the issues of where are emergency vehicles going to go? how are they going to get across? what will happen when the buses pull out and all the traffic has to stop when people get on and off the bus. i urge you to vote no on this plan. >> thank you. next speaker. let me call a few more cards --
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peter, doug, [inaudible], larry. >> yes, good morning. i'm richard. i'm the district two rep on the /pweus /k-l advisory committee and i also frequently bike along masonic. it's scary, let me tell you. the reason i do it is the same reason that i bike on polk street for example. it's the on north south street that works for bicyclists in that area and i realize there's a lot of traffic there, but believe me, biking, next to cars going 40 or 50 miles an hour is not a lot of fun. the plan that we have for separated bike lanes is a good one and i really urge the authority to adopt this plan. thanks very
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much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> yes, my name is sandra and i live south of the panhandle on masoniy five doors up from the panhandle. i never received any notices about any of the hearings. i found out about this because an email was sent to my son who teachings in reno and then it got to me. i any it's a very dangerous plan. i take my grandchildren to school in the morning, they go to two different schools, public schools in the city. i have to go out on masonic -- very dangerous. a lot of traffic. i think for the bicycles to be on masoni /kr*rbg is a very bad idea. i think baker street or one of the other streets -- i'm not a bicyclist, i walk, i take [inaudible] and i drive and i think other considerations should come into play here and
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i think it's a really good idea if you come to masonc and see the kind of traffic there is in the morning and in the early afternoon, early even /*f evening. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. good morning. i've living on clayton since 19 /# 8. in 25 years i've probably been across masonic five thousand times. i don't feel unsafe. the most unsafe thing is the curb ramps -- years ago and those are not been built. please disapprove funding. this would harm the quality of life because of the terrible
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>> i'm a third generation san francisco citizen. i'm here today for my father-in-law who owns two buildings on masonic avenue. we are both /tkpwepbs this project for the following reasons. one, you'll be taking away parking. 18 of the 20 units in our buildings rely on the street and taking away parking on masonic -- you'll force to to outlying areas and
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this will enforce congestion. this is not not right. mainly, the safety -- we're all for putting a bike lane where we can, but masonic as terrible as it is, the traffic is horrendous, people are speeding, running red lights, there's always accidents. to creating a bike lane here will not help, just more chaos, especially with target opening up the street. we urge you to vote no on this, it's not practical and not feasible and won't work for the neighborhood. someone mentioned a bike lane on baker would be better and we think that's something you should consider and look into before we go forward on this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hi, my name's marie and i
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live on [inaudible] when i first learned about the lanes on sal and oak i was first opposed to them but i ride a bike and i'm pretty confident and i didn't understand how [inaudible] would make the side street safer, but my opinion changed last year when my friend and roommate were killed on masonic so i have a letter from her mother and it says, my daughter was killed on masonic may 6, 2012. she was [inaudible] trader joes when she was struck and killed by a small truck, she spent an hour-and-a-half in surgery. her bill was over 60 thousand dollars. she was 25 years old, she was a young architect, she was in love, she was a good citizen and there were no citations issued. if there were no citations, no drugs, no alcohol impairment, no
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destructive cell phone use i guess there was no one to blame, it was just a horrible accident. the death at the time of her death one year later, knowing what i know now i could predict that any one of jaywalkers there could also be victims. i was surprised to see that people that still jaywalk there. i returned to trader joes the next morn morning, i felt sad and enraged. i thought i might sue but i'm not -- thankfully changes have been made across the streets and crosswalks. it's still terribly unsafe place and has no -- and has to do with the design and geography. i'm not an ark /tebgtd, but i use basic logic
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to see how the design could have saved my daughter. anyway, i know i'm done, i'm sorry. i'm just very much for this and i hope that it goes north of the area as well 'cause it could save someone else. >> thank you for sharing the letter. >> thanks. >> next speaker please. >> good morning, my name is doug. i owned a home on masonic for 20 plus years. i occupied both flats. i want to reiterate that some people did not get any notifications. i walked by both flats, how come i did not get any notifications. london breed actually had her assistant talk to some of the people in the neighborhood and that was really great. i really appreciate some of the supervisor who are looking up at me as i'm speaking right
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now. others are not. this does need to get fixed. the plan has flaws the way it is. i've looked on /phags has, i've seen many wrecks, i've helped them. putting bike lanes is not justified for the millions you wanna spend. i urge this committee not to let the funds go. masonic needs a fix, but not this one. the ramifications on all the blocks east and west of everyone circling trying to find parking -- it's just absurd. i don't know how far removed you are from the masonic avenue and god for bid if i get another greater weight of the evidence yard shift and i come home at 7 o'clock in the morning and i have to find parking, i've done that in the past, it's really bad. it's worse if i have a swing shift because i'm competing with the people
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driving around after they get out of the bars in 2 o'clock in the morning. taking away parking is not viable. if you could finds a hole somewhere on that street and put in a big parking structure, great. i'll pay money to park my car there, then you put in bike lanes. the median strip -- that'll be chaos for the police and drivers and the fire department. the response times are gonna be /heupbd /erdz. it just doesn't make sense. and like i said, it sounds like a good plan to you all right now, but in the moment i'm taking away all the parking and impeding traffic at peak times would just be silly. i'm sorry. i appreciate you for listening to me and giving me my time again. i appreciate it very much. please do not fund this project. you have to think about something else and do something better than what
