tv [untitled] July 3, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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an onslaught of applications that need to have this done. have you dealt with the timeliness of cross training and working with unions to make sure that's approved etc. i just want to make sure the timing of staffing of this type of project is resolved? >> thank you, commissioner. kelly with the mayor's office. first the question regarding timing. it's assuming that this item is moved forward from the bic today, it is likely that it would be heard at the board of supervisors barring any continuance or further discussion likely it would heard before a recess moving through before the end of july. because it is an ordinance it has a 30 day period before it
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would become effective. assuming all of those likely steps end of august would be effective. i want it to be clear that it would make no requirement of an existing homeowner who now as of august 28th, their in ma har. they wouldn't have to do anything proceed actively. it would be building permits filed, building applications filed after that date. the second question regarding flexibility and training would be just -- and i wasn't specific enough. these are existing in environmental health working in soil and hazardous materials currently. i'm happy to talk to dph now to ensure that trigger or advance work is in place to have the type of flexibility that we are discussing of course it's more than complicated than moving someone's desk. i'm happy to
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ask them to move that as soon as possible. >> no more questions. >> commissioners, i would like to thank the staff from environmental for working on this. in this stage, is this an action item? do we vote on it? >> it is an action item. is there any public comment on this item? okay. seeing none, there is a roll call vote. >> question, i want to follow up on the timing. so it would move from, if we approve it, it moves from us to the board of supervisors and would there be a land use hearing and from here and then to the board? >> exactly. if it were to move forward. this has already had a hearing in the planning commission as well as the
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health commission in may. then it would move to the land use commission then to the board of supervisors for the two readings there. >> call the question? >> public comment? >> there is no public comment. the roll call vote on approving proposed ordinance file no. 130369, clinch, yes, lee, yes, mccray? yes, because it's going through a continued process. commissioner melgar? same, yes with a little reluctant there, walker? yes. with reluctance and hopefully with training and educating folks that are affected by this
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appoint my engineer in charge of this program called soft story program and then with two of the engineer we assigned to help him and also is ordinance to have an intern college student to help him to set up the spreadsheet and all the revise the form to notification also. mr., he's working for the city for 24 years and also with the department more than 14 years. he's very knowledgeable on these seismic safety and then works closely with our safety director mr. patrick, they have weekly meeting
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regarding this issue. we have lots of building affected. we are aware this is important program. that's why this is only the beginning. then we'll assign more staff and engineer and inspector eventually come along with the program. i would like to present mr. -- for you for any question you want to ask. >> mr. -- congratulations. >> thank you. tom. i wanted to share the story of how i became the manager of the soft story program. about two weeks ago tom asked me to go to lunch and he said, i want to you work on the soft story program. he said it's not a lot of work. it's not true. tom said you can do
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it part-time in addition to all the work you are doing and that's not true at all. what convinced me is he said you would never have to appear before the building commission. that's next week. >> every week. >> actually i paid for his lunch too. anyway, since that lunch date we've been working very hard on the program. within 90 days we have to send out notifications of the building owners of soft story buildings. which is over 6,000. you will get a letter from us if it's constructed -- along with the notification we'll be sending out a screening form. the screening form we want an engineer and architect to fill it out and returned within one
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year. depending on how you fill out the form we'll put you in a tier. we want to you submit drawings in two years and complete the construction within four years. tier two is a large building for example with more than 15 units. tier 3 is if you don't belong to tier 2 or 4 and tier 4, we'll give you for years to submit drawings and seven years to complete the work. we'll have a data base online with all the buildings. you can look it up by block and lot number, by address. we'll have a column on the status, whether you submit it, whether you are in the program, whether you submit drawings or whether you started
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construction. we've been meeting twice a week and patrick wanted me to mention this. we want to limit the work for the soft story retrofit. we don't want someone to piggy back like a tenant improvement project. also if you have a building with four residential units you can still take advantage of ab 94. we have training from in-house staff. someone in july will come in and train us on fema 807. i think tom wants to train the outside engineers as well. we'll be hiring two more clerks for this program. i will be doing interviews next wednesday. on the average we've been getting about 5 phone calls from home owners. we've gotten phone calls from somebody as far away as china.
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i think she owns a building on balboa street and she wants to sell the building. i spent half an hour with her explaining the ordinance. she's not going to wait for the notification. she wants to sell the building. she's already engaged with an engineer and wants to start the process already. tom wants me to be concise and keep it to five minutes. that's the summary of what we've been doing with the department. >> can you repeat that section. you said we wanted to make sure that people wouldn't do a second floor rehab. could you speak to that? >> we wanted the work-related to the soft story related to work. we don't want someone to tag on for example a second floor restaurant on a second floor, then you have to worry
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about maybe sprinkle, that's why we want it to be on the retrofit work. >> i wonder if you can e-mail us the specifications so we have it in writing. one of the issues that has been on going as you know patrick is how this affects folks in the building and in the process that we went through for over ten years around getting us to this place, the issue of displacement of tenants and/or businesses was there on the top because it's going to hugely affect those type of tenants whether it's the business or tenant. has there been funding
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or that type of thing identified to help no. 1, the owners of buildings do this work in a way that doesn't negatively affect their bottom line or the tenants bottom line living or working in these buildings and have we engaged groups that we already have on board at dbi, a tenant organization to help with logistical issues around displacement. i know it's not our job and sorry to bring it to you but it is our concern. >> thank you. i have known robert for a long time. he's a very knowledgeable engineer and very much able to solve
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problems. we are very happy with him. as far as tenant issue goes, i would like to direct you to our website which is story. we created a website that deal with all the circumstances issues around the ordinance with financing, landlord concerns, tenants rights. that is a great resource to the whole community. putting something on the internet doesn't necessarily take care of outreach. we've been talking about doing a joint presentation by district to speak to the community probably from 1-2 nights a week. i spend time in different communities talking to bankers and housing
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owners. we've been do that already but i think we are going to see a big ramp up on this as soon as the notices go out. because once people start to receive a piece of paper, they are going to pay attention to this. not only the home owners, we want to avoid the additional kind of work that would cause tenant displacement. the way the work stands now, tenants will be able to remain in their home when this project is happening. we plan to hold a financing workshop sometime in the fall and this will be show casing the city's own financial program as well as inviting approximately 15-20 private banks to be able to give their products. any building owner that receives this as an opportunity to talk to several different lenders to talk about
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different financing options. >> is there an automatic inferred pass through? >> not automatic. the ordinance does allow for a hundred percent pass through for the tenant amortized for a hundred years. with the tenant community would be the stream line hardship process and this is a very big win for the tenant community this is a process for all capital improvements, not just soft story. this is by the mayor and possibly chew, i believe. >> thank you. >> commissioner lee? >> when is the notice that property owners get now, when are they supposed to respond to us by? >> they have to respond within one year after we have given the notification. >> okay. commissioner mr.
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mccray? >> commissioner mar? >> of those properties identified are they on the website? >> it's pretty much finalized. i'm waiting for the okay from patrick and tom to publish it. >> the list has been created and was done in conjunction with my staff. it's several different databases. we have a few spot checks right now. i envision this list will come up around coordinated around the time the notices are sent out.
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>> mr. chung, thank you for taking on this job. i think you are really suited for this job and the man we need for this. you are going to get a lot of, i think that 5 phone calls you will get is going to be a lot more. is there anymore questions? >> thank you so much both of you for this. it's really important to save these buildings and make sure they are going to be with us for a while. >> one more thing. there is a neighbor next do who is voluntarily doing this as well. special inspections is taking time to get the letters back to get the final. that's a little spiel. when they are were trying to finalize everything, the home owners are confused with regard to what the city needs. that's just a field condition that i heard. so. >> thank you commissioners.
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>> thank you. >> if there is no more questions. we'll move to the next item. >> is there any public comment on item 4? there being none. which item are we going to now? >> i'm confused myself now. we should go to 6. >> i think that's where we are. the clerk: item 6: discussion and possible action to approve and swear in a member of the board of examiners licensed architect seat. appointments recommended by the nominations subcommittee are: bradley sugarman and toby engelberg. seat to expire september 15, 2016. additional eligible applicants reviewed by the nominations subcommittee that the bic also may consider include: david mcdermott, azemina favretto, ron giddings, alexander lirisman, brian foust, and george wesely.