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they're proposing. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hello commissioners and/or supervisors. my name is larry. i've lived in the neighborhood for 51 years since i was /# years old. i'll be 59 tomorrow. i was formally on the board of directors of the north of panhandle neighborhood association and i think it's a fantastic organization. however, i live a block-and-a-half from masonic and i didn't finds out about this project until a week ago. i think it's a dangerous project. there's been no eir done for parking and how it'll reflect the neighborhood. parking is horrendous already. there's been no eir done on
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this. it's gonna hinder emergency response times for police and fire. some of our colleagues have spoken to the folks at stations ten, 12 and 21 and they were not aware of it and they're a little freaked out about it so there's been no emergency response time eir done either. i know that you folks don't fund the project, you just pass this on to mta. we'd like you to take a look before you pass it on because we're then going to have to ask for considerations at relooking at this portion of the project. i want to commend supervisor avalos and his two colleagues for what they did on man sell. that was a well thought out plan. i would urge district supervisors on two, one and five to take a look at this. it eel have a hell of effect on
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masonic, you have target there, trader joes and it'll be a nightmare so please take a look at it again. thank you. >> thank you. i'll call a few more cards -- mc, john, elizabeth, robert and dan. >> i'm mary. i am opposed to the masonic. we would appreciate your design funds to masonic improvement project since you have opportunity to fund projects that no one objects to. we hope you will choose to fund those instead. we feel the project is ill timed and not properly configured. we also feel the plans plaque clarity and may not be the plans reviewed and approved by the traffic commission. we'll concerned
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about reducing traffic lanes, which will not satisfy the needs of the bicycle community. we feel there are better solutions for bicycle paths on slower side streets that are practically devoid of traffic. used side streets for bike lanes instead of arterials will save money and cause less disruption. slow moving and idling vehicles use more gas and emit more fumes than moving vehicles. if the purpose of
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improving /phags has is to reduce carbon emissions and putting bicycle lanes on busy roads and slowing down traffic is not the best way to achieve that goal. if that is not enough to convince you, the impending bart strike should be a wake up call and a good argument for preserves parking spots. as someone as suggested, the best way to handle the threat of a bart strike is for people to share their private cars. when all else fails, cars work. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning commissioners. i'm elizabeth, the executive director of walk san francisco. walk sf supports many of the projects in this program, including the man sail project earlier. we want to reiterate our strong support for the
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improvements on masonic which walk sf has been involved with for years. we were involved with six masonic in which we were concerned with safety years ago and the more recent tragedies as well. we really need to proceed with this project quickly. it's been a long time and this will help prevent more of the tragedies we've seen on masonic. it's critical to tame the speeding. we also heard from an earlier resident testifying that not all of us are bicycle riders, but all of us are pedestrians and pedestrians will benefit from this project, as we heard from commissioner cohen last week when she talked about the
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changes that new york city has made. one of the really interesting things was that the addition of bike lanes and cycle tracks [inaudible] for all road users, including folks in cars and on buses, as well as people walking. again, the traffic that is the central part of this project will benefit all users and make masonic much safer and we encourage you to proceed in approving this project. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hi, my name's [inaudible] and i've lived in san francisco for -- has it already been a minute-and-a-half. i've lived in san francisco for 18 years. we're raising two young daughters here in san francisco -- a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old and i wanted to share with you all what a hardship it would be to take away 167 parking spaces in our
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neighborhood. when you talk to families, the majority don't know about this. when i talk to them about it they said what's going on? they're taking away all these parking spaces. well, everybody's for safety. everyone i talk to said we need safety. what the other thing is is the bicycle cycle tracks that are above the streets that are taking away 167 parking spaces much needed parking spaces in our neighborhood. i think for anyone to take 150, 200 parks spaces in a neighborhood that's so hard to find parking that takes 15, 30, 40 minutes to find parking -- i think that is a mistake and i think you' not thinking about the other type of people who need to have a car and who don't have a choice, who have /po park on the street -- the hard working
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mid -- i referee in san francisco. i referee the high school championships for two years. i need my car. i have to carry equipment to say oh, i'm sorry, you guys are gonna have to take another 15, 30 minutes to find parking, i think you're not thinking about these people. not thinking about us who are contributing members who want to leave san francisco a better place for our kids and a better place for this next generation and say hey, we're thinking about all of you, not sending millions to build this raised bicycle lane and [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. >> hi, i'm mary and i've lived on masonic for over 30 years and i am primarily a pedestrian who's been intimidated by automobiles and hit by cy
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