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the clerk: item 6: discussion and possible action to approve and swear in a member of the board of examiners licensed architect seat. appointments recommended by the nominations subcommittee are: bradley sugarman and toby engelberg. seat to expire september 15, 2016. additional eligible applicants reviewed by the nominations subcommittee that the bic also may consider include: david mcdermott, azemina favretto, ron giddings, alexander lirisman, brian foust, and george wesely. #124 1234 >> what was the second name? the two recommended are bradley sugar man, they were not recommended by the committee but all the candidates that applied. >> thank you. you want to take the lead here? >> i would like to recommend that we a point sugarman for the architectural seat. i want to thank all that applied. given the short notice we had a good number of candidates that applied for the seat. >> second. >> is there anymore discussion? seeing none. call the
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question. >> who was the second? commissioner mar? commissioner walker. commissioner mccray. >> there is the motion to select bradley sugar man for the license architect seat and toby engelberg. the motion was commissioner mar, he selected bradley sugar man. there are two openings? there is one opening. we have to vote on one or the other? >> right. we have to vote on the motion on the floor. >> do we have any public comment? >> any public comment on this item? >> so we are clear, there is only one seat available and it's bradley sugar man in front
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of us now? >> that's right. there were two candidates. >> a roll call vote on this item, president mccarthy, aye, mar, yes lee, mccray? yes, melgar? yes, walker? yes, the motion carries unanimously. we'll go on to item no. 7. >> do we swear in? >> he's not here. he's on vacation. >> will he come before us? >> i can do it at the office. i'm able to swear in people as well. >> we go straight to the chair. i would like to have him present at some point so that we can meet him and the swearing in can go whenever,
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but i would like to meet him. >> we'll do the swearing in here. >> okay. we'll do it here at the full commission. >> great. thank you. next, 7. go ahead madam secretary. >> item 7: discussion and possible action to approve and swear in a member of the code advisory committee commercial property owner/manager seat. appointment recommended by the nominations sub-committee is: henry karnilowicz. seat to expire august 18, 2016. additional eligible applicants reviewed by the nominations subcommittee that the bic also may consider include: jacqueline mohanna, roozbeh falahati, and mark lawin. >> item 7: discussion and possible action to approve and swear in a member of the code advisory committee commercial property owner/manager seat. appointment recommended by the nominations sub-committee is: henry karnilowicz. seat to expire august 18, 2016. additional eligible applicants reviewed by the nominations subcommittee that the bic also may consider include: jacqueline mohanna, roozbeh falahati, and mark lawin. #1234 >> i believe we have mr. henry here. >> we need a motion.
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commissioner? >> i think what's reported last time that we selected a couple people to interview and one of the interviews were henry and the committee recommended that we a point henry karen wick's. >> i second. we have a motion and a second for mr. henry karnilowicz. is there any public on this item? seeing none we'll do a roll call vote. president mccarthy? aye, mar,
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yes, lee? yes, melgar? yes, mccray? >> walker? yes. the motion passes. mr. karnilowicz can you come up here? >> whatever is the protocol, this is my first time swearing in. if i don't do a good job, let me know. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i really do appreciate being appointed to this committee. i really enjoy participating in codes and service. and particularly now we have the 2013 code that's going to come into effect in 2014. i'm looking forward to being in the middle of all that. so this you once again for appointing me. >> do you have a copy of this
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in front of you? okay. proceed to raise your right hand. >> i henry karnilowicz swear to defend the constitution of the state in the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic and the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california. i take this obligation freely without any mental observation or purpose of evasion and i will discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter. and during such time as i hold the office as a member of the advisory committee as manager of the city and county of san francisco. >> congratulations. [ applause ] >> you stole my thunder there. i guess that's legal, right? >> don't mind me, henry.
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financial performance report for operating revenues and expenses. we are currently projecting a balance of $23.73 million. this consist of $24.48 million in the budget and $2.25 million in expenditures. we expect by the end of the year that we will move $3-5 million of that into deferred credit. terms of revenues, year to date at this time compared to last year, 2013 was 21 percent higher than year to date for may 2012. the services continue to exceed budget. currently we are at $16.2 million over our budget and we expect by the end of the year to increase to $21.4 million. the year to date
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2013 evaluation is greater than 2012. we continue to receive small payments for rental licenses fees from property tax. in terms of expenditures, when we look at the year over year comparison, the year to date for may 2013, is 2.34 percent less than may for 2012. our greatest category in savings is employees salary. we have hired 20 positions consisting of two clerks by promotion which have allowed us to hire two more clerks which we should be able to get on board in about three weeks. one it position that was temporary
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is now permanent, 11 elect -- the fiscal year year ends in june. a lot of the building occur in the month of june and then the year really doesn't close until july, august timeframe so we'll be getting more expenses hit and we'll come back and tell you what where we are. just want to mention about our budget, the budget and finances committee heard our budget on monday,
